Theory and practice of human resource management - Shchekin GV

17.2. Test "Determining the degree of achievement motivation"

Answer "Yes" or "No" to the questions listed below.





1. When there is a choice between two options, either to make it faster is better than to postpone for some time?

2. I am easily annoyed when I notice that I can not 100% complete the task.

3. When I work, it looks as though I put on the map.

4. When there is a problem situation, I often make a decision by one of the last.

5. When I have two days do not care, I'm losing my mind.

6. Some days my successes below average.

7. Statement I am more strict than others.

8. I am more benevolent than others.

9. Abandoning a difficult task, then I severely condemn yourself, because I know that in him I would have succeeded.

10. In the process, I need a little break to rest.

11. Diligence - this is not my main trait.

12. My achievements in work is not always the same.

13. I am more attracted to another job than the one I occupied.

14. Censure stimulates me more than praise.

15. I know that my colleagues consider me a sensible man.

16. Obstacles make my decision even harder.

17. I easily recall the ambition.

18. When I'm working without inspiration, it is usually noticeable.

19. In carrying out the work, I do not count on the help of others.

20. Sometimes I save what was to be done now.

21. It is necessary to rely only on themselves.

22. In life, few things are more important than money.

23. Whenever I have to do the job, I have nothing else do not think.

24. I am less ambitious than many others.

25. At the end of vacation, I usually am happy that soon will go out to work.

26. When I set to work, I do it better and more qualified than others.





27. I find it easier and easier to communicate with people who can work hard.

28. When I do not have affairs, I feel that I was not alone.

29. I have to perform a responsible job more frequently than others.

30. When I have to make a decision, I try to do it as best as possible.

31. My friends sometimes think I'm lazy.

32. My success in some way dependent on my colleagues.

33. It makes no sense to oppose the will of the leader.

34. Sometimes you do not know what kind of work will have to perform.

35. When something goes wrong, I'm impatient.

36. I usually pay little attention to their achievements.

37. When I work together with others, my work gives better results than the work of others.

38. Much of what I presume, I did not bring to the end.

39. I envy people who are not very loaded work.

40. I do not envy those who seek power and position.

41. When I am sure that I was standing on the right track in order to prove his innocence, I go to any measure up to the extreme.

The key to the test

Evaluate the results.

Put yourself on one score:

for each answer "Yes" to questions 2-5, 7-10, 14-16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 26-30, 32, 37, 41;

for each answer "No" to questions 6, 13, 18, 20, 24, 31, 36, 38, 39.

Calculate the sum of the scores.

32-28 points. You have a very strong motivation to succeed. You are persistent in achieving the goal, ready to overcome any obstacles.

27-15 points. You mean the motivation to success - the same as most people. Committed to the goal comes to you in the form of tides. Sometimes you want to drop everything because you think that the goal to which you aspire, unattainable.

14-0 points. Motivation to succeed you have pretty weak. Are you satisfied with yourself and your situation. At work, "do not burn." You are convinced that regardless of your efforts everything goes on as usual.