Labor law of Ukraine - Gruzinova L.P.

16.3. The order of virіshennya kolektivnyh trudoviks sporіvіv (konflіktіv)

The right to organize a system of functions of the system of visits to the law of the collegial labor disputes (conflicts) viznachaє Law of Ukraine "On the order virishennya kolektivnyh trudoviks sporovіv (confliktiv)".

Kolektsivnyi trudoviy spir (conflikt) - tse rozbizhnostі, sho vinikli mіzh parties sotsіalno-trudovikh videshnon.

Parties of the collective labor dispute (conflict):

• on virobnichomu rіvnі - naymanі pratsіvniki (okremі category of Naiman pratsіvnikіv) pіdpriєmstva, set, chi organіzatsії їhnіh structural pіdrozdіlіv abo profspіlkova chi іnsha upovnovazhena Naiman pratsіvnikami organіzatsіya that vlasnik pіdpriєmstva, install, organіzatsії abo upovnovazheny him predstavnik body chi;

• on the galus, teritory rivnyah - naimaniy pračіvniki pіdpriєmstv, installation, organisatsiy odnієї abo klіkolikh galuzey (professi) abo administrativno-teritorialnyh oditnitsi chi profspilki, їхні об'єднання аo інші разівівніні зімій змімими працівниками organizers †" Organic representatives;

• на національному рівні - наймані працівники odnієї або кілької галузей (профій) чи профспілки або їхні об'єднання чи інші

Div.: The Law of Ukraine "About vikonavche Provadzhennya" for 21 quarters of 1999 p.

Nainameni naimanimi praktsivnikami organiska vlasyniki, obnednennya vlasnikov abo ovnovnovazheni them organiska (predstavniki) on teritorії bіlshostі admіnististrativno-teritorіalnyh odіdnі Ukrainі, perdbacheniyakh partnoju other art. 133 of the Constitution of Ukraine. Slid zvernuti respect for those who are lying in the valley of the collective labor dispute in a special way to create a yogic virtue.

The sides of the collective labor dispute have their own affairs through representations. At the designated Law on the hiring of pratsivnikiv and mayge is not vikoristovuyut term "labor collective."

It is indicated that, by means of self-indulgences, they hire predaciators to represent the body - the Ідидиний повноважний представник наниманих працівників until the moment of drinking such a dispute (conflict).

Згідно зі ст. 1 The law, the hiring of an official, is a phisical person, yaka pracity for laboring with a contract for compliance, in the installation of an organisation, in the Internet of a phobic oasib, yaki vikoristovity naimanu pratsu1.

Sphere of the day The law is to be enlarged on the hiring of government bodies, which are approved by them before the legislation for representation in the zahistu Іхніх інтересів, and takozh on the administration of property, installation, organisation unacceptable in the form of authority, type of disposition and galozovoy nalezhnostі, and takozh on organisatsії vlasnіvі.

The subject of the collective labor dispute is the settlement, yakі vinikli mіzh sides of socially-laborious invoices:

• the introduction of new services for various socially-economical minds for the purpose of virbitious motivation;

• Settlement of chi zni of the collective agreement, land;

• Vikonannya of the collective agreement, please abolish the їхніх position;

D) the unwillingness of the legislation of propriety.

For virishennya kіlkok odnorіdnikh zmіstom vimog pratsіvnikіv (napriklad, unprepared zabobitnosti pay kollektiv organizatsii, tobto nevikonannya legislativnosti about zabobitnu fee) zastosovuyutsya norms about the order of virishenny індивідуальних трувих споів.

Div.: Art. 1 Law of Ukraine "On the order virishennya kolektivnyh trudoviks sporivyv (konfliktiv)" dated 3 bereznya 1998 p.

Uncommonly nobility, before procedural disputes, lay down the sides of disputes with the participants in the trade union of the established collectivist minds.

Selective arguments for the material nature of the wake-up call for decisions on the implementation of the labor rights of the social rights that are granted to the citizens of the oblast.

Collective labor, spir, rozpochinaєtsya z formulyuvanya vimog pračіvnikіv.

