Зовнішньоекономічна політика - Hramov V.O.


2.3.1. Specialized structure of the system of international reports

System mіzhderavnih visnosin moe specifichnu form, sho as much nyak not є dzerkalnym vidobrazhennyam її sotsіno-ekonomichnogo that polichnichnogo zmistu. In the system of worldviews, the social and economic aspects of the image are reflected, as a rule, in the transformed, but by the hour and the created vigil. In the system of worldviews, the mantle is of a semi-metic character, the regions of the singing parties and powers are gradually pieced together. Ale ZEP, scho virazhae glibinni ekonomichnі Іnteresi suspilstva ta vіdpіpіdnyh sotsііnnyh forces, stvojjjujut iі realizuyut people in pevnju sformovanoju sііdomіstju. I will look at the subjective social and economical disinformation of the von є chinnik subektivnim. Lisha vnaslidok ts'gogo vona stvoi pevnuyu mіrou sposvoteniy image of dіysnostі. Tse spotvorennya to be buried in the region and the nature of the power of the ruling parties and organizations, but also the policy. At systemі міждержавних відносин діє безліч країн, які перебувають on різних рівнях соціально-економічного розвитку. Riven and the nature of the success of the rosuminnya polichnichnimi forces, but to stand with the authorities, the active svitovih processes, naturally, istotno variyyuyutsya. Take the rozumnie, and takozh rіznі polіtichnі tsіlі, sho vtileny y practicalnu ZEP of the powers, і стають у системі міждержавних відносин політичною реальністю. Tsya polіtichna realnіst, scho becoming folding weave th zіtknennya rіznih superechlivih іnteresіv i tsіley, rіznih zovnіshnopolіtichnih i zovnіshnoekonomіchnih kursіv, nadaє sistemі mіzhderzhavnih vіdnosin spetsifіchnoї form, inadequate scho vіdbivaє sotsіalno-ekonomіchnu structure svitu, yak lezhit in її osnovі.

The structure of the system of the Miszhdestvniye videshno - tse especial spisіb zv'yazku mіzh powers, yakі to enter the system, but legally in the process of the process of functioning and development. Structure - the result of the function of the system and the development of the system і water-hour basic rethinking її zhitttіdіyalnostі, form, in the intercourse of anchoring the process of submitting the functional function of the site. The structure of the system is a virazhenna neobhidnogo zvyazyku elements in systems. Yak law, which characterizes the form of systems, vin viznachaet moment stiikostі in існуванні системи. Vodnochas vіn vіdbіvіаy order і стійкість у процесі розвитку, їбереження найважливіших authorities and і відносин systems at її transformціях.

Іdetsya about complex, scho s skladaєtsya kіlkoh vzaєmopov'yazanih i vzaєmodіyuchih rіvnіv mіzhderzhavnih zv'yazkіv: rіvnya tsentrosilovih vіdnosin, rіvnya vuzlіv superechnostey i rіvnya structurally polіtichnih vіdnosin, yaky vklyuchaє zv'yazki mіzhnarodnih organіzatsіy that SET, normalized mіzhnarodno legal vregulyuvannya. The structure of the system of power supply will be based on the basic principles of the subordination; provіdnu, viznachalnu role in її furrows vіdіgrayut tsentrosilovі vіdnosini, SSMSC in the dermal specific perіod nadayut Especially nature strukturі vіdnosin mіzh powers vzagalі scho zumovlyuє in furrows Pevnyi perіodu processes formuvannya that zdіysnennya Zep powers.

Especially in the character of zv'yakiv, they folded into the final periode of certain concrete powers, ninі povyazany nasampered z peretvorennyam sistemi vidnosin mizh powers on globally. In the cichs, the character of rozvitku vidosinon mizh great powers in the possible economy can be enjoyed by all the powers, and not by a part, on the day, with a tan.

Pragnuchi usvidomiti tsju realnost sushasnoї sistemi mіzhderavnikh vіdnosin, bahato ekonomistiv i politologіv zarahovuyut structure vidnosin mіzh great powers to nayvazhlivshih groups of systemic zmіnnih. Vvazhayuchi scho structure vіdnosin mіzh tsimi powers viznachaє "perevazhayuchu structure svіtovoї polіtiki" amerikansky vcheny J. Rosenau, napriklad, nagoloshuє on її іstotnomu vplivі on zovnіshnyu polіtiku vsіh powers, scho minds viznachayut for zaohochennya novih ekonomіchnih vіdnosin. In any country the pre-eminent structure was not overstaffed by the state, it is not true that the powers of the great powers are affected by the conflict situations, by their plans for the problems of their time. On the dash of the new American scholar H. Snyder, the structure of the international system is to be categorized as the head of the news of the system and the submarine force of them.

