Зовнішньоекономічна політика - Hramov V.O.


1. The Constitution of Ukraine. Прийнята Верховною Радою України 28 червня 1996 р. // VVR of Ukraine. - 1996. - No. 30.

2. Коментар до Constitutionції України. - K., 1996.

3. The Law of Ukraine "About the state of regulation of import of agricultural products" for 17 linden 1997 p. // VVR of Ukraine .- 1997. - №44.

4. The Law of Ukraine "On the Median Mine Tariff" dated 5 August 1992. // VVR of Ukraine. - 1992. - No. 19.

5. The Law of Ukraine "About the sparing of special requests in Ukraine on a regular basis" on the 22nd day of 1998. // The order. Courier. - 1999. - No. 35.

6. The Law of Ukraine "About the zahist national merchandiser in the demographic situation" dated 22 грудня 1998 р. // VVR of Ukraine. - 1999. - No. 9-10.

7. The Law of Ukraine "About the zahist national product for the subsidized import" dated 22 грудня 1998 р. // VVR of Ukraine. - 1999. - No. 12-13.

8. The Law of Ukraine "About zovnishnyeeconomichnu diyalnist" from 21 lipnja 1991 p. // VVR of Ukraine. - 1991. - No. 29.

9. The Law of Ukraine "About litsenzuvannya pivnikh vidіv gospodarskoi dіyalnі" for 1 chernivya 2000 r. // VVR of Ukraine. - 2000. - No. 32.

10. The Law of Ukraine "On operations with davalnytsyyu sirovinoju at zovnishnye ekonomicheskih vidnosynah" from 15 September 1995 p. // VVR of Ukraine. - 1995. - № 32.

11. The Law of Ukraine "On the rates of excise tax on the policy of transport and security of the shin before them" for 24 travnya 1996 p. // VVR of Ukraine. - 1996. - No. 32.

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13. About the concept (the basis of the state policy) of the national bezpeki of Ukraine: The Decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for 16 June 1997. № 3/97-ВР // The Voice of Ukraine. - 1997. - 4 lute.

14. About the concept of the transformational tariff tariff of Ukraine for 1996-2005. Відповідно до системи ГАТТ / СОТ: Decree of the President of Ukraine for 6 квітня 1996 р. No. 255/96.

15. Ukraine: the way the XXI table. The strategy of the economical and social development for 2000-2004: The Letter of the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine // The Order. Courier. - 2000. - No. 34.

16. Declaration on the sovereignty of Ukraine // VVR of Ukraine. - 1990. - No. 31.

17. Програма діяльності Кабінету Міністрів України "Reform the Corruption of Goodness" // Уряд. Courier. - 2000. - № 47.

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19. About zastverdzhennya Timchasovogo poslovnya about the order of admission, the function of the control over the dejalnistyu magazinov bezmitnoi tor-govlyi: The order of the Derzhavnoye Mitnoy Service of Ukraine dated 18 lipnya 1997 p. No. 336.

20. The act of unfolding independence of Ukraine // VVR of Ukraine. - 1991. - № 38.

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50. Mironchuk VD, Hramov VO Fundamentals of Political Science. - K., 2000.

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54. Pavlovsky MA Shlyakh Ukrainy. - К .: Техніка, 1996.

55. Pakhomov Yu. M., Luk'yanenko DG, Gubsky BV National Economies in the Global Competitive Mid-Range. - К .: Ukraine, 1997.

56. Sokolenko SI Globalization and Economy of Ukraine. - K.: Logos, 1999.

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