Theory and practice of human resource management - Shchekin GV

19.3. Test "authority of the employee in the team"

Think and Circle the letter that corresponds to the answer that best matches your personal beliefs.

1. I can say about myself that I do my duty as best as possible:

And - always; B - generally; The - sometimes; D - almost never.

2. Until now, I was able to accurately predict important for my company phenomena and events:

And - always; B - generally; The - sometimes; D - almost never.

3. The main reason for the failure, which are sometimes in my work is a bad attitude or stupid part of my co-workers:

And - always; B - generally; The - sometimes; D - almost never.

4. I recognize the right to criticize, but it should be noted that most of my critics have no moral right to raise against charges me:

A - fully admit; B - partially agree; B - not agree more; D - do not agree.

5. Many employees "spit" on my failures:

A - absolutely true; B - partially true; B - rather incorrect; D - absolutely not true.

6. People who want me to teach, must themselves first learn a lot:

A - I agree completely; B - partially agree; B - not agree more; D - do not agree.

7. Compliance with the opinion of subordinates is a sign of weakness of the head:

A - I agree completely; B - partially agree; B - not agree more; D - do not agree.

8. I soberly and objectively evaluate yourself:

And - always; B - in general; The - sometimes; D - almost never.

9. I appreciate fair criticism, but I must say that those who criticized my decision proved ill will and contempt:

And - always; B - in general; The - sometimes; D - almost never.

10. I can accurately evaluate the attitude of my subordinates to me:

And - always; B - in general; The - sometimes; D - almost never.

11. Do not give way to a subordinate, as it undermines the authority of the head:

A - I agree completely; B - partially agree; B - not agree more; D - do not agree.

12. I try to maintain a critical attitude to himself, but I can say that I accept the right decisions:

And - always; B - in general; The - sometimes; D - almost never.

13. Truly competent person can rely on his opinion:

And - always; B - in general; The - sometimes; D - almost never.

14. I am nervous about the disloyalty of people who publicly oppose my orders:

And - always; B - in general; The - sometimes; D - almost never.

15. I appreciate the frankness and independence of my men, but I think that they have to obey my orders without discussion:

A - I agree completely; B - partially agree; B - not agree more; D - do not agree.

The key to the test

Count answers.

If you have clearly dominated the answers "A", be careful - "Complex threatened the authority" can become a "disease."

If you have clearly dominated the answers "B", it is possible to admit that you are very careful, but we can not exclude you have a predisposition to this "disease."

If you have clearly dominated the answers "B", then you take towards their subordinates too defensive.

If you dominate the answers "D", then most likely you are not fit for the role of "authority".

If none of the answers types did not get you a clear advantage, it means that this test can not describe you accurately.

Explanation of the test

"Cure" their "complex threatened the authority" is extremely difficult, and therefore the most effective preventive measures to be taken by the chief executive. To avoid this "disease," it is necessary to create the climate in the team healthy criticism, based on the business, a fundamental analysis of the situation in which the organization operates.

We are not accidentally used the term "healthy criticism", since not all the criticism in relation to the "authorities" should be welcomed. We must remember that the "authorities" - this is a valuable asset of the organization and undermine them as bad as let them "sick." Therefore, the above should not be inferred that the protection of "authority" - it is unworthy. Unworthy only those actions which entail consequences for the most dangerous and "authority", and the organization that he heads.