Organization of production - Kurochkin A.S.

2.3. Organization and maintenance of workplaces

Organization of workplaces

The working place is the primary production unit, which is directly managed by one worker or team and includes a set of material elements that ensure the labor process. The workplace consists of the following elements:

• production area;

• the main equipment;

• devices for storage of materials, blanks, finished products, waste and waste;

• devices for storing tools, tools and accessories;

• Hoisting-and-transport devices;

• Adaptations for safety and convenience.

The organization of the workplace is a set of measures aimed at creating the necessary conditions for highly productive work at the workplace, increasing its content and protecting the health of the worker. The package of events covers:

• choice of rational signaling of the workplace and its equipping with equipment and inventory;

• creation of comfortable working conditions;

• rational planning;

• Uninterrupted service of the workplace for all its functions.

The specific content of the work on the rational organization of workplaces depends, in turn, on many factors:

• type of work - mental or physical, heavy or light, diverse or monotonous;

• working conditions - comfortable or unfavorable;

• type of production, etc.

Maintenance of workplaces

Maintenance of the workplace is a system of measures aimed at ensuring the work necessary for the smooth running of the production process.

The quality of service jobs depends on the state of operational and production planning and the level of organization of auxiliary services of the enterprise and the shop. Every worker in his workplace is required to perform such functions:

• Before starting work, prepare the equipment for work, familiarize yourself with the shift task, prepare an instrument, etc.;

• During work, maintain order and cleanliness at the workplace, correct minor defects, lubricate equipment, signal service personnel about the necessary services;

• after work to hand over or remove tools and devices, remove the workplace and transfer it to the changer.

On the basis of the functional division of labor, there are the following functions for servicing jobs:

• repair;

• Provision of tools;

• adjustment;

• material supply;

• transport;

• technical control;

• Organizational.

The organization and maintenance of jobs largely depend on the type of production:

• In a single and small-scale production at the workplace a large number of various operations are performed. They are equipped with universal equipment, various technological equipment;

• in the serial production, workplaces predominate, where a limited number of technological operations are performed. They are equipped with specialized equipment and tools;

• in mass production at the workplaces, as a rule, one or two technological operations are performed, therefore they are equipped with special equipment and tools.

By professional belonging of workers, jobs are divided as follows:

• stationary - for the main workers: machine operators, operators, fitters, assemblers, radio operators, smiths, foundry workers, welders, etc .;

• mobile - for auxiliary workers: locksmith repairmen, adjusters, electricians, lubricants, etc.

One of the most important indicators of the organization of workplaces is their mechanization. It distinguishes workplaces of manual, mechanized and automated work. At the organization of workplaces with prevalence of manual receptions in operations the opportunity of mechanization of carried out works is defined. At the same time, special attention is paid to the design and implementation of rational labor methods. At the mechanized workplaces, the organization is aimed at harmonizing the work of man and machine, ensuring synchronization of labor and technological process, convenience and safety of work. At the automated workstations (AWP) the technological process is carried out without the direct participation of the worker, for which only the maintenance functions are retained: control, adjustment, repair, supply and removal of parts. The introduction of industrial robots increases the number of workstations, it is possible to organize them in the conditions of serial and small-scale production.

A wide application in the engineering industry of equipment with program control (including machine tools such as "machining center") in conjunction with industrial robots leads to the creation of robotic workplaces (PPM). Their characteristic feature is the performance in automatic mode of various technological operations, which provides a high level of concentration of technological operations in the workplace and contributes to higher labor productivity, ensuring high product quality.

In the organization of workplaces, their specialization is of great importance. Specialization of the workplace is understood as the definition of its rational production profile, which is formed by fixing similar work-related operations behind it, grouped on the basis of structural and technological similarity, processing precision, etc. Reduction of the nomenclature of machined parts or the number of operations performed at the workplace, His specialization, contributes to the improvement of labor practices, the increase of production skills and a culture of labor, as well as labor productivity.

The basis for the specialization of jobs is the unification of products and their structural elements, as well as the typification of technological processes. These and other measures allow to reduce the nomenclature of the processed products, to increase the level of seriality and to reduce the number of changes in equipment.

The equipment of workplaces is determined by their production profile, specialization, degree of mechanization and automation of technological processes. For example, in the engineering industry, the standard equipment for the workplace includes:

• the basic technological equipment - the machine tool, the panel;

• auxiliary equipment - hoisting and transport equipment, coasters, seats;

• inventory - tool cabinets, bedside tables, shelves, racks, etc .;

• container of blanks and finished parts - boxes, pallets, cassettes, tripods, conveyors;

• technological equipment and tools - clamps and basing devices, keys, cutting and measuring tools;

• organizational accessories (orgsnastka) - communication and signaling devices, tablets for documentation;

• Labor protection devices, sanitary and hygienic and cultural and household devices - fences, protective screens, industrial ventilation and lighting, devices for collecting industrial waste, interior items.

When choosing the main process equipment, the main requirement is to provide the workplace with the necessary labor productivity while observing the specified parameters of technological processes. The equipment must meet the requirements of ergonomics and aesthetics, and the worker should be provided with comfortable and safe working conditions. To improve the level of automation of process control, the main equipment is provided by microprocessor plants, active monitoring facilities, etc.

The auxiliary equipment of the workplace must be reliable, convenient and safe to operate, meet the anthropometric characteristics of employees, be designed in accordance with the requirements of production aesthetics.

