Зовнішньоекономічна політика - Hramov V.О.


Кількісні обмеження loan mають такі самі цілі, шо й зміна rates by the central bank, аз здійснються парково адміністративними уссобами.

Kilkisne omezhennya credit - vsetanovlenya boundary syomi, the yaku central bank will be redeployed to the bank in the outpost of the bank of commercial banks. Granichnyi sumi lending to fall in the middle of the installation of schodo reguljuvannya gospodarskogo cycle: stimuljuvannya dіlovoї activity ії її гальмування.

Nebezpeka інфляційного to the credit.

The natural boundary of the border credit is the resource of the central bank. Mayuchi monopoll on the amount of money, kerivnitsvto to the bank in the wake of poverty, can be paid on the way. About nebezpeku drukuvannya naimirnogo kіlkosti penny vzhe znachalosya. Ale in the Central Bank є just one nebezpechny shlyah: nadannya komertsynim banks credit on sumi, sho perevishchuyte їх real resources. Tse nazivayetsya інфляційним credit, оскільки він, так само як і друкування надмірної кількості groschen, prisvideshu іnflyatsіyu, perepovneyuchi canals обігу. It is a quandary among the banks of the world because of the law, central banks are required to take care of the business, however, the crediting of the loan has been sporadic for several reasons.

Rozglyanemo, yak the central bank zdіysnyuє kіlkісні обмеження.

Not zadovolnyayuchis obmezhennyam sumi kreditіv central bank, power viznachaє mezhі kredituvannya komertsіynih bankіv, vstanovlyuyuchi maximum allowable increment vіdsotok sumi kreditіv Private bankіv in inline perіodі schodo poperednogo. Tsey the form of credit and groschennoy polity, yak і vstanovlenya of the boundary sums to the loan, zdіysnyuetsya trioma species zasobiv:

• administristrimnimi - at various times of the shattered increase in the growth of sums of loans by a commercial bank, the central bank is jeopardized by the increase in its costs, and can call a commercial bank to bankruptcy;

• Economical - for the crippling of the marginal increment of credit, a fine is imposed, the amount of money is partially frozen on a part of the bank's commercial bank, the amount of money is spent on the rahunk of the central bank;

• Kindly ubod - commercial banks zobov'azyayutsya, do not chekayuchi ofitsynih rіshen correcting the central bank, operatively reaguvati yogo recommendations.

Problems efektivnostі kіlkіsnih obmezhen.

Кількісне обмеження кредиів - неластичний (негучкий) і омежено ефективний засіб. Yakshto on the market of the positional capital accumulation of goods and services on financial resources is sufficient, then in normal conditions, not knowing what to do, one can only know one thing. Виникає "сірий ринок" позикових коштів, кредині операції здійснювамумуться through bankівські дочірні компанії in offshore areas і багатьма іншими каналами. Credit actually podorozhchaє, otrimuvati yogo Bude vazhche, i tse descho prigalmuє dіlovu aktivnіst, tobto vinikne yakiys indirect efekt od obmezhen but kіlkіsnih obmezhen, Yakscho stink vipadkovo zbіgatimutsya s not real require to pozikovih Costa, nayshvidshe not bude dotrimano.

Efective є goodwill to the central bank with commercial.

Obmezhennia credit - побічний ефект зростання державної заборгованості.

Кількісне обмеження кредит як побічний ефект, scho often to superficiate the other values ​​of the ZEP (the sovereign of the economy), to postpone it regularly through the regularities of the countries of the world. Berea power credit from private banks, chi vdaetsya to vipusku poshirennya zobov'azan (tsinnih paperyv) - in oboh vipadkah pidvishchuyut riven popita na poskivyi kapital. When tsomu minds konkurentsії on market analysis kreditіv rіznі: Power porіvnyano s Private pozichalnikom postaє yak pershoklasny partner, yaky koristuєtsya absolutely dovіroyu, Mauger i do not deprivation vchasno spovna splatiti zaborgovanіst and second Buti rіznobіchno korisnim creditor bank. To this, the state is the most prestigious poshevalnik. Vona vikachuє kosti zinkinku poskovoj kapitalu. Moreover, scho Won bіlshe vikachaє pennies, then less then їh zalishitsya Private pozichalnikam i bіlshoyu mіroyu rіven popitu perevischuvatime rіven Offers, gostrіshoyu camp konkurentsіya, pіdvischitsya bankіvsky vіdsotok, zhorstkіshimi will zabezpechennya kreditіv minds. The picture of the situation in the situation is imagined, if the supply of credit resources to the market is capitulated, the settlement of the insolvency of the domestic insurances. Ale naveit yakshcho a part of the state at the internal zapozitschennymi nezmіnna abo znizhuyutsya, tse all one gigantsy viluchennia kapitalu z ekonomiki.

Zrostayuchy intranstvennyi state bog at bagatooh rozvineny kraїnakh i kraїnakh, scho rozvivayutsya, svidchit about spryamuvannya znacheni partny zapitalo on fіnansuvannya defitsitu sovereign budget. Yak bi derzhavnі regulyuyuchі authorities is not of Namangan zniziti oblіkovu rate polegshiti minds otrimannya kreditіv s metoyu pozhvavlennya kon'yunkturi i zbіlshennya zaynyatostі against ob'єktivno cutaneous Dolar, mark, the franc, the ruble, otrimany powers in Borg, viluchaєtsya s national Gospodarstwa.

Yakbi vnutrіshnі derzhavnі poziki vitrachalisya vinyatkovo on gospodarskі tsіlі (іnfrastrukturne budіvnitstvo, іnvestitsії, Naukova-doslіdnі that doslіdno-konstruktorskі rozrobki - NDDKR) tse s Look natsіonalnogo krugoobіgu kapіtalu not become used nebezpeki and little used strukturnі naslіdki deprivation. Ale is not right. ZHonaybіshe more than a small part of the increase in the state of the economy is directly related to the economy.

At the bottom of the border, zokrema in Ukraine, the remaining rock internal (not kazuchi vzhe zovnіshnі) borg zrostaє y odnochastnim absolutnym snorochennyam derzhavnnyh vitrat na fіnnsuvannya інвестицій у виробництво, Infrastructure, Житлове будівництво, НДДКР. A part of the internal powers is pinned on the unprecedented scale. Tse zazvichay not zakladnue zdіysnennya active zep.