Derzhavna office - Obolensky O.Yu.

7.2 Service in the organs of self-sufficiency

Service in the organs of self-self - esteem is the goal of the professionalism of the Gromadyans of Ukraine, but it is hidden in the organs of the self-imposed self-adver- sion and the aparatics, it is cramped into the zabezpechennya zavdan і functіій місцевого самоврядування, реалізацію повноважень цих оргаів.

Діяльність поседових осіб місцевого самоворядування регулюється муніципальним право (the law of Ukraine "About the situation in self-sufficiency in Ukraine" and "About service in the organs of self-sufficiency"), but in the order of so-so sispilnі vіdosnoni:

По'язані з діяльністю місцевого самоврядування і його оргаів з управління мініципальною власністю, municipalnym gosdarstvom, formovannya i vikonannnyam mіtscevuyu budget;

On the management, control in the socially-economical sphere of the estate's subsistence;

Scho vinikayut at protsessi zdіysnennny devedovanyv povnovazhen in the face of the state power of the organs of self-suicide;

Scho vinikayut in the process of formulating the organs of the homogenous self-apprehension;

Povzjani z realizatsii by bodies of the self-imposed constitutional right to the ship's zahist at the call of unauthorized bodies of state power and so on.

By danoyu ponyattyu, you can visually characterize the rice of the landing individual of the mosquito self:

Здійснює управлінську і consultative діяльність in bodies місцевого самоврядування;

Oderzhuet zabobitnu fee for its diyalnist for the rahunok mіscevogo budget.

The Law of Ukraine "About mіstseve samovryaduvannya in Ukraine» as viznachaє ponyattya "Posadov person mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya": lady, scho pratsyuє in organs mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya, Got vіdpovіdnі posadovі povnovazhennya in zdіysnennі organіzatsіyno-rozporyadnitskih i Consultative doradchih funktsіy i oderzhuє zarobіtnu fee for rakhunok mіstsevogo budget .

Posada in organs mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya - tse peredbachena zakonodavstvom Ukraine, statute vіdpovіdnoї teritorіalnoї colossus that viznachena staffing structures i rozpisom Pervin structural odinitsya organіv mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya that їh aparata s establishing povnovazhennyami schodo vikonannya zavdan i funktsіy mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya that vіdpovіdalnіstyu for zdіysnennya Tsikh povnovazhen.

Plant yourself in the organs of self-sufficiency in the following:

Viborny sit, on yak to get out with a territorial hulk of abnormal pleasure;

Viborni posadi, on yakі provaditsya obranya vіdpііdіnoyu radoyu propositsієyu sіl'skogo, selischnogo, міського голови;

Landed, recognized on yakі ta zvilnennya z yakih zdіysnjєyutsya sіl'skim, selischnim, міський head, head of the district, district in the city, oblasnoї for one-offedness for the weather conditions with the relevant authorities of the vikonavochya vladi;

Інші посади, які заміщться шладаня укладаня трудового договору на конкурній осноіі підіні інії іншою procedure, pobabachennuyu ukrainevstvu Ukraіn.

The legal status of the sylva, the settlement, the mossy golovi, the golov of the district, the oblasts, the district districts near the towns , the other viborni settlements, are governed by the laws of Ukraine "About the self-sufficiency in Ukraine", "About the vibory deputies in the mass media of the Silesian, Settlement, Myski golіv", and By the laws of Ukraine.

Розглянемо особливості вирішення кадрових feed in the organs of self-sufficiency. The Law of Ukraine "On the Self-Vision in Ukraine" is the order of the zanyattya pevnih posad in the bodies of self-imposed self-sufficiency: vibory populated areas, vibory sesiyami, odnogoobovu svitschennya sylskim, selischnim, mіskim head, head district, oblasnoї for the sake of.

Відповідно to the station. 12 Law of Ukraine "On the situation of self-adherence in Ukraine" sylsky, selischny, mіsky head to take off with a huge mass. The Law of Ukraine "On Vibory Deputies in the Miscevic Rada of the Silesian, Settlement and Mischie Golos" does not establish a boundary for the deputies of the Silesian, Settlement and Miskie Golos.

