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3.2 Reigning sanіtarne zakonodavstvo

Suspіlnі vіdnosini scho vinikayut in sferі zabezpechennya sanіtarnogo that epіdemіologіchnogo blagopoluchchya population regulyuє Law "About zabezpechennya sanіtarnogo that epіdemіchnogo blagopoluchchya population" (1994).

Vіdpovіdno to tsogo Act pіdpriєmstva toil rozroblyati sanіtarnі proti epіdemіchnі that come in that zdіysnyuvati control vikonannyam vimog sanіtarnogo zakonodavstva.

Vikoristannya nebezpechnih chinnikіv in virobnichіy abo pobutovіy sferі dopuskaєtsya deprivation of nayavnostі sertifіkatu scho yogo zasvіdchuє Reigning reєstratsіyu.

Sanіtarne blagopoluchchya population dosyagaєtsya takozh vprovadzhennyam derzhavnoї Sanitary and Epidemiological. Ob'єktami Sanitary and Epidemiological Je projection natsіonalnih, regіonalnih, mіstsevih i galuzevih program sotsіalno-ekonomіchnogo rozvitku, dokumentatsіya budіvnitstva on projects, new tehnіka, novі tehnologії i all those scho Mauger zavdati Skoda Helsinki Human Health Protection.

Warehouses Chastain sanіtarnogo zakonodavstva Je sanіtarnі rules, regulations, metodichnі Price not specified, rekomendatsії, the provisions of that іnstruktsії.

Vazhlivimi in sanіtarnomu zakonodavstvі Je takі document and yak:

  • CH 245-71 "Sanіtarnі normalized proektuvannya Promyslova of companies." Tsei document reglamentuє sanіtarnі minds pratsі, sanіtarnu klasifіkatsіyu virobnitstv, dopustimі rіvnі shkіdlivih virobnichih chinnikіv, vimogi to proektіv tehnologіchnih protsesіv, obladnannya, virobnichih budіvel that sporud.
  • DSanPіN 173-96 "Derzhavnі sanіtarnі rules that planuvannya Zabudova punktіv population."
  • SDS 3.3.6-037-99 - "Derzhavnі sanіtarnі virobnichogo normalized noise, ultrasound is the іnfrazvuku".
  • SDS 3.3.6-039-99 - "Derzhavnі sanіtarnі normalized virobnichoї zagalnoї that lokalnoї vіbratsії".
  • SDS 3.3.6-042-99 - "Derzhavnі sanіtarnі normalized mіkroklіmatu virobnichih primіschen".
  • "Sanіtarnі rules organіzatsії tehnologіchnih protsesіv i gіgієnіchnі vimogi to virobnichogo obladnannya" i t. Іn.

Vimogi scho mіstyatsya in sanіtarnih norms i rules konkretizovanі in methodically vkazіvkah, rekomendatsіyah that іnstruktsіyah, SSMSC vidaє the Ministry of Health.

Okrіm mainly Reigning dokumentіv sanіtarnogo zakonodavstva ob'єkti gospodaryuvannya toil dotrimuvatisya sanіtarnih norms that rule galuzevogo that vіdomchogo priznachennya.

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