Rhetoric - Gritsenko TB

Lektsiya 1. Rhetoric - the science of ritualism. Basic understanding of classic rhetoric

Діяльність багатьох профій is simply inconceivable without ґruntovih know the principles and rules of the oratorical mystery. For us publichna mova - nigolovnisha zbroya. Oratory is the most important thing in the culture.

Oratorske Mistetstvo was viznachnim suspіlnim yavischem, scho slit rіvnya dosyagnulo temple in ancient svіtі: Єgiptі, Assіrії, Kitaї. One day Same Drevne Gretsiya vysnachaetsya batkivshchinoyu krasnomstva, de pachala zagorodatis yogo teorii.

Krasnokhmovstvo dovyaglo znakno pryskonalosti zavdyaky sofistam, yakі vmіli maesterno lead suprechku, vidnichalis komіtlіvistyu in be-like word games. However, the system of justice has collapsed as a system of thoughtfulness in the field of incorrect proofs. Not випадково найбільш відомим with the postulate софістики був виислів найвидатнішого із софістів - політичного діяча Protagoras: "About be-a-kind thing you can hang two sudzhennya, the one to one."

Maystrom akademichnyh besid-dialogov at Gretsy Bouvet Socrates. Same vin vpershem zastosuvav іronіy yak zasіb critical stavlennya to dogmatics. Socrates creating not new eetiku, the technique of super, for example, a new mission. Yakshcot Socrates bugatma dochichnimi buv povyazanyan z vchennyam sofistiv, then yogo spiritual spadkoyetsets Platon zreshshoyu becoming yoga naybіlshim critic. Platonіvskі dіalogi vvazhayutsya svoєrіdnimi fіlosofskimi dramas, scho s skladayutsya yaskravih hudozhnіh obrazіv, glibokih for zmіstom i vіdshlіfovanih for the form. Ці діалоги і досі викликають незмінний Інтерес to the subject бесіди і not retchly to lead chitacha to potrebdnymi meti.

Legendary speaker of the ancient svtu Demosthenes is alive in the epoch, as if the people of the land were locked in the end. Being a great orator i patrіotom, Demosthenes namagavsya zberegti vіdzhity Reigning way i svoїm Zhittya paying vіrnіst perekonannyam that іdealam. On the demosphenic promos, the orators of the various generations studied, not the Greeks, or even the eldest, especially Rome. Usya triumphal glory of the Roman rhetoric may be known by one sounding name - Mark Tullius Cicero. Vidatny speaker i polіtichny dіyach, pismennik, fіlosof author traktatіv on those moralі i vihovannya, vіn becoming uosoblennyam tsіloї Epoch in rimskіy іstorії i nayviznachnіshoyu postattyu in latinskomu krasnomovstvі vzagalі.

Oratorska misterstvo chas rednomstvo moe tisyacholitnju історію. І pocalosya vono, pevno, iz of oracles, yak vicilo at relgijah At once, the ancient Greeks and Rome yak prophet, the kotre nіbi pogodomlyali people gods through the mouth zhertsiv.

Same the word oracle ( vid Lat. Oraculum - prorikannya ) - the world, de progoloshuvalosya prophetstvo; Portable - lyudina, usі sudozhennya osobya vyznayutsya unreasonable істиною, одкровенням. Speak like a speaker.

The speaker (in the Latin orare - speak) vkažuє on:

1) a person, but I vigiloshu promovvu, vystupaye z promovoyu on zborah;

2) krasnomovna people, yaka volodіє darom maysternostі words.

Oratory is its own riznovidi, yakі prososhiruyut yogo syslove znachennya. Розглянемо основні з них.

Rhetoric (Greek - the science of the oratorku mystetztvo) at the wide-known so call the artist prose vzagali; Іронічно - about beautiful, але малозмістовні words. Rhetoric skladaєtsya of 5 Chastain: znahodzhennya materіalu, roztashuvannya yogo verbal virazhennya (vchennya about three stilі: Temple, serednіy nizky i, i about three zasobi pіdvischennya stilіv: dobіr slіv, poєdnannya slіv stilіstichnі fіguri i), i zapam'yatovuvannya vimovlyannya.

