Філософія: мислителі, ідеї, концепції - Kremen V.G.


"Pluralism pripuskayut nayavnіst spіvіsnoochih, naivіt rivalnykh іnterpretatsіy, nasty podhodiv; Він, однак, не враховує того факту, що простір, в якому існують ці інтерпретації, he can vvazhatis himself conflict. "

S. Weber

The Epoch Suchasnyj Naukova pіznannya zaznaє Shvidky i digit peremіn: zmіnyuєtsya role of science in suspіlnomu zhittі, zmіnyuyutsya FORMS i method zavdyaki Yakima won pereosmislyuє i suspіlstvo nature, science zmіnyuyutsya vzaєmovіdnoshennya s іnshimi forms suspіlnoї svіdomostі. Burhlivі revolyutsіynі zrushennya in suspіlnomu buttі put before suspіlnoyu svіdomіstyu number novih problems scho zooms pereosmislennya traditsіynih problems: about Sens lyudskogo Zhittya, about phone reception іndivіdualnoї lyudskoї dolі s sotsіalnoyu іstorієyu, about the role of i Location in Helsinki Human vsesvіtі, about mozhlivіst, mezhі i kriterії Пізнання природної і соціальної дійсності. All the traditional philosophical problems became the subject of detailed analisis, which in post-modern countries emerged postmodernism. The theorists of postmodernism are J.-F. LIOTAR, M. Foucault (pisnіy), J. Derrida, R. Wart (пізній), F. Gwattari, J. Delioz, R. Rorty, J. Bodrillard. Acts of postmodernity of buli philologists for writing these writers (U. Eko), and the great world, it respected to the text, the yogo of the artistic and the esthetic character, the rationality of the yogic elements, the yokis of the vigilant motions of the world.

Historically, postmodern means a transition from a new (modern) to a modernity; Vіn having acted as an advocate of the philosophical and cultural values, the yakis were folded within the framework of the mental mentality of the XVIII century. The epoch of modernity is self-centered in nature and its vetoks are vestiges of antiquity (Zh .- F. L'iotar vvazhaє the first modernist of Aristotle). The main parameters of the modernist state of affairs are the promotion of innovation, urbanization, indivisualism, secularization, masovst, standardization and specialization.

In the theoretical sphere, the most modern elements of the modernist project are the rosemary rosy (razionalism), fundamentalism (poshuk stalin osnovny and pragnennya to viznachenostі і чіткості), and the universality of the explanatory schemes of those misleading theories. For the era of Rozuma characteristic є vіra progress and continuity of the oneness, humanism, vizvolennia, revolution, tobto those, post-modernism zapechuє і вважає небезпечним утопоізмом

In sotsіalnomu aspektі pid "modernіzatsієyu" yak in zagalnoteoretichnomu rozumіnnі bazuєtsya on іdeї vnutrіshnoї zdatnostі suspіlstva to yakіsnoї evolyutsії in nautsі rozumіyut: sukupnіst rіznogo old ekonomіchnih, polіtichnih, legal, psihologіchnih, kulturologіchnih zrushen that peretvoren particular suspіlstva in napryamku yogo samoregulyatsії; Naplizhennia sotsіalnih і polimichnyh sistem ta їh fragments to the maximum mozhnivogo rivnya їh rozvinenostі

It is a postmodernity in the socially-historical plan of "cultural logics of capitalism". In tsomu vіdnoshennі postmodernism vistupaє yak "nekerovane zrostannya skladnostі" (JF Lіotar), pid yakoyu rozumієtsya uskladnennya Butt in Helsinki Human vsіh areas vzaєmovіdnoshen s i suspіlstvom by nature, "EPA bezladdya, yak all bіlshe posilyuєtsya, and Won Got the global nature" (J. Fredman). The informational culture became the most important factor in becoming postmodern. Vona has been equipped with the transitions of vibrobitveva speeches (modernist) to vibrobitneva signs, symbols, information.

Ціннісні орієнтації in postmodernism, the modernity, ніж у модернізмі. Yakscho Art vvazhav mainly tsіnnostі Svobody (liberty), rіvnostі, braterstva and takozh іdeal "doskonalogo suspіlstva" i "doskonaloї Helsinki Human", then postmodernіzmі them vistupayut freedom (freedom), rіznomanіtnіst, toleration i looked at suspіlstvo, de "OAO All authoritarian i Actor ". On the contrary to traditional, zvichaynym ponyattyam і kategoriyam postmodernism propohne its terminology. Yogo basic understandings - pluralism and deconstruction -tivism, yaki perebachayut rishuchu vidmovu vid іde tsilogo, universal and absolute, vid "grand-narativiv" ("great opovides" and nauchnikovh descriptions), so yak i іііd analіticnyh procedures poshuku sensu. Tim himself is talking about the "provocative" image of science, kotra vycherpala itself in the need to prove provoke, zvilnyati vid zabobonіv, legimimizuvati znannya in science experiments, korostuvatisya speculative dialektikoyu.

However, postmodernism is not renewed in the new "narrative" (in the Latin narrativus - opovidalny), such yak performance (performance) - minority of the situation, situationality; Simulacrum (creative montage of the reality); Efektivnist (not true); Мова і комунікація як джерело легітимації знань; Actuality zavdan, kotrі vidnosyatsya to «here and now».

Postmodernism - the current and technology. Yoga åtelektualizm vele behind him relativnee (vidnosne), іrracііonne, nіgіlіstichno predstavlennya before doysyagne kul'tury. "It is not necessary to nlyosit, nor glibin. Everything is on the surface ", - declares Lior. At such a key, I claim to be absolute, to sound the інші тези постмодерністів "Ніщо не занадто"; "Forget it!"; "There is no guarantee"; "I'm afraid - an announcer, a real one"; "On this I stand, ale can yak curiously."

Postmodernism bagato Zroby for dwellers zvіlniti mislennya od sproschenih schemes caught stereotipіv, vіdzhilih mіfologіy, obmezhenostі pozitivіstskoї Kartini svitu, protistavivshi їm CREATIVE uyavu, іstoriko-fіlosofsku eruditsіyu, lіteraturny talent metaforichnіst. At the same time, the criticism of traditional values, norms and regulations is pervasive, so that the new image of the cultivator of the culture can be introduced to the new image, for which information there is cultic value. Tim himself postmodernism showing himself yak tense form vidchuzhennya menni vіd tsіleratsionalnogo proektovannya і sotsіalіїї дії.