Основи політології - Bregeda A.Yu.


1. Gromadyanske suspilstvo yak peredumova secrernya democratic polichnichnyi system

Gromadyanske suspilstvo - tse sushpilstvo, yakomu power to self-vvnih vinnyh індивідів та довіільно створених их оргаізацій. Gromadyanske suspilstvo yak sphere self-admitting vіnih індивідів захищають від свавілля державної влади та жорсткої регламентації з боку її оргаів відповідні закони. Axis chomu in real suspilnomu Zhitthi Gromadianske suspilstvo that legal power is interdependent institutions, the function of which is to be protected by the rule of law, but it is surely guaranteed that the rights and freedoms of the Gromadyans are protected.

Gromadyanske suspilstvo mozhe існувати тільки за умов демократії. The water hour, the high riven, the development of the function of the Gromadyansky Suspisness, can be protected by democratic power. Yak sidіchit suspilna practice, itself нерозвиненість громадянського суспільства є odnієyu z golovnih umov існування тоталітарних Authoritarian regime. The head of the sign of the Gromadyansky Suspisness of the Poles in the wide-spread human rights of the people, in the vivolous vibory of it, the forms of economical and political life, forms and ideology, and the ability to propagandize its own identity, look at that perekonannya.

The spade of formulating the elements of the Gromadian Suspension is sporadic in the Starodavnіh Греції та Римі. Todi vinikaє th sama understands the "Gromadian". In the Old Town of Greecia, the struggle of the people's masses in the oligarchy of the post is napivobshchinnna-napivddervna form spivshitsya - the state-polis yak soderjniy prototype of the Gromadyansky Suspina. Naybіlshogo its own power, the power-polis, fell for the hour of rule of Perikl. Axis Yak himself Perikl, characterizing the states of the world: "... vin nazivayetsya democratieyu through those, the basis of yogo is not menshist, and bilshist gromadyan. Vona zgіdno with our laws nada all hromadyanam rivnikh rights ... Mi zhimaemo vіlnі v nashіy derzhavі: mi not pleyakєmo nashomu shododnomu zhittі pіdozri one to one, mi not vyavlyaemo vnivu to the neighbor, if vyn yyonyayo shchos for svoeї podolody, not ostavuemo yomu nashogo nezdovolennya ... Do not use a primus stove in a private living room, they do not crash the law in the living room, the gremadskom is very important, through the wickedness before them. Mi zhzhdi sykhaemosya quietly, hto stoit at Vladi. Mi shanuєmo, zokrema, ti zakoni, yaki vstanovleno on korost srivdzhenih, i, hoch tsi laws are not recorded, vony zdatnі zganybti silent, hto їх зневажає "[1].

Otzhe, z cih sliv Perikla vyplivaє te, scho vin respecting for the democratic tilki of those devices, which is based on perevazі bіlshostі, povazі odnієї people up to іnshої ta bolescheshnі. Tse daє zmogu stverdzhuvati, scho itself ідея Gromadyansky suspіstva beri svіy kopatok u polіitiko-suspіlnі dumtі тієї під. It is known in the field of the Aristotle, societas civilis - Cicero that principles of so-called natural law [2]. So, Cicero, napriklad, pidkreslyuvav, scho "nadbannya gromadyanskogo community, to the people of the people - the nation. Alem chim sama is a community of Gromadyans, yak is not a power-strong people, they are repelled by themselves "[3].

Origenalny samobutnimi schodotskogo є look at what we have seen in Nikopol Makiavelli . At his head creator " Monarch " N. Makiavelli pidkreslyuє, but the head of the state is not guilty of zlovzhivati ​​its rights and protects maynovych that osobistih the rights of his piddanih. Do yogo creativity vzhe chitko prostezhuyutsya descriptions of elements of the Gromadyansky Suspina yak spilnosti people, sho protistojet derzhavi, yaka pragne its dyami pіdіrvati be-yak samodiyalnіst suspilstva, shob panuvati over him. Багато цікавого у творі Макіавеллі стосується аналізу неклютитичних spheres життя, як праця, сім'я, кохання, задаволення люди власних потреб, тобто проблем private життя. "Vin (monarch) zobov'azaniy sponukati gromadyan spokiyno viddavatisya torghivlyi, hliborobstvu that crafts, abi wives ordered their wives, do not be afraid, they will not be able to get into them, they will not be bargained for, do not be afraid, and scare them with taxes" [4 ]. Otzhe, N. Makiavelli bachiv rіznitsu mіzh power that thundering suspilstvo, yak functitsіnuyu vlasnimi laws і є autonomy shchodo sostavi, hoch stashnya postіyno namagaєєsya pіkodiri sobі vі siory zhittya sspіlstva.

