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Resource payments in the payment system of Ukraine

Duzhe tisno up to sistemi mіscevich podatkіv і zborіv primikayє mehanizm resursnyh payment. Rozraunki for the vicarities of natural resources on the rivers in the submacial system (payment for land, forestry), the range of payments to be regulated visually, and the mechanism of corruption is similar to the one similar to the payment of land and housing, but also for the payment of the resource payments, In the budget of the richest regions, the jerk of the forcible income part.

In the budget contract:

1. Збір за спеціальне використання лісових ресурсів.

2. Збір за спеціальне використання prісних водних ресурсів.

3. Zbir for spetsialnoe vikoristannaya nadr with vidobuvanni korossnyh kopalin.

4. Збір за геологорозвдувальні роботи.

5. Rent fee for naphtha is natural gas, which is paid in Ukraine.

6. Reduction in prices for natural gas.

7. Nadegzhennya koshtiv vіd privatizіїї інна державних підприємств.

Mehanizm rozraunku pay for water boulo concretized by the decrees of the Ministry of Ukraine on July 13, 1992 p. No. 20 "About tariffs for water, yak taken away from water-supply systems" and dated 05.01.1993. № 2 "About tariffs for water." In the current hour, the payment for water is calculated on the basis of the payment of the amount of payment for the amount of payment for special expenses for water resources, approved by the order of the State Duma of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the Ministry for the Conservation of the Natural Natural Resources, the Ukrainian State Water Committee, the Ukrainian State Committee on Deterioration On geologicheskii vikoristannu nadr dated 14.04.94 р.

The fee for the special water supply of the water resources is to be determined by the method of formulating the pledged nature of the resource in the local water resources. Entering the price you pay not to charge the sub'equities for payment of payments for discount from water supplies of zabrudnichnyh rivers, penalties for pomeshennya nature conservation legislation.

Prior to special water resources, it is necessary to cover the water resources for the satisfaction of the water needs of the volatile and Silesian food needs, the population's needs. Specialnye vikoristanna prisnyh vodnykh resursіv zdіysnjєyatsya in the following forms:

Vikoristan of water resources for the satisfaction of the vibrotic needs of the population at the water for the specialty of the add-ons;

Vikoristannya voda without zastosuvannya spetsialnih pristroїv that installations, yakі mozhut vplenuti na yakіsnі ta kilkіsnі pokazniki stanu vodnykh resursis;

Korostuvannya water objects for the needs of hydropower and water transport.

Paysites vistupayut pіdpriєmstva promislovostі that pіdpriєmstva scho vіdpovіdno to the national classifier Galuzo Gospodarstwa, nalezhat to the Branch "Promislovіst", in fact i chislі pіdpriєmstva teploenergetiki, Square od FORMS vlasnostі scho toil samostіyny balance Yea i Yurydychna individuals. Wongs make a budget for the water, take away from the water-supply systems of public utilities and communal property. Paysites vistupayut takozh sub'єkti pіdpriєmnitskoї dіyalnostі vodokoristuvachі Square od forms vlasnostі scho vvazhayutsya Yurydychna special, vklyuchayuchi pіdpriєmstva gіdroenergetiki i Water Transport, pіdpriєmstva s іnozemnimi іnvestitsіyami, їh fіlії, predstavnitstva, vіddіlennya that INSHI vіdokremlenі pіdrozdіli, scho not vvazhayutsya Yurydychna special, ale toil Okremiy balance, flowing і rozraunkovy rahunok in the bank, and takozh godararskі vibrochnichi pіdrozdіli, sho do not mait the status of juridical person that pіdвідомчі непропрозраруковиным оргаізаціям.

Ob'єktom obchislennya pay for water Je obsyag Vod, yak spozhivachі vikoristovuyut for Vlasnyi require Square od of Chi Won postupaє bezposeredno іz vodogospodarskih systems abo іnshih vodokoristuvachіv chi communal Gospodarstwa od of companies.

When vikoristannі Vod needful ob'єktіv sotsіalno cultural priznachennya, zhitlovo and communal Gospodarstwa, pobutovogo obslugovuvannya toscho Board amended the budget for all the auction water Yakscho tsі service zabirayut її s Sistemi vodopostachannya Promyslova pіdpriєmstva on balansі yakogo vіn i znahoditsya.

Payment for water is not paid:

Yakschoo vona vidpuskayutsya іншим споживачам;

Yakshcheo von to be taken away by the riboplant;

Yakshcho vona not be taken away from the sys tems of the water supply of promising pidpriemstva services, but to be on yoga balance;

On підземні лікувальні і термальні води, підземні промислові води;

For the milk shake water.

Normavi pay for spetsialnoe vikoristanny prisnyh water resources zavidzhidyutsya Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in UAH for 1 cu. Meter of water, water and water systems.

