Logistic - Kalchenko A.G.



The foundation of logistics is to become the main storehouses: economical and technologic basis, technical and mathematical software.

Warehouse basement logistic

Fig. 14. Warehouse basement logistics

Realization of the concept of logistic: what is the date for the supply of: if the resource is to be released, if you do not want to be stocked, if you want to get the goods delivered? Signifi- cantly, in the given vipadk term "resource" is interpreted in the wide rozumninnyi chiogo word - tse materialy, ready virobi, energy is that robocha force. Complexly, the name of the vicinities of the vicinities of the warehouses is given on the basis of the supply. In the global logistic system, the importance of transporting a system is important. Tom nerіdko introduce one term "transport logistic." In all vipadkah on the fundamentals of the technological process, the flow of the material flow occurs. In order to implement the principle of logistic - the delivery of waggons "exactly at the lines", zgіdno z yakim nadeetsya perevaga spizhivachu і sdvoryuetsya vysokoefektivna system, moe bouti rozrobleniy i і здійснений ідиний технологічний виієї виробічо-транспортної системи на основі інтеграції виробництва, транспорттування та споживання. The goal is not the same Ідиний технологічний process, but to be stuck on pіd'їзних stitches at stanziyah prilyagannya chi in the abnormal times on transport universities, in the complex technology, at the anchors, keruchuchis system pidhodom, здійснюється чітка взаємодія усіх елементів логістичної системи. Technological processes of logistic lancets, laying down the significance of vantage, the type of transport that yoga tonnage, the system and the nature of the vibrotic obscurity are characteristic. Розрізняють масові, дрібнопартійні, контейнерні партії. Deyakі іdeї logіstiki vikoristovuyutsya in freight ekspeditsіynomu obslugovuvannі at Masov transported vantazhіv tehnologіchnimi (kіltsevimi) routes, and have takozh єdinih tehnologіchnih processes stantsіy that pіd'їznih shlyahіv scho prilyagayut up of companies.

Technological process - sukupnistyu poslіdnovno vikonuvanyh robot ta operatsiyy at once with the methods, technology and mentality їх vikonannya, yakі zabezpechuyut bezpervonnіst і rhythm of technology of the basic vibrobitvtva. Єdinium technologicheskij process in logisticheski viznachaetsya singing techno-organizatsіynimi vimogami. Before them, zokrem, lay down:

1. Transportnimi vimogi, yakі obmovlyuyut optimalnosti vidiv these types of transport zabobiv, vidpovidnist genus that character vantagaziv, sho transported, ich khilkosty that stretching transport, vikoristana progressivnyh zasobiv vvezene vantazhiv in packages, containers, piddonah i, vyhodachi z tsogo, zastosuvannya kompleksnoї mekhanizatsii ta avtomatizatsії vantazhno-rozvantazhuvalnih robіt scho zabezpechuyut mіnіmalnu Quantity perevantazhen i zberіgannya kіlkostі that of Quality materіalіv, carrying scho, sinhronnіst virobnichih ritmіv, pov'yazanih іz zabezpechennyam tsehіv sirovinoyu that materіalami.

2. Warehousness vimogi perebachayut proskaznya z zdeschevlenya folding operations for rahunok efektivnogo vikoristanny rybloshkih ploshch, obladnannya that robochoї sili. Uspishnya vikoristanya usіh folding operations will not require the high-level organization of folding government, but the rational process of technologic process.

Складські операції вклюють такі види робіт:

1) rozvantagzhennya transport materіalіv va vyrobiv, їh sortuvannya, rozpakuvannya, pidgotovku prinyattya;

2) розміщення матеріалів на місцях їх зберігання;

3) vіdbіr, komplektvannya zamovlen v vidpusku materіalіv spizhivacham, pakuvannya ta rozmіschennya in the containers for vidpravlenya;

4) driving in the transport area, delivery of materials to spoilers.

Зазначені види вибіт мають виконуватися у встановленій

Послідовності. Scheme of the technological process of folding robots

Is shown in Fig. 15.

The principles of the organization of warehousing are the following:

1) warehousing operations makuyut vikonuvatisya at the speed of the hour with a minimum of vitrates;

2) the skin operation is impregnable on the maximally stylized spaciousness, a non-streaming schwidkosta that is an anchorage from the anchorage to the vicarities of the warehouse plots;

3) operation makut vikonuvatisya suvorii poslіdovnosti, scho zabezpechuyu planirnyi ruch operative process in the course of one's time, one-to-one transition from one operation to another;

4) operation wizard zdіysnyuvatysya z vikoristannyam naiyschasnishogo osadnannya ta zaobystv mehanizatsii te automation;

5) the operation of muyut bouti with the maiminimalnymi vtatami materіalіv at їх warehousing and pererobtsі і ne povinni prizvoditi up pogryshchenya yakostі products;

6) the rationalization of the technological process of counteracting the depreciation of the rivet of wormholes, and the spreading of anchor robots in the cistern.