The deputy of the syl'skoi, selischnoї, міської, районної у місті, районної, oblasnoї for the sake of, сільським, селищним, міським головою може бути проний громадянин України, який має the right to vote and the day viborів досяг 18 років. You can not get rid of the hulks, yakі majut judging for vichinnya umisnogo evil, yakshchotsya conviction is not repaid, or not znuty in the order established by law. The person who gave the yak Zgoda balotuvatisya candidate deputies at Posada sіlskogo, selischnogo, mіskogo head, guilty tribute to okruzhnoї (teritorіalnoї) viborchoї komіsії stated about his Zgoda balotuvatisya and takozh about zobov'yazannya pripiniti in razі obrannya deputy sіlskim, selischnim, mіskim The head of the working-class chi-niu diyalnist, scho-nessimisnoyu yogo status.

Відповідно to the station. 55 The Law of Ukraine "On the situation of self-adherence in Ukraine" the head of the district, district, district, city (for various reasons) for the sake of enjoying joy from the number of deputies at the boundaries of the line for the sake of the taemnim votes.

Statteiu 56 The law is pogubacheno, scho raionna rada, raionna na misti (u razi її utvorennya) offender defends the head of the meeting for the sake of the lines of the line її povnovazhen from the number of deputies with the vote of the taemnoy voice. Intercession of the head for the sake of praecue at radium on the basis of principles. On ьогого поширюються вимоги щодо обмеження сумісності його діяльності з іншою роботою

(Діяльністю), встановлені Law of Ukraine "On the matter of self-sufficiency in Ukraine" for the sake of sake.

Відповідно to the station. The 50th law of the Law for the implementation of the syl'skogo, selischnogo, міського голови відповідною joy from the number of Ії deputies on the lines is the same for the sake of offending the secretary sіlskoi, selischnoї, міської ради for that pratsyє in radі on postіynіy osnovі.

SECRETARY sіlskoї, selischnoї, mіskoї for not Mauger sumіschuvati his sluzhbovu dіyalnіst s іnshoyu planted, in addition chislі on Gromadska ambushes (krіm vikladatskoї, naukovoї that іnshoї tvorchoї robots have pozarobochy hour), zaymatisya pіdpriєmnitskoyu dіyalnіstyu, oderzhuvati od tsogo Prybutok, Yakscho Lots Other not peredbacheno Law.

The Secretary of the Silesian For the sake of the people for the sake of the sake of the one-time zdіysnjuvati the povnovazhennya of the secretary of the vice-president of the committee for the sake of.

Відповідно to the station. 42 (cl. 10) and 54 (cl. 3) The Law of Ukraine "On the situation of self-esteem in Ukraine", the sylvic, the settlement, the head of the head, the head of the district in the monastery for the sake of one-sided admission, on the landing of that zvilnya z posad kerivnykiv viddіlіv, governed by the most vikonavchih agencies For the sake of, pidpriemstv, setting up organisatsiy, scho nalezhat to komunalnoy vlasnosti, vidpovidnih teritorialnyh hromad.

Відповідно to the station. 55 (clause 6, subparagraph 9) the head of the district, district, district, district of the municipality, is recognized as that of the kerivniki of the ietest pratsivniki in the structural units of the vikonavchy aparatu sake.

Radoi zatverdzhuyetsya personal warehouse for the sake of the sake of the sake of the propose of the sylva, the settlement, the head of the head, the golovy district in the city for the sake of (item 51, item 2.). Vikonavchy komіtet for utvoryuєtsya in skladі vіdpovіdno sіlskogo, selischnogo, mіskogo head, head rayonnoї in mіstі sake, intercessor (zastupnikіv) sіlskogo, selischnogo, mіskogo head s power dіyal- nostі sake keruyuchogo right (Secretary) vikonavchogo komіtetu and takozh kerіvnikіv vіddіlіv, Governed those інших виконавчих оргаів sake, інших осіб. To the warehouse of the Vilnius comitet of the Syl'skoi, the settlement, the Misko sake, to enter takozh for posadoyu secretary for the sake of.

On osіb, SSMSC incoming to warehouse vikonavchogo komіtetu for pratsyuyut i have nomu on postіynіy osnovі, poshiryuyutsya vimogi schodo obmezhennya sumіsnostі їh dіyalnostі s іnshoyu robots (dіyalnіstyu) vstanovlenі CIM Law for sіlskogo, selischnogo, mіskogo head (art. 51, claim 7 .).

Clause 5 of Art. 47 pogubacheno, scho postinom komіsії alternately rozglyadayut nominees osib, yakі propopnuyutsya for obrannya, zastverdzhennya, ovozhenchenya abo pogodzhenna vidpіdnіyu radoyu, gotyut visnovki z tsikh nashn.

Priinyattya on planting pravtsivnikіv organіv mіscevogo samovyadvannya zdіysnyuetsya shlaym competitive vіdboru.