Psychological psychology - Maksimenko S.D.

19.4. Nature nature

Psihichnyi vlastovosty people - tse osoblivy vyshchiv vishchoy nervovoy diyalnosti, prigruntyam otkazhno - nizhezheni osoblivosty nervovoi sistemy, soderzhdnі spoluchennia yakikh (power, vrivnovazhenst, rukhvilst) vyavlyayutsya in types of temperament. Ale sliid pam'yatati, scho nouvozheniy type of nervous system from the first days of life perebuvaye pid vplyvom saspilnih minds zhittya, vihovannya, yaki nakladayut vidbitokh na їх functціонування.

In the process of living in people, the dinamic stereotypes are being talked about, the system of nervous nerves at the roots of the great culprits of the brain, the yaka vinici pid vvivom riznomannitnyh podavnen, scho dіyut pevnіy poslіdovnosti pevnіy sistemi. BAGatorazov repeated these sub-categories sprinkinyayut utovorennya mіtshnih nervovyh zv'yakvіv, yakі potim viyavlyayutsya dedalі lshe that automatic, without a special nerve strain. Creation of that crumbling of dynamical stereotypes requires knowledge, an hour of important robotics nervous system. Dinamichnyi stereotypes say the foundation of zvichnyh dy, rice character, yaki, yak already zaschachalos, zdebylshogo vyavlyayutsya bug.

Otzhe, the character of a special kind of a collapsible synthesis of a type of nerves, a hostility, wits of life, vihovannya. Zhiva істота, писав І. Pavlov, on the day of the people's proclamation of the nai-riznomannіshih vplyvіv nаkkolishnogo sredovischa, on yakі vona is inevitably guilty of adhering to pioneer diyalnistyu, but often zakripplyuetsya all zhittya і vyavlyaєtsya at pivnyh rice character. Otzhe, character, vvzhav І. Pavlov, "a fusion of rice with the type of zmin, zomovleny sredovische".

In vychenny about the nature of the buli, try to describe the nature of people from the Buda Tila, in particular, in the interior of secrets, protec tsy prokabi nesprozmozhni buli, to expose the nature of nature. They recognized the collapse of takozh and theory, they saw the character of the nature of the psychic power.

People narozhuyutsya in rare features of the function of the brain, scho zumovlyuetsya type of nervous system, ale tsі fizizologichnyi vidminichnosti people є Lisha peredumovoyu for formvannya in the process of life of the moral and psychologic anchors, zokrema i vidminosti in character. Those who in one day for similar minds virostayut children with rare riches to nature, can not prove the nature of nature by nature. There are no new minds for vihovanni children in the city. Багатогранність спілкування, обставин, в які потрапляють діти, їхніх переживля створиє надзвичайно різноманітні смовиєтття та виховання дітей. Same tse, vidblyavaychis at the brain ditini, viklikayє nayrіznomannіshі іndivіdualnye reaguvannya reaguvannya, yakі postoyovo stayut dermatitis of his skin, power deprived zichnimi rice nature. Themselves, those morally and economically, and the vimogi before the day in the process of vihovannya (vkazivki, sanktsii) zdebilshogo buivayut tipivimi, nabybshi zumovlyu show the type of rice character, spilnyh for bugatokh people.

19.5. Formulating the character

Formvaniya character - the process of developing a set of psychology utoporostennya pid shlivom obektivnyh and spetsialno strvorenih for tsyogo minds, if the dentistry in the result of the bagaturozovyh repeated zayvimiemi viznachayut model model її поведінки.

The nature of the people form in the process of the indivisual life with a clear flush of suspilent minds. Especially important is the role of the vihovanni character in the active part of the personality, the transfer of the pratya yak to the middle of the world, of the susceptible butt, spilkuvannya, yak neobhіdna instinct, self-knowledge, self-actualization. In the process, the moral, the telecommunication, the will of the anchor, the self, the filling of the minds of the living souls, and the nature of the rice.

Reformovannya, scho vidbuvayutsya in prichasnomu suspіlstvі, povina novіih ідеалів і цінности, zumovleny vyzhizhennyam up to sistemi rinkovyh vіdnosin, stvoryuyut peredumovi for formovannya pic to the character of new people.

