Insurance and Investment Management - Fedorenko V.G.


Regulyuvannya інвестиційної діяльності sovereign bodies. Стадії інвестиційного процесу. Потреба зміни інвестиційної стратеїії in Ukraine

The economist of power is to be seated in the implementation of realiza- tion and investment. Especially, one should take into account the capital contribution to the basic fund and the vibrochnichi potouche.

Doslіdzhennya іnvestitsіynogo processes, viyavlennya rezervіv yogo skorochennya that rozrobka NAUKOVO obґruntovanih rekomendatsіy schodo їh practical vikoristannya bazuyutsya on integrated vivchennі tsogo processes yak єdinoї ekonomіchnoї Sistemi s vlastivoyu їy sukupnіstyu elementіv Find our warehouses. The important methodological approach is to enable the active development of the structure of the investment process and create an economical mechanism of the yogo realiza- tion.

Nadzvychaina sytuatsia Actual problems Suchasnyj Etap rozvitku Economy Je іntensifіkatsіya kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva that skorochennya on tsіy osnovі zagalnogo hour stvorennya th modernіzatsії mainly fondіv national Gospodarstwa. The dosage of riznyh aspects ascribed to the problems of the term "investment processes". Zastosuvannya tsogo termіnu in kontekstі formuvannya mehanіzmu realіzatsії kapіtalnih vkladen i efektivnostі stvorennya mainly fondіv daє zmogu nagolositi on a comprehensive, systematic pіdhodі to do updates naroschuvannya th virobnichogo potentsіalu national Gospodarstwa. In іnvestitsіynomu protsesі about 'єdnuєtsya dіyalnіst bagatoh uchasnikіv rozshirenogo vіdtvorennya, SSMSC pratsyuyut over stvorennyam mainly fondіv Key infrastructure produktsії that zadovolennya suspіlnih required.


Chinni Laws povinni viznachaty zagalnі, pravovі, економічні та соціальні исви інвестиційної діяльності для забезпечення рівного захисту прав, інтересів і майна її суб'єктів (unreliable in the forms of power) and the effective function of the people's government in the economy of the economy.

Basics of zakonodavstva poshiryuyutsya a bike kolo іnvestitsіy, ohoplyuyuchi All types Mainova that іntelektualnih tsіnnostey scho vkladayutsya in ob'єkti pіdpriєmnitskoї that іnshoї dіyalnostі have rezultatі yakoї utvoryuєtsya Prybutok (dohіd) abo dosyagaєtsya sotsіalny efekt.

Great practicality znachennya mait the rights of investors, the rules of the state regulation of investment, guarantees of rights and zahist investments. Vіdteper іnvestor samostіyno viznachaє obsyagi eg th efektivnіst zdіysnyuvanih іnvestitsіy i on svіy rozsud zaluchaє on dogovіrnіy osnovі gromadyan i Yurydychna osіb, SSMSC potrіbnі Yomou for realіzatsії іnvestitsіy. By the method of organizing the competitive bidding.

Investor is guilty of filing to the financial authorities the declaration on the oaths of the government that has invested them in the investments, the maintenance of the necessary dossiers and the weather for the authorities, the special services, the visibility of the investment projects and the projects in which they are placed in the sanitarno-gigijenicheskih and ekologicheskikh vimog.

Ринкові відносини в інвестиційній діяльності насамперепер стосуються її джерел. Іnvestitsіyna dіyalnіst Mauger zdіysnyuvatisya for rakhunok Vlasnyi fіnansovih resursіv іnvestora (pributku, amortizatsіynih vіdrahuvan, penny zaoschadzhen, zaoschadzhen gromadyan i Yurydychna osіb) pozichenih fіnansovih koshtіv іnvestorіv (oblіgatsіynih pozik, bankіvskih that budgetary kreditіv) zaluchenih fіnansovih koshtіv іnvestora (koshtіv, otrimanih od sale Акцій, пайових та інших внесків громадян і юридичних осіб), and takozh budgetary investsіynih asyngvan.

To the method of realizing economics, science and technology, social and political development, and the rule of law and order. Vaughn viznachaetsya plans and programs for the development of the people's government, the budgets that are given in them by the oaths of the state finance. In the course of settling the investment, the investors, the business owners of the investments in the areas of interest (for the satisfaction of the consumers' needs), the social sphere, the technical support of the virbituttva, in the wake-up and win-win situation.

The rule of law is the regulation of the minds of the rest, and such is the direct management of the sovereignties for the additional system of payments for the differentiation of ob'ektiv and sub'ektiv obodotkuvannya, podatkovichi rates and пільг. To regulate innovation investment can be introduced differentiation of payments on investment; Provaditsya spetsialnaya amortization, polyclinic z zakrema z priskorenoyu amortization of the basic fondiv. In the course of the tax, amortization can be set up for different purposes, for spheres of economy, for elements of the basic funds, for visually impaired oneself, for subsidies, subsidies, subventions, budgetary poses for the development of regimes, for the use of vineyards; Здійснення кредитної політики; Vprovazhenzhenya stern norms and standards, antimonopoly-them zahodiv; Privatization of state power, including incomplete budivnitsu; Здійснення політики ціноуворення; The alignment of the songwriters of the minds of the earth with that other natural resources; Експортування інвестиційних проеків.

By unhindered governments, without any means, we manage the state power. Take control of the planning, the viznachennya minds and zdіysnennya specific zahodiv shodo іnvestuvannya koshtіv buduyu і pozabudzhetnikh fondіv, and takozh інших коштів, залучнийх at добровільних ambushes.

Zakonodavocho zakripleno, scho vartitst produktsii (robot, ambassador) in the process of investment diyalnosti viznachaetsya for dogovirnimi tsinami, zokrema for the results of the competitions (trades).

Velike znachennya, especially in the minds of riznomannitnost forms of power, the guarantee of rights and zahist inovitsy. In the fundamentals of the legislation on the economy, the state is responsible for guaranteeing the stability of the rights of sub-sects of the society. At different times, by the power bodies of the acts of citizens, the rights of the investors and the participants of the investment and social activities of the zhitki (in addition, the number of unregistered visits) is adversely disregarded by the authorities at the courts for judgments and arbitration.

The authorities of the country do not have the right to vouch in the robot sub'ektiv інвестиційної діяльності незалежно від форм власності. Інвестиції not мууть бути націоналізовані, реквізовані; Before them, they can not be bothered to come in, rіnnoznachnі for nalіdkami.

Prote is signifi cantly, but maje at the leather point of proclamation of guarantees of rights and zahistu інвестицій застережується, що вони (ці гарантії) mozhut bouti pogoshenі derzhavuyu v sdzhi її благоції abo slyam priinyattya interstepnalnyh zakanchivchih actov. Nadіynіst, упевненість і стійкі гарантії - important to the effective investment, the basis of stability is not a matter of economics, but of suspension in the culm.