On the third hour of Mayzh to the XVII century. In Suspilny dumitsi not vinikalo novyh iidy z privodu gromadyanskogo suspilstva. The principled new concept of such susceptibility was inspired by English political theorists T. Hobbes and D. Locke . T. Hobbes at his famous " Lefthafan " creativity pidkreslyuvav, but in a new way, mankind spivzhittya viniche vnaslidok transition to a natural camp in all other ways all the way to a well-established cultural syspinstva z іsnuvannam power. Lishe was proud of the state of the state, having designated T. Hobbes, the giants of the building were to settle down peacefully and order in the state, and set up their minds for a new visa of new syspinal zv'yaziv.

Prodovzhuyuchi mirkuvannya T. Hobbes, D. Locke, signifying that people before the sovereignty of the state were rasporyadzhalasya its own lane, its own rights zgidno iz law of nature. Ale, who guaranteed the right of that freedom to steal his authority, people speak up power. D. Locke in his creations vikoristovuvav ponimatya "gromadyanske sospilstvo" and "power" mayzhe yak vzaimozaminni.

Further, the distribution of the problem can be known in the documents of French missionaries Sh. Montesk'є and Zh.-Zh. Russo. Sh. Montesk'e at his creations, especially in the famous prači "About the spirit of law," stverdzhuvav, scho suspilstvo depresheni mozhe sopishno funktsionuvaty ta rozvivatisya, yakshcho nyomu panuyut republican laws. Axis chomu vin so palko obedoyvav іdeї parliamentarism, legality, articulating the concept of legal power from the subordination of the law to vukonavchu that ship. On yogo dumku, at spravzhnіy power "shanuvatimut people are not for їхні зовнішні talent that power, but for їхні справжні апості" [5].

J.-Z. Rousseau was missing the sovereignty of the people. Vigodachi із засади, що джерелом влади може бути тільки people, він protivstavlyav teorії rozpodіlu rule your system postійно діючого in державі плебісциту для вирішення суспільно-політичних проблем. For the French half-hearted minister, the term "gromadyanske suspilstvo" and "power" takozh buli synonyms. The head of the sign of gromadyanskogo suspilstva, yogo dumku, - the fate of skin gromadyana in the right on the right, that is insane to the people. Rousseau recognizing the "dysnim depreshe one act saspilnogo agreement, and self - securenna people and syspilstva (in the form of a democratic power) yak єdinogo th absolute dzherela that sovereign of the wilderness (supreme polichnicheskoy vladi)" [6].

Understanding " Gromadyanske suspilstvo " and "power" vpereshe vіdokremiv vіdomіy nіmetsky fіlof G. Hegel. Він дійшов висновку, що соціальне життя, яке влави громадянкому суспільству, principally відізняється від світу сім'ї іііі від публічного життя держави. "Gromadyanske suspilstvo, - signifying Hegel, - і диференціація, яка постає поміж сім'єю та державою, Хоча розвиток громадянкого суспільства почазіше пізніше ніж розвиток держави" [7]. In the sphere of the functioning of the Gromadyansky Suspina, the miniteller including the economy, social welfare, corporations, institutions, societies were recognized for the lack of living conditions. At the duma of G. Hegel, Gromadyanske suspilstvo includes a set of private schools, groups, groups, institutions, which should be regulated by the civil law and the disenfranchise of kotrih without a middle ground, do not lie in the middle of the state. Poyva gromadyanskogo sospilstva, yak ґruntuyetsya on sistemy privetnosti vzasnosti vsezagalnі formalnіy rivnosti people, became mozhnoi lishe s otvezhzhennyam bourgeois sospilstva.

