Охорона праці - Moskalova V.М.

Control of the test program (301-350)

301. In the case of a diminutive depression in the boiler, the water is re-roasted into a pair, zbylshuychichsya in ob'єmі approximately in:

A) 500 times;

B) 1000 times;

В) 1700 разів;

302. Steam and water boilers are controlled by the following organs:

A) the Derzhgirpromnoglyad;

B) Dersansnaglyad;

C) Derzhenergoglyad;

303.Reestruyutsya vapor and water boiler, then, if you can respond to such vimogam:

A) (t - 50) V? 15;

B) (t - 100) V? 10;

C) (t - 100) V? 5;

304.Dozvіl on експлуатацію посудин під тиском надає:

A) the letter of the dispatch of the administration on the balance of the boiler;

Б) комісія від монтажної оргаізації;

В) інспектор Держгірпромнагляду;

305.Pereatestatsiya obligovuyuchogo personnel boiler is held leather:

А) 3 months;

B) through півроку;

C) once for 12 months;

306.Tehnichnyi look at the dishes to the side:

A) first, periodic, after-water;

B) in unproductive vipadks;

C) on the behalf of the inspector;

307.Tehnіchny oglyad utensils під тиском полягає у:

А) гідравлічному випробовуваніі після installation;

B) in general, for the visually impaired, for the call and for the inside;

В) оцінці якості Зварних з'єднань and пошуку зовнішніх дефектів;

308.Ready grip for viprobovuvannya paroviha kotliv moe bouti:

A) 1,5Р але not more than 2 кГс / см ?;

B) 1,25P;

C) 3P not more than 3 kG / cm?

309. The water boiler is to be tested with a tent:

A) 3P;

B) 1.25 ale not less than P + 3 kG / cm ?;

C) 1.5P;

310. Kotel vvazhaetsya this, sho vitrimav gidravlychne viprobovuvannya, yakshchoo not vyyavleno:

A) unacknowledged results;

Б) тріщин всіх видів і напрямків;

В) течі, слозин і потіння, деформації;

311. The clock of the boiler under the test tie-in is not less than:

А) 5хв;

B) 10 хв;

C) 15 хв;

312.Periodicity of the internal technical inspection of the registrations of the boiler rooms, the construction of the following terrain:

A) once for 3 rock;

B) once for 4 rock;

C) once for 8 rock;

313.Periodicity of hydropower viprobovuvannya kotlіv здійснюється у наступні терміни:

A) once for 12 months;

B) once for 4 rock;

C) once for 8 rock;

314.Dostrokovy tehnichny oglyad kotla zdіysnyuyut todi, kolic vin:

A) not operated more than rock;

B) on the elements;

C) Means of digging;

315.Dostrokovy tehnicchny oglyad kotla zdіysnyuyut todi, kolic vin:

А) має залишкові деціїї;

B) the meaning of the rozrivu;

C) the dismantling of the rebuilding and the reinstatements;

316.Dostrokovy tehnicchny oglyad kotla zdіysnjut todi, if:

А) і звнішні defectiveness;

B) I'll look into the organization for the necessary;

C) the alternate view is not vyaviv zhodnih defects;

317.Observice personnel may negoyno zupini cat, yaksh:

A) not formalized in the journal of the pidpis of the reports;

B) in the passport, there is no moth-proof note;

C) stopped dyati ponad 5% of the stored valves;

318.Observoychuyuchy staff mee negayno zupini cat, yaksh:

A) misses the term viprobovuvannya;

B) tisk піднявся вище allowable more than nіzh on 10% and продовжує зростати після припинення подачі тепло;

C) the passport does not have the term of a draft vibropowing;

319. With the permissible permissible vice, the compressor should be translated to the idle speed:

A) a manometer;

B) a captive valve;

C) an automatic taper control;

320.Automatically zizhyuyut tisk in the compressor to normal, vipuskom nadlishek povitrya in the atmosphere:

А) забиіжні клапани;

B) avarіynі regulators;

C) control manometry;

321. Znanja z nash techniki bezpeki personnel, sho obslugovu kompressorni installations pereviryayut not less:

A) once for 3 months;

B) once in the river;

C) once upon a peacock;

322.For steam pipelines in the boiler rooms with robotic parameters of the medium, however, it is necessary to transport it in the following way:

A) nibyilshy tisk vody on the route;

B) the maximum temperature of the water in the supply pipeline;

C) tic and temperature of the steam is the nominal value on the boiler output;

323.Temperature of all elements of pipelines accessible to service personnel does not need to be interchanged:

A) 45? C;

B) 35? C;

C) 40? C;

324.Hiadravlya viprobuvannya pipelines in the middle of a trial tie, which I translate into a tear at:

A) 1.5;

B) 1.25;

C) 2.5;

325. The clock of the pipeline with a pilot tamper is not less than:

A) 15 хв;

