Зовнішньоекономічна політика - Hramov V.О.


2.4.1. Basic law of the function of the ZEP in the system of mineralogical materials

For mehanіzmu funktsіonuvannya Zep in sistemі mіzhderzhavnih vіdnosin vlastivy complex Pevnyi zakonomіrnostey scho harakterizuє zhittєdіyalnіst Sistemi zagalom (at rіznih її vnutrіshnіh zovnіshnіh Wink i) іmanentny strukturі Sistemi i Volya not deposits od th Bazhannya powers SSMSC incoming from the system.

The basic law of the function of the ZEP in the system of mineralogical matters is the law of the adherence to the dynamical rivnovagi. Наявність певної політичної рівноваги між держає є the basis of the normal functioning of the system відносин між powers of the zagalom. If we are talking about the systemic nature of the countries, the treachery of nakedness, the stink of one's whores, one's perebuvayut at the system of the peo- vnyi polichnichnyi rivnivagi, scho shine, and the function of the ZEP.

System mіzhderzhavnih vіdnosin is staying in dinamіchnіy rіvnovazі, oskіlki rіvnovaga mіzh powers postіyno porushuєtsya and vіdnovlennya vіdbuvaєtsya vzhe on novіy osnovі at іnshomu spіvvіdnoshennі forces zatim rіvnovaga znovu porushuєtsya th vіdnovlyuєtsya. So the triviality is inconspicuous. In the system of the microdistricts, the power was exerted. Lisha vinyatkivyh vipadkah stink vrnnovazhayutsya. Varto zmіnishisya one of them (and tse vidbuvaetsya postyno), yak odazra z viyavlyayutsya "vnutrishnі superechnostі", pravushuetsya rivnivaga. The law of dynamical rivnovagi virazhaye, such a rank, superechlivy protsess - not stun, but a struggle of antidotes, dialectic process.

Pідтримування в системі міждержавних відносин стану динамічної рівноваги сприяє збереженню системи як цілісності, zberezhennju її nayvazhlivіshih authorities and characteristics of the process of function and development. Динаічна рівновага системи міждержавних відносин грутусоться на збалансованості двох протилежних моментів: мінливості її окремих елементів (держав) і відносної стабільності зв'язків міжми (стротури системи).

Vіdnosna stabіlnіst will dinamіchnoї rіvnovagi Sistemi mіzhderzhavnih vіdnosin garantuєtsya tim, scho zmіni, SSMSC vіdbuvayutsya nіy in early chi pіzno kompensuyutsya іnshimi zmіnami - at tsomu th polyagaє dinamіchnіst, vіdnosnіst rіvnovazhnogo camp system. Process ob'єdnannya th roz'єdnannya (іntegratsії that dezіntegratsії) ruynuvannya stvorennya th, th protiborstva spіvpratsі zіshtovhuyutsya one s one, one dopovnyuyut one zmіnyuyut i porodzhuyut protilezhnі yavischa, ale so scho system zberіgaє camp vіdnosnoї rіvnovagi, Hoca th is staying vodnochase In the process of postions.

The process of formulating that zdiysnennya ZEP power and the dynamical system of the system in tisno vzaimodіyut. Pokey dії powers vіdpovіdayut vimogam zakonіv structuring funktsіonuvannya i th Pokey, navpaki system efektivnosti reaguє on dії s side powers, so chi іnakshe porushuyuchi rіvnovagu scho sklalasya, Doty is staying in the system stanі dinamіchnoї rіvnovagi. Yakscho dії powers porushuyut rіvnovagu scho sklalasya in sistemі to takoї mіri scho qiu rіvnovagu nemozhlivo vіdnoviti system mіzhderzhavnih vіdnosin zdatna transformuvatisya in Novi stan s varіantnoyu by a new structure of the first novim pitched rіvnovagi.