In the protection of science of the great powers of the Great Powers, the swaying of the siege is necessary, the structure of the countries of the world should be brought to the attention of the Great Powers, їх кількості і схеми розподілу сили міжми.

The category "were", zvichayno, nevidnіlna vіd viznachennya vchisimi status of the state in sistem і її vplyu on the ZEP of the smaller powers. Spbi viznachati status of the power in the system mіzhderavnih vidosinin z poglyadu "power" pidhodu zvedyatsya nasampered before pereliku chinnikiv, scho viznayutsya bilshistyu predstavnikiiv school "polichnichnogo realizmu" yak nayvazhvalіshi. Tse peremusim geograficheskoy poslovaniya derzhavi, її naturnyi resursi, promyslovy potentsialі, chiselnіst i yakіst zbrroynikh forces, human resources, national character, national model, yakіst diplomatії, rіven sovereignty kerіvnitsvva.

Дещо відрізняється від нормативів школи "політичного реалізму" viznachennya great power English scientist G. Schwarzenberger. Він вважає, що велика держава відрізняється від бу-якої іншої відносною перевогою в економічній, науково-технічній, фінансовій і військовій потужності; Відносною рівністю потужності порівняно з іншою державую того этого rang; Rіshuchіstyu vikoristivuvati its potnuzhnіst for zastverdzhennya chіlnogo mіstsya v mіzhnarodnі oligarhії great powers. Do not viznachennі tsomu deprivation vrahovuєtsya Pevnyi scrip ob'єktivnih pokaznikіv, denote zvichayno obmezhuyutsya defіnіtsії bagatoh predstavnikіv school "polіtichnogo realіzmu" and th daєtsya posilannya on їh spіvvіdnesenіst s analogіchnimi pokaznikami іnshoї velikoї powers i vіdznachaєtsya role sub'єktivnogo chinnika in viznachennі status velikoї powers . Without uraikhvanya tsyogo analiz the powers in the system, і передусім on рівні центросилових відносин, не може бути, obviously, we will raise. However, in a different context, the role of a subordinate chintnik is not meant to be one of those reasons that are active in one vipadka and passive into another.

When tsomu povinnі vrahovuvatisya vіdpovіdnі system-strukturnі chinniki Zep, scho stvoryuyut for іnshih rіvnih minds ob'єktivnі obstavini, SSMSC porodzhuyut for quiet abo іnshih mozhlivіst powers, and an hour i neobhіdnіst vіdіgravati in sistemі vіdpovіdnu їh rіvnyu rozvitku role i sponukayut to dії sub'єktivny Chink.

An unnecessary, zvichayno, urahovuvatichi such a chinnik, yak zaluchchenya power in the mainstream potik історичного розвитку, у світові зв'язки, міру "периферійності" держави, що сприяє активізації субeктивного чинника.

At zv'jazku to pitannjam about structure sistemi mіzhderavnih videshnosin і character її vplyu on ZEP to become entertained about the kilkist great powers. At dumku bugatokh pupils, tse pokaznik viznachaє perevazhayuchi (prevalyuyuchi) structurі vіdnosiny at kozhny perіod іstorichnogo rozvitku sistemi. Vislovlyuchyuchi in the principle of zagalny for zahidnoy science glance at the presence of the world of great powers and the nature of the structure, J. Rosenau, such a scheme tiie zalezhnosti. If the status of the Great Power is greater than the powers, the resultant structure of the visions of them is to be manifested as a "system of balance of power". Yakshchos of the great powers, deprisi and jodna, do not show vitality for them, but can not pretend to the role of the great power, the result is the structure of the "hierarchy of bipolarity". Yaksho ієрархія такої системи слабшає through those, шо інші держави pretend to the role of great powers, the resultant structure is to be yak "system нежорсткої біполярності". At the duma of J. Rosenau, the "system balance of forces" of the boule is characteristic of the international reports

XIX century. І перших 40 років XX century. "Zhorstka bipolyarnaya sistema" bula vlastov videshnamam mizh powers in 1945-1959 pp., "Nezhorstka bipolyarnaya sistemy" - videshnyam at 60-ti roki i nareshti, structure, scho nagaduє "system of balance of power," began to form in 70-ti rock

XX century. Such a widening in the secular literature was the classification of the structures lying in the back of the great powers. Tse Podil on two visible - "multipolar" and "bipolar" systems. Cі системи мають специфічні закоірності, "structurally logistic", вo Істотно впливоть на система відносин між powers zagalom і zumovlyuyut u відповідних межи звнішню політику powers, the process of formulating that zdіysnennya.