Labor law of Ukraine - Gruzinova L.P.


7.1. Legislation on the occupation of the fundamental principle of state policy in the sphere of employment.

7.2. Ponjattya "zanjatіst", "безробітні" that "підходяща a robot".

7.3. Pravove regulyuvannya vivilnennya ta pratsevshashtuvannya.

7.1. Legislation about the occupation of the main principle of the state of the economy occupancy of the population

Legislation about rabotaet . The right of people to the right and the right to freedom is established by the international legal acts. Vazhlivu role in the legal regulyulyanni zainyatostі inhabited adhere to the conventions and recommendations of the MOP, yakі vstavlyayutyut mizharodnyi standardi in the sphere zaynatosty populya ta pratsevshashtuvannya2.

Vazhlivet znachennia majut і міжнародні arrangement of the site. Зауважимо: якщо міжщнародним договолом або угодою, укладеними Україна

1 Div.: I will zagalnu declarations of human rights (1948 р.), Мiжнародний пакт про економічні, соціальні і культурні права (1966 р.), Європейську соціальну хартію (переглянута 1996 р.).

2 Div.: Conventions on Bezrobitsya No. 2 (1919 р.), Ratifikovanu to the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dated 04.02.94; The Convention on Discrimination in the Guluz Praty zainatosty (1958 р.); The Convention on Policies in the GALUZY Zainatost No. 122 (1964 rubles); Convention on statistics pratsi (1985 p.); The Convention on the Regional Development of the Republic of Moldova for Workers and Women: Workers and Adolescents in Obuv. No. 156 (1981); Convention on the protection of the fatal zahist vid bezrobottya No. 168 (1988 p.); The Convention on Private Agency loans No. 181 (1997); The convention on the fence is that it is illegal to enter the school of the best forms of children's rights No. 182 (1999), and the conventions of the MPS in the sphere of employment.

Nyu, vstanovleno іnshі rules, nіzh peredbacheni legislatstvom about rabotaatіst, then dіyut rules of international agreements and угод.

Зайнятість суспільно корсносною працею осіб, які припинили трудові відносини з підстав, забаченх КЗпП, за неможливостії самостиійного працевлаштування забезпечується відповідно до Конституції України, КЗпП, Law of Ukraine "About the population" from 1 birch of the year 1991 p. Зі змінами та допоненнями.

The law, about yak ydetsya, - a comprehensive legislative act, sho mistit norms of administrative law, the right to social security, and such labor law.

Skin in pererachovanyh galuzey rights right the object of regularity; Цей The law is viznachaє legal, економічні й й оргаізаційні bases of the occupied country of Ukraine and yogi zahistu vіd bezrobіttya, and takozh sotsііlnyі garantiії z boku derzhavi v realizatsії gromadyany right to pratsyu.

The law of Ukraine "About zagalnoobov'yakove the state of social security in the vipadok vibrodot" from the 2nd birch of the year 2000, the breakdowns of the constitution of the Constitution of Ukraine, the fundamentals of the legislation of Ukraine, about social security, viznacha law, financial institutions, zazadi gagalnoobovykovogo sovnogo sotsialnogo Fear of blundering vipadok.

Slid zaznachiti, sho Legislative Affairs about zanyanatіst поширюється на іноземців, які постійно reside in Ukraine, and також осіб без громадянства, якщо інше not pobabcheno legislation of Ukraine. So, іноземці, що іmmgruhvali to Ukraine for pracelashtuvannya to the pervny term, mozhut zamatysya trudovoyu diyalnistyu vidpovidno up to the established order in the order of permission on pratsevashtuvannya 1.

Pratsevlashtuvannya in Ukrainі іноземців , іннятих by the investor at the boundaries і behind the villages (spetsialnіstyu), by viznacheniyami ugodoiu po rozpodіl produkії, zdіysnjєyutsya without otrimnya dozvolu on pratsevlash-tuvannya2.

1 Div.: Law of Ukraine "On the legal status of inozemtsiv" for 4 лютого 1994 р. (Із змінами); The procedure for decorating inonyms for those individuals without gromadyannosti permission for pratsevlashtuvannya in Ukraine, zadverdzheny I prescribe Kabinetu Ministry of Ukraine for

1 листопада 1999 р. N 2028 (із змінами і доповненнями, insertion I order to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for 17 travna 2002 № 649).

2 Div .: st. 35 Law of Ukraine "About the land about the production of roses" dated 14 November 1999 p.

Guarantors shodo vivilnennya ta pratsevlashtuvannya vstanovleno d personami, yaki suffered in the course of the Chornobyl disaster catastrophe1.

Відносини зайнятості в Україні регулюються також іншими законодаччими акты Україні2.

Соціально-партнерські угоди та колективні order takozh set the norms of the shodo zabezpedchennya zaynatosty vivilnuvanni pratsіvnikiv.

The basic principle of state policy in the sphere of employment of the population, and the maintenance of the rights to the profession and profession is indicated by the Law of Ukraine "On the Occupancy of the Population".

The basic principle of the state of the population

1 Div. 17, 20, 36, 45 to the Law of Ukraine "On status and social zahist Gromadyan, yaki suffered in the course of the Chornobyl disaster" dated 28th of August 1991. (Із змінами).

2 Div .: Settled by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "About the hardened position of the shodo zastosuvannya to the Law of Ukraine" About the busyness of the population "dated 27th Quarter of 1998. № 578; Розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України" About затвердження заходів щодо здійснення політики ефективної підтримки самонійно занятого населення, сімейного підприємництва, Small ta mean biznesu, vdyskonalennya sistemi nadannya dopomogi bezrobitnim ta ikh professio-psychologicheskoy reabiliatii, zbilshennya obshygіv gromadskikh robyt "for 2 sickles of 2000, No. 306-r;

Poslozhnya about organisatsiyu profiliynogo navsannya neznayatogo populyannya for modular system, hardened by the order of the Ministry of Economy and Social Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Science of Ukraine dated 08.07.99 No. 113/247.