The principle of dynamic innovation is the nature of the law for all folding structured systems and systems, which is rooted out, zokrema for systemic monitoring. Він виражає стабільність системи, що складається з певної кількості автономних одниць. Hoch bi bi coli, hoch bi yak was ruled by a peacock, the system pragne vidniviti її abo on the other side (in different stationary systems), or on a new one.

System mіzhderavnyh vidosinin z oglyadu vistisnist zagalnogo sistemi regulyuyuchogo center nalezhit up to the class of systems zі stihiiynim regulyatsіynim mehanizmom. Rivnivaga to reach the level of the prototypes of the protiling processes, the ripening of the powers and interests of the powers, the alignments of the rifle alliances, to resist one to one, the blocs, the kobalastic powers, the integrative and disintegrative processes. In the systems of post-soviet stikayutsya rізні політичні, економічні, воєнно-стратегічні та інші Інтереси держав. Prote result tsih zitknen viyavlyayutsya in the basic lawi functinovonovnya ZEP yak sledovoi sistemi - podtrimannya dinamichnogo rivnivagi law, which really is law-trend. Until the time of the graduation, the system is to be pushed through the unskilled lancium nevrivnivazhenyh staniv, so I can not reach the absolute of the absolute rivnovazhny camp.

At the practical level, the law does not realize that the holy pugnennya of the hourly powers should be reinstated in the system of schools, which is imputed to the laws of this law. Navpaks, Bagato powers, nasampered the United States, often dare to dare to take one-sided perevag, often to bring up the ruins of the river, yak folded into the system. Sprobi okremoie power abo grupi of the Powers of the Wrongs rivnivagu, scho folded, with the help of one-sided pass in the yakis sector (for example, the call of the economy), wikis the response from the side of the other powers, yaki to compense the transference of the other side. Tse is typed especially serous character, if you want to talk about the power of the chi group of powers, what is so important is the socially-economical potential.

Whether yak Borotba Navkolo rіvnovagi Sistemi mіzhderzhavnih vіdnosin іstorichno obmezhena specific minds regіonalnogo th svіtovogo rozvitku Pevnyi perіodu in evolyutsії system scho Got Vlasnyi concrete іstorichnu (varіantnu) structure s pritamannimi їy character spіvvіdnoshennyam i rіvnovagoyu forces oskіlki OAO All tsі yavischa іstorichnі and Otzhe, skorominushchі. Zreshtoyu, дія цих явищ zumovlyuєtsya zagalnimi legitsіrnost svіtogo sotsіialno-ekonomіchnogo rozvitku, schо viznachayut zmіst protsessіv, yakі відбуваються в системі міждержавних відносн. Prote in furrows Pevnyi іstorichnogo perіodu, іstorichno viznachenoї structuring takoї Sistemi Vlasnyi strukturnі zakonomіrnostі, zokrema concrete іstorichna rozstanovka th spіvvіdnoshennya forces on structural rіvnyah, tobto camp rіvnovagi on rіvnі tsentrosilovih vіdnosin have vuzlah superechnostey, bezperechno, takozh vіdіgrayut valued role in funktsіonuvannі that rozvitku Sistemi, at vplivi on zovnіshnopolitichnyi і zovnishnogoeconomy process.

At kozhny concrete-історичній сиціі системи міждержавних відносин the law динаічної рівновноги виражається у спецфічних, влавив лише цій ситуації формах. Tse is affected by the special features of the skin structure, in particular the spiividnoshennyam forces in the system. Butt can be such a special form of the river, yak "the system of balance of power," the power of the world dominated by the inversions.

