Історія України - Subtelium Orest

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Найперші сліди человеських поселен на Україні загають за 150 тис. Rock. Mandruky to the coasts of the Black Sea through the Caucasus і, ymіnovo, Balkani, Pershie settlement, all the zberіgali signings of the primitive march. Wants mali unfamiliar ob'etu mozok, low forehead, masivny shlipi that velikі zubi. Zate went viprostavshis, and їхні nazvichaynno vpravnіі hands vzhe tіlkom were formulated. Close 40 yew. Rock'iv up to n. E. In the middle of the remaining ice-age period, the Cro-Magnon (Neo Homo sapiens) is a special person, since the lyudin seems to be like a day. Vona bula is ported to the height of the visor, straight-legged, and knowingly rozvomitimi mozlivostyami. Pristosovuychis to the cold suvorogo klіmatu, before hard in dubuvanni zhivi, tsi people, scho lived in missions that zbornannya fruit, vinayshli nezachene rozmaittya tehnichnyh novovveden, such yak zbroya i znaryadya k kremenu, ribolovni gatchi, harpuni, zhitla iz shkur ta kistok.

Close 10 yew. Rock'iv up to n. E., If vedststov ostalnіy ledovik, having deprived nislya character for the nature of Ukraine, landscape, ludina began to be seen as a dedal shvidche. So, in the case of the neolith, a trivow in Ukraine from 6 to 2 thousand. Rock'iv up to n. E., The people have identified glibshih zmіn, ніж for a distance of 2-3 million rock. Hoch tse period is called neolithom, tobto is introduced by Kam'yanim vik, vin mav little spiln in stone. "Revolutionary" is the meaning of the neolithic civilization of the field, at the same time, people have come to know the new ways of survival. Замість збирання плодів і полювання вони нарешті самі навчися продудвати живу.

Vvazhayut, sho voskorobstvo vpershe viniklo na Ukrainі u mezhirichichi Bugu ta Dnistra, if on the boundary V і IV tysyacholіit BC. E. Rooted in Persia in the Schengen area of ​​the urban community. Zamist blunder at poshok zdobichi, people osidali in their fields. So the settlement was announced. Earth-moving, on the edge of the field, that zibirannya plodіv, vimagalo porіvnyano bil'shoi robochoї sili, spryayuchi tim themselves zorstannyu populated. Vodnochas postupovo vinikali primitive forms of the sushilno-polichnichnyi organizatsii.

Naybіlsh vіdomі early shirokobskі tribes on teritorії сучасної України по'язують з so-called tripylskoyu kulturoyu , scho rozvinula at the valleys Dnistra, Bugu i Prutu , syagnuvshy zgodom Dnipra. У період свого розквіту між 3500 та 2700 рр. BC. E. Tripilts lived in great villages for 600-700 men. The stinkers, as a rule, lingered at the dovgy, those vuzkih spilnyh oselelyah, dek kozhna sim'ya borrowed vlasnu, rozgorny wife at kimnati, part zhitla z okremoyu pishchyu pishchyu. Rodovid stinks led on liniya dad. Ornamentation on the skull, which is a peculiar feature of the smooth vices of the zhivotnogo, chornogo and bilogo koloru, svidchit about magical rituals that viru in nadprichnorny sily, scho paluvali in kulturyi tripiltsiv.

Protect the culture of the small and practical practitioner. The first in Ukraine mehanicheskii priststrі - sverdlo for prorobljuvannya otvoriv at kamenі ta derevy - z'avivsya at people of tripilskoi kul'tury. Great value is little vprovazhenzhenya derevyanogo plow, zavdyaki chomu sepirostvo became bolsh nadiyinim, nizh mishvolstvo, in a way dobuvannya live. Just one novovvedennyaam, dovmirno, zazozitochem iz Azii, blo zastosuvannya first metalu - mіdі.

Sjogodnі little scho vіdomo about zapepad tripilskoї kul'tury. Yak pripuskayut archeologists, zostannya inhabited shtohalo tripilskih tribes before the transition to the new geostationary land. Deykі z them prosyuvalisya vlibb stepiv, and ti, scho lived in the valley Dnipra, yshli na pivnich, y unprohidny lisi Polisya dalі. On the 2000 p. BC. E. Trypilska culture yak viznene tsilė ceased to exist. Part of the triplets were kept asymmetrical in the tribes of the tribes, the slander was discovered by the peasants.

