Основи політології - Bregeda A.Yu.

2. Evolution of the political mind in the epoch. Serednyovichchy ta Vidrodzhennya

Splash antichnoi sotsіno-polichnichny dumy cognized peredovsim on polichnichnyh uchennni serednyovіchchya ta Vidrodzhennya. Після розпаду slovlasnitsky I will arrange in Західній Європі виникло feodalne суспільство, the basic classes of yak steel were the people of that village.

Pomitnu role in the era of feudalism vidrygalo clergy. Vano boulo great ekonomichnoyu, polichnichuyu te і ideologicnuyu power. The goal was that, for the minds of the great feudal and rozhdroblenosty (V-X centuries), the Catholic Church, the Maychief of the Church and the Church of the Dogma, celebrated the meaningful splash into all the spiritual lives of the middle peasants. Socially-polichnichna dumka not bula vinyatkom. Її rozvitok in the main zdіysnjuvavsya zusillami religіynikh dіychіv.

The beginning of the complex of socially-politically-born children of the early middle age was the invocation of "Fathers" and "Vchitelіv" of the church: Vasiliy Veliky, Ioanna Zlatousta, Grigoriy Nisky and others about the homelessness of the earth, about the marvelousness of the human zusil. Propagated asceticism, was hanging the idea of ​​conquest of the land, and for that the Kingdom of Heaven was sealed on it.

Підґрунтям соціально-політичних уявлень тієї пре була релігійна настанова about those, but the earthly life - the Lisha blіdim vіdbitkom heavenly. Not zvazhayuchi to the subsil of the suspigion on the bagaties of those, the reindeer ministers poured on the cannibalistic fraternity of people in Christ. Before Christ, they showed stink, vrachayut svoy znachennaya bagatstvo, osvichennost, Suspilne stanovische ta privilei. Gas oil rivnosti before God actually curved the nerves of sushi.

Nybil'sh with a few socially-polichnicheskimi masters of the mid-century Buly Avrely Augustin, pisnіshe names "blessed", that Thomas Aquinsky.

Augustine (354-430) - one of the fathers of the Zakhidkhristian Church. About his spiritual blessings, the missioner of roses in the creative work is called "Spovid."

The main rice of socially-polichnichnyh poglyadiv Avgustina - obruntuvannya ta vipravdnja nervivnosti in suspilstv. The wealth of some і бідність інших він explaining the nature of the people in the result of the grief of the first people. Stanovishche mnogonni in suspilstv, after Augustine, programmovane in heaven. Звідси - висновок about неправомірність революційних виступів to the people проти arrange "harmonious nerves".

At his time, Augustine namagavsya date vsesvitno-istorichnu picture rozvitku people. Він слідом for старогрецькими стоїками обґрунтовує ідею єдності человеського роду, що походить згідно з біблійними оповідями від "прабатьків" - Адама та Єви.

The most important element of the bureaucracy is the rozumninya istorії people yak Borotby "two hailstones", "two powers": "hail of God", sho warehousing of the gods of defense, that svitskoya power - "great rasbіynitskogo organizatsii", kotriy pravit materialstvennyh blag ta vyszykuyut righteous. Кінець-кінцем, having respected Augustin, хід історії zabezpechit the help of "God's power" over svitskoyu. The high authority of Augustine in the Christian cola zahidnoevropeyskogo srednjovіchchya і bov povjazaniyah z іdeєyu about nehohіdnіst підкорення світської влади церкві.

Інший видтний мислитель - Фома Аквінський (1225-1274) - is alive at the period of the middle and the buv nibylsh vplivomim theologian at Zahidnyi Європі тієї преі. In 1323 rotsі vіn bouv enquirations to the face of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, and the Fomi Akvіnskogo Bullo was sighted by the official office and ideology of Catholicism.

Look Fomi Akvinsky for suspitstvo formulated pid vlistiv Aristotel. Yak and the Greek philosopher, Thomas speaking about the need to put on the first plan of the power of the state. Відповідно до християнської традиції, що folded, він having seen socially-polnichnі vіdnosni yak vidobrazhennya heavenly divine order. Suspisstvo moe warehousing z riznyh vestv: bilshist manus zaymatis fizichnoy pratseju, and menshist - rozumovoyu, and takozh keruwati suspilstvom. In the intersection of the skin of a man, no matter how badly he is, the God has established him.

Foma Akvinsky is alive with the epoch, if the Catholic church, yaku ocholyubov dad, small is the greatness of the land. Urakhovoychi those who, in the same period, rozpochavsya process pricemore national powers, vin vylovlyuvav duma, scho power - divine establishments. And naylіpshoyu nainprinnіshoyu form svitskoy vlad vin respecting the monarchy.

