Floating with the methodology of the vikladannya - Klopov RV

2.4 Pirnannya in the glibinus

When pirnanni in the glibine, the swimmer is covered vertically with water. Tom without trenuvannya in novachkiv on glibinii 4 to 6 m mozhe z'avitysya bil u vuhah (bilshist people zvichayno bezbolisno uprynaє glibinu vid 2 to 3 m), oskilki tisk vodu on drumabnyi peredinki pid hour zanurennya znastno zrostaє.

Pirnannya in the glibine

With the appearance of pain in the wuhi slid negegno obmezhit glibinu zanurennya, desho pidnyavshis to the surface. Yaksho bіl skyshov, mozhna vіdnovіti descent. When relapse, slid not pispishayuchi pidnyatsya on the surface of water and zanurennya not repeat.

In the case of everyday life situations, for all the reasons, it is necessary to adapt to the glibin without any means in the surface of the water, especially in natural water, while hitting stribati from the shore to the raft is signifi- cantly zruchnishe.

Yakshto water well good ynoyome і nemyo nebezpeki struck on kamіnnya, pali abo the bottom, then you can swim near the water from the shore. At such times, stribati potribno downside your head, yak with a vikonanni starting streamer, alleystno zbishshit kut entrance to the water (Figure 6). Z shore can be stribati і and down legs, alle pislja vodu u vodrazu zniguty legs in kolinah. Yaksho ж місце, де доводиться упірнати, незнаюме, then you can not strip the water from the shore. Treba pam'yatati, scho type injury nirtsya - tse fracture shiynyh hrebtsiv in result of a blow to the bottom. In quiet vipadkah, if neobhіdіnі упірнати з надівнії інo, you can zrobiti tsі і downside down, і down your head.

Zanurennya down the legs. Plavec priymaє poslozhnya schilnogo ugrupuvannya біля надні води. For tsyogo vin zginaє legs in тазостегнових and колінних суглобах, підтягаючи коліна up to the abdomen. Potim vityagaє forward hands, one-hour rovozodyachi kolina in the sides, and p'yat nablizhayuchi to sidnitsyam. With this rank, the legs priyamayut pochatkova poslozhnya, yak before posthtahom legs with a swimming way brace. Set your own swimmer to plow a strong stroke with your hands down, with the shoulders of your shoulders and your head peed on the water. In the same hour, the swimmer vikoneu posthtovh feet koraznom so, shchob kynets strokami hands and legs vidbuvavsya one-hour.

Flavets nacobto vistribu z goda to the waist, zberihayuchi poslenya tіla, scho nagaduє stіyku "string" with his hands, pidnyatimi vgoru (Figure 7).

Chim Vishche vdaetsya pidyatisya over the surface of the water, Tim glibshe bude zanurennya near the water. Yakshto glyphin zanurynya potrebno zbilshiti, then the swimmer is accused zbabiti strokes hands through the sides at the strait to the surface of the water. If the swimmer reaches the necessary glybini, vin zinnu priymaє pozhennya ugrupuvanya, turn and pliva in the horizontal strait to the side.

Sunk into the water

Zanurnya down his head.

Floater grupuyetsya біля надні води, виконуючи

Підтримуючі гребкові рухи hands і підтягаючи коліна до грудей. Potim vin robit vdih і різким рухом, lowered his head near the water with a one-hour stroking with his hands at the strained ziznu-vgoru. Після цього він витягає hands down і випрямляє feet вгору, піднімаючи їх над водою. Flavets nach robit stiiku on the brushes, to go to the vertical position and then begin to zanuruuvatis near the water. Zanurnya budey tim glibshe, chim vische pidnime swimmer legs over the water (Figure 8). When neobihodnosty zbilshiti glibinu abo shvidkist

Zanurennya, the swimmer is guilty of zbabiti stroking his hands through the sides of the mountain abo dekilka інших плавальних рухів. Yakshcho swimmer swearing the necessary yoga glibini zanurenya, vin grupuyutsya and pliv in the horizontal strains.

Zvichayno on pravitcі to be brought up in glibin kilka raziv: schob rozdivitisja, pobachiti, in yakomu pomozhennie lie patpiliy, yakshcho before ryatuvalnikom stoich the task of roshukati that, after drowning on the day i pi dnati yogo on the surface, etc.,

That swimmer of innocence for the sake of the obecha and umbernih dіy zanurjuvatisya і спливати кілька разів. Yakshto glybina small, і Він має нагоду відштовхнутися від дна, це полгшує і прискорює спливання. Yakshcho glybina, yaku zanuruvsya swimmer, great і u nogo mnogo mozhnostyі vіdshtkhnutis' feet with the bottom, potrybno vikonuvati ruhi hands and feet with a brace.