For bagatoh rozrobok kontseptsії "balance of forces" is typical for plutanina rіznih value for sound ale blizkih understand rіvnovagi yak ob'єktivnogo camp system, laws dinamіchnoї rіvnovagi Sistemi yak basic law zhittєdіyalnostі system zovnіshnoekonomіchnoї polіtiki "rіvnovagi" abo zovnіshnoekonomіchnoї polіtiki "balance of power ", І, theoretically, the theoretical concepts" balance of forces. "

Take zmisyuvannya prisvodit, as a rule, to the theoretical plutanism and nerozuminya actual realities mіzhderavnih vidosin. Pokazova in tsiomu sensi pratsya R. Sterlіnga "Makropolitika", de the author is invited, zokrema, critically rozgljanuti concept "balance of forces". The American detainee criticizes the concept of shvidshe posed "moral-etichnyh", anzh "science". "Balance of forces," yogo dumka, tse vzagalі schos pogany, nabagato krasche domagatisya garmonії іnteresіv usіh powers virіshennі spіlnih for them nourish. P. Sterling is not encouraged by these theoreticians and practitioners, to imbue the doctrine of "balance of power" with the meaning of the "universal law of the polity", which is irresponsible for an hour, security and people's lives. On yogo dumka, the concept of "balance of power" zastoril, oskilki vona adhere to superechnism with the needs of everyday life and zvadannyam zmіtsnennya єдності powers.

Zvichayno, not vsyі vchenі podilyayut such a look. Bagato z them namagayutsya to know "naukove clarification" of this phenomenon of the international writings. American doctrines K. Waltz, critical of the position, how to reinforce R. Sterling, vvazhaє, but the role of the doctrine of the "balance of power" pomolkovo ototozhneyut obektivny fact fact in the system and become the "balance of power" with a specific form of yogo manifest i z polichichnimi zakosobi, for dopomojmu Like a blaze on yoogo. "Balance of forces", on the yogo dumka, існуватиме доти, leave the power to want to zberigati its polichnichu nezalezhnіst і zmushenі budut pokladatisya vlasnі sili pugennіі vіdstoyati nezalezhnіnost. Yogo Poglyad gruntuєtsya on aksіomі doctrine of "balance of power" i polyagaє in fact scho nіkoli in іstorії mіzhderzhavnih vіdnosin zhodna power is not attainable monopolії Vladi (mogutnostі) in sistemі i scho "nezbalansovana force" generally produces up dezorganіzatsії, chaos i, zreshtoyu to ruynuvannya Sistemi .

Відомий прихильник і theoretician "balance of forces" G. Morgentau takozh vvazhaє, scho "balance of forces" - an important stabilizing chinnik from the system of powers. Yakshcho not pidtrimuvati rivnivagi sered Elementov sistemi, zaschacha vin, then one element zdobuvatime vladu over the others, vtruchayuchis in their rights and privacy, and in the pen pouch zruynuet system. Tom meta рівноваги - підтримувати стабільність системи at збереженні множинності та багатоманітності її елементів.

Sered pupils, who are always active in the region, understand the "balance of power", do not go to the trouble of tlomachennya chyogo ponyattya. Uncommon, obviously, chitko rozmezhuvaty rizni yogo znachennja y rozglyanuti osoblivostі yogo dії in kozhnuyu z them.

Nasampered "balance of power" can proanalizuvati yak vyrazhennya universalnogo law dinamichnogo rivnivagi sistemi mіzhderavnikh videshnosin, yaky y tsi yavisti є osnovoju funktsionovannya sistem i i uslovyiy usym without vinyatka concrete-istorichnim umovam, zokrema suasnimnym.

Інше znachennya termin - polity "balance of forces", yaku zdіysnyuє ta chi іnsha power. In the university, traditional knowledge, toto in the rozuminnyi polity, the "balance of forces" yak politsichnogo gris on rіnnovazi in the "balancer" part, especially characteristic of its hour for the UK, the policy is interchanged with historical compulsions, the category of powers, and they have been crammed її. Prote in shirshomu tlumachennyi polity "balance of forces", on suti, takozh vlastim i іstorichnim umnuv sistem mіzhderavnikh vidnosin i yadvam yak її participants in the main structural regions of the system in the chi chi іншій formі.