The power is guaranteed by the praticezdatnomu populated people in the Praticezdatnomu Vіtsі in Ukraіnі1:

• довіінність праці, вибір або зміну професії та вид діяльності;

• zahist vid nebruntonovanoi vidmovi prinyattti on the robot th illicit zvilnennya, and takozh spryannya in zberezhennі roboty;

• bezkoshtovne spryannya pidbori pidhodyaschey roboti pratsestlashtuvannіі vіdpovіdno to poklikannya, zdibnost, profesionalnogo pіdgotovki, osvіti, z rahuvanannyam suspilnih need, all accessible witches, including profiynyu orientatsiyu і re-training;

• Compensation of the material vitrates in the case of directing the robot to an inostrination;

• the payment of vihidnogo assistance to pratsivnikam, yakі vtatili postynayu robot na pidpriemstvah, in the settings of those organisatsiyah, vypadkah i on umovah, peredbacheny chinnim legislation;

• безкоштовне навчання нових профій безробітних, перепідготовку в начачальних закладах нібо в системі державної імбин занятості з виплатою матеріальної допомоги;

• viplatu bezrobіtnim in the prescribed manner for Relief bezrobіttyu, materіalnoї Relief for bezrobіttyu, materіalnoї Relief sіm'ї members, SSMSC perebuvayut on їh utrimannі, that іnshih vidіv Relief;

• zarahuvannya up to the fatal work experience, and takozh up to the uninterrupted work experience, the period of re-training, that of the novices of the new professions, the participants in the payment of huge robots, gained additional assistance in orderlessness and material support in the battlelessness;

• Attachment of robotics for the phach on the periode is not less than three generations of young specialists - graduates of the top navigators, early adopters, installations, organisations. The power of the reserve will be given to the dodatsky guarantors of the prudo-pratsevashtuvannya pratsezdatnim Gromadyans at pratsezdatnomu vitsi, yaki zaboobuet social zahistu і not mozhut narіvnі zinіshim konkuruvati na rinku prači.

Div.: Art. 3, 4 Law of Ukraine "About the population" from 1 bereznya 1991 p.

Додаткові гарантії зайнятості для окремих категорій населення

For pratsevlashtuvannya zaznachenih kategorіy gromadyan mіstsevі derzhavnі admіnіstratsії, vikonavchі organic vіdpovіdnih happy for filed tsentrіv zaynyatostі bronyuyut on pіdpriєmstvah in Set i organіzatsіyah, Square od forms vlasnostі, s chiselnіstyu Ponad 20 cholovіk 5 protsentіv zagalnoї kіlkostі robochem mіsts for robіtnichimi profesіyami have to chislі With gnucheny forms zanyatost1.

In the interiors of the Bereg Region, the Administration of the Vedic Organizations is pleased to install a quota of robots for obovvjazkovogo pratselashtuvannya Gromadyan, which will require Socialist zahistu.

The quota of the robots is set in the category of the hulk, categorized at point 2 of the Puglia.

Armor - the number of robots for obovvjazkovogo pratselashshtuvannya gromadyan, yakі zaboobuyut sotsialnogo zahistu.

The quota of the robots is fixed by the norm of the robots, in addition to the gnuchenic forms of borrowing, in the range up to the number of robots for obovzyazkovy pratselashshtuvannya gromadyan, yaki to demand Socialist zahistu.

In the case of rapidity, the number of people in the state of the administration of property, the establishment of an organization, the turnover, the reset, the number of people, the administrative bodies, the representatives of the organizations are glad to change the lease, and do not install quotas for the use of facilities, installation or organization.

1 Div.: "Laying about the order of the armored car at the facilities, in the organiza tions and in the installations of the robots for the pratsevshtuvannya gromadyan, for demanding the Social Zahist," I cite the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for 27 quarters of 1998 p. No. 578.

In the case of a robot in a horde, the number of categories that are assigned to the law, in the boundaries established by the rules of enforcement, the installation of the state service is engaged in a fine for the skin of a taku at a rate of at least ten times the amount of the neo-gift of the minimum income of the thunder. The pruned kosti is to be cleared up to the main part of the state budget of the country, the population of which is occupied, and can be vicariously administered for the financing of the implementation of settlements, installation and organization, as well as stowage of the robotic territory for the categorized popula- tion located on the quota.

Guarantees of realiza- tion of the right of the gromadyans to the right are guaranteed. Відповідно to the station. 5-1 KZPP Power Guarantees pratsezdatnim Gromadyans, who live on the territory of Ukraine:

• вільний вибір вид діяльності;

• free of charge with state services, borrowing from pidbori pidhodyascheya roboti and pratsevlashtuvannіi vidpodіdno to покликання, здібностей, профійної підготовки, освіти, з урахуванням суспільних потреб;

• Attachment of features, installations, organiza- tions, up to and including applications for robotics for the visageclassors of the most powerful whistle-blowing, proficient naval-vihovnyh mortgage;

• free of charge navsannya bezrobitnih new professi, re-training in naval mortgages abo with the system of state support of employment with the payment of scholarships;

• compensation before the legislation of material vitrines for the purpose of sending to the robot in the economy;

• legal zahist vid nebruntonovanoї vіdmovi priinyatti for robot і illicit zvіlnennya, and takozh sprijannya y zberezhennі roboti.