Prote, hoch vlada i mіy divine nature, Foma Akvіnsky, having allowed the situation, if vzladzhivannya vladoiu, nadmіrnі iziski give people the right to opir tyrannu i navіt yogo violinist povalennia.

At socially-polichnichnyh uchennney serednyovіchchya znajdli vidobrazhennja takі явища in суспільным житті, яких did not know античність. The goal of the visit was to study the novelties of the newly created science: the humanities, the progressive development of the human susceptibility (for such a cycle in the cycle of antiquity), moral morality of people in general. Znanja pokhrydіv na sotsіalne zhittya v serednі vіki daє zmogu lіpshe zrozumіti сучасні соціальні вчення християнства.

The further period of the history of social and political duma is dealt with in formulations and drafting capitalism in Zakhidnyi Єvropi. The formation of the growth of the capitalistic societal inversions gave new post-intensive intensive social and socio-political activities. In XIV-XV century. In socially-economical and cultural life. Західної Європи відбулися великі зміни. In Italy, and in the beginning and in the other regions, there have been the vinikati elements of the capitalistic vibrobitvitva method. At the bottom of the feudal class, there is a new class - the bourgeoisie. New forms of gospodarskih vіdnosin ta novy syspilnyi klassi led to the appearance of dumoks of that kind.

People, they crushed new things, called themselves humanists, then they put people in the center of their own respect. Багато гуманістів respected the theologian's pseudo-science and negatively posed to the church. The stinkers became the leaders of the cultural ruin, of which there was a vengeance. Vidrodzhennya abo Renaissance. The title of the title is written in the form that creators of humanistic science and that mysticism venerated themselves with spasms and inexperienced prodovzhuvachami science that culture antiquity.

At the spirituality of Petrarchy and Boccaccio, Alberto and François Rabelais, Niccolo Maciavelli and Erasmus of Rotterdam, those other masters in the jasparovo pomotnyi, try to create a new culture for the antagonism of feudal and ecclesiastical cultures of the middle peasants. Gumanisti vimagali zvilnennya vіd zasyllya church, vіd її panuvannya in ekonomichnomu, politichnomu that spiritual life. The stubborn people shared freedom with the rose, but gave them the opportunity to develop the creative power of people without cross-dressing. Ідеологи Vідродження висднули нове розуміння суті самої людини. Yakshco the church demeaned the people, pidkrylyuvala її slabkіst ta nikchemnist, then humanities glorified manysk osobistіst, її gідність, вірили в її creative potential, безмежні здібності до саморозвитку.

Social-polichnichnaya dumka epokhi Vidrodzhennya on the first plan has put the problem of rights and freedoms of the people, especially the right to indivisuality, toboto nezalezhnnost, gіdnist, vlasnu dumku, vlasniy sposib zhittya. Ідея індивідуальності була невідома ні античності, ні середньоіччю, де окрема людина rozglyadalasya Lisha yak part of anchovy spihnoti: power - in the Greeks and the Romans, the Relian community - in the middle.

Humanity pіdkreslyuvali prіоritet sobistostostі over be-yaku sotsіalnoyu spilnistyu. The goal is not to react to the nioveluvannya of the person behind the feudal harmony, but also to the needs of the new economy in order to ensure that they are not isolated.

Renaissance sushpilnyi teorії pobulisya religinogo vplyu. Socially-polichnichnye vidosnoni looked at them no longer as "divine nakreslennya, and yak, scho zalozhit vіd samoї people.

A great and original explorer, a half-time writer of the epoch Vidrodzhennya Buv Nіkolo Makiavelli (1469-1527). Він having sunk in the bottom of creativity, yakі duzhe have positively put yogo in the minds of the political mind. Serik tsikh creativity especially "Monarch" (for the Russian "Sovereign" transfer), " Rozdumi for Pershu decade of Tіta Lіvіya ", " Istoriya Florentіїї " тощо.

Naybіlsh vіdom pracia N. Makіаvellі - "Monarch" , yak zdobula yomu vsesvіtnє viznannya that great popularity [5]. Meta "Monarch" - rozkrti, yak zvooyovuyut vladu, yak її vtrymuyut i yak loschayut, navchiti mozhnladtsіv science досягнення політичного успіху. Polіtichna fіlosofіya Makіavellі bazuєtsya on analіzі rimskoї іstorії on Vlasnyi sposterezhennyah polіtichnogo Zhittya Іtalії that on polіtichnіy bіografії vіdomogo іtalіyskogo polіtichnogo adventurer Cesare Borgia, yaky prihiliv to imagine simpatії N. Makіavellі tim, scho pragnuv ob'єdnannya Іtalії.