Pirnannya in the dovzhinu. When piranni plavets prosyvayutsya pіd water in a horizontal line on the glibini 0,5-1,5 m. Glybin zanurennya regulyuetsya poslovanyam golovi, brushes, the size of zginannya in tazostehnvyh suglobs і direct stems grokovih rukhiv hands. Napriklad, for zmenshennya glibini potrybno pidnyati head і sopryamuvati strobe rihi hands from top to bottom. Navpaks, yaksho plavtsyu neobhіdno zbіlshiti glibinu zanurennya, slid zignutisya in тазостегнових суглобах, to lower your head down, кисті спрямувати вниз и робтиі рухити від низ до верху.

When neobihodnosti turn right abo vlivіvo, potrybno posiliti strokes with his hands in the bik, the protivolezhny turn. To accelerate the turn, you can zygnuti body at the turn and in the same direction vityagnuti straight hands. Якщо виникає необхідність швидко змінити прям руху - наприклад, почати рухатися в протилежну aside, then the swimmer is piqued rzzko zgrrupuvatisya, rozvernutisya potrbnomu naprimi і and prodovzhiti ruh.

Tehnika pirnannya in dovzhinu є descho zmіnenimi variants tehniki sportivnyh slovak plavannya - brasu, kroli, na botsi. You can takozh uprnati, korosteichchis elekomniki tehniki rіznih sogdіv plavannya: napriklad, hands pratsyuyut brasom, legs - crawl. Проте техніка пірнання брасом znachno vіdrіznyayatsya vіd tehnіki plavannya tsim way. More than in the past, the technology of crawling with pirnannya cym in a way. When пірнанні найбільш it is often vikoristovuyot takіi way of swimming, yak bracelet і на боці. Before the method of swimming, water is poured indefinitely, so it is possible to swim in a different way. Техніка пірнання дещо відрізняється від техніки плавання наверхні води. So, with pirnanni brasom hands zakinchuyut rowing dali, nizh at plavanni na poverhni voda, tobto mayzhe bilya stegon. When pirnanni on the side of offending hands one-hour run up the strokes to stegon, potim zginyayutsya in liikty, vyhodachi ahead. Використовойчи енергійний поштовх ногами і a fold of a hoop by hands, плавьь якийсь час ковзає forward за інерцією.

Pіrnannya way bracelet . Uzugozhennya ruhiv duzhe nagaduet plavannya tsim way, protruding a row of arms by hand, meaningfully, and vikonuetsya to stegon. In addition, when pirnanni swimmer, digging the paddle is much lower in the plowing mode in the way (Fig. 9).

Pіrnannya way bracelet

Rukh kicks his knees with a comb stroking his hands. Spotchatka vikonuetsya strokes with his hands to stegon, після чого плавець ковзає forward, vytyagnuvshih the hands of the bridle tuluba.

Potim, if kovzannya zakinchilosya, swim zginaє hands and pobichna vivoditi їх forward. One-third of the time is the feet of the swimmer, the legs and the legs are kicked. Pislya robochogo ruhu feet pause pause - the swimmer is the rug of the horse, vytagnuvshi forward hands. Yakshcho brought upirnati in unproductive waters, then in tsitsya bezpeki, shob do not hit your head about kamіn, palli abo інший object, paddling with hands сlідуё робити

Short. Tse zmenshu phase suzannuyu in the hands of the monofilament corps.

Pirnannya way krol (Figure 10). Можна упірнати, працюючи тільки

Pirnannya way crawl

Legs and arms stretching forward, it is practical to vikonuyuchi pid water solstice for rahunok ruchiv feet krolom. Yaksho with a swimmer sweeps on his feet, then pirnannya tsim way budey svidkohіdnim.

The other variant pirnannya krolem - tse poednannya robot kicking crawl and grebkovyh ruchiv hands brace. Obidva tsі variantu mozhna us recommendati

Tilki plavtsyam, scho dobre volodiyut ruhami feet krolom.

Pіrnannya way at botsi. In laying on the breasts the swimmer vikoneu rowing of the obama hands one-hour to stegon. Potim, zavalyayuchichis on the bik, pіdtyaguє legs and to ruffle the paddle with the feet ("knifes") in one-hour vivendanyami hands forward and lean.

Незалежно від way pravanniy pіd water пірнач guilty vityagati forward one abo abusive hands, oberіgayuchi head vіd nespodіvаnogo striking about kamіn, stovbur tree neobіні object, що знаходиться під водою.