Labor law of Ukraine - Gruzinova L.P.

3.2. The system of basic principles of labor law

The rules are based on all the norms of labor law, zokrema of legal regulation of labor. Wongs give zmogu sstvorovati singing system і mayut buti uzgodzhenі іz zagalnymi principles of law, with the principles of international legal regulation, and takozh mіzh soboju.

Dosі zalshayutsya nedoslidenimi pitanie, sho stosuyutsya perelіk prinimatyv labor law, їхні system, зміст і узгодженість з principles of the international legal regulation.

At navchalnі lіteraturі the principle of labor law is subordinated to the group. Professor OV Smirnov viriznya chotiri principle of the labor law:

• the principle, how to express the policy of the state in the legal regulation of the market for the effective performance;

• the principle, to destroy the kerivnyi zasadi, yakі viznachayut umvi pračí;

• Principle, which regulates the draining of the rules of employment;

• the principle, that is, the image of the head of the law in the health of the health and the zahistu trudovyh rights pratsivnikiv1.

Professors KN Gusov and VN Tolkunova, the principle of labor law is subordinated to three groups:

• Principle of the work of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development;

• the principle of a high region of minds, the right of labor protection;

• the principle of viribnichoї demokratії that rozvitku osobistostіі pra-tsіvnika2.

N.B. Bolotina and G.I. Chanisheva, vyphodychi z klasifikatsii sispilnyh vidosin, yakі - the subject of the labor law of Ukraine, the principle of the labor law can be subdivided into two:

• the principle of labor regulation of indivisual labor issues;

• the principle of the legal regulation of the collective workers in the workplace. Prof. V.I. Prokopenko is called the principle of the labor law of Ukraine (Figure 3.1) 4.

In a respectable CZPP, there is a lot of okremo statti, yaka b vysnachala main principles regulyuvannya trudovikh videshnos5. Not all the principles of labor law have been returned to the textual format in the KZPP. The Constitutional Principle of the Conservation of Other Rights and Freedoms (Articles 22, 157 of the Constitution of Ukraine) does not include provisions in the KZPP.

1 Labor Law: Textbook / Ed. O. V. Smirnova - M .: "Status of LTD. +", 1996. -S. 23.

2 Gusov K. N., Tolkunova V. N. Labor Law of Russia: A Textbook. - M .: Jurist, 1999.-C. 55.

3 Labor law of Ukraine. Підручник / For red. NB Bolotinoy, G.I. Chanishevoy. - К .: The "Znannya" TV-house, КОО, 2001. - P. 87.

4 Prokopenko V.I. Labor law of Ukraine: Підручник. - Х .: Фірма "Консум", 1998. -С. 45.

5 In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the basic principles of the legal regulation of labor-related matters are those that are inexperienced in dealing with work, with special specialties. Zaboronetsya diskriminatsіya in the field pratsі t primusova pratsya.

Principles of labor law

Fig. 3.1. Principles of labor law

On the duma NB Bolotinoy i G.I. Chanyshevoy, neobhidno nazvati and such a principle of labor law, yak podopuschennya pogryshshena stanovischa pravtsivnika shodo rivnya, pobabachenogo legislated (Article 9, 9-1 KZPP), and the principle of social partnership. The principle, zhіdno z yakim syugom pro proprtsyu not mozhut pogirshuvati stanovischa pravtsivnikіv pіvіvnyanoі іz legislativstvu Ukraіnі - tse basic principle, mоo mеіnіniversalny character. The principle of social partnership is the principle of the international legal regulation of the practice and the widening і in Ukraine.

The basic principle of the labor law for xt can be subordinated to three groups.

Until the first group of people enter the principle that the rule of law should be applied to the lawfulness of the rule of law on the international law of the rule of law - the protection of the basic human and gigantic freedoms (Figure 3.2)

Labor law of Ukraine: Підручник / За ред. NB Bolotinoy, G.I. Chanishevoy. - К .: "Znania", the CC, 2001. - P. 89.

Principles, which mean the law regulyuvannya rinku pračí ta zanjatostí

Fig. 3.2. Principles, which mean the law regulyuvannya rinku pračí ta zanjatostí

The principle of safe disposal of freedom of installation near the station. 43 The Constitution of Ukraine and the realities of the norms of institutions pratsevshshtuvannya that labor agreement (poznayayuchi v vikinnennya trudovikh vidosnon i zakinchuuchi їh pripinennyam). Freedom to be governed by the good, faith-bound, concrete form of the pastoralism. Tilki gromadyanin viznachaє, de yomu zastosuvati svoї znannya t zdіbnostі. Freedom praţi mean and right vzagali do not take up laboring diyalnistyu. Nezainatist gromadyane can not buti for the attraction їх до відповідальності. The principle of freeing the freedom of labor is the succinctness of such possessions of the Gromadin as a sub-element of labor law (Figure 3.3).