Kochoviki . He stretched his legs to 6 yew. Km від Манчжурії right up to Ugorshchyna, Євразійські степи utomyayut naybіlshu рівнину на Землі. І хоч у кількох місцях її перетиють гори Тянь-Шаню, Уралу і Карпат, задяки численным перевалам цю рівнину порівняно it's easy to pass from the kyntsya to the kynts. At sunset, in one part of the blessings and sins of the people, laying down Ukraine. Tsja geografichna obtstavana vidіgrala nazvichaynno great role in the її історії, the nerіcіc tsy ріvnina became the center of the life of the kochovikh tribes Єrazії.

Scotarchy , scho spiralsya on vigodivlyu herds of domesticated tvarin, was left in the steppes close to 3000 r. BC. E. By the prototype of the Mayge, two Tysiacholit Maybutnye Kochoviks led the life, borrowing, order from the vipas of their herds at the Eurasian steppe, and by the earthquake. Here near 1000 rubles. BC. E. The cattle were re-educated in fair kochovikivi and became mandruvati steppes in postish poshukas pasovisk. Moving on the map on the street, the stinks poured into them new features of the anchors, which found a boule of warriors. Shchob defensive herds and zapoplyuvati novyi pasoviska, zhyttyevo neobhіdnim bulo vmіnnya voyuvati. Part of the essence of the call, the demand of organisovati mas people for the adorning of the great people in the past, spurred the appearance of the tribal nobility.

Polovetsky Kam'yany Babi

Skotarі z'yavilsya pobivnyano early in the Ukrainian steppes. Close to 3000 r. BC. E. Lіvy bank of the Dnieper was occupied by tribes of yamnoi kul'tury, having driven themselves from the rear of the herd of horses, in some ways they did not grow nasty. Behind them stretching bahatogh offensive pomeshchimi iznischivalis іnshі скотарські tribes. Bezperervnі mіgаrtsії - tsі typewy predstavlivіst early іstіrії Ukraine, - dovmіrno, vіdbuvalisya through overpopulation of steppes on північ від Каспію. The strongest tribes of the world have been weakened by the weakness of the Pasovis, while the remaining tribes have entered the peri-phase of the Єvrazyski steppe. So hvilami one by one kotilsya on zahid scotarsky tribes.

Skifi in battle. An image on a golden comb (Solokha's mound)

Кіммерійці . Lishhe here mizh 1500 і 1000 rr. BC. E. Lyudina fell down simply, on the first glance, the technics of the upper stage. Кіммерійці - перші кочові вершники, що з'явилися в Україні, є також і першими її inhabitants, named якихх дійшла до нас. Not hto іnshy, yak Homer, оповідаючи у своїй "Одіссеї" about північне узбережжя the Black Sea, називає його "земю кіммерійців". Tse, melody, і є naydavnіsa pismanna zgadka about the Ukraine. Ale nichogo, krim nazvi people, scho inhabited the earth, yaki in ti chasi vvahalisya phmurim kraem svitu, Homer do not talk about kimmeritsyv. Bagato vtsih trimayutsya dumki, sho kimmeritsy viilsli i svoyh prabatkivskih lands near the lower Volga region, re-roped lowlands Pivnichnyy Kavkaz ddes near 1500 r. BC. Е. З'явилися on Україні. Проте інші відкидають гіпотезу про міграцію й стверджують, що кіммерійці були корінним населенням України. So chi іnakshe, kimmerіytsі inhabited mezhirіchchya Don and Dnistra up to 7 st. BC. E. Trochs zgodom, pіd onslaught інших кочовиків зі сходу, вони відійшли до Малої Азії. Вичерпний аналіз негагатьох наявних нині джерел схиляє істориків до цілого ряд висновків stosovno tsikh « spizhivachіv kobilyachogo milk », yak їх called the Greeks: 1) kimmerіytsi buli first in Ukraine livestock, but went over to the kochovy method of living; 2) the stench of the enemy disappeared on the horses and і їхнє військо was stored in the top; 3) zavdyaki contacts із майстерними оброблювачами метаів на Кавказі вони зачиткували на Україні добу заліза; 4) zrostannya rol kinnyh voyniv zumovil zanepad great rodіv i vikinnennya vіys'kovoi znati.