Нарешті, третє значення терміна - doctrine (concept) "balance of forces". In the case of the "balance of power" є vіdobrazhennyam zovnіshnogo ya zovnіschnoe ekonomicheskoy polity, the system of laws, which are subject to the laws of the forms of practical practical and theoretical theoretical concepts. Wongs are characteristic for the skin periodu in the development of the system of biologic chi menshoyu mіrou vіdobrazhuyut spravzhnіy rozpodil forces; Їх "balance" at the system vplyvaє on zovnіshnjopolitichny і zvnіshnjoe ekonomichny process of powers.

To understand the "balance of power" naychastishe asotsiyuetsya polistika UK. U ts'omu zv'yazku tsikavoyu є otsynka poliki Ukrainia one z її creativity U. Churchill, yakіy "balance of power" zakrazhen yak obektivny moment, yak politiku yak doctrine. At the dump of U. Cherchilly, "... for the sake of the British policy it is not important, for example, the state, the prague before the panuvania in Europe." "Not in the world, the rivalry of the troupe is the French monarchy, the French imperialism, the regime of the Goths. pravitelіv, ni natsіy. Іdetsya about whether yak Mogutnov power scho pragne to panuvannya. Him we do not need boyatisya zvinuvachennya in fact, scho mi zdіysnyuєmo profrantsuz-ku chi antinіmetsku polіtiku. Yakscho obstavini zmіnyatsya, mi all one zdіysnyuvatimemo pronіmetsku abo antifrantsuzku polіtiku. Mi doktrimvatimosya legality polity, and not just vigody, but dictated by vypadkovym obstavany, sympathies, antipatyami chin іншими почуттями. "

Otzhe, neobhіdno rozglyadati vpliv "balance of power" in the zovnіshnopolіtichny i ​​zovnіshnoekonomіchny Process powers have troh yogo value: yak ob'єktivnogo law rіvnovagi system yak yak i polіtiki powers doctrines on prikladі funktsіonuvannya Sistemi Suchasnyj mіzhderzhavnih vіdnosin.

In zahidnih і radyanskih literaturnyh dzherelakh mіzhderavnі vіdnosiny at the turn of the feast often were characterized by understandings of "systems of bipolarity". Of course, in spite of that, so the whole business of all the same things can be described in the bold folding and unfettered vigilance, with a "bipolarity" - one person is familiar with the systems, such a terminology can be expected for one, without reason, Vinyatko structural and functional aspect of the systemic approach. Urakhovoychi taku obstanuvu, mozhna stverdzhuvati, scho "bipolyarnist" - one of the concrete-istorichnyh virazhen abo odnієyu s concrete-istorichnikh forms of the law dinamichnogo rivnivagi sistemi mіzhderavnyh vidosinin, sho vlastyva takіy sistemy (in a complex in the smaller forms) in przaglyaduvany period. The structure of the "bipolarity" was characterized by a nasampered tiem, scho riven centrosilovy vidosinin virazhav complex vidosinin dvum naymogutnishih powers, voyenno-ekonomichny potentsial yakih nabagato perevazav potentsial іnshikh sistem. Taka obtavyana viklyuila іsnuvannya posiderednik mizh them at viglyadі "power-balance". Відносини між усіма by the system's powers, the "bipolarity" рівня центросилових відносин were identified. Zokrema, stink vilyatsya politsitsy "cold vinyi" (yak "completed" with the fall of the SRSR).

The so-called "balance of forces" і її polітиці відповідали й doctrine "balance of forces." The middle of them can be written in the form of a doctrine of the "cold war", yak "streaming", "vidkidannya", "masovanoi paypal".

"Bіpolyarny" for the characteristics of "balance of power" vtіlivsya not deprivation in voєnno-polіtichnih doctrines, scho boule bezposerednoyu zovnіshnoї the basis that zovnіshnoekonomіchnoї polіtiki and minutes from teorіyah scholars such yak G. Kahn, Robert Strausz-Hupe, W. Kіntner C Possoni, Z. Brzezinski.