Doslidzhuychi nature of the Hromadian Suspina, just one person, the French Misliter A. Toktil pidkreslyuvav, scho etichnі, rekligіynі, profiyinі, robіtnichі th localnye ob'ednannya utomyayut taku structure gromadyanskogo syspіlstva, y bogoy mozhe posttyti legal state.

Ninі pomitno zrіs zagalniy іnteres up to the problems of the Gromadyansky Suspiny, and the science of the yogo dosleniya of the Gromadyansky Suspensia is compiled into an organ one with the problem of the legal status of the social power. Zusilami suaschanyh polіtologіv polіtichna teorіya popovnulasya bagatma novіmi pozlozhni, and sama: gromadyanske sospіlstvo stіby the basis of the power, yogo rozvitok vіdbuvaєt'sya v tіsnomu vzаmozv'yuku іz stanovlenyam legal power; For tsivilizovannogo rozvitku obochnogo pheumneniv neobhіdno stnovovati nadіynyi mehanizm vzєmodії ta zagagachennya; Not a power, but the first institution of the most gromadyansky suspilstva mozhut negatively vplyivati ​​at інші його складові; Formulation of the Gromadyansky Suspension є peredumovoyu stanovlenya politichnoї demokratії, обмеження всеосяжної ролі держави. The further development of relations between the state and the state is the guarantee that the state will become huge, while the state will be democratic [8].

Sutnist gromadskogo suspilstva polyagaet peredovsim u zabezpechennі human rights. Specificity of the Hrazdianskiy suspilstvii mya guarantor laws of the right vibor riznomanitnyh forms ekonomichnoy, sotsialnoї ta іnshoї діяльності, the right vibor pevnії iіdologії, svetoglyadu tochno.

The economical basis of the Gromadyansky Suspensia is the image of the rink character, the transfer of the riznomanni form of authority, especially the private. Наявність власності в громадянина понудикає його до ділової активностиі та плідної роботи, стає исвою freedom in the Suspisity.

The foundation of the huge estate is polite, the democratic law of the state is good, but the leathery gromadyaninov can not take the fate of the powerful on the right. The democratic legal powers are absolutely unacceptable-be discriminated against for national-ethnic, political, relational and other purposes. Yak is characteristic of the knowledge of such a state, you can name the possibility of a self-aware, self-aware people who are like those of the spiritual, likewise, assured of life, that people's lackeys, the defiant people's rights, the rights of people in the face of the ship's organs, those enormous organisations.

Sotsialnim pidruntunam gromadyanskogo suspilstva sti syspilstvo z dinamichnuyu sotsialnoyu strukturoyu, yak all the time rozvivayutsya voskokonalyuetsya. The jodo of the spiritual life, characteristic of the knowledge of the huge estate can be invaded by the high growth of science, science, mysticism, indivisual vibe of cultural values. Culturally-pluralistic pluralism is the result of the realizing of the spiritual interests of people and the important importance of the development and the appropriation of such a syspilism.

Vidtak, head marks of the thundering Suspensia є:

- the social structure of the estate is dynamic, yak perebuvaє in postyaynom rozvitku і є vіdokremleniyu vіd power;

- Rinkov ekonomichnі vіdnosini, yakі formyut demokraticnu polichnichu system, de legal, democratic power of the breeds of Gromadyanskiy syspilstva;

- забезпечення виільного виявлення, Realization of numerals and різнобічних ітереів громадян;

- the felling of a sphere of a particular, perennial population of people on the face of the state of the remote, formal life;

- the prerogative of the gromadyanskih rights of individuality and prejudice to the sovereign law;

- pluralism of ideas, visions, perekonan, social iniсіатив тощо.

Naholoshujuchi on alternativnost ikonik ta fig gromadyanskogo suspil'stva i legovoy demokratichnoy power, slid, prote, zaznachiti, scho tse sidichit not about antagonism tsikh spheres suspilnogo zhittya, and about їхню взаємозалежність that взаємозумовленість. Yak without gromadyanskogo suspilstva can not be legal democratic power, so without such a power can not function effectively and dynamically rozvivatysya gromadyanske suspilstvo. Axis chomu gromadyanske suspilstvo ta democratic law of the state ninі stayut dyama storks zhittya kozhno okremoї people i prichnogo zagalno tsivіlіzіcіnogo rozvitku suspilstva.