Згідно зі ст. 4 Law of Ukraine "On the order virіshennya Collective of labor sporіv (konflіktіv)" vimogi pratsіvnikіv on virobnichomu rіvnі formulyuyutsya i zatverdzhuyutsya zagalnimi Zborov (konferentsієyu) pratsіvnikіv abo Shlyakhov zbirannya pіdpisіv i vvazhayutsya chinnimi for nayavnostі not less then half pіdpisіv chlenіv labor collectives pіdpriєmstva, install, organіzatsії Chi їхнього structural підрородзділу. At the same time, visions of worms of zobory (conference) prazivnikiv viznachayut organ chi persona, yakі predstatimut їхні Інтереси.

Вимоги працівників на галузевому, територіальному чи національному рівнях formulayutsya y zastverdzhuyutsya:

• якщо інтереси працівників предстає профспілка, об'єднання профспілок - рішенням виборного органу відповідної профспілки, об'єднання профспілок;

• Yakscho Interests pratsіvnikіv predstavlyayut INSHI upovnovazhenі them organіzatsії (organic) - konferentsієyu predstavnikіv of companies, SET, organіzatsіy, obranih Zborov (konferentsієyu) pratsіvnikіv of companies, SET, organіzatsіy, SSMSC perebuvayut stanі in labor disputes (konflіktu).

Вимоги працівників, профспілки chо об'єднання профспілок formalized in the following protocol і надслаються роботодавцю (представнику).

Роботодавець збов'язаний розглянути вимоги працівників, окремих категорій працівників, колктиву працівників чи профспілки и повідомити їхніх представників about the trip in the tridenny's lines from the day of keeping wimog.

Yaksho zadovolennya vimog vyhodit for inter-competence vnavnovazhenogo vlasnikom organ, vin zobov'yany nadislati ikh in tridenny lines from the day vimog vlasnikov abo to vidpovidnogo vigilivnnya vishchogo rivnya, yaky moe right uhvalyuvati rishennya. Rows rozglyadu vimog naymanih pravtsivnikіv kozhnoy інстанцією not guilty перевищувати трьох днів.

Zagalny lines rozglyadu vimog i rіshennya of acceptance (s urahuvannyam hour peresilannya dokumentіv) not guilty perevischuvati tridtsyati dnіv s obsession robotodavtsem day (special) to the time of possession Naiman pratsіvnikami chi profspіlkoyu Notification od robotodavtsya abo vіdpovіdnogo vischogo for rіvnem body upravlіnnya about priynyate rіshennya him.

Rіshennya robotodavtsya abo vіdpovіdnogo body upravlіnnya vischogo rіvnya vikladaєtsya in pismovіy formі th day of the following is not pіznіshe nadsilaєtsya upovnovazhenomu predstavnitskomu body іnshoї side of the Collective labor dispute (konflіktu) once іz sotsіalno-ekonomіchnim obґruntuvannyam.

Collective of labor spіr (konflіkt) vinikaє s time, if upovnovazheny predstavnitsky body pratsіvnikіv, okremih kategorіy pratsіvnikіv, collectives pratsіvnikіv abo profspіlki won od robotodavtsya Notification about Povny abo chastkovu vіdmovu zadovolniti kolektivnі vimogi i priynyav rіshennya about nezgodu s rіshennyam robotodavtsya abo if line rozglyadu vimog, Perebacheni legislated, zakinchilsya, and the image of the robot is not over.

About viniknennya Collective labor dispute (konflіktu) body yaky predstavlyaє Interests Naiman pratsіvnikіv abo profspіlki, zobov'yazany in tridenny lines pismovo poіnformuvati robotodavtsya, mіstsevy body vikonavchoї Vladi, body mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya for mіstsem roztashuvannya pіdpriєmstva that Natsіonalnu service poserednitstva i reconciliation.

Poslidovnist rozglyadu y virishennya kolektivnogo labor dispute (conflict). The primitive order of the virification of collective and hard-working disputes was established: a) Primitive compilation (Article 8, 9 of the Law); B) for the part of the mediator (Article 10 of the Law); C) for labor arbitrazhi (Article 11, 12 to the Law) 1.

Primirna komіsіya - organ, of the recognition for virublennya rishennya, scho mozhe zadovolniti sides of the collective labor dispute (conflict). Комісія складається із представників сторін.