1. Mozhlivіst otrimati robotu і buti pravcіvnikom organіzatії be-yakoy form vlasnosti concretize in institutions pratsevshashtuvannya y labor contract. Conventions MOP "Pro polimiku v galuzi zainyatosti" No. 122 (1964 р.) Peredachaє active polity, spinnovanu na zdіysnennya perennia, productively and visno obraznoy zainyatosti. Spryannya state services zanyatosty u vibory pidhodyaschoy robot pracevlashtuvanni - zasib zabezpecchennya liberty pratsi. The right to pratsyu viznatsya for skinny muzhchinoy, scho meaning mozhnivist zabrolyati sobi na zhitty pratseiu, yaku lyudina for himself obiraye chi yak pogodzhuetsya.

Зміст дирепу забезпечення свободи праці

2. Mozhlivist return to the robot. For ninіshnogo bezrobittya gaymadi not mozhut realizoviti mozhnivost otrimati bazhan robot.

Pidhodschaya robot - the robot, the ya'a pіdpііdія освіті, профії (спеціальності), кваліфікації працівника і надається в тій же місцевості, де він живе. Заробітна the charge is guilty відповідати рівню, який person is small for the cross-section of the robot y urahuvannyaem її serednyogo рівня, що скласься в галузі. For gromadyans, yakі in the future shukayut robot і not мають профії (спеціальності), підходящою вважається the robot, Що need to be trained professionally, the robot is paid for (including robot timuchasovogo character), yaka is not required proficiencies. For gromadyan, kotrі bazhayut vіdnіvіtіvu trudovu діяльність після перерви trivalіstyu podadі shіst місяців, підходящою вважається the robot for spetsialnіstyu, shоo be demanded in the course of preparation of the chi підвищення кваліфікації, and in the times of non-moderatedness, the robot is paid for the disputed profession (spetsialnistyu).

3. Mozhlivіst vіlno іnorati rіd zayatttya ta professorіu. Gromadyans mozhut realizuvati the right to pratsu, scho daє mozhnivist zabrolyati zhitty pratseju, yaku stink vylno vyrarayut, abo yaku vіlno pogodzhuyutsya. Gromadyanin moe the right not to enter into the work of writing and in one's own time, do not get accustomed to the principle of labor legislation.

Div.: Art. 7 Law of Ukraine "About the population" from 1 birch of 1991 p.

4. Можливість реалізувати здатність до праці bespechchnih umovah (rights to nalezhnі, bespechnі i zdorov i pomvi prači).

5. Можливість at звільненні та безробітті на сприяння у працевлаштуванні. Derzhava stovoriye umovi for the public zdіysnennya gromadyany rights to pratsyu, garantuє rivny mozmolisti v vibory profi ya sorta trudovoy diyalnosti, realizovu progry professionno-tehnichnogo navsannya, pidgotovki i perepidgotovki kadriv vidpovidno up to suspilnyh need. In vipadku nezajnatosti z nezalezhnih vіd individual of the reasons їй to guarantee the right to materіnene zabezpechenchenna vіdpііdіdo to the law1.

6. Modesty to the misdeed of right to rule. Відповідно to the station. 43 Constitution of Ukraine, the gromadian is guaranteed to be a prisoner of unlawful zvilnennya. Pratsіvnik maє can vimagist vimagati zahistu rights and freedoms through vidpovіdnі organ.

The principle of freedom can be supplemented with the principle of fencing primusovaya pratsitsya principle of freedom of employment contract, which is based on the principle of viznachenosty labor functions.

The primusovaya abdomen obovyazkova pratsya2 is buried. Fences, be a primus primus vikonuvati robot pid zagrozoyu zastosuvannya pokarannya (primusovogo vplevu), in the number:

• for writing work disciplines;

• to punish for the fate of the strike;

• the method of mobilization of labor and the economy of raw materials for the needs of economic development;

• yak zasib polichnichnogo vplyuvu, vihovannya, chi pokarannya for polichichnyi look at the ideology, reconnecting the established political, social and economic systems;

• yak mira discredit for rasovoyu, sotsialnoyu i natsionalnoyu znakomi abo vіrospovіdnya3.

Do not enter into the Primus Primate:

1) Vіys'kova chi is an alternative (nevіys'kova) service;

2) the robot, neobhydna in superimposed obtvineah, tobto in vipadkah ogoloshennia nazvichaynogo chyostennogo stanu, pid an hour pozhezh,

Div.: The Law of Ukraine "About zagalnoobov'yakove the state of social insurance for vipadok without frostbite" dated 2 bereznya 2000 p.

Div.: MOS Convention No. 29 "About primus chi obovjazkova pratsu" and No. 105 "About skasuvannya primusovoi pratsi."