Payments, zdіysnyuvany on geologozrozvduvalnі roboty, coped with the decisions with decrees and punishments of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. З 1 жовтня 1995 року the new order відрахувань is introduced on geologozvduvalnі robots, виконані for рахунок the state budget, затверджений I order Кабінету Міністрів України since 11.08.95 р. No. 645, which is based on Article 33 of the Code of Ukraine on procuracy.

Vidrahuvannya on geologozviduvanni roboti enumerate the standards korrostuvachami all forms of humidity, yakі dobuvayut korypnі kopalini at the early stages of birthmarks. Cі normativi viznachayatsya yak part vartostі odnitsі добутої мінеральної сировини. In tsiomu vipadku vartity odinnitsi dobutoi mineralogo sirovini enumerate for the prices of real estate without a region to pay for the corrugated nadrs with the view of the corysonic copalines, rent pay the dodavan vartit.

Normativi shall be assessed at the end of the month before the vartosty odinnitsi dobutoi mineralogical sirovini. In the course of the work of the odinnitsi tsієї sirovini, you can count on the price of real estate without VAT, rent payments, and pay for admission. Постановою Кабінету Міністрів України dated 23.09.95 р. № 773 The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine has been given the right to establish the normative guidelines for Vidrahuvan.

Відрахування за геологорозвдувнні роботи to be rallied in the state budget and to meet the productiveness of the products of the corridors. Vid vіdrahuvan pay for geologorozvіduvalnі robots zvіlnyayutsya vlasniki zemlі that zemlekoristuvachі, SSMSC zdіysnyuyut in order vstanovlenomu vidobuvannya korisnih Kopalin mіstsevogo values ​​for Vlasnyi potreb chi koristuyutsya Nadra for gospodarskih i pobutovih take to nadanih їm in vlasnіst chi koristuvannya dіlyankah land.

By zakinchennuyu kozhno quarter korostustachi nadr enumerate the ration sumu vidrahuvan for geologozviduvalnyi robot zrostayuchim pidsumkom zachatku roku, vyhodachi z actualkoi vartosty mіnernoi sirovini, i podayayut podatkovym adminovistratsyam rozraunkki v termіni, viznacheni dlya filednya biblioteka zvіtnosti. Residual payment is paid in the third quarter of the year in order to pay for the accounting.

З 1 квітня 1994 року in Україні a fee has been introduced for the specialization of a visa in the case of vidobuvanni kopalin. Timchasovy order of the union viznachaє єdin on teritorії Ukraine, її continental shelf rules of pererahuvannya її in the budget. Використання надр здіднюєється on the basisії special spirits.

Paysites vistupayut OAO All sub'єkti pіdpriєmnitskoї dіyalnostі scho zdіysnyuyut spetsіalne vikoristannya Nadr at nayavnostі spetsіalnih dozvolіv (lіtsenzіy) on koristuvannya Nadra Ukrainy teritorії in furrows, її continental shelf, viklyuchnoї (morskoї) ekonomіchnoї Zoni. Platnikov vygodyayut sub'ekti, yakі zdіysnjut all vyi koristuvannya nadrami.

Ob'ektom ploshati є obygag dobuvannya cinnamon kopalin (for naphtha, gas condensate, hydrometallic resources), redeemed balance balances. Until the unpaid stocks fall on the yak zdobuti, so і zalysheni nezdobutimi іz nadr (vtracheni) balansiі reserve corsene kopalin. Prior to vosrachenii korossnyh kopalin in proizvodstva vidobuvannya nalezhat vse i vidrat v nadrah.

The payment for the korisna kopalini is accrued for єdinym for all korostustachi normative for the skin of the Odinitsa repayment of the balance reserves of the corsal copal chi for the skin of the Odinitsa zdobutih cinnamon copalines. Цей the standard is set in розмірі 1% realizatsii odinnitsі добутої мінеральної сировини без обліку податку на додану вартість. For pidpriemstv vugilnoy promislovosti to the standard of payment zastosovuyutsya koefitsynet 0.5. For gіrnichodobuvnih pіdrozdіlіv scho peredayut his produktsіyu for pererobki for sobіvartіstyu at viznachennі pay zamіst tsіni vrahovuєtsya sobіvartіst in furrows gіrnichodobuvnogo pіdrozdіlu, zbіlshena on koefіtsієnt 1.1. Suma payment shall be paid by the planner, automatically and before the vitrifite vitrifite.

Korystuvannya nadryam gorodzhuzhutsya z mіssevimi radami, and if neobihіdnostі in the past zatsikavleniyu ministries ta viddomstvami. Okrema lіtsenizіya надається на кожний вид діяльності по корстуванню надры. For the sustained licensing on zdіysnennya ekspluatatsiї monstrosities of corsaline copalines, an examination is required for the stock of corysonic copalines in the reserve of Ukraine from the reserves of natural copals.