Primirna komіsіya utlyorovatsya z іnіtsіativі odnієї із сторін on the vibrochnic rivnі - in the tridnevy, on the gauged chiteritonalnomu

Div.: The Law of Ukraine "On the order of the virishennya kolektivnyh trudoviks sporivyv (konfliktiv)" dated 3 bereznya 1998 p.

Рівні - у п'ятиденний, на національному рівні - at the ten-day line at the moment of the currying of the collective labor dispute (conflict), however, the number of representatives of the parties.

The order of viznachennya predstavnykіv before prinimnoy komіsії kozhna іz storin knektivnogo labor dispute (confliktu) vstavlyuete samostystno.

Yakscho parties do not znayshli kompromіsnogo rіshennya for spіlnim Vibor storіn viznachaєtsya Square poserednik - singular, yak spriyaє vstanovlennyu vzaєmodії mіzh hand holding peregovorіv, bere fate in viroblennі primirnoyu komіsієyu vzaєmopriynyatnogo rіshennya. Yaksho z zdoimogo nezalezhnogo mediator not vdalosya lіkvіduvati rozbizhnіst, tobto dobrotsya result - virishita labor spir, parties of the collective labor dispute zvertayutsya to labor arbitrazhu.

Labor arbitrazh - an organ, a kind of warehousing iz zazulenih parties fahіvtsіv, ekspertіv ta інших осіб і приймає рішення по суті трудовом спору (конфлікту).

Кількісний і personal warehouse of labor arbіtrazhu визачається за згодою сторін. The head of labor arbitrazhu obirayut yo warehouse.

To the warehouse of labor arbitrazhu takozh mozhut enter the people's deputies of Ukraine, the representatives of the bodies of state power, the authority of the self-imposed self-esteem and the individual, the dowers of the legal regulation of socially-laborious invoices.

Organizatsiyna ta materіalno-tehnyne zabezpechennya robot labor arbitrazhu zdіysnyuetsya for domovlіstyu storin, and yakshcho parties are not reached zgodi - in parts.

Slid vrachuvati, scho kolektivnyi trudoviy spir (conflikt) rozglyadayatsya work arbitrazhem z obovozyakoyuyu part predstavnikinov storin, and in razi consumer - predstavniknikov іnshih zainteresovanyh organіv ta organizatsіy. The labor arbitrage is guilty of priinyat rishennya beside ten-day lines from the day of yogi. For rіshennyam bіlshostі members of the labor arbіtrazhu tse lines mozhe bouti it is puffed up to twenty dnіv days. The work of the labor arbitrazhu prijmayatsya bіlshіstyu voіtіv yogo іnterіv, іnformatsyaetsya by the protocol і підписъється усіма yого members.

A member of a labor arbitrage does not have the right to rogoloshuvati vidomosti, but is kept by the law that is stolen by the law.

Rishenny labor arbitrazhu about virіshennya kolektivnogo labor dispute (confliktu) - obovyazykovym for vikonannya, yakshcho parties pro zeta cherezdno ostavilosya.

W metoyu spriyannya polіpshennyu of labor vіdnosin i zapobіgannya viniknennyu the Labor Collective sporіv (konflіktіv) їh prognozuvannya th spriyannya svoєchasnomu їh virіshennyu, zdіysnennya poserednitstva for virіshennya such sporіv (konflіktіv) President of Ukraine utvoreno Natsіonalnu service poserednitstva i reconciliation. Вона складається з висококваліфікованих фахівців та експертів з podas virіshennya kolektivnykh trudovіh sporіvіv (konflіktіv) і має відділення в Автономній Респубіці Крим та области.

Рішення Національної сервиби поредредництва і reconciliation mаyut recomendant nature, їх повинні розглядати parties of the collective labor dispute (confliktu) ta vіdpovidny tsentrі nad mіscevі organizatsiya vikonavochoї vladi, organ mіsssevogo samoveredvannya.

Відповідно to the station. 44 of the Constitution of Ukraine, ті, хто працює, мають the right to strike for захисту its економічних і соціальних інтересів. Order zdіysnennya tsiogo rights vstavlyuetsyaetsya law z urauvuvannami neobhіdnostі zabezpechennia natsionalnoi bezpeki, health benefits, rights and freedoms of the people. No one can not primusiti to the party abo to failure to participate in the strike (Article 44 of the Constitution).

