Labor law of Ukraine - Gruzinova L.P.

Theme 6. Collective agreement

6.1. Pravovі засади розробки, укладення that виконання колективних договокв ігод.

6.2. Collective dogovir.

6.3. Ponyattya, you see that side of it.

6.1. Pravovі засади розробки, укладення та виконання колективних договоркв ігод

The Declarations and Conventions of the Moscow Patriarchate have identified the basic principle of the decommissioning of the collective agreement, that is, the freedom to negotiate collective negotiations, the secession in the sphere of organization, and the principle of contractual regulation in the sphere of practice.

The law regulyuvannya rozrobki, ukladannya that vikonannya kolektivnogo agreement zdіysnyuitsya zgidno z KZPP (Chapter II "Collective dogovir").

The rules for planting the boxes, packing the vikonannya kolekticnyh kontratіvіі і угод визначені By the Law of Ukraine "About the collective agreement of the lands" from the 1st leaf 1993 p.

Div.: Declaration on the goals and objectives of the International Labor Organization (1944); The Convention of the Moscow Patriarchate "On the Consolidation of the Principles on the Right to Organize and the Conduct of Collective Negotiations" No. 98; The Convention on Tripartite Consultations for Promotion of the Promotion of International Labor Standards No. 144, ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine decree dated 17.12.93; The convention of the Moscow Patriarchate "About cognition to collective negotiations" No. 154, the convention was ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dated 04.02.94; Recommendation МОП schodo zv'yakіv mіzh admіnіstrіsіcієyі і трудівниками на підприємстві № 129.

The main tasks of the organization are to ensure the functioning of the system of visits that arise from the conflicts of collective labor disputes (conflicts), which are contrived on the basis of the social obligations of socially active labor, are vetoed by the Law of Ukraine "On the Order of the Voting of Collective Workers' Disputes (Conflicts)" dated 3 Bereznya 1998 .

Zauvazhimo, scho in labor law, the principle of pre-regular regulate zasstosovetsya with pivnimi obmezhenni. Розрізняють такі правові principle of the decommissioning of collective agreements and declarations (Figure 6.1):

Principles of the collective-dogovnogo regulyuvannya sotsіalno-trudovikh invites

Fig. 6.1. Principles of the collective-dogovnogo regulyuvannya sotsіalno-trudovikh invites

Freedom of negotiation, compilation of collective agreements, that should be timed, and the powers of the cronies must not forget the freedom of negotiation and that of the collective agreement.

Dotrimanya rules of law propratyu. Умови колективних договорів та угод, згідно зі ст. 4, 8, 9 КЗпП, can not погіршувати ставище працівників порівняно з законодавством України про працю в том чисіі - із міжнародними договорам або міжнародными угодами у областиі праці.

The legal standing of the representatives of the collective-and-contractual regulation of social and labor affairs. The legal standing of the socially-labored representatives is vysnachaetsya statute organizatsii, іnshim zasnovnitskimi contracts, rіshennyami robotodavtsya that pravtsіvnikіv organizatsії, yakі formalize the punishment, the protocols tochno. Significantly, it is not necessary to represent in prazivniki in the legislative practice of Mayzh not regulated.

Рівність сторін of the collective-договірного нормалювання соціально-трудових відносин передбачає:

• The lack of professional sprites is not to be financed by a robot, political partner;

• ініціативу укласти колективний договір може виявити кожна із сторін соціально-партнерських відносн.

Freedom of choice and discussion nurture, ny, є zmistom sotsіalno-konkurskih kontceptі і угод, виявляється в то, що ніхто не може визначати їх зміст, крім соціальних партів, і в межах їх компетенції2.

Dobrovolnist priinyattya zobov'yazan. Umovi kolektivnogo agreement, yakі, napriklad, buli priinyatі pіd tikom spent strike, mozhut bouti viznanny nedіysnimi. So itself, yak і tі, scho pogyrshuyut stanovische pravtsivnikіv pobivnyano zchinnym legislativstvo i gadami.

Realny vikonannya zobov'azan. Зміст of the collective agreement is vysnachaetsya parties, or in the inter-ies competence. Collective dogovir moge perebachati dodatkovi pobivnyano z chinnim legislativnom і gody garantiії, sotsialno-povytovi pіlgi tilki for nayavnostі neobhіdnih koshtiv.

Control of the vikonannnyam of the collective agreement is the same as for the unregistered zobov'azan. The control over the vikonannnyam of the collective agreement is to be done peacefully by the parties, which were put in order, in the order, to the well-meaning, collective agreement of the chi by the land. Відповідальність сторін of the collectively-договірного regulate

Div.: The Law of Ukraine "On the order of the virishennya kolektivnyh trudoviks sporivyv (confliktiv)" dated 3 birch in 1998; Law of Ukraine "About the collective agreement of the land"

Bath praci, and for the sake of getting rid of all the parties in the negotiations, for neglecting a person who is unconcerned with the agreement, the land is recognized by the legislation of Ukraine.

Beyond the sphere, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan is divided into collective agreements. Collective agreement to settle on the river, establish, organize, and land - on the state, the halo and regional regions.

Collective dogovir - the legal form of the participants in the management of the virbitntsvom, the form of local regulation of the minds of pratsitsa vstanovlennya vzaimnih zobov'azan (juridical and moral).

Collective agreement, please, zagalni zasadi їх укладання, - різні правові акт, що jurіchno zasvіdchuyut kolektivnі perezovor. Їх відмінність more importantly:

• the parties, yaki take the fate of the negotiations and ukladayut kolektivny dogovir chi please;

• in the sphere of legal acts;

• vidmіnnіst schodoh kola osib, yonkih stink hunts;

• Відмінність schododom order їх укладання i змісту.

Collective dogovir, lands are laid down for regulating vyrubnichih, hardworking and socially-economical vidosonin, zhengozhennya Іnteiresіv pratsіvnikіv i robototavtsya zgіdno zichnim zaklynym proprietu. Umovi kolektivnyh contractov і угод обов'язкові для підприємств, на які вони поширюються, а и також сторін, що їх уклали. Before they are buried, include umowi, which pogyrshuyut stanovische pravtsivnikіv pobivnyano zynnim legislation, collegial treaties and lands.

Від імені працівників do not have the right to negotiate and arrange the collective agreements, the representatives of the organi- zations, the local authorities, and the people who are financed by the robot, the political parties. Yakshto the labor collective is represented by the trade union body, then the robots can not be represented as individuals - the members of the viborne organ of the trade union.

Bud-yaka zі storin mozhe vijaviti ініціативу schodo carried out negotiations, поpиoязаних з укладенням колективного договора, угоди, а рішення приймається за згодою сторін.

Зміст of the collective agreement shall be vouchsafed by the parties in the boundaries of the jurisdiction. If this collective agreement is unacceptable, it is inadmissible to engage in vigilance, but the interlocutor of the law of the rights of the person, the person who represents the right of succession, the reorganization, the authority of the representative of the government, the governorship of the political parties, the political parties, the administrators of the affairs of their organizations.

Pidpisavshi kolektivny dogovіr, ugodu, shorіchno in termіnі, peredbachenі kolektivnym agreement, ugodoyu, parties zvіtjut pro їh vikonannya і napit vіdpovidannіst zarashennya kollektivnogo chi chi ugod.