Examination of goods - Коломієць Т.М.

Vimogi prior to drawing a lineal pattern

Vimogi before the drawing of a lineal koduvannya . Wide rozposyugzhennya nabelo koduvannya usіh goods, nezalezhno vіd їхньої anchostі і prestigiousі фірм-виготолювачів. In addition, the SHK itself became an object of falsifikatsii. In order to get a message, it is important to note the form of information falsifikatsiya.

By the international rules, the signatures of the ShK are inserted, and you can permit the inspection of the CC for falsification:

  1. Leather packaging of the product is responsible for the mother more than one bar code EAC;
  2. Infliction of two members of the ShK (і ЕАИ, і \??) To be allowed, якщо товаровиробник зробив реєстрацію у діхх асоціаціях, тоді ШК ЕАИ і ЦРС apply at the back of the packages packaging;
  3. Drawing of a bar code on a package can be done in a number of ways (offset, flexographic, lithographic, sticker), but the falsification of damage is done on the dan over the top of the packaging of the drukarsky variant of the new method of markuvania, a kind of vimage of the dodgotovka surface preparation;
  4. Rozmіr code, yak to be applied on the packaging, is guilty of becoming 80 to 200% of the initial basic zobrazhennya;
  1. Rozmіri SHK (minimally pripimimi - 21.0 x 30.0 mm, the maximum possible - 52.5 x 74.6 mm);
  2. Розміщення штрихового to code on the packaging not guilty znizhuvaty zagalnu nezaplivshist packing for kontsetcіv at the same hour is not guilty pogirshuvatisya yakist zvonnіshnogo viglyadu goods;
  3. By mozvolisti namagayutsya rozmistiti code in naybіlsh pristablivomu mіtsіі packaging, even yzogo yazogo cause to apply at the right bottom kutku packing;

- Відстань штрихового to code від edge of packing має бути не меншою ніж 20 мм. Zvichayno vіdstan vіd the lower edge of guilty дорівнювати 32 mm, and the first and the rest of the stroke code is not guilty of knowing the nearer nizh for 19 mm from the side edge;

- the bar code is attributed to the mother of the intercourse;

  1. Code ЕАК розміщується на задньому боці упаковки, якщо лицьовий бік вважати назвою продукту;
  2. Yakschoo rozmischennya on a given boci nemozhlive, then the code rozmishchyetsya on the right side in the lower kutka, rahuyuchi vid litsyovogo side;
  3. Якщо перелічені вище почти неможливо виконати, із-за незвичної form of packing the goods, then the code can be rozmistichi on be-to-be-it-yourself bots, not znizhuyuchi pallbold packing;
  1. At viborі місця for causing the code on the packaging of the collapsible confluence of the doctor's room, the maximum is the code of the code that is attached to the optic zchituvannya mae stanoviti 12 mm;
  2. On plastic bags and packages, the code is roznischuyutsya na naybіlsh rіvnіy poverhnі;
  3. On the packaging type "Tetrapak" and "Purpak" EAC code
  4. Rozmischuyetsya at the bottom of the heap of the right side of the package;
  5. On mishchechkah і goods, yakі zagornuti u tselofan, code rozmischuyutsya on the side of the parties. Yaksho zh vin be deposited without a pause on the prose of the peasants, then the ekettka is to blame for that sage;
  6. Yakschoo code rozmischuyutsya on zygnutiy surface, then the treble is reconfigured, the strokes of the code are parallel to the bottom of the packaging, that is, the kut mizh over the surface of the code marker, that tangent, carried through the її call point, do not overload 30 degrees;
  7. On zhststvennyh and flask banks, the code is rozmischuetsya such a rank, shobo yogo strokes of boules paralleling bottoms of cans. Yaksho top hvilyasta, then strokes code povinni buti in the vertical position;
  8. The strokes to the code can be nailed by chorny, synim, dark-green chi with a dark brown color. Chervoniy, zhovtie kolіr ta kolori, yakі mistjat chervoniy, napriklad svitlo-korrjani, nemozhlivo zastosovuvati pri khonovomu koduvanni. The Tse is equipped with a timer, but the scanner does not decompute the gamma of the colors of the celadon;
  9. For the backdrop of strokes, nykrasche zastosovuvati bili kolir, ale mozhna vikoristovuvati zhovtii, orange ta svitlo-korolevy;
  10. The background of the barcode is not guilty of the mothers' drawings, text, lіnіy різання та перфоції;
  11. Yakshcho grupovi packing goods muyut decilka індивідуальних споживчих упаковок, then the code слід наносити such a rank, Щоб зчитувальний пристій міг зчитати тільки code групових упаковвок.