Examination of goods - Коломієць Т.М.

Rosemaryn signs

Розмірні signs are signs that are recognized for knowledge of the meanings of phisical quantities, but mean a characteristic of the goods.

We have not worn signs of our earlier rasism. To get acquainted with the phisical values, the name of the pinnace zastosovaluyasya. Pochinauchi z 1980 p., Tsі rozmіri began vkazuvatsya vіdpііdіdo Міжнародної системи oditnits fizichnikh magnitudes (СІ). Prote і syogodnі mozhut zustrіtisya іmportnі com, on kompaktsіі yakih rozmіr mozhe bouti vyrazheniye natsionalnyh odinnitsah. On the other hand, the United States and the United Kingdom have vakauzyut in Unts (1 ounce = 28.35 g). Poyva on the Ukrainian market of import goods, on markuvannyh yak buly nazvichnі for us rozmіrnі signs, zmusylo vіchtznyannih vigotovuachіv zastosovuvati zikh zik zhіnіv, tіm bіsche scho вони дуже shortly characterize фізичну the value, naming the anchorage of one оf abcdlіkі slіv. On the other hand, vice masi net - є (in English - "russiai", nim - "rugi", yak rewraps "exactly, radically, however"), zamisty otsyagu - V.

Code rozmіrnikh znakіv nazvichajno forgive. Prior to the clever cognition of the phisic value ", V " of the last), add the actual rozmіr tsіого розміру in прийнятих oditnjami vimіru.

Розмірні інформаційні signs, які are placed on the packaging goods of chi on the product itself in the number, litteri abo grafіchnih zobrazhen, vkazuyut rozmіr odyagu, vzuttya, abo dovzhinu, ostyag stegon for pantyhose.

Exploitation marks

For bagagokh neprodovolcheshih goods, the value of the information about the rules of the economy is very important, the way they look, the motive behind them, is to secure the zealotry of the functional funeral in the course of a trivial hour. To bring such information to the public and zastosovuyut ekspluatatsiyni signs.

Exploitation marks are signs that are recognized for formulating a dispute about the rules of exploitation, the way of sighting, installation, and nalagozhennya spozhivchih goods.

Soi marks are applied to labels, labels, tags, packaging, control pages, without product on the goods. Naybilshogo поширення набули міжнародні Symbols, прийняті для текстильних виробів. Багато експлуатаційних знаків для текстильних виробів настільки наочні, що do not require special explanations (the basin for pranny with the heat of the water, praska iz zazhzhikom temperatury prasuvannya.

Різновид експлуатаційних знаків - це marks of the cherub, yakі can be zustrіti on dosyu foldingtechnichnih goods, and takozh on ekspluatatsynyh documents. Napriklad, on active electric raznі regimes prasuvannya poznachayut v viglyadі odnієї, dvuh i trehok dokok іz vіdpovidnym pokaznenyam u suprovidnih documents.

On the prefabricated refrigerators and freezers, the acidity of the cigarette serves as an informative sign about the temperature range, which can be reached by the hour of operation of the refrigerator.

Bugatooh elektropobutovyh priladah is shown by pages by the newest clever cognates of the world in the electromechanical, switching programs, regularity of the human and information information.

At the edges of the European spivovaristvo pridilyayatsya great respect to the problems of the national electorate electrification at the exploitation of the motivation. For you can specialize in specialty echelites, but in the form of potential acquisitions about kilkisty spizhivanoye elektroenergii concrete virobom.