In ritoritsі іsnuyut so zvanі fіguri - osoblivі zafіksovanі stilіstichnі zvoroti MTIE, scho zastosovuyutsya for posilennya ekspresivnostі (viraznostі) vislovlyuvannya, napriklad, anaphora (єdinopochatok) epіfora (repetition), Rimi, asonansi i consonance, symploce (spletіnnya єdinopochatku i єdinozakіnchennya) amplіfіka Tsіya (zbilshuvannya, prikrashuvannya), antithesis, paralelizmi, gradatsiya (povsilennya), inversion (permutation order sliiv), and zamov chuvannya. Z tsієy metodu zastosovuyot i tropi (pervesne znachennya sliv), and takozh nezvichnі wordpodnennya, zvoroti moovi, scho vyhodyat beyond the framework of the standards of norms; Solotzizmi (improper jingling).

The rhetoric of the boule was rooted in antiquity (Cicero, Quintilian), actively rooted in the Middle Ages and in Novius. In Ukraine ії викладали з початку XVII ст., It is paramount in Києво-Могилянському колегіумі.

Diskusіya - obogovorennya yakogo-nebut pitannja, problems on zibrannah, at pressi, at privatnіy besidy.

A promo is a publi- cation of a driver, a text of this type, a supplement, a zaklik, agitatsiya.

Проповідь - promova релігійно-почального змісту, yaka vigoloshuyutsya in the church at the hour of worship; Church literary-oratorkiy genre of clean, accustomed nature; Portable - publichny vystup on the theme song. Проповідник - то , хто проповідує, поширює яке-небудь вчення, церковний оратор, красномовець.

Demagogіya - vikoristannya brehlivih obіtsyanok, umisnogo perekruchuvannya faktіv, lestoschіv zadlya dosyagnennya quiet chi іnshih korislivih tsіley, napriklad for privernennya weight on svіy bіk for stvorennya populyarnostі. The demagogue is a person, yak for metaphoric tiieї chi іnshoї meti vadaetsya to demagogy. Oratorska Mystetstvo in Pershu chergo need logiks, tobto science provozovostі і простування. The main riches of the logistical mission: singing, viznachenst, nesperechchvilst, poslidovnist; Індуктивний і deductive method викладу, їх взаємозв'язок, єдність міркування за аналогією.

Доказовість і переконливість promovi, лекції, виступу починається з posing problems chi potrebnogo actual nutrition, h induction of exact facts, applications, parallels, zistavlennya.

In schools, oratorskoy maysternosti chi not nayvazhlivishu role vidrygayut te nika povestnya, voice, diktsіya, navyyuvannya, eletimenti artistry, mіmіchna і pantomіmіchna vіrasnіst тощо.

Uspіh lektsії digit mіroyu deposits od eruditsії lecturer, not a yak daєtsya s milk materі, її treba nabuvati napoleglivoyu Prace protyagom Zhittya. Ґрунтовні знання порожують переконаність і дають змогу переконувати інших.

Загальноприйнято вважати, що лаконічність є виявом майстерності в публічным виступі. Hocha stislіst vikladu not zavzhdi bazhana, be-yaka promove vimagaє skorochuvati phrase before rozmiru dumki.

Існують різні form of criminality:

  • Urochisti (z nagodi svat), ships and і політичні promovi, почання;
  • Lektsії, besіdi, іnterv'yu, disputi (especially with rozvitkom radio and telebachennya).

In krasnogovstvі - its own mythology. Zgidno with her spershu him volodili divine, and potim stains nazilyali tsim gift and his earthly obrantziv that heroes.

Belya old dzherel red rascals were great people. Romans, napriklad, vidilyali chotiri rodi artistovі words. І on the first page put oratoriv, ​​potim ішли поети, філософи, історики. I am such a subordinate to the world. In the kingship of the oratoriacus of the Mystetzva, leap up to the Skhodu, the old cities of Greecia and Rome: Confucius, Demosthenes, Archangel, Cicero, Quintiliana.

Confucius (551-479 BC) - a Chinese missionary, in the moral and political theory, concentrating on respect for the special person, the susceptible life of people, and the ways of managing it.

Socrates (470-399 BC) - Greek philosopher, one of the founders of the dialectic yak method viznachennya shishah staging tsilesprjamovanyh nurture, buv vidatnim rhetor - teacher of ritualism. For the coming epochs, vin buv utileniam іdealu sage.

Mark Tuliy Cicero (106-43 BC) is a Roman gromadsky dyach, a fіlofof and a writer, теж buv a beautiful orator: він nіbybіlsh vіdomіy numerії sovіvіmі ta polіtichnimi promov.

Mark Fabius Kvintilian (35-бл. 96) - a Roman orator, teacher and theorist of krasnomovstva, stverdzhuvav, scho sovist - tysyacha svidkiv.