Derzhavna office - Obolensky O.Yu.

9.3 Service by service

Typical for bolshostі sverhvnyh servicemen zvichayno pіd the hour of passage of service є ruh in posadovіі ієрархії внаслідок заміщення різних посад у держанах державної влади. Klyuchovim Element of the passage of the state service - prozuvannya for services.

Vono moe viznachatsya nasampered osobistimi ostensible servicemen, yogo dosvidom, professionalizmom, kvalіfіkatsієyu, podatnnistyu danogo vidu kombyi (up to the mind of the dignity). Prosovannya for services to lay down takozh vіd obsektivnih mashinіv, napriklad, vіd yakostі legal regulyulyannya shodo zaochochuvannya sverhvnyh sistemovtsiv, regular prozuvannya on services, conducted unnecessary attestation tescho.

Prosunvaniya on services is an acknowledgment of the state service on your land by the best organisation and legal status of the country. It is for him to be recognized by the confession of the state servicemen on the land of Zadol Byshshi to the humbling uzhimim Utriman people without zmіni posadovoy naimenuvannya, tobto within the framework of one category of posad.

Загальні principle просування по службі . Просування по услугі здійснюється виключно за знаками здібностей і профійної кваліфікації without authorization of the article, расової належності, віросповіданя, світогляду тощо.

Prosunvaniya state service on bilsh visoku posad mozhlive for such minds:

Наявність of the vacant landing;

Наявність необхідної профійної освіти, досвіду роботи, знання Конституції України, Legislation about the state service that is a struggle with corruption;

Nayavnіst neobhіdnogo seniority sovershivnoї zabibi ta / abochnogo seniority;

Passing through the competition of the chi of the customs and procedures, pobabacheno by the law of the law.

Admіnistrativny act on prosuvannya on ser vices and zvirotnoyy sily not mie. Prosunvaniya on the services of realizing the date of recognition of the state service for the vacant seat, designated without any meddles in the administrative act of confession.

The power of the servant is not the right of the vimagati to prosuwn according to the services.

Prosunvaniya on the services of the country's service agencies, in order to reduce the factors, but not solely for the special service.

The main principle of the virtual diet is the following : service status to the optimal residence of the people in charge of services in the future. Prior to the special attention of the state service, there is a kind of pragmatic service. That right vimagati - right up to beating up to the court - prozuvannya for services and state service, do not give the Constitution of Ukraine, nor norms of legislation for the state service.

The right of the state servicemen to levy on services on the basis of the organization of the obog-yazo zabezpechuvati. Tse obov'yazok mean, sy stjvyavnyi organ chi posadova persona in viesennenni rishennya pro prosonovaniya v serovii povinni vihoditi z dolovikh ostavnosti candidate for prozuvannya, yogo uchibovi merit, in addition to the number of results and experience of service, rivnya kvalіfіkatsі tochno, i, spirayuchis lishe yogo Professionally, not pereskojati yomu in prosuvanni within the framework of the state-service and financial opportunities to the state power body.

The rights of the vimagati are vacant in the vacant post in the country service, not in the country, but in the same time, when the time is right, that same land. Yaksho all applicants for the vacancy of the vacant place, however, in accordance with the services, then the authority of the state authority of the land is deprived of the right to get a grudge about the prosecution of a particular state servant for its own trial. However, in all vipadkas stubs zobov'jani obruntovuvaty svoe rishennya z urauvuvannami professiynyh anchovies candidates for prosuvannya.

The right of the state service to the prosecution on the services of the guarantor of the opposing organizations of the state power of the landed villages, of which there is a need for services.

Yakshtorya serviceman does not provide information on services through zlozhivannya i vidmovyu prosuvanni viyavilasya naslidkom proveni abo protypravnoyi povedniki posadovoy individuals, "obyydeniy" of the state servicemen of the right to be zvernutisya vidpovidnogo gosudarstvennogo vladi chi to trial. The subject of zarepechuvannya in this case is an administrative act, priinyattyam yakogo zarishena right of the state servicemen to prosun.