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  1. Ponyattya is the essence of the state finances.
  2. Ponyattya, the principle, the legal methods and forms of the financial power.
  3. Фінансово-правові Acta фінансова політика. Organizational management of state finances.

1. Ponyattya is the essence of the state finances

Gromadyanske suspilstvo not mozhchino funktsionuvaty ta rozvivatis without the power. Power, in its chervonyu vikonoychi svoї zavdan і functіій peredachaє nayavnіst sverhvnykh fіnansіv.

Derzhavnі fіnanci si sistem syspіlnikh vіdnosin, povyazyanykh z formanovannam, rozpodilom i vikorystannya tsentralizovaniy i decentralizovaniy fondіv groshovikh koshtіv v metonyu vikonannya zavdan i funktsij sever.

Tobto fіnansova dіyalnіst powers zumovlena ob'єktivnoyu neobhіdnіstyu i Je processes zbirannya, rozpodіlu, pererozpodіlu that vikoristannya tsentralіzovanih i detsentralіzovanih fondіv penny koshtіv scho zabezpechuyut practicality vikonannya funktsіy powers.

On the різних stages, the development of people's civi lііzії зміст фінансової діяльності powers is not buv is noteworthy. In the slavlasnitsky, those feudal syspilstions of the financial support of the state were satisfied with the fault of the vesting of riznomannichnyh natural obligations і зборів. The main vestiges of the provincial powers of the buli are the vestiges of the Utriman monarch, that yogo otochennya, the sovereign apparatus, the budivnitsvo gromadskikh sporud dorig, portiv, temples, zroshuvalnyh systems tochno, and takozh videtki vedennya vine. Prichomu vitrati for vedennya viny, as a rule, was transferred for its own vse vsyo іnshi videtki derzhi, at once taken. HEAD-income powers in Tsikh suspіlstvah boule: nadhodzhennya od domenіv (sovereign lane) i regalіy (exclusive rights of the monarch on okremі promisli i torgіvlyu Pevnyi goods sіllyu, pryanoschami toscho) voєnnі trofeї, Danina s ponevolenih narodіv, perіodichnі naturalnі i groshovі Zborov vseredinі Kraina, Povinki, mito, pose.

Із занепадом feodalizmu ta postopovim otverdzhennyam in yogo nadra kapitalalisticheskogo vibroknitsva method all the great value of steel became nabuvati purely grosnovi vody i videtki power, and the pythoma of the vaga of natural zborniv and compulsions was speeded. Takozh in the historical frameworks of feudalism at the inter-XVIXVII table povnistyu vіddililasya vіd vlasnostі monarch and became an independent state treasury. Same Todi z'yavilisya vlasne credit, and the decisive pisnishe sovereign budget.

Derzhavnі fіnansіi played the role of an embarrassing vasel of the first nagromadzhnya kapitalu, but little in the head rank of the XVIXVII stolits. З їх допомогою з колоніальних країн at метрополії overloaded velichnіі bagatstva, yakі potim perevoteyvalis' bes kapital. Derzhavnye handouts and poses have become more and more zastosovuvatis vibronichihinterestsov for strenrenia і rozvitku pervykh kapitalalisticheskikh pіdpriemstv. Vazhliva role in naroschuvannі pervіsnih kapіtalіv nalezhala sistemі protektsіonіzmu, yak gave mozhlivіst Perche vіtchiznyanim kapіtalіstam vstanovlyuvati for goods i Hotel, scho stink viroblyali Chi slapped, Especially visokі tsіni, oderzhuvati nadpributki, spryamovuvati їh perevazhno on rozshirene vіdtvorennya.

In kapіtalіstichnіy derzhavі, if tovarnogroshovі vіdnosini Nabeul vseosyazhnogo character fіnansi steel virazhati ekonomіchnі vіdnosini on utvorennyu, rozpodіlu i vikoristannyu fondіv penny koshtіv in protsesі rozpodіlu i pererozpodіlu natsіonalnogo income. The basic zapobi kapitalalistichnyh powers zasedredzhulis' from the state budget.

For the sovereign funds in the capitalist regions of the XIXth century, the boule is characterized by the spirit of the schwidke zrostannia vidatkiv, postyne perevischennya ikh over the incomes of execution, and it was hammered at the front of the economy. More than that, however, the trend towards the boundary of the ХІХХХ has risen, if the Mayor of all the capitals of the powers of the power-bearers on the military has half-inflated half of the pribootkas. Krupnі koshti vitrachalsya takozh on utriannya state power paraty, ministries and meetings, politsii, prisons, etc. Vidatki on sotsialny consumer osvіtu, zharonu zdorov'ya, inshana buli mіzernimi. The main income of the state of the power of the bully is the payment, it is important not directly.