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation is vysnacho, sho primusovoy pratseyu є takozh vikokonnya robotodavtsem obovvozyaku schodo nevovechasnoi vyplati zabobitnoy pay, zokrema not for povoznomu rozmіrі, and takozh vikonannya robot prakіvnikom, yaka zagrozhue yogo zhiti that health.

Povene, famine, zemletrusiv, and in such vypadkah, scho stavit pid zagrozu zhittya abo normalny zhittievi vmovi vsoogo ne pokoni naselenna;

3) the robot, vikonuvana vnasledok viroku court, scho typing chinnosti pid vstryadom sverhvnyh organov, vidpovidalnyh for dotrymannya legislatsii vikonannny sudovi virokiv.

Skin for the meaningfulness of the rights to the right to practice can be guaranteed by specific norms of the employment law institutions (pracilashshtuvannya, labor agreement, payment of prac- tices, hunting for prac- tices, labor disputes, and seeing control over the pre-Trimnan law of propriety).

Legal guarantees of the right to work є:

1) a fence of unprecedented access to the robot (Article 22 of the KZPP);

2) the order of the established, zmіnі th pripinnennі labor contract (articles 24, 31, 36 that інші КЗпП);

3) nedіysnist yum kompyuterіv propritsu, yakі pogryshshut stanovische pratsіvnikiv (article 9 of the KZPP).

The principle of freedom to work is to apply all the sub-laws of labor law. Зміст цього to principle виявляється у виільным вираженні волі суб'єктів пoдo укладання, зміни і припинення трудового договору.

Freedom pratsi not sumisna z diskriminatsієyu v spryi pratsi. The principle of non-admission of discrimination in the sphere of labor, employment is one of the basic principles of laborious invoices. Zabezpechennya rivnosti trudoviksh rights gromadyane (rivnist y trudovіy pravobenie) are specified in all institutions of labor law. The Convention of the Moscow Patriarchate No. 111 (1958 р.) "On Discrimination in the Sphere of Economy and Employment" is preceded by vikorinennya of all kinds of discrimination in the course of business. Kozhny maє рівні можмисті в реалізації its own labor rights. Рівноправність, яка ґрунтується на суспільній рівності всіх людей, значає, що кожному громадянинові надаються рівні з ішшими юридичні можливості у областиі праці.

In Ukraine, to ensure the equality of the working rights of the well-to-do people, it is not necessary to walk along the road, social and maynal camp, races and nationalities, stati, movi, polichnichnyh poglyadіv, relіgіynikh perekonan, kind and character to occupy, the residence of that Інших обставин (item 2-1 КЗпП) . Відповідно до Конституції України та ст. 22 КЗпП not allowed to be-yake directly indirectly obmezhennya rights of chi vstanovleneniya direct abdominal indirect transfer in case of settlement, zmіnі ta pripinneni labor contract in the course of the campaign, social and maynnoye stanu, rasovoї ta natsionalnoy nalezhnostі, stati, moovi, polichichnyh poglyadіv, relegіynikh perekonan, Membership of the professorship of the diplomatic community, the people and the family, the occupation, the living quarters.

Vimogi shodo vіku, рівня освіти, стану здоров'я працівника mozhet vstanovlyuvalysya legislativstvu Ukraine, sho osomovleno soblevostyami trudovoy diyalnosti prazivnikiv. Do not discriminate between the shoes, the turbo of the power of the shodo osib, and demand social and legal zahistu. It is not seen that the discrimination of the fence is attached to a robot without obovyazykovogo mediator osklyu osib, yaki did not reach 18 rock, and that way in the vipadkas, the establishment of the KZPP or the laws of Ukraine.

Porushennya to the principle of the fence of discrimination in the sphere of pracity і підставою for the zvernennya to the court schodo usunenna disiriminatsії. Збитки, заподіяні особі дисримінацією у сферыі праці, підлягають відшкодуванню. Discretionary in the sphere of pratice і takozh payment of pracycles, sho not vіdpіdії їхній посаді й кваліфікації (має бути відшкодована різниця у заробітній платі). Можлива також компенсація моральної шкоди, заподіяно працівникові у зв'язку з допущеною щодо нього дириінацією.

Prior to the basic principles of the legal regulation of the adherence of those who do not carelessly associate with them, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of pre-regulatory regulation of documents, which is the subject of the labor law, prac- tives, robots, and so on.

The principle of the maneuvering of labor rights and freedoms is in the form of:

• Established in accordance with the timetable for robotics for the violation of the law of statutory legal acts;

• The alignment of special agencies for the state oversight and control over the sub-districts of labor legislation;

• Visitskoduvannya zbitkiv, zapodiynikh pratsіvniki y zv'yazku vikonannnyam him trudovikh obovozyakiv;

• shipbuilding zahist trudovyh rights pratsivnikiv i virishennyam kolektivnyh trudoviks sporiviv.