B) the finish;

C) 5 хв;

326.Після реєстрації трубопроводів дозвіл на їх експлуатацію видає:

A) the person is responsible for the good standing;

B) the authority of the Derzhgirpromnaglyad;

В) місцева адміністрація;

327.Zareystrovanі in the bodies of the pipeline to see the technical support in the following lines:

A) before the start-up in operation;

B) not one more time for 3 rock;

C) not earlier than 2 rock;

328.Repair of robotics in canals, chambers of pipelines to be tilted for nayavnost:

A) the permissitude of the governor;

B) letting the body see;

C) alongside-permission;

329. Prohibitions of nezapovaneniy prostir at the baloons maє stanoviti:

a) ? Of the balloon;

B) 10% of the total balloon;

C) 1/3 of the total balloon;

330. Look of the ballots in the name of the method:

A) adherence to pre-operational exploitation;

B) Masi i ob'emu;

C) viyavlenna korozії on the walls and trinities;

331.Vaga vtatazhu, scho be transferred manually for cholovikiv moe stanoviti:

A) 80 kg;

B) 50 kg;

C) 30 kg;

332.Vaga vtatazhu, scho be transferred manually for zhenok maє stanoviti:

A) 50 kg;

B) 30 kg;

C) 20 kg;

333.Підлітки від 16 до 18 років to be admitted up to розвантажування і навантажування якщо вантаж:

A) - bulk, light-weight, piece;

B) the weight is 10 kg;

C) carry a stretcher in two places to the vicarities;

334.For the authorities, let's take a look at the basics:

A) with a weight of up to 80 kg;

Б) навалочні, штучні, наливні, спеціальні;

C) malonezbezpechny, especially nebezpechny, combustible;

335.Visota vtantazhu at the time of transportation is not guilty of a boutique for:

A) 3.8 above the road surface;

B) 3.5 above the road surface;

C) 3.0 above the road surface;

336. The roar of transport owners on the territory of the penitentiary system is not guilty of overhauling:

A) 2 km / year;

B) 10 km / year;

C) 3 km / year;

337. All the calls for navigation, yaki prikladanyayutsya to the tap for the boundaries of the supporting contour stvoonyut:

A) an exasperating moment;

B) the camp of the river;

C) the throwing time;

338.Stupin stіykostі krana u robochomu stennі viznachaetsya:

А) vtatazhnoy stійкістю;

B) an authoritative stiikistu;

C) building a crane protidyati perekidannu;

339.Koefitsynost vlasnoi i vantazhnoi stіykostі vvazhaetsya zadovіnim, if yogo znachennya become:

A) 0.9;

B) 1.4;

C) 1.15;

340.Do the parameters of the crane vidnosyatsya:

A) basic technical characteristics and robustness;

B) wattage characteristics;

C) Vil'it pisli, wandering moment;

341. The main parameter of cranes is the type of:

А) швидкість переміщення крана;

B) the frequency of the wrapped rotary arm;

C) vantazhopіdіomnist;

342.Perevirku suprijnosti installation of the crane zdіysnjut shlyu pіndnimannya maximum permissible vantazhu on the height:

A) 5 cm і turn the page with a guy in the offending side for 180-200 ?;

B) 200-300 mm і утримання його a stretch of 10 хв;

C) 200-300 mm і здійснення всіх кранових маніпуляцій;

343.Robotu on crane slіd pripiniti at nablizhennja thunderstorms і силі вітру понад:

А) 7 балів;

Б) 6 балів;

В) 5 балів;

344.Drzhavny naglaz for tehnichnim campom i ekspluotatsiiyu vtatazhopidnimalnykh zdіysnjut machines:



C) Derzhgirpromnaglyad;

345.Реєстрації in bodies нагляду підлягають крани вантажопідіомність яких перевищує:

A) Іт, а також мостові крани вантажопідйомність яких перевищує 10 т;

B) the cranes of the wagons up to 10 t by the permanent voucher of the page;

В) самохідні, козлові, мостові крани бідь-чкої вантажопідйомності;

346.Dozvіl on start at the robot кранів seen:

A) special, scho vidpovidaye for їх bespeyaniy stan;

B) the limit of the state power after the results of technical assistance

C) a request for a viprobuvannya і acknowledgment of slingers, that viznachennya with the right machine tool;

347.Повний технічний огляд кранів здійсюють times on:

A) three rock;

B) two rock;

C) schorichno;

348.Chastkovy technical inspection of cranes in winter time on:

A) three rock;

B) 12 months;

C) before the skin of the skin;

349.Statichne viprobuvannya crane zdіysnyuetsya navantazhennyam, scho perevishchu vtatazhopіdіomnist on:

A) 10%;

B) 20%;

C) 25%;

350. From the static viprobuvannam crane is known:

A) the time;

B) 10 хв;

C) 5 хв;