In the 20th century, the power of the capitalist power was monopolized by monopolies, and further developed by the powers of the state. Power became zabezpechuvati not tіlki oboronozdatnіst Kraina, receptionists privatnoї vlasnostі, freedom pіdpriєmnitstva i order, ale th bezposeredno took fate into protsesі virobnitstva, rozpodіlu i vikoristannya suspіlnogo product. In the minds of the state monopolistic capitalism, especially in the other countries, in the structures of the states of the world, new globoki zmіni have become. Їх сутність полягає в то, що, не дивлячись на дальше швидке zrostannia титкків in absolute sizes on мілітаризацію (especially in the USA), питома вага їх в порівнянні з аналогічними vidatkami on the cobble-stone of the XXth century it has been signifcantly slowed down і wateryard істотно збільшилась питома вага та абсолютні розміри видатків On societal conditions, health, welfare, social security.

The democratization of the susceptible life in the minds of the economically eradicated economy led to the fall of the country's witches in the social sphere becoming one of the leading ones. At the time of writing, there was a clear understanding of "Swedish socialism", "Canadian socialism", and so on. Significant поширення nabuli videtki on vtruchannu power in the economy, zokrema u dekilka разів збільшилися державні капітальні contribution to електроенергетику, вугільну, газову та інші базові галузі промисловості, на підтримку сільського господарства odnієї з nаbіlsh opіkuvanyh галузей економіки. In nairozvinutshih kapitalisticheskikh kraїnah for rahunok derzhavnyh koshtiv bula barraya atomic promyslovist.

Ninі na Zahodі іstotno zrosla pitoma vaga of the state sector of economy. Pragnuchi zbilshiti zanyatit nestlennya і chorotiti bezrobottya, vyradi vidyayut pidpriemtzam, yakі vyshshiryuyut vibroitnstvo, subsidies for the capitals of the day. Різко зросли державні видца на науково-технічний прогрес і в розвинутих країнах At the turn of the day I can reach ninety-five times as much as I can on the densities. The state became actively active in the monopoly of the power industry in the competitive forestry sector in the country's market, nadayuchi farms, and export products, nai-riznomanniіnі пільги. Vidatki on regulyuvannu process voshtirenogo vidvtyuyuvannya u bagatooh kraїnah podsyagi at our time twentie and bislos vіdsotkiv zagalnoy sumi vidatkіv state budget. There were registered new types of vodka for the dovkillia hunter, suited to the economy of the regions, subsidies and loans to the krains, but were being built.

Excitement of the power in the process of the expanded entry into the sphere of social reforms in the new time has passed the power cordons. So, Kraina Єvropeyskogo Spіvtovaristva target mіzhderzhavnі Fondi penny koshtіv scho vikoristovuyutsya for fіnansuvannya sіlskogo Gospodarstwa, podolannya structural bezrobіttya, perepіdgotovki i peredislokatsії robochoї Sealy, podolannya іstotnih disproportsіy in rozvitku okremih regіonіv Tsikh kraїn.

In this way, in the sphere of socially ori- ented economy, the sphere of finance was expanded, in which the fate of the country, the field of the financial and economic power in the country. Significant rozvitku nabuli regionalnі і місцеві фінанси, позабюджетні спеціальні урядові funds, finances of the countries. Prote, do not be baffled by the tse, financial resources, shoko Akumulyuyutsya zhh dopomogo, not vystachaє pokrtya all zrostayuchih vidatkіv power. The budgets of capitalist territories are characterized by large cronical deficits, zarostan'yas of the powerful poses, the slanders of the state borough.

High-speed rozvitka rozvitku nabuli in our time of finance private national and transnational corporations. For їх organізаційною the structure цесше всього акціонерні partnership. Ostanne is zoomed in by a timetable, one of which is one of the most effective forms of the mobilization of capital. Vaughn is allowed to transform the grotesque zberezhenya vibrochnichi innovations. Without accrual, loans, loans, loans, financial guarantees, corporate bonds, bills, they are self-financing, they have been interchanged for a long time. Фінансова сторона діяльності акціонерних товариі і підприємств інших формы власності nabuvaє all bіlshogo znachennya.