Skifi . Skifi, yaki on the ear of the VII century. BC. Е. з'явилися in українському to the steppe, they did not lose their pose respecting більш розвиненої Сердземноморісьсьсьсьсьсь з звілізації, про що свідчать такі слова із Old zapovіtu: "Axis іde people із північної країни ... keep onions and short lists, жорстокий він! Wongs do not grieve! The voice of the roar, the sea, the galloping horses, the whiskers, the yak one of the people ... the people in the building ... the people of old ... the moi of the yako do not know ... sagaidak yogo, yak vidkrita domovina, vsya vony people cherobry .. . Vin zrezhe yours zhnivo і hlіb tvіy, zynshit synovі and daughter of yours, зже овів і корів твоїх, зжереa grape твій і смокви твоі і зрунує мечем міста твої, на які ти покладаєш надію ». Розоривши багато країн Близького Сходу, скіфи нарешті осіли у степах Північного Причорномор'я, creating the first on the terrain of Ukraine great politechnya ob'ednannya. In 5 tbsp. BC. Е. "Батько історії" Greek Herodotus відвідав Скіфію й описав її поселення. Tse, without sumunivu, buli іndoevropejtsi, izranovniki іраномовних кочовиків, що тисячолітчами were beaten at Євразійських steps. Herodotus, describing the type of the Scythians. On the right birch of Dnipra, the skifi-oraci -earthbork tribes huddled, but the corn-baked mehskants of the whole territory, and, singingly, took the name of the kochovikiv, which were peppered. Deykі istoriki vvazhayut, scho stony buli ancestors of the words'yan.

Polichtichna vlada zosediredzhuvalasya in the hands of the "royal" skifiv - kochovikiv, scho vvazhali themselves nasischisnishimi nykrashchimi і zmushuvali інших скіфів та нескіфські tribes of Ukraine rally. For їхніми zazіhannami stood great, good ogbroеne th disciplinary course кінне військо. Щоб розвивати в собі воововничі інстинкти, скіфські воїни мали zichichi piti roofing of the first hammered wolf, robity of waxed skulls decorated with gold and sugar bowl, znimati scalp. Bezzhalіsnі to vorogіv, tsі kochoviki buli відданими в дружбі, яку цінували пона усе. Skіfske suspilstvo boulo znachnoy mіroju detyam svoeї epokhi. Родовід ішов по батьківськійі лінії, майно ділилося між синами, а полігамія була нормальним явищем. Razom iz postolim cholovicom often hammered and hated yogo young zhinok. Як свідчать розкішні of the adventure of the Scythian tsars in the burial mounds, in the Ukraine, in Baghdad, in the Ukrainian steppes, in the graves of the tribal nobility of the watery poor graves of the forgiving people, began to dot the full moon of the midst of the "royal" scythians. Before the reward of the wives, the main dzherlom bagatstv for them was served by the trade with the Greek columns near the Black Sea coast. We sell our partners to the scifi with a friend, but with them zgodom uslivitsya Ukraine: zbizhzhya, wisk, honey, hutra, rabiv. For the price of wine, wines, juvenile virobes, and gifts of roses were produced, to which they already developed a great apetit. Pro tse svidchat svoeprіdnі prikrasi, nazvichayno original for its own style of decorative misterstvo s characteristic for this motifs of the celestial St.. Vano with great maysternnostyu vidobrazhae plastic deer, left-handed, horses, scho vrazhayut gratsіynisty d beauty. For the sake of skіfіv, Ukraine has become an important part of the mediterranean, for example, in the remote part of the ancient civi lization of the Mediterranean. Through the Greek columns in the Black Sea Scythia invisible in contact with the Greek zivіlіzatsієyu navchilisya tsinuvati її. Vodnochas contact with the SSR of the Mediterranean attracted skifiv and yogic conflict. In 513 r. BC. E. Velichne vіys'ko of the Persian Tsar Daria has bought zemelinishnogo Ukrainy. Prote, vdavshis to the strategy of "spalenye zemlі", scifi zmusili yogi ganebno vidstupiti. Vaprikintsi V - on the ear of IV century. BC. E. Skіfi pіshli na zahіd і pіkіdory frakііcіv on the Danube. The tsja peremoga vyyavilasya for them zovsіm neptrіbіnuyu, bo vіch-na-vіch zhіla їх із Філіппом Македонським, батьком Александра Великого. At 339 r. BC. E. Makedontsi zavdali terrible fear of kochovikam. Tse became the cob of the script. Here through 100 rockiv bilshu part skіfіv won the asymmetrical sarmati - інше mozhnnє плем'я кочовиків зі сходу. Tilki ditches have managed to shovas in Krima, de їхні нащадки lived up to 3 tbsp. N. E.

