Theory and practice of personnel management - Shchekin GV

18.2. Methods for conducting expert assessment of business and personal qualities of managers and specialists of enterprises and organizations

General Provisions

The evaluation of employees is an integral part of the overall process of production management and its most important tool aimed at improving the system of working with cadres.

An expert evaluation of the qualities of managers and specialists should be understood as sociological research, in the course of which specially selected experts give an assessment to the workers under study on the set of business and personal qualities contained in the questionnaire (see form 1 below).

The magnitude of the score (in points) depends on the degree of manifestation in the researcher of the relevant qualities.

The questionnaires filled in by experts serve as a basis for analysis, the ultimate goal of which is to obtain the information necessary for making decisions on the candidate's candidacy for:

• selection and appointment to higher positions;

• formation of the personnel reserve;

• selection of specialists for business trips abroad;

• planned attestation of staff;

• Improvement of the system of payment and stimulation of labor. However, it is not necessary to absolutize the data obtained as a result of expert assessments. They can serve as a material for the subsequent analysis of the results of the employee's productive activity.

Studies on the study of business and personal qualities of employees are conducted only on the orders of the director of the enterprise.

The names of the employees, experts and assessments are not subject to disclosure.

Full information is available only to a worker specially appointed by the order responsible for conducting and using the research results. Violation of these requirements can lead to the emergence of conflict situations and the deterioration of the socio-psychological climate in the collectives.

The methodology laid down the principle of manual processing of questionnaires.

Organization of work on the expert evaluation

The main stages of work on the study of business and personal qualities of employees:

* Further - research. ** Next - the head of the study.

*** The methodology was developed jointly with the Institute of Sociological Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

• Preparing for an expert survey (compiling lists of persons to be studied, explaining the goals and objectives of the study, selecting and instructing experts, preparing and disseminating questionnaires);

• conducting a survey, collecting completed questionnaires;

• processing and use of the data obtained (calculation of average scores for each of the evaluated qualities, the final score of the employee, design of "quality diagrams", comparison of the final indicators, preparation and implementation of the action plan based on the results of the study).

At one of the meetings with the head of the enterprise, his deputy for personnel brings to the attention of the heads of structural units their tasks in the forthcoming study and the requirements for the procedure for holding it.

The Order approves:

• Head of research;

• responsible for replicating necessary forms and questionnaires;

• lists of experts and employees;

• the timing of the research and analysis of its results. Employees whose business and personal qualities will be evaluated by experts should be informed about the forthcoming study.

Selection of experts

In preparing for the study, special attention is paid to the selection of authoritative experts from among the representatives of the collective where the researcher is working.

It is also possible to select experts from other divisions, with the members of the collectives of whom the researcher in question is in constant contact by the nature of his duties.

Each candidate for the role of an expert should be selected taking into account the recommendations of the direct supervisor of the researcher and other managers who are well informed about its production links.

The requirements for the selection of experts are set out at the disposal of the head of the staff service (see further form 2), which is sent to the heads of structural units along with the list of employees to be investigated (see below form 3).
In order to simplify the selection of experts, recommendations are attached that make it possible to correctly distribute experts in terms of the level of positions they occupy in relation to the position occupied by the researcher (see further form 4).

The employee should not know the composition of the group of experts evaluating him. The lists are sent to the head of the study.

Based on the lists filled in the divisions, a general list of the employees and their experts is compiled, which is kept by the research manager.

Questioning is a rather complex and subtle instrument of human research, which gives valuable information about it only on the condition of an objective and conscientious attitude of experts to assess the business and personal qualities of the workers being studied. Therefore, experts can not be asked to fill out questionnaires immediately. They need to be given time to concentrate, think through assessments. It is recommended to set a period of not less than three to four days for the delivery of the questionnaires sealed in the envelope.

Organization of work of counters and processing of research results

Counters are selected from the number of employees of different structural units in the amount necessary for the quality of technical support for the research.

The head of the study organizes the instruction of the counters, which explains the procedure for the dissemination, collection and processing of questionnaires.

Each counter is assigned a specific composition of experts with whom it will work.

Counters receive envelopes from the survey manager with questionnaires and hand them to experts. In due time, they collect the sealed envelopes from the experts with completed questionnaires and pass them to the research leader, and then receive from him the questionnaires grouped for each appraised employee.

For each researcher, the enumerators fill out a table in which they put the codes of experts and the scores they put in the questionnaires, and also deduce the average scores for each quality, quality group, and overall for all qualities (see form 6 below).

Based on the overall average score for each quality of Form 5, the counters build a "quality chart" that characterizes each employee (see form 7 below).

In the 1st zone (prospective), the maximum ratings (from 4 to 5 points) that characterize the high development of the qualities of the employee are located.

In the 2nd zone (ordinary), there are average grades (from 3 to 4 points) that characterize the level of employee qualities that require further development.

In the 3rd zone (low-potential), the lowest scores (from 2 to 3 points) that characterize the underdeveloped or negative qualities of the employee, which require correction, are located.

Thus, depending on the zone in which the estimates are located, it is easy and quick to determine which qualities of the employee are poorly developed or require correction, and which are the strengths of his personality.

Based on the data of Form 6, the group of counters compiles a summary comparison table for all employees in descending order of the overall average score for all quality groups (see further form 8). The result of the table is the average scores for each quality, quality groups, as well as the overall average score of all students studied.