Equipping auxiliary equipment (handling equipment, roller tables, slips, tilters, etc.) in addition to the general workshop equipment is carried out taking into account the production profile of the workplace. When equipping workplaces with individual vehicles, special attention should be given to non-drive means (roller tables, slips), the use of which at low costs helps to reduce worker fatigue and increase labor productivity. Currently, boot devices are widely used with the use of robots and auto operators equipped with software control, touch and television devices.

The selection of auxiliary equipment for PPM is aimed at enhancing the universality and technological capabilities of these jobs. It is focused on expanding the functions of the transport system, industrial robot and machine tool in the workplace.

The auxiliary equipment that extends the functions of the transport system on the PPM are:

• loading equipment and bunkers;

• conveyors;

• manipulators with program control.

The functions of an industrial robot extend such equipment:

• tilters;

• feeding and ejecting mechanisms;

• Loaders.

Equipment that extends the functions of the machine, provides:

• automation of technological processes;

• control of lubrication and cooling.

The main task in equipping is the optimal distribution of functions between the robot and the auxiliary equipment, which depends on the current technology, the degree of automation of the computer hardware and software used.

The workplace as the primary production cell must be connected with the system of maintenance and management of information channels, i.e., the industrial communication and signaling system. This system is used for information service of the workplace and automated enterprise management system (ASUP).

One of the important issues in the organization of jobs is their rational layout. Under the layout of the workplace is understood the rational spatial placement of all material elements of production in the workplace: equipment, technological and organizational equipment, inventory that ensure the economical use of the production area, high-performance and safe labor of the worker.

There are external and internal layout of jobs. The external layout is an expedient placement in the workplace of the main and auxiliary equipment, inventory and organizational equipment. Designed specifically for the working and auxiliary space (zone). The working area is a section of a three-dimensional space limited to the reach of the worker's hands in the horizontal and vertical planes, taking into account the rotation of its body by 180 ° and moving one or two steps. Here are placed tools and objects of labor, constantly used in the work. The rest of the workplace space is an auxiliary space in which seldom used items, interior elements, etc., are located.

The main requirements for a rational external planning include:

• ensuring minimum trajectories of the movement of labor objects in the vertical and horizontal planes;

• Reduction of unnecessary labor movements;

• minimizing the number of slopes and corners of the worker's body;

• Economical use of the production area.

Internal layout of the workplace is the appropriate placement of technological equipment and tools in the tool cabinet, the correct location of workpieces and parts in the workplace. The internal layout should provide a comfortable working posture, short and low fatigue labor movements, uniform and, if possible, simultaneous execution of labor movements with both hands. Such planning is planned taking into account the reach zones of the worker's hands, which represent a section of three-dimensional space, limited by the trajectories of the workers' hands movement in the horizontal and vertical planes.

Ergonomics and psychophysical working conditions. Ergonomics examines the impact on the functional state of a person of various environmental factors: air composition, noise, vibration, lighting, meteorological conditions, etc. Concerning the above factors, ergonomics defines "comfort zones" and develops means for effective protection of the human body from harmful environmental influences.

The working conditions surrounding man are reduced to four types:

• unbearable, when the human body can not exist for a long time;

• uncomfortable, when one or two elements of the environment deviate significantly from the norm. Such conditions are observed in foundry, forge, thermal, galvanic and other shops of harmful production;

• comfortable, when all elements of the work environment are in sufficient accordance with the human factor;

• highly comfortable, when all elements are in the best correspondence with the human factor.

Factors determining the working conditions of man in the environment are given in Table. eleven.

Norms of working conditions. Productive labor depends not only on the environment, but also on many production factors. Create normal conditions for work - one of the important tasks of the manager. Most common mistakes made by managers are easily eliminated.

Table 11



Temperature in the period

Years, C °




C °, mg / l



Illumination, lux

Volume of air, m3 / person.



Unacceptable conditions









Physiological boundary








Very unfavorable conditions

+ 38- + 32

+ 10- + 15






Unfavourable conditions








Psychological boundary








Favorable conditions

+ 18







Some standards that characterize normal (optimal) and abnormal (unacceptable) working conditions are given in Table. 12. These standards in practice

Table 12



Working Conditions Normal Abnormal

Color of equipment

Light Green


Color of walls and ceiling

Light beige

Brown, blue, gray-dirty, black

Glazing condition



Clutter of work places and passages


A significant

Lifting of gravity, kg

To 10


Position of the body of the worker


Bending over

The slope of the worker's body back and forth, grad.



Repeatability of monotonous actions within an hour

Up to 130


Physical effort in control, kg



The vast majority of domestic enterprises, which contributes to higher labor productivity and the quality of products.

Test questions and tasks

1. Economic importance of reducing the duration of the production cycle. Ways of reducing it.

2. Evaluate the possibility of fulfilling the order for the production of highly profitable products by September 1 of the current year, if the enterprise can start its production only from August 10 of this year. What is necessary to start production? The order of actions in the decision-making process.

3. Conduct a comparative analysis of the structure of the duration of the production cycle of products of engineering and food industries.

4. Describe the existing types of production.

5. The essence of the streamlined organization of production, its effectiveness and ways of development. The possibilities of using flow methods for different types of production.

6. What do the concepts of "workplace organization" and "workplace service" mean?

7. Features of the organization and maintenance of workplaces, depending on the type of production.

8. The main types of industrial conditions of the environment.