Labor law of Ukraine - Gruzinova L.P.

1.3. Resozmuzhuvannya labor law in the sumyuzhnyh galusies of law

Until the sum of the legal rights of the halves lie the law, which is similar to that of the right subject and the method of legal regulation. The middle of them: the right tsivilne, administristrivne, the right of social security is scanty .

At the civil law, the pactsev is povyazyany piddryuda, doruchennia, komіsії; Rizmuzhuvannya yogo vid labor law zdіysnyuetsya for the subject of the contract; Pідляганям the rules of the internal labor order and order, but also for the time, hto zobov'yazaniy organizuvati pratsyu i zhironu pratsi (Figure 1.14).

The labor rights of the managerial body of the organization do not go beyond the interdisciplinary process of administration in the organisa- tion. Відносини працівників мають character vibrochnichih, not administristrivnih vіdnosin. The subject of the labor law is і видиносини що здійснення виконавчо-розпорядчої діяльності державних оргаів. By the administrative and labor right, the right is summed up, on the face of it, in the face of praticles, without the vividness of one's vibro- nits. Comment on the rules of administrative law, and nadannya pіlg y zv'yazku na navchannnyam - we work through legislation.

Trudove the right to svivvodisitsya with the right social security, there, about the state social insurance. In КЗпП є спеціальна гл. XVII "Derzhavne sotsіalne strakhuvannya", yaka perebacha yogo poshirennya in all pracitsvnikiv, viznachaete see zabezpechennya sotsialnim insurance. For the sake of zaezzpechennya viznachaetsya norms of the right social welfare.

The right of social security is regulated by the custodian, the vicarious of the process of material indiscretion of the Gromadyans, the yoke of vengeance has been spent on the performance of the pensions of the penitentiary. Розмір матеріального забезпечення громадян заклазченчення громадян заклазпечення громадян заклазпечення громадян заклазпечення громадян заклазпечення громадян заклазпечення громадян заклазпечення громадян заклазпечення громадян.

Різниця між право соціального забезпечення і трувим право полягає в том, що: 1) the subject of the regulation of the right of social security is the admission of citizens, whichever is the right to realize the right of the people to material security, and not the right to work, the proclaimed Constitution of Ukraine; 2) the right of societal care to perebachay vyplatu grosovih sum gromadyanam u vihliadі

Розжужування the labor right від права цивільного

Fig. 1.14. Розжужування the labor right від права цивільного

Pensії ta допомоги зі спеціальних фонів; Labor law is governed by the payment of funds from a specific organization.

Існують відмінності і in the methods of legal regulation. So, the right of social security is not a pre-organizational nature of law enforcement.

Controlling food

1. Yakis suspilnyi vіdnosini regulirayuetsya labor law?

2. Understand the labor law.

3. Sphere saspilnyh vidosinin, scho - the subject of labor law.

4. Function of labor law.

5. Yakі vіdnosinі tіsno povz'yannyі z trudovimi?

6. What is special about the method of labor law?

7. The sphere of regulation of labor issues.

8. The system of labor law yak galuzi rights, science and naval discipline.

9. What is the system of the law of the labor law in view of the KZPP system?

10. Yak rozmezhuvaty labor law the right of the sum of legal rights?

11. Do you have the opportunity to observe labor law in the sum of legal rights?

12. The main tendencies of the development of labor law.

Temi Abstracts

1. Tendency of developing the labor law of Ukraine.

2. The right problems of the recruitment of labor legislation.

3. Problems zagalnii part of labor law.

4. The system of labor law and legislation.

5. Spivvidnoshenny labor law tatsivnogo legislation of Ukraine.