Tehnologіchnі processes kompleksnoї mehanіzatsії vantazhopererobki rozroblyayutsya for a particular drain on osnovі skladskih transport and delivery schemes of companies vantazhіv od-pozichalnikіv and takozh types of schemes tehnologіchnih protsesіv kompleksnoї mehanіzatsії vantazhopererobki, transoms pіdnіmalno traffic obladnannya.

Tehnologіchny processes vantazhopererobki Got zdіysnyuvatisya, vihodyachi s vivchennya tehnologіchnogo processes peremіschennya that analіzu nomenclature vantazhіv scho zberіgayutsya, vivchennya standartіv that tehnіchnih minds transportuvannya, zberіgannya, control pakuvannya th markuvannya vantazhіv.

In order to solve the problem of the effective roboty of the folded state, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of the warehousing works, the proanalysis of the past, the post-mortem vestment of the material. Vazhlivet znachennya moe rozrobka tekhnologichnyh schemes postachannya vantazhiv, yaka vidbilevosti poslidovnist vantazhno-rozvantazhuvalnih, transport ta folding operations. Potrіbnim Yea i rozrahunok rozmіru skladskih Area, neobhіdnoї kіlkostі pіdnіmalno traffic that skladskogo obladnannya, їh optimally dobіr and takozh dobіr tiporozmіrіv that rozrahunok neobhіdnoї kіlkostі skladskoї tari th chiselnostі skladskih robіtnikіv.

Scheme of the technological process of robot warehouse

Fig. 15. Scheme of technological process roboty warehouse

At розробці технологічних processes for specific minds to be clarified neobhіdnі opytії zalizhno vіd to the nature of waggons. Technologicheski processes process in viglyadі technologicheskih schemes, technologic maps, graphikot roboti mehanizmіv ta pіdnimalno-transport ustatkuvannya.

Technological scheme viznachaet pryami peremischennya materialov, kilkist tehnologichnyh operatsi is the nature of the mechanization of skin diseases. Technological schemes designate the type and appearance of the machines that are obeying, that is, when the hour of vikonannya quiet operations.

For technologic schemes and on the fundamentals, the technologic picture is developed, which provides the right to organi-zuvati technologic process.

On the picture of technological schemes of technologic maps, the past performance of the technolo- gical operations and the stylistics of the description (characteristic) of the holding, the norm of the hour for the leather operation, the exposition of the technical maintenance of the bezpeki.

One of the main documents is a map of the world of materials. On okremі roboti, I should follow my own speci fi cation and storage, develop technologi- cal structures. Zokrema tsesosoetsya vidyv vantazhiv, yak vognenebezpechni y otruyni. Technologіchnі інструкції містять більш detailed description of technological process operation, ніж технологічні картиїі схеми.

Замість технологічних інструкцій мууть бути використаі posіbniki із складування та зберігання окремих видів матеріалів, в яких наводятся вимоги до виробницытва, вантожно-розвантажувальних робіт, and takozh galuzevі standardi, sho dіѕ zіmogu підвищити рівень оргаізації виконання складських робіт.

Після розробки технологічних схем та технологічних карт розробляють графиік робіт механізмів і обладнання. The concretization of the retail and the nalozhnaya organisation of the robot can be reached by the hat of the deconstruction and the vicarities of the contacting counties. Pobudovanі for scale s Pogodin gradatsієyu, stink give uyavu about vzaєmnі chasovі Contacts rіznih Transportation, vantazhno-rozvantazhuvalnih i tehnologіchnih zasobіv and takozh about dinamіku zmіni zalishkіv materіalіv.

Grafik rozroblyaetsya on the basis of vyazvleny obsyagіv vantazhno-rozvantazhuvalnih tak vorinishnoskladskikh robyt, scho ikh nehokhodno vikonati for dobu chi zminu i tsilomu і po kozhnomu pidrozdilu okremo, and takozh z urauvuvannam pogodinnoї produktivnosti. Графік визначає продуктивність skin kind of obladnanya, yogo zavantazhenіst on різних дільницях та операціях. In this case, the processes of nadogzhennja ta vidpravki vantagaziv, їх розміщення на місцях зберігання.

Control over the vikonannnyam technologicheskih protsediv podbachaet urahuvannya such basic warehouses:

1) private rozpodіl обов'язків між працівниками;

2) suvor dosrimannya norms of internal rozpodilu i vibrochnicho-gospodarskogo regime;

3) chitke y poslіdovne vikonannya robot z obodnannya mehanizmіv, motor transport, peredbacheny counties, schemes, maps;

4) svoechasnee planunuvannya і zabezpechennya іnformatsієyu pro consumers in transport zakosbah, yakі majut bouti filed in the warehouse for vantazhno-rozvantazhuvalnih robot, and takozh priymannya zi warehouse transport zasobiv, chitke doktrimnya terminіv і order of registration of neobhіdnih documents.