At the time of the need for mothers, for example, if the funding of the prudential and municipal forms of authority depends on the establishment of the decentralized financial resources of the state, then the financial support is required from the point of view of the state power over them in response to the questions posed by them. Dotsylno prigadati zauvazhennya z tsієї nagodi vidomogo frantsuz'kogo juristafinansista Paul Mari Godme, a kind of writer, "but in the same vypadku not slyod zabuvati about fundamentalnі vidmіnostі mіzh mіzhnіnimі і private fіnansami. The head of vision is mіzh them is zoomed by the fact that the number of private finances is deposited in the law of the economy of the economy .

So, popit іpropositsіya on the market zumovlyuyut viznachennya rozmіro obykovogo percent. The Stanislaw and the Dynamic of the Powerful Finances are viznachayutsya rіshennyami svyazi і діями публічної влади. "P. Godme stylo having formulated the visibility of private financial resources for the powers that be, you can call to the offensive:

The power in the stumpy order can not be taken care of in order to obtain the system of payment for those other obovyazkovyh payments, at that time the yak primusovoy vikonannya on vidnoshennju up to the self-government of the city does not rush. Privatnі individuals can not be in the stumpy order to secure access to, і, відповідно, mууть виявитись непропроможним виконати зїбівівції;

The state finance system is not dependent on a penny system, the system is controlled by the state, then the system does not reside in the wolf of the private agent, but is disorganized by the foxes;

Privatnі fіnnіsі zоrієнтовані to the retained pribudku. Держані фінанси, навпаки, це засіб здійснення загального інтересу;

Розміри державних фінансів незрівнянно більші, ніж розміри приватних фінансів, яким розпоряджаються окремі individuals.

"Цих відмінностей цілком достатньо, реюмумує П. Годме, щоб роглягляда фінансове право як самостійну наук, яка, не дивлячись на свій зв'язок з частнымми фінансами, чітко відмежовується від останніх і не залишає місця for that, щоб створити єдину науку про фінанси, Yaka b obednuvala yak derzhavnі, so i privatnі fіnansi. "

Such a system, the state finance system, is a system of pennies, yaka is visually impaired at once and is controversially written on the Internet. Prote not be-yakі groshivі vіdnoshini є fіnansovimi (napriklad, vіdnoshi komіvіlіprodazhu і tsivіnnopravimіmi, vіdnіnі z privodu razvіvu adminіnistrativnogo fіlmu admіnіstrativativnopravimіmі, etc.).

Фінанси відрізняються від грос як за змістом, и і за функціями, що вони виконуть. Groshi tse vzasazgalny ekvіvalent, for dopomoyuyu yakogo nasampered vimiryuyutsya spend pravitsi vibroknіv, and fisansi ekonomichnyi instrument rozpodilu i pererozpodilu gross domestic product і natsionalnogo income, knowing the control of utovorenny and vikoristannyam fondіv groshovikh kostyiv . The main thing is the recognition of financial resources in the way in which the stupid income and the funds are saved, not for consumption of goods and property in pennies, but for controlling the vitrachanov of grotesque resources.

Фінанси виражають грошові відносини, які виникають між:

Підприємствами in the process придбання товарноматеріальних цінностей, реалізації товарів і послуг;

Підприємствами і вищестоящими оргаізаціями at стренені центлізованих фонів грошових коштів іхх розподілі;

Power and benefits when they pay taxes to the budget and finance sates;

By the state and by the Gromadyans in the course of their payment of contributions and contributions; Підприємствами,

Gromadyanyami and pozabudzhetnimi funds with contributions paid and sustained koshtiv from them; Pack budget systems;

Bodies of insurance, pidpriemstvami, poplavlenyam at platі zavisovyh vneskiv and vidshchoduvannyi shodi at nastanni an insurance vipadku; Нарешті, грошові відносини, що опосередковоеть кругообіг фонів підприємств.

Without the participation of financiers, it is not possible for the national income of the territory, for its own suttu, to be the basic material of the junior grouns of income and funds. Fіnansi vіstryayut zv'yazyuchoyu lankoyu mіzh trіvoryonyam iі vikoristannyam natsіonalnogo income, dopomagayut on the basis of vrahuvannya consumption syspilstva viznachati v nyu optimalnyi proporazatії mіzh fund spozhivannya taatom podgromadzhennya.

Виникаючи на другій стадії відтворювального процесу при розпоілі та перерозподілі вартості суспільного product fінанси мають об'єктивний nature і виідносяться to the number of basic categories. Potrbno zavzhdi pam'yatati, scho not diyalnist power on its own, and the consumer's consumption of sushilnyu zoumovlyuyut існування фінансів.