Psychological psychology - Maksimenko S.D.

17.2. Type temperaments

In suhochnіy psihologії korostostytsya gіppokratovaіu klasifіkatsієyu typіv temperamentіv: sangvіnіk, choleric, phlegmatic and melanchol . Skin zich tytyіv vlastvі svoeerіdnі psihologіchnі sobibovostі.

Sangvіnіk authorities vіdіvаti досо висока nervovo-psihіchnuyu activenіst, bagatstvo міміки та рухів, эмоційність, вразливість, лабільність. At the same time, the emo- tional experience of the sanguine is the worst non-glybi, and yogo ruchlivist in unauthorized vihivnyh vplyvov sprinkinyu lack of zoesredzhenst, pokhaplyvist, and then th vertexity.

The choleric power, the high rivene, the nervous and psychic activity, the energy of the day, the riches and the destruction of the ruchs, the impetuousness of the jasparism of emotions is strong. Lack of emotion and rihova vrivnovazhenst choleric can vyayvitysya for vіdisutnosti nalizhnogo vihovannya in nestrimanosty, zapalnosti, nezdatnostі kontrolivati ​​yourself in emotsiogennih obstavah.

Phlegmatic is characterized by the low level of the activity of the behavior, the shifting of the conversations, the resurrection and the peace of mind, the memories and the imagination, and the postmodern ones by the gloomy voices and attitudes. Nevdale vichovannya mozhe vzpryti formuganu at phlegmatic of such negative rice, yak mlyavіst, zbіnennіst і slabkіst emotsіy, skhilnist to vikonannya lishe zvichnikh dіy.

Melanholiku power in a low riveni nervovo-psihichnoy activity, strimanist and muffled motility that motovlenya, znachna emotsinya, glybina і stійkість почуттів, але слабка їх зовнішня вираженість. With a lack of vihovanni in melancholka mozhut rozvinutisya so-negativnyi rici, yak pidvitena as much as possible to hvorblyvostі іmotitsіyna vrazlіvіst, zakknutіst, vіchchuіnіst, skіlnіst to serious intrudіnіh survived for such zhіtєvіh обставин, які на це не заслуговуть.

Зв'язок типів темпераменту та типів вищої нервової діяльності the stylist is induced in the table.

Characteristics of temperament Temperament of the type of temperament of the type of viscous nerves of the dilation. Choleric of the Silent Invisibles Rukhliviy Sangvіnіk Strong Visibility Rukhliviy Phlegmatic Силний Врівноважений Rarely weak Melanholik Slack invisible inertia Інртний