The principle of labor law і виконання взаємних зобов'язань сторін трудових відносин.

To the other group, enter the principle, yaik vyznachayut riven minds pratsi y huroni trudovikh rights ptstsivniki (Figure 3.4).

Principles, that is, ought to be zastosuvannya pračí pravčívnikіv

Fig. 3.4. Principles, that is, ought to be zastosuvannya pračí pravčívnikіv

The principle of guaranteeing the right to a winery is not lower than the state minimum, pay the price and comply with the norms of the institution for payment of guarantees, guarantees and compensatory payments. The payment for the priesse maë zabezpechuvati gіdnі umovi zhittya pratsіvnika ta yogo sіm'ї.

The principle of securing the right to adhere to the law is to be specified and enforced by the standards of the hour and hour, the norms of the immunodeficiency for the practice, and the way to the robot from the Navians. The right to vispochinok obychlyu reglamentatsya robochogo hour, nadannya schodennogo vidpochinku, vihіdnih і svyatkovyh dnіv, makchuvannoї shorіchnoї vіpustki.

The principle of labor zabezpechennya vikonannya wallpaper and continuing 'yazkіv pratsіvnikami that robotodavtsem konkretizuєtsya i zabezpechuєtsya standards іnstitutu distsiplіni pratsі, the employment contract (distsiplіnarnі zvіlnennya) vіdpovіdalnostі robotodavtsya, pratsіvnika zapodіyanu for Skoda and takozh іnstitutom sporіv of labor.

The principle of protection of the right to a hunter by praty shlichom vstanovlenya robotodavtsem minds pratsi, yakі garantiruyut pracitsnikov i bezpeku pratsi, zahist vіd kalіtsvva ta compensation of school, zapodіyano yogo zdorov'yu vikonannі trudovikh obovyazyv. Tsey principle zabezpechuєtsya zdіysnennyam lucid i monitoring the receptionists pratsі, konkretizuєtsya standards іnstitutu employment contract (if priynyattі on the robot that perevedennі pratsіvnika into another robot) standards receptionists pratsі and takozh receptionists pratsі zhіnok that molodі, content is visual for receptionists pratsі, vіdpovіdalnostі robotodavtsya for Uchkogdzhennya zdorovya pračіvnika.

The principle of protection of the right to the zahist its own labor rights (guarantee of labor rights). Pravtsivnik moe right to sotsialnne zabezpechennya, the freedom of obedin for zdіysnennya y zahistu svoyh rights, freedoms and entertainments. The rights and freedoms of the giants are guaranteed, they are protected by the state. Tsey principle konkretizuєtsya i zabezpechuєtsya іnstitutu lucid rules that control over the labor dotrimannyam zakonodavstva, uchastі of labor kolektivіv i profesіynih spіlok in virіshennі power vstanovlennya minds pratsі i zdіysnennya control over dotrimannyam zakonodavstva about Prace.

The principle of freedom of access for zdіysnennya that zahistu its own rights and freedoms. Such ob'ednanni mozut bouti professinі spilki, molodizhny organizatsii, naukov, comradeship tosche. Відповідно до законодавства України профійні спілки визнаються представаницькими organs of working people in the food of virbitnitsva, pratsi, kul'turi1. The right to the freedom of the press lies in time, hto pracyue in organisatsii, іarantuyatsya Constitution of Ukraine. The main function of professorial spas of zahisna is representation of the rights of working people, and so is the economy of economy.

Up to the third group, the social partnership principle should be based on the development of the special predator (Figure 3.5).

The principle of the right to zabezpechennya osvіtu dopovnyuєtsya principle of labor law - the right to free of charge profesіynu pіdgotovku, perepіdgotovku that pіdvischennya kvalіfіkatsії pratsіvnikіv, yaky konkretizuєtsya іnstitutu pratsevlashtuvannya rules, labor contract, robochem hour, pay pratsі, garantіy i kompensatsіy.

The principle of securing the right to social partnership (vibromichu democratiyu). Він виявляється в то, що працівники мають право створювати профійні спілки for zahistu svoyh rights, to conduct a collective bargaining, to lay down collective bargaining agreements - brothers the fate of the established regular minds is to pay the price. Tse principle of concretize and obey the norms of the institute

Div.: The Law of Ukraine "About professiyni spilki, їх права та гарантії діяльності" dated 15 вересня 1999 р.

The principle of social partnership is the development of an individual person

Fig. 3.5. The principle of social partnership is the development of an individual person

Kolektivno-dogovornogo regulyuvannya minds pratsi, the rights of professional spilok і trudovikh kolektivіv, disciplinary works of labor disputes - indivydualnyh and collective.