Sered chinnikiv, yakі mayut for people zhittveve znachennya і vplyvayut on formanyannya її character, especially the role of nalezhit vihovannu.

Vihovannya organizovuyu obtanovni zhittya і spryamovuє in potrebnomu napryamі zhittєvі vplyvi, pіdkrіplyuє їh, stolyuєo vіdpovіd stavlenya before nakkolishnyoї дійсності особистості, що формається. At the same time, Vano galmuє negativnyi vplivi, pereshkodzha zakriplennju nezazhanyh zvichok і fig її поведінки.

At the singing, it is enough for the high-level development to develop a special self-guidance and self-control process, becoming a character. Formed in the process of vihovannya consumer, ideali, installation osobistostі poyatit pidrgruntyam ії вимог як до звнішніх умы життя, и і до самої себе. Vona herself pochinaє organizovuvati svoe zhittya i vihovuvaty to myself, keruuchis at tsyomu yak vlasnimi so i sispilnimi tsinnisnimi orientirami. Povny mіroyu zdatnіst to samovihovannya nature viyavlyaєtsya todі, if osobistіst nabuvaє zhittєvogo dosvіdu, ovolodіvaє ambushes psihologіchnoї culture, if at neї formuєtsya svіtoglyad i residual skladayutsya іdeali, vіdpovіdno to yakih won pochinaє svіdomo planuvati svoє Zhittya i viznachati in nomu svoє Location.

Відмінності в харакх помітні вже у дітей молодшого дошкільного віку. In tsomu vіtsі, yak pokazuє dosvіd vihovannya in Kindergarten cages dosit virazno viyavlyayutsya takі RISS: tovariskіst, kolektivіzm, laskavіst, smіlivіst, soromlivіst, zamknutіst, ohaynіst, tochnіst, terplyachіst abo primhlivіst, vpertіst, rіzkіst that іn. Show the nature of the character in the world of nature close to temperament.

Especially important is the vihovannya nature in pidlitkovomu vitsi.

Pіdlіtok not ditina, at Demba GOSTR іnteres to navkolishnoї dіysnostі, Duzhe great aktivnіst, pragnennya to pratsі - fіzichnoї that rozumovoї. Potrіbno навчитися оргаізовувати цю активність, навчити підлітків діяти amicably, zamatysya gromadskoyu robot, pratsyuvati organizovano. Treba mother on uvazі those scho nevrahuvannya in vihovannі vіkovih Especially pіdlіtkіv duzhe often zumovlyuє negativіzm, bravado, nesluhnyanіst, nestrimanіst, nevmotivovanі vchinki.

At the same time, piddles are sensitive to the thought of the collegium. Pong go up otsіnkoyu collectives їhnoї trudovoї, navchalnoї that sportivnoї dіyalnostі, keruyutsya her in svoїy povedіntsі i tse vіdіgraє valued role in formuvannі їhnogo nature.

Yunak that dіvchata Senior shkіlnogo vіku vzhe dosyagayut fіzichnoї zrіlostі th zdatnі viyavlyati in povedіntsі, pratsі that navchannі dostatno sformovanі RISS nature: vіdpovіdalnіst, distsiplіnovanіst, tsіlespryamovanu napoleglivіst, printsipovіst, samostіynіst.Doslіdzhennyami formuvannya nature brought scho Especially dієvimi chinnikami samostіynіst Yea i have samodіyalnіst pratsі , Навчанні.

At ts'omu neobhіdno posaviti junaka chi divchinu in tako izvi, for some stinks could vyaviti koliktivizm, muzhnist, vitrimku, pritsyovity. Ale will be a great pardon, yakshcho vihovannya in kolektivi nieveluvatim індивідуальні якості особистостіі. In the collectively potryknivy zmіtsnyuvati rashi risi character of the dermal member of the collegiate, formulate jascrava indivisuality.

Uspishnu formovannya rice nature needs vedovnih vihovnih zahodіv sіm'ї, schools that social medium, gromadskosti.