Logіstika - Kalchenko AG


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2. B. Anikin And. Logistics. - M .: INFRA 1997.

3. Ganja A. M. Fundamentals of Logistics. - M .: Information-innovation center "Marketing", 1996.

4. Golikov EA. Marketing and Logistics. - M .: Publishing House "tributary and the company", 1999.

5. Golikov EA. Fundamentals of logistics and business logistics. - M .: CEA 1993.

6. Gordon MP. Functions and development of logistics in the field of commodity circulation // Risk, 1993. - № 4.

7. Gordon, MP., Karnaukhov SB. product distribution logistics. - M .: Publishing House ZAO "Economics and Marketing Center", 1999.

8. Gordon, MP., Tishkin EM., Uskov NS. How can the economic delivery of domestic and overseas buyers. - M: Transport 1993.

9. Degtyarenko VN. Fundamentals of logistics and marketing. - Rostov-on-Don: State Academy of Civil Engineering 1992.

10. Zalmanova M. E. Procurement and distribution logistics: Textbook. allowance. - Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, 1992.

11. Zalmanova M. E. Sales Logistics: Textbook. "Logistics" manual for the course. - Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, 1993.

12. M. Kirshina. Commercial logistics. - M .: Publishing House ZAO "Economics and Marketing Center", 2001.

13. Kostoglodov D. D., Kharisova LM. Distribution logistics. - M., 1997.

14. Je Krikavsky M. Logіstika pіdpriєmstva. - Lviv: Lviv polіtehnіka, 1996.

15. Kotler. Principles of Marketing. - M .: Progress, 1990.

16. Nerush Yu M. Commercial logistics. - M .: UNITY 1997.

17. Nikolaichuk VE. Fundamentals of Logistics. - Donetsk:

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18. Nikolaichuk VE., Kuznetsov VG. Theory and practice of materials management (logistics concept). - Donetsk: KNTIS 1999.

19. Oklander MA. Marketing and Logistics business. - Odessa: APITIEN, 1996.

20. Plotkin VK. Material Management: an essay on the commercial logistics. - L .: Publishing House of Leningrad. fin.-ehkon. Inst., 1991

21. Reichard Yunemann. Material flows in logistics. - Berlin: Shkringer 1989.

22. Rodniki A. M. Logistics: Glossary. - M .: Economics, 1995.

23. Trade and Logistics / Ed. MP Gordon. - M .: Economics, 1990.

24. Sivohin NM., Spring VB., N. Gorbunov I. Logistics. - M .: OOO "Izdatelstvo AST" Company "RNA Rusanov", 2002.

25. Sergeev VM. Logistics business. - M .: INFRA-M, 2001.

26. Laughter AA. Logistics. - M .: Knowledge, 1990.

27. Laughter AA. Introduction to logistics. - M .: Transport, 1993.

28. The Council T. I., Yakovlev AS A. Modeling systems: A textbook for high schools in the specialty "Automated control systems". - M .: Higher School, 1985.

29. Harold Fearon, Michael Linders. Management of supply and inventory. Logistics / Trans. from English. - SPb .: Polygon 1999.