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  1. Поняття, функції, основні галузі і вид страхування.
  2. Організація страхування в Україні.

1. Поняття, функції, основні галузі та вид страхування

Strahuvannya є sistemo osoblivich hroshovih vidosin, scho laiayut pro promizhnu lanku mіzh fіnansovimi i kreditnymi vednosinami. Кошти, мобілізовані shahom insurance, utljuyutoosoblivі fund tsіlоvogo iznachennja pаshovі fundy.

Відомі різні форма организаізації страхових фонів. Naidavnisha і vodnochas nayprostіsha of them polygate in that, о страхо страхо ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут ут The form is called self-insurance .

Self-insurance decentralizes the form of an organization to an insurance fund. Such a fund is said to be a state-rich sub-entity for a rakhun of resource resources and goods for special needs. When zhomu zwadana neperbbachena shkoda not kompensuytsya, and tilki rivnerno rozpodilyaetsya for the entire period of the utonvorenya insurance fund.

Significantly, the form of the insurance fund was centralized. Such a fund is є єdinim for a singer's cola sub'ektiv in a state dowry. Він utozvuyutsya in tsentralizovannomu order from tsentralizovanyh resources (zagalnozodervnyh, regionalnykh ta mіssevih), and not on the basis of insurance vneskvov vidpovidnih gospodarstv. Shkoda, scho vidshkodovuyutsya z cyogo fund, do not lie on that very sub'ekt gospodaruvannya, de vona mal malice.

Ці дві форма страхування до цих пір мають місце в Україні, protesters do not get fatter, secrecy for efficiency is the third type of organization of insurance funds for centralized insurances for rakhunok decentralization dzherel. The essence of the formation of the field is in the fact that in the insurance fund is centralized in special insurance organizations, protests are made in decentralized order with a cliche of special provisions in the fund of subordinated legal entities and legal entities. The form of an organisation of an insurance fund і є insurance for yoga naybіlsh rozvinutomu, vychasnomu viglyadі.

Strahuvannya can be attributed to the form of an organisational centralized insurance fund for a raunch of decentralized dzherel (insurance insurances of insured persons). Це визначення охоплює всі види страхування добровільне і обов'язкове, договірне і nedogovіrne.

The main subjects of insurance are:

Insurers of juridical persons be-yakogo organizatsiynopravovoy form, sho moyut dervovny dozvіl (litzensiyu) on zdіysnennya insurvovyh operatsiy, vidayut utovorenny i vitrachananyam koshtiv insurance fund. The insurants can manage the insurance of insurance, the accumulation of insurance, the partnership of mutual insurance and reinsurance. In the customs of the rink of the state, the most common are the fears of companies in the form of joint stock companies. Concentration of capital on an accrual basis is to prevent the financial independence of insurance organizations;

Insurance of juridical and phisical individuals, insurance of insurances and entering into insurance against insurances for the provision of a law, and another normative act on pidstavi dvuhstonyonyi forms of the contract insurance. On pidstverdzhennya poddverzhenzheny contracted insurance insurer is seen as an insurance insurer svidotstvo (polis), in which the rules of insurance, transfer of insured risks, insurance of insurance and insurance premiums (insertion), the order of change, and the agreement of the insurance policy, are to be regulat- ed in accordance with the rules.

Suspilna sutnist і predstavchennja strahuvannya nayasrakravishe ta napovnishe manifested at yogo funktsiyah. Naivazhlivshimi means them є vidnovlyuvlna, pogruzhuvalna, oschadna ta control functions.

The main function of insurance is і Відшкодування збитків від страхових випадків, відновлення productive forces чи чибебуту страхувальника (страхувальників). In the legal literature, the function is traditionally changed (in special litera- ture, insurance is the function of insurance, it is necessary to change the function of rizikov).

The extrajudicial function of insurance is crammed into finance for a rake of a part of the insurers of the insurance fund by calling for an insurance risk. In insurance housing, the category of insurance in the Naybіlshіі мірі зближується з категорієюю a loan at награмадженні уііпповідності з договорах insured for the survival of the insurances of insured sums. The savings of grotesque sums for the sake of insurance for the survival of the people of the country are demanded in the insurance zahisty of the well-known family good. Tim himself insures himself and his functions.

The control function of insurance is in the strictly prone form of the insurance fund. Dana functitsіya vyplivaє з usіх вищвказаних спецфічних функцій і manifested itself one-hour with them in specific insurances, in insurances of insurances. In order to control the function on the normative documents, the financial insurance control over the correct conduct of insurance operations is performed.