To the monarch, who conquered the land, to inspire Makiavelli, not to spill back quietly, hto spylyno ocholyubov politsichny coup. Prying vvazhayut themselves rivnim monarch and nikoli not become dobrimi servants. Do not slander yourself to yourself, and admit to the authorities such, who have been drawn to, and quietly, hto fear to be afraid of you in Maybutnomu. In hatred of fear, people flock with vengeance, not obedience. Navit new love of the monarch is not zdishtnosti zhishchiti fear nak pam'yaty about starі obrazi. The monarch can mix himself close to himself with the one whom he had earlier invaded with a voyager: the rest of the obovozyakovo will want to bring the disobedience of the alternate thoughts of the future. Monarch McIavelle is not to be spirited, not to know, but it's important to be on the lookout for people, but for the people. The people have enough time for an hour to "throw a bite," shob vin vidchuvav, scho yogo prignichuyut troki menshe, nizh earlier. Monarch, yaky bazhaє Dovgy vtrimati Vlad neobhіdno turbuvatisya about regularly zamіnu pribіchnikіv: people SSMSC trivaly hour boule nablizhenі to Demba, pochinayut pochuvati currently rіvnimi s him pochinayut shits sluguvati i navіt dumayut pro stabbed. In addition, about the person of the monarch of the broadest range of the population, to judge on the basis of what is in this gnomes. Ostanni mait bouti people by the authorities, or not by specialists in the polity. Todi monarch may be vicaristically їхній authority of the people, and stench not zmozhet vlivati ​​on prinyattya polichichnih rіshen.

Where did the treasure go before violence, if it were to be good? The violence of the treasury is only one time. Having taken possession of the power, on the back, with the witches, the crowds pokinchiti odrasa, shob potim no longer turn to violence. The nobility of the treason to repair the anchor is more frequent, it is necessary to whom one should stoosuyatsya, often pro gnogo zagaduvali і everywhere they say. And how are you going to deal with the people? Treb іnkoli zvertatis to the people on dopomogu: people bіshe schilynі ljubvi silent, to whom they have riched the good self, and quietly, hto robe good. The monarch is guilty of an awakening in the people of the world for the quickness of the dashing chasiv, posthygno nagaduvati about the fortress otochennya, karati zadadto nepokrlivih. We will not get stuck in stuvovati sobі slabenkih gorogov and peremagati їh, even more than myself. Натовп полюбляє переможців.

Polіtichna fіlоofіya Makіаuellі is devoted to the Renaissance optium. Lyudina can do everything, and fail the monarchs to mend the narratives on themselves. Тільки that particularity is strong, yaka vmіє sprint pristosovuvatysya to iotnichih obstavin.

Rozglyadayuchi polіtiku yak autonomous Galuzo lyudskoї dіyalnostі, N. Makіavellі zaznachav, scho Won Got svoї tsіlі second law, SSMSC not stale ni od relіgії, ni od moralі. Golovnim vipravdanyam polichnichy diyalnosti, the method of the anchor є zmіtsnennya power, є sobstvennoe blagoda uzpіh u досягненні постахх цілей. Kindly all those who are dissatisfied with the power of the state, and the results of the political outcome can be accessed by some kind of zakobami, in the number of deceit and outright abuse.

Meta, yakoї pragnuv N. Makіavellі (zmіtsnennya yakoїs іz small іtalіyskih powers s tim, Won dwellers could ob'єdnati pid svoєyu Vladoiu all Іtalіyu), Progressive has been viewed, but not vіn grebuvav nіchim, іgnoruvav moralnіst, based polіtiki pokladav tsinіzm i bezprintsipnіst. Taka politika zgodom distala nazvu makiavellizmu. Reanimatsіyu makiavellizmu in the twentieth century. becoming stalіnіzm, yaky, prikrivayuchis komunіstichnoyu іdeologієyu entering in taєmnі zmovi about pererozpodіl svitu s nіmetskimi fascists progoloshuvav verbally rіvnіst i freedom natsіy that narodіv, and dіlі pozbavlyav їh navіt natyakіv on gromadyanskі freedom, zvelichuvav on іntelіgentsіyu words that Lyudin pratsі and On the systematically ix vinischuvav.

Zarubіzhnі doslіdzhennya ostannіh desyatilіt pіdkreslyuyut velichezny vpliv N. Makіavellі on polіtichnі teorії new hour, yak yogo role founder suchasnoї polіtichnoї science. The doctrine of Makiavelli is fully realistic, and there are reliable springs of authoritarian polity and half-truth.