Theory and practice of self-management - Lukashevich NP


Jung's ideas on psychological types laid the foundation for a new branch of knowledge about man-socionics. Socionics studies invariant (stable) types of thinking, the behavior of people, collectives, communities of various levels, intertype relationships both between individuals and between collectives, communities of people that can also be described by the structure of a particular sociotype. Socionics is based on the eight-element personality model proposed by A. Augustinavichiute. This model is an analogue of the human psyche in the information aspect of human interaction with the surrounding nature and social environment.

According to this approach, there are four scales of personal evaluation. Each individual person can be attributed to one or another pole of the scale.

First, people differ in the direction of thinking. Some are well versed in everything that is related to man and relations between people. Let's call them ethics. Others are more freely oriented in the construction of the material world. These are the logic. Thus, our first scale: ethics is logic.

A person can be either an ethic or a logic, there is no intermediate state.

Ethics well feels and understands the state of another person: his mood (upbeat, oppressed), feelings (love, anger, antipathy), knows what the partner's emotions mean, creatively owns his own emotions. Ethics sees how they relate to it and how relationships develop between other people. He attaches paramount importance to all these issues and does not lose interest in them, constantly strives for people and does not get tired of communicating with them. Ethics solve complex problems of human relationships creatively and independently, relying primarily on their own opinions.

See more: Augustinavichyute A. The theory of intertype relations. - Vilnius, 1980; Slynko OB The key to the heart is socionics. - К .: Trust, 1991; Gulenko VV, Molodtsov AV Socionics for the leader: In 2 books. - K .: MZUP, 1993.

Logic such independence manifests itself in other matters. He is a creative person in everything related to business, business expediency, technology and technology, construction of systems, classifications and hierarchies. Logic is interested in the mechanism of phenomena, the order that exists in nature and society. At the same time, the logician tries to avoid difficult ethical situations, since he believes that human passions do not have a constructive beginning and are a hindrance to the cause.

The second scale: intuition - sensorics. Let us make a reservation that intuition in socionics is not understood in the generally accepted sense.

Intuitive is a person who sees something that is hidden from the eyes. He comprehends the deep possibilities and abilities of man, the inner content of objects and phenomena, feels their development in time, has a presentiment and knows how to look into the future. The intuitive can distract from the concrete environment surrounding it at the given moment and be carried away in dreams into abstract theories and unusual ideas, into the past or the future, to any place where it was recently or expects to ever visit.

Intuitively and on a real situation looks through a prism of the abstract ideas, testing inconveniences in usual situations because of the absent-mindedness, but as though on a whim, choosing the only true way in difficult situations.

Sensor, on the contrary, is completely immersed in this particular situation, extremely brightly perceives every detail of it, absorbs in itself all variety and richness of forms, colors, chiaroscuro, sounds, smells, taste and tactile sensations. Sensor perfectly perceives space and itself in this space, moves confidently, knows how to comfortably settle, understands what comfort is and knows how to create it, always realizes itself in its own state of health and is generally sure of all the physical aspects of its existence.

The third scale: introversion - extraversion. People are divided into introverts and extroverts. Again, in socionics these concepts have a slightly different meaning than in traditional psychology.

The introvert is oriented more inward than the external environment. He understands the movements of his own soul, understands the complex structure of his rich, developed inner world and is afraid of surprises from the outside world. Introvert hard to make new acquaintances, does not immediately take root in a new team.

Introvert perceives the relationships and relationships established in the external world, sees the situation of each person (or object) and his situation among other people. Introvert sure that the situation determines the internal qualities of a person.

An extrovert, on the contrary, easily comes into contact with strangers, he seems to be constantly transferring himself to the external situation, exists in the external world, rarely thinking about the contradictions of his own soul. An extrovert is often unexpected for himself, but he understands well what and how to happen around him.

For the extrovert, given are the internal qualities of people and objects. He can actively influence the situation by changing it. An extrovert is sure that the person's place, his situation, are determined by the degree of development, preparedness of this person.

The fourth scale: rationality - irrationality.

Rational people usually think in advance the line of behavior, are set to do some kind of actions and try to do everything as planned. In the event that the situation suddenly changes, it is difficult for the rational to quickly rebuild, he acts "by inertia" and because of this can lose something.

The rational considers first of all the function, the destination of an object and, based on this, "thinks out" what the object itself should be.

The irrational, on the contrary, perceives first of all the properties of the object, its shape and device and then decides how this object can be used.

The irrational is very easy to adjust to the situation, flexibly changes its behavior, acts impulsively, often inconsistently. It's about such people say: they have "seven Fridays in a week".

The combination of these scales allows us to identify 16 types of personality with a set of relevant characteristics and prevailing stereotypes of behavior. The definition of your personality type allows you to provide a character for your own behavior in a given situation, and knowledge of the type of interlocutor or partner - to predict its possible behavior in the situations that you offer.

For self-management of a business career, socionics can be useful in terms of orientation in choosing the kind of professional activity. However, the proposed guidelines have a very abstract, vague character.