Examination of goods - Коломієць Т.М.

Order of storage of the act of examination

The order of the warehouse of the act of examination. The warehouse of the act of examination is the conclusion of the examination. Lower the sight of the deed of rules of zapovnennya okremih paragraph of the act.

At the graph "Date of storage" - the date of the warehouse of the act is to be marked.

At the county "The warehouse" - the name of the settlement, in which the examination was conducted.

The graph "Examination carried out for the participant of representations" is designated by the expert that the examiner, who conducted the examination, and which named the organi- zation, the yak saw its representations for the participant in the product, planted, the property of the enterprise.

In the graph, "For examination it is suggested": the name of the product, the name of the goods, the document number of the supplier, the goods that were actually offered for the conversion, and the goods for the documents of the postal operator. At перевірці ansіstі of food goods at the points of recognition, the expert is locked up with the column "Кількість" on the basis of priyomnih documents of commodity goods, and the column "Documentation for documents" - on the basis of transport documents.

County "Zavrdaniya ekspertizi" zavischayetsya zavdanya, gained by an expert from the inside to the side. Zavdanya expert opinion can be refined by experts at the deputy investigator. Napriklad, "Viznachiti kilkist goods", "Viznachiti yakist goods for zovnishnim viglyadom", "Viznachiti mіtsnist goods laboratory method" tochno.

At the county "Vantazhooderzhuvach" - to be assigned to the pidstavi original transport of abacus-document documents, the non-supplier of the organisa- tion, but the goods were redirected. At перевірці пароплавних partій товарів at ports вивантаження і вагоних партій on прикордонних стаціях it is meant to name the organізації, yak purchased the goods.

At the county "Postanalnik" (krayina, inofirma), the edge and the company are signified, as the contract for the supply of goods has been laid down, and the merchandise for the merchant. In the acts of examination, you are allowed to designate the name as soon as possible (for the sake of abstention).

County "Vantazhovidpravnik" signs organisation, which should be included in transport documents (bill of lading, bill of lading and so on).

In the graphi "Vibrochnik tovaru" - it is meant to be a product, a vigilant, to a product, a subscription code, and a front.

The graph "Nadani dokumenty" - zapovnyuyutsya on pіdstavі dannyh dokumentov, yakі poznayutsya ekspertizi: number of the contract, trance, rahunku inofomi, bills of lading, along with the cash, water and freight forwarding.

Konstatuyucha part of the act of examination is written by the expert and the representatives of the deputy investigator.

In the graph "Visnovok eksperta" it is meant to be zagalny kilkist goods, perevyrenogo expert, yogo stan: kilkist goods, sho vidpovidaye umovam contract, that kilkist goods, sho pobnistyu otkalovo not vpodpіdіdo ymovam contract. Yaksho predstavleniya ekspertizi goods (abo part yogo) flaw defect, the examiner is guilty of admission at the entrance to the act of examination, describe the nature of the defect i, if possible, the cause of the yogic encounter. At perevirtsі kіlkostі експерт zaznacha zagalnu kіlkіst vyrobіv, vstanovlenu at pererahunku, and takozh to rust out the linings, if it is possible, about the cause of the nestach, filling of goods, mehanichnyh poskoshzhen i іn. The writing is guilty of folding by the expert, by mozhnosty, shortly, specifically, and obvruntovano, vyhodachi z bezperechnyh i obektivnyh dannyh i nastilki chitko, shobo not boulo consumed by dodatkovyh explanatory expert. Він is guilty of submitting to the delivery to the examiners of the correspondents and correspondents of the part of the act.

Visnovok about kіlkіstі і якість пре'явленої на експертизу партії товару the result of вибіркової перевиірки може бути даний by експертом лише у того випадку, якщо така перевірка perebachena tehnіchnymi umovami contract obo іншими обов'язковими for сторін documents.

On prohannya zamovnika digestizi to conduct an examination for the goods not for technical reasons for the contract, but for one hour and for the standards, the examiner draws up two actives: to look at the goods for technical reasons for the contract, for the other - for compliance with the standard.

The expert should be protected in order to make arrangements for an unsuccessful bid for a defective goods supplier, to take care of such a recommendation, and not to enter the competence of goods and services.

Висновок підписує тільки експерт. Він warehousing an expert nislya, yak individual, scho took part in the examination, pіdpishut konstatyuchu part of the act of examination.

Types of pardons during an examination

At the time of the preparation of the goods and services, it is possible to allow the pensions to be left on the її result, and the cause of the vicinities are unsuitable for experts, that is a zamovnikom, and takozh pіdstavoyu for the result of the expertise of the re-examination. Lower is imposed naybіlsh types pomolki, yakі admit toexperts:

  1. With nepovnih those unclear formulyuvanney zavdannya u zavavtsi ta / chi naryadі ekspert not vimagaє yogo clarified dopovnennya.
  2. The commodity examination is carried out by the expert without a written form of the application transmitted by the telephone.
  3. Conducted an examination without sufficient pidstav.
  4. For nayavnostі nezgod mіzh postavljnikom і oderzhuvachhem експерт не вимагає vід замовника виклику постачальника.
  5. Икористання застарілих і / чи відмінених (скасаваних) нормативних чи технологічних документаів при проведенні товарної експертизи чи written visіnku.
  6. Zgoda ta pіdpis visnovku eksperta predstavnikami zatsikavlenoi side.
  7. Використання неповної або недостатньої інформації, наданій однією з зацікавлених сторін without vsebіchnyi perevirki tehnichnyh dokumentov.
  8. The transfer of a part of his own is the same for the representative of the one and the same process of registration (for example, zvazhuvannya chi vidbir zrazkiv without the expert).
  9. Орієнтація в експертній оцінці на думку інших експертів або представників зацікавленийх сторін.
  10. 10. Improperly (inaccurately abnormally) issued certificates of expertise, actives vidboru zrazkіv tochno without vkazyvki vsyogo neobhіdnogo perelіku vіdomosti about goods, yogo vorobnik, почальника, одержувача та інше.

Self-Translating Pig

  1. Name the main stage of the organization of the examination.
  2. Do you need any documents for an examination?
  3. Commit to the most important results of the main experiment conducted by experts.
  4. Yak formalized the final stage of the conducted examination?
  5. Names of types of pardons when conducted by experts.
  6. Wimogi to warehouse "Visnovka expert".