"Balance of power" vplyivaє on zovnіshnyu і zovnіshn'oehonomichnu polіtiku vzєmodії trjоh yogo aspektіv. The form of "balance of power", scho perevazhaє in skin perіod ( "bіpolyarnіst", "multipolyarnіst" toscho) stimulyuє abo not stimulyuє Pevnyi form zovnіshnopolіtichnoї that zovnіshnoekonomіchnoї dіyalnostі powers not deprivation on rіvnі tsentrosilovih vіdnosin and minutes from vuzlah superechnostey have pіdsistemah. In his Cherga, Zep, processes її formuvannya that zdіysnennya, zaznayuchi vplivu complex rіznih spetsifіchnih (polіtichnih, ekonomіchnih that іdeologіchnih) іnteresіv i superechnostey, spravlyaє zvorotny vpliv іsnuyuchy on the "balance of power", pragnuchi zmіniti abo, abo yogo zberegti. Tsei vplyv mozhe mati yak stabilizuyuchy, so і destabilizuyuchy efekt schodo "balance of forces." Yaksho zovnishnya that zovnishnyoekonomichnaya polity of powers is crammed to the zastryastnya mizhinarbennyh vidosin (yak, napriklad, u razi polityki "kholodnoi vinyi"), then the "balance of power" is unstable, and the system is perplexed in the interstices of the crisis camp. Navpaki, zovnіshnya th zovnіshnoekonomіchna polіtika quiet themselves powers, scho spryamovana on polіpshennya mіzhnarodnih vіdnosin on vtіlennya in Zhittya printsipіv spіvrobіtnitstva i Partnership on vstanovlennya mіzh powers dobrosusіdskih vіdnosin, spriyaє stabіlіzatsії "balance of power", vivedennyu Sistemi Zi will napruzhenostі.

Стабільність чи нестабільність у межах зовнішньополітичної та звнішньоекономічної діяльності powers to lay down a meaningful place in the zovnіshn'nopolitichna ya zovnіshn'yo ekonomichniy dіyalnі powers. "Balance of power" yak obektivnyi stan system determine the status of the call to the zovnishnyeeconomy of the political process of the decommissioning and realiza- tion in the powers. Zovnіshnya polіtika th zovnіshnopolіtichny processes, zovnіshnoekonomіchna polіtika th zovnіshnoekonomіchny processes yak sub'єktivnі schodo will rіvnovagi tsієї Sistemi yavischa spravlyayut on Demba zvorotny - stabіlіzuyuchy abo destabіlіzuyuchy - vpliv.

Stupin destablizuyuchogo vplyivu zovnіshnyopolitichna ya zovnіshnnoe ekonomicheskoi diyalnosti powers on the system "balance of forces" to fill up with the "power balance". Thus, "unipolarity" abo "bipolarity" is sensitive to the destabilizing vpiviv. For zagalnoy stiikosty such a "balance of power" yak zakonomirnogo camp rivnivagi systems in the interstices of the settlement of the world's possible znachny zmіni.

Spravdі for takoї Sistemi powers rіvnovagi whether yak navіt Neznachny zmіna great power "terezіv" (not Got value chi tse Novi Krok have rozvitku Economy, chi ekonomіchnі uspіhi, chi zdobuttya novih soyuznikіv) odrazu vivodit system of "balance of power" Zi will stabіlnostі Th viklikayet reaction-vidpovіd on the protivolezhnom botsi, oskilki tse stlyuzlyu zagrozu for її bezpeki. Vidhilennya in the system "balance of forces", scho prichininimitsya such dyami powers in the result of destabilizing encounters, I myself do not ruin the system "balance of forces", but folded. Ці відхилення відбуленться в межах The process of the function of the system of the mіzhderavnyh відносин. Перехід системи в інший стан, зміна форм "балансу сил" спричинюються вже іншими процесами, що є наслідком істотних змін у світових соціально-економічних відносинах.