Sarmati . Mayge stretching 400 rock, in the 2 tbsp. BC. E. Up to 2 tbsp. N. E .. at the steps of Pivnichnogo and Scheme Prichornom'ya, the Sarmatians were scumbling, they came to the Volga. The smell of stink peacefully zmіshuvalisya in such zhiranomnovnimi skifami, and takozh Greeks, scho lived near the Pivnichnoy Prichornom'ї. Prote pid tisk sorozhyh tribes zi at the beginning of the Sarmatian were deudal aggresivshimi. Zreshshoy stink podkorili skіfіv, obglyuvshi at sotyi mіghі great number of ordinary people. Yak i OAO All kochovі volodarі of Ukrainian stepіv, Sarmat becomes єdine odnorіdne plem'ya and poorly pov'yazany Union sporіdnenih i often voroguyuchih mіzh tribes themselves, such yak yazigi, Roxolans that Alanya. The skin of the Sarmatian tribes was crowned before the Panuvan on the Ukraine. Oskіlki namagannya tsі spіvpali s trivalimi th vseohoplyuyuchimi peremіschennyami tribes, scho nazivayutsya Great Migration narodіv, i oskіlki UKRAINE znahodilasya in tsentrі Tsikh bezladnih mіgratsіy, Sarmat often supernichali s іnshimi tribes one Buvaev, navіt enters їm Vlad. Nareshti, in the II century. N. E., Õh left the nightmare of the hunnevs horribly terrified , at once the Germanic goths attacked and the Romans defended the defense at sunset. W nayavnih ninі rozrіznenih danih about sarmatіv viplivaє, scho for svoїm zovnіshnіm viglyadom way i gospodaryuvannya stink nagaduvali skіfіv and takozh іnshih іranomovnih kochovikіv. One custodian so describing the Alan : "Stink of the temple on the mountain, vrodlivy svitlolosi, and lyut in їхніх захх вселяє жах". They wore stinks of spacious pants, shkiryani camisels, vzuttya m'yakoi shkiri that hats. The main products are kharchuvannya buli m'yaso, milk ta sir. There lived the stink at the tents, but they got drunk for two chotirikolisny wagons. Especially in the case of Sarmativ, the role is great, the Yaku were invaded in the agnostic syspilstvii zhinki. Perekazuyuchi legend for Sarmatia yakoyu resembling od Union Amazons Zi skіfami Herodotus povіdomlyaє scho sarmatskі zhіnki lived yak kolis Amazon: stink polyuvali tops, take fate in vіynah narіvnі s cholovіkami and odyagalisya takozh, yak cholovіki. Dany archeologiі svіdchat about those, scho sarmatskih zhinok often havali at once zі zbroєyu і scho vony nerіdko vikonuvali funktsії zhirits. If she could not satisfy all the material needs, the sarmati traded. Їхні caravans were mandruvali at naydalshі kraї, з яких were transported to Tanaїsu-sarmatskoi capitals, roztashovanoї on the river. Don, Chinese shovk, kavkazky krishtal, napivkoštovně-kaměnnya Іranu ta Іndії. On the dregs of Strabo, the Greek geographer and the historian, contacts with the Greeks and Romans led the Sarmatians to stay longer than school, and there was no good. "Our sposіb Zhittya zіpsuvav Tsikh people wider Sered them takі vices, yak i addicted to rozkoshіv plotskih utіh, negіdnі pragnennya, zadovolennya yakih robit їh dedalі nenazherlivіshimi". Nezabarom on zmіnu Sarmatians priyshli INSHI kochoviki, Sarmat Ale boule ostannіm іndoєvropeyskim people scho z'yavivsya Zi immediately. Pislja them Євразійські steppes майже on ціле тисячоліття to become володіннями тюркських народів.