Floating with the methodology of the vikladannya - Klopov RV


With an uncomplicated vipadku, Persish nizh rush at the water, potrybno shvidko otsіniti situation and vibrations sposib nadannya dopomogi. Do not shake the potter before that. Іноді, якщо подія трапилася nearby vіd coast, more abruptly to throw yaky-not a thing, for a certain vine can enter. You can order a circle, a doshka, a deck, an inflatable tire. Yaksho close up є chowen, until the impaired shvidsh get to him. Yaksho lyudina, yak tone, it is known far away from the front of the ryadkulnik, then qiu vistadan is more abruptly tested on the shore, shchob plasti happened to the anchor menshe. Yaksho rіchka s shvidkoju течієюu, then потроібно увійти до води з so rorakhunkom, Щоб плисти до потерпілого за течією. Do not trebaby stribati in the water in Odyazi: potrybno spokіyno, without metushni rozdyagtisya and obovyazyakovo rozutisya. Yaksho rattler does not know the glibini water and the river bottom, he is not guilty of stripping at the water with his head down. In such vipadki potribno stribati z shore down his legs, zginyayuchi іх після an input at water.

Until the patient pitribno pidplivati ​​so, schob vin not bachiv ritulvalnika і not becoming bi chiplyatsya for nyogo. Якщо він пжед водою, рятувальнику выдомься упірнати, щоб визначити його місцезнаходження. Yaksho rіchka s shvidkoju течією, то человену, яка тоне, може віднести від місця занурення, іїї потрібно шукати вниз за течією.

Ті, хто to sink, often втрачають self-control and починають convulsively чіплятися за рятувальника. Tom on mozyalosti trek unikuti strewed. Alya yakschoo tse vidbulosya, potrybno shvidshe zvilnitsya vid zauplennya. For tsyogo ryadouvolnik guilty of zbibiti gliboky vdih і descend at once, we will pour water. Opinivshis pid water, that, shcho tono, pohlinishsya way, vidputu ryadulvalnika і sproibue negoyno vibrose on the surface. Якщо сумісне занурення не дає потрібного ефекту, то рятувальник винний різким енергійним рухом звільнитися від потерпілого.

Transport yogo the most vulnerable in the position on the back, holding your hands for pidboroddya beside the side of the head. Yakshto the one, the tone, prodovzhu chplyatisya for ryatuvalnika, then potibnobo yogi yost for the wrist, prostyaggnivshi zazdalegnіd his hand from the shoulder, і plisti to the shore neobovna on his side. Plisti z patropilim potrybno not pospishayuchi, rozpodilyayuchi svoi were on all the way.

3.2 Ways of transporting the victim

Transportation of the damaged to the shore is possible in a different way. Sposib transportavannya to be buried in the Persh Cherga in the camp of the patient - naskilki

Він ослабів, чи володіє соою і ch зберіг здзність manage your rushes, and that way, як зручніше плисти ратувальнику.

Yakshcho lyudina vpomilasya, alle control its own activities and pikodoryaetsya vkazivkam ryatuvalnika, then yogo potrybno to deliver to the shore in the way. The horseman is more slender than the plate with a brass on his breasts. I put my hands on the shoulder of the yoke on the shoulder, trimming over the rear of the rifleman, laying on the surface of the boat, pushing ahead with light rihami nig (Fig. 13).

Ways of transporting the victim

Yakshto patriotii pogano inspections and not hearing ryatuvalnika, then zazvicha zastosovuyutsya approach to the method of transportovannya (Figure 14).

1. At the back. The Ryutuvalnik is lying on his back and braced on the side of his neck with his hands behind the bottom of the stub so that the yogo shoki and woha cried. This is the rank, the shoulders of the injured yak bi over the skull of the renter, a plivus, pratsyuyuchi feet with a brace and one-hourly exaggerated guise of a battered over the surface of the water.

2. On the battlefield. The Ryotuvalnik is guilty of putting the patient on his back, stick his hand (napriklad, lіvu) to the yogi lіvu hand z boku back і take yogo tsієyu hand in hand for pіdborіdya. Pislya tsyogo ryatuvalnik pliva on the right botsi, rowing with his right hand, vidstovhuychichsya feet and pidtrrimuchi head of the patient over the water. Yakshto rattler zruchnishe plisti on the left botsi, then vin trinay patented right hand.

3. Yakshto suffer from inconsistency, prodovzhu chplyatisya for ryatuvalnika i zavazhaet yomu, then zastosovuyutsya advancing variant transportovannya. The renter works his hand in the face of the left hand of the patient and the back and the yogi behind the face in the right hand. In order to put platoon pliva, vikonuyuchi rowing ruhi right hand and legs so self, yak in a transient vypadku transportuvannya.

It is not easy to transport that one, having drowned, naveit kvalifikovaemu swimmer. Tom gratuvalniku on mozvolostі povinni dopomagati інші плавці: stinks mozhut on cherzі transportuvati pathetic, zmіneyuchi one. At that time, it is not possible to throw water at the water from the water, pidrugnih pidtrymuyuchih zasobliv, shob uberpiliy zmіg without zusil trimala on water. Todi to the rattler is much easier to tow yogi to the shore.