Охорона праці - Moskalova V.М.

2.5.5 Rozsliduvannya ta oblіk avarі

Prior to the avalanche of the technogenic nature, levy avarії on transport, pozhezhi, vibuchi, avarії z wikidom severodіyuchih ubaynih, radіoaktivnih, bіologіchno nebezpechchnikh ta іnshih rechovin, raptove ruinuvannya sporud ta іn.

Відповідно до Положення, аварії поділяються на дві категорії:

  • Prior to the 1st category, there were a lot of accidents, some of them were drowned 5 chi traumatized. 10 or more years osib abo wakid rechovin for inter-sanitarno-zahisno zonyi pidpriemstva, scho zbilshilo concentrat zabrudnyvachiov na nakkolishnomu sredovischy bishe yak u 10 vidiv. Sudi nalezhat takozh avarії, scho zvirnuvali budіvlіo sporudi and izprinichili zagrozu zhittya ta zdor'ya znachennogo kіlkostі populated.
  • Up to the 2nd category, there are a lot of avaries, vasledikok of some of them are bogged down to 5 osibs, abo traumatized from 4 to 10 osib, aborted by the emergency, it was caused by zhroztu zhiti that health of pratsivnikiv, de pravciye 100 i bislo osib.

The order of the resumption of avarios, the inheritance of some of them became untenable in the course of that particular, hour, and hour of the special resignation.

Розслідування аварій without нещасних випадків здійснють комісії, які утворююються:

  • In the case of accidents I of the category - a decree of the central authority of the Vikanovka authorities of the local government for the citizens of the countries with the state power oversight for the hunting and fishing expeditions;
  • At avariyah II category - the order kerivnika body, to the sphere of management, I nablyzhi pidpriemstvo, for zhengozhennyam z vidpііdimnym body of the state to see the hunting pratsitsa MNS.

For the expansion of the warehouse and warehouse of the act for the H-5 mold, the term 10 days is to be established, the extension of which is the category of avariness, the nature of the encroachment, and the reason for the appearance.

Materіali rozslіduvannya in p'yatidniy termіn після його закінчення роботавець it is directed to the procurator's office of those other bodies, the representatives of some took the fate of the roses.

The act of resurrection of avarії, de not become an unhappy vipadku, zberihaєtsya on pіdpriєmstі to the completion of vikonannya zahodіv, rozrobleny komіsієyu, ale not less than two rock.