Strike mozhna rozpochati, Yakscho primirnі procedure does not lead to virіshennya Collective labor dispute (konflіktu) Yakscho robotodavets uhilyaєtsya od primirnih procedures abo not vikonuє land, dosyagnutoї in protsesі virіshennya Collective labor dispute (konflіktu).

Strike zastosovuєtsya yak kraynіy zasіb (if OOO All INSHI mozhlivostі vicherpano) virіshennya Collective labor dispute (konflіktu) in zv'yazku s vіdmovoyu robotodavtsya zadovolniti vimogi Naiman pratsіvnikіv abo upovnovazhenogo them authority profspіlki, ob'єdnannya profspіlok chi upovnovazhenogo her (their) body.

Strike - tse timchasove Collective dobrovіlne pripinennya robots pratsіvnikami (nevihіd on the robot, the Labour nevikonannya svoїh obov'yazkіv) pіdpriєmstva, install, organіzatsії (structural pіdrozdіlu) s metoyu virіshennya Collective labor dispute (konflіktu).

Rishennya about vyznannya strike is illegal to boast the court on the Constitution of Ukraine and legislative legislation. Strike viznaєtsya illegally, napriklad, if pratsyuyuchі dobivayutsya in Taqiy sposіb polіtichnih tsіley abo if through Demba stvoryuєtsya zagroza Zhittya i Health Protection, Human i freedoms іnshih people abo if vіn organіzovuєtsya chi zdіysnyuєtsya have Reigning bodies on pіdpriєmstvah that in organіzatsіyah on SSMSC Pobleno zabezpechennya defenses, law and order, and fireless kraїni, for continuously dyyuchih vibrobitvah, zupinennya yakih povyazane with heavy neobespechnymi naslichkami, tochno.

For primushuvannya before the party to abstain from participating in the strike, the individuals must be kept in accordance with the procedure established by law.

The fate of strike strikes, for the wiring of strikes, judgments by the court is unlawful, it is impossible to look at the fate of the labor discipline and not in order to attract the attention to the disciplinary and forward-looking nature.

Significantly, for the riches of hiring workers in the trade union, a property insurance fund has been established for charity workers and donors.

For pratsіvnikami, SSMSC did not take uchastі in strike, ale at zv'yazku s yogo holding at Mali mozhlivostі vikonuvati svoї trudovі obov'yazki, zberіgaєtsya zarobіtna board have not rozmіrі nizhchomu zakonodavstvom od as set by that collective agreement, ukladenim on tsomu pіdpriєmstvі, yak for an hour Simply do not blame the prac- tice. Облік such працівників є обов'язком роботавця. Organizatsiya strike, viznannogo the court is illegal, the fate of ynomu є povshennyam labor discipline. Hour strike pracitsnikam, yaki take in ynomu fate, do not mourn. The hour of the participant of the strike at the strike, viznannomu court is illegal, not zarachovuyutsya to the zagal and pereprovnogo work record.

It has been established that the legislation on collective work disputes (conflicts), zokrema:

• Compliance for the violation of legislation on collective labor disputes (conflicts);

• the impairment of the rules for the fate of the strike, the court viznannomu illegal; Vidpіdіdіnstі for pogoshennya of legislation pro pracyu, minds of collective labor agreements (угод), що have been called up винненнення of the collective labor dispute (conflict);

• vidpovidalnist for orgizatsiyu strike, viznannogo court is illegal, nevikonannya rishennya about vyznannya strike is illegal;

• for the admission of a primushevannya to the participant at the strike, the participant of the strike.

Controlling food

1. Causes of the indivisual of those collective laborious disputes.

2. See the hard work of the disputes.

3. Yakі org virіshyut індивідуальні трудові спори працівників?

4. Rows of virіshennyі індивідуальних трудових споів.

5. The moment of appearance of the indivisual and that of the collective labor dispute.

6. Yakі org virіshyut kolektivny trudovі spori?

7. Call the name vyznannya Strike legitimate.

8. Order vyznannya strike is illegal.

9. Violations of illegal strikes.

Temi Abstracts

1. Practice virіshennia trudovi спор sporіv schodo ponovlennya na roboti.

2. Practice virіshennia trudovi спор sporіv schodo disciplіnarnih zvіlnen pratsіvnikіv.

3. Special attention to the knowledge of the rights of disputes, yakі vinikayut із трудових відносн.