The assessments contained in Forms 6 and 8 are the starting points for the subsequent analysis of the qualities of the workers being studied.

On the basis of these forms 6 and 8, a list of employees who have completed the study is compiled according to the descending of the general average score (see further form 9).

The names of the employees in the table are indicated by the head of the study.

If necessary, on the basis of the data of Form 6, lists of employees who have completed the study are compiled by descending the average score for each quality or group of qualities; In descending order of the average score exhibited separately by higher, equal or lower-level experts; Lists of employees for various positions, workshops, departments, etc.

For a comparative analysis of the "quality diagrams" of specific employees, it is recommended to build a general "quality diagram" of all employees who have been studied (according to Form 8), similar to the construction of Form 7 or to develop a diagram of the average qualities of the existing management structure of the enterprise, which is created on the basis of a selective generalization of the results of the conducted Research of business and personal qualities of 20-30 middle managers. Such a diagram is created similarly to the construction of the form 7.

The obtained average scores of the assessments of the qualities of the workers being studied are compared with the model of the average qualities of managers, on the basis of which the most promising specialists are identified, whose business and personal qualities are at or above the averages.

Based on the research data, a characteristic is compiled for each researcher (see form 5 below).

The characteristic consists of three parts.

The first has permanent requisites and contains personal data, filled from the T-2 form by the personnel department employee.

The second one has permanent requisites and contains the results of the research, which are filled out from form 7 by the counter.

The third is written in an arbitrary form, contains the conclusions and recommendations developed by the research leader.

First of all, the second part of the characteristic is filled, then the first and third.

In the second part of the characteristics, at least 5 qualities of the employee being studied, which are evaluated most highly and most lowly, should be listed.

When developing conclusions and recommendations, the following are used:

• analysis of the positive and negative aspects of the employee's business and personal qualities;

• Motivation of assessments submitted by experts;

• additional information expressed by experts in the questionnaires;

• production indicators of the researcher or his unit and other materials.

For a more in-depth analysis of the exposed expert assessments, one can use the coefficients of significance of certain qualities. To do this, managers and specialists are given questionnaires (see Form 1 below) with a request to evaluate each of the qualities in three categories of significance: priority, important or secondary.

Such a study can be conducted anonymously, that is, without indicating the names of the evaluators.

Priority ratings for each quality are divided by the total number of respondents. For example, out of 100 respondents 89 people rated the quality of "Working capacity" as a priority; Consequently, the coefficient of significance of this quality will be 89: 100 = 0.89. In the same way, the coefficients for all 25 qualities are calculated. The qualities are then ranked in descending order of the number of coefficients.

Multiplying the expert estimates obtained by the workers studied, on the coefficient of significance of the qualities, averages the overall average score. Indeed, if an employee received high marks from quality experts who, when ranked, turned out to be secondary, multiplying them by significance factors would somewhat reduce his average score. And, on the contrary, even when you get average ratings on the qualities that are a priority, multiplying them by the significance factor will increase the average score.

In order to identify self-esteem and improve the overall level of research, it is recommended that the researchers are also given a questionnaire for completion (see form 1 below).

Organization of the research supervisor's work

As a rule, the research director is appointed as the deputy director for personnel, the head of the personnel department or another responsible employee of the personnel service.

The main task of the head of the research is to prevent leakage of information about the results of the evaluation of specific employees. The final data on the results of the study are given to interested persons only with the permission of the head of the enterprise.

After the formation of expert groups, questionnaires are prepared to assess the business and personal qualities of employees. In the upper (detachable) part of the title page of the questionnaire, the names of the employees being studied, their positions and the names of experts are inscribed, and their codes are inscribed on the inseparable part.

Coding of the names of the employees and experts being studied is a necessary condition for not disclosing the information received during the research.

For reasons of clarity and ease of processing of questionnaires, the codes of the workers being studied must differ from the codes of experts. Due to the fact that the same employee can simultaneously enter the groups of higher, equal and lower experts in relation to the positions of the workers being studied, their indices B, P and N., respectively, should be added to their code.

For example, during the study, the employees were assigned codes - serial numbers from 001 to 100 (if they are not more than 100). Codes of experts in this case should begin with the number 200. For example, one of the experts - senior master A.- when included in the group of experts to assess the business and personal qualities of the masters assigned code В282, senior masters - Р282, shop managers - Н282.

If the researcher is also an expert, his original code remains unchanged (for example, 039, B039, P039, H039).

Non-disclosure of information is ensured by the fact that experts transmit the completed questionnaires to the enumerators in a sealed envelope, and the head of the study, before issuing the questionnaires to questioners grouped for each researcher, cuts off the upper part of the title page of the questionnaire with the surnames of the researcher and expert studied.

Thus, the counters work only with the codes of the workers and experts being studied.

The head of the research is also responsible for the following duties:

• control over the correctness and completeness of the questionnaire completion by experts (incorrectly filled questionnaires or those with only excellent or unsatisfactory marks are returned to experts for revision);

• analysis of additional information on the employees studied, expressed in questionnaires by experts;

• control over the correctness of processing estimates by the counters;

• preparation of materials on the results of the study with the names of specific employees;

• preparation of conclusions and proposals on the results of the study as a whole, as well as a plan of measures for their use.

Form 1