Theory and practice of self-management - Lukashevich NP







Art attracts INTST that allows you to create with their ideas and imagination, unique works. Art allows INTST express yourself as an individual, and often the result of this expression strongly affects the others. Art gives the opportunity to work independently, which allows INTST organize and control their environment, work process and its result.

Social sphere:

an administrator in the field of public health;

director of the organization in the system of social services;

intermediary (third party) in the resolution of conflicts; sociologist;

social workers.

All activities related to the social sphere, means helping other people, and often this work is done in a clear organizational structure. Most INTST I like to work in such conditions, especially when organizations are scarce, and the staff friendly. Employment in social sphere allows INTST invent and develop new approaches to the problems of both the individual and communities of people. In many cases, social workers can operate independently and often communicate with clients and colleagues face to face.


manager on personnel matters;

Marketing Specialist;

consultant on organizational matters;

coordinator of assistance programs to employees.

Despite the fact that for most INTST scope of business is not attractive, and there are areas of specific interest to them.

Staffing issues, organizational development - these are the business that are directly related to a person. They require a manifestation of interest to people of different types, and the ability to work with them. Activities in these areas enables INTST help others to find work, to create an effective organization structure, that is, creatively solve problems in the center of which stands a man.

marketing allows INTST use their creativity in solving problems. they often do not work alone and in team. If INTST can greatly influence the process and to keep up to the mark his professional and personal integrity, they may be happy with this kind of work.

We remind you that we have listed, not all areas that might appear unique abilities INTST types of people.

A. If your personality type - ENTSD, then you fit this work, which is:

1) allows you to work with diverse groups of people in many areas and at the same time to follow your creative inspiration;

2) gives you the ability to invent something new, whether new products or services, as well as helping people to see the real fruits of their work;

3) requires a lot of effort and is never repeated;

4) eliminates paperwork, clerical routine and repeatable actions;

5) allows you to determine your rhythm, your schedule, contains a minimum of rules and restrictions, and also gives you the freedom of action;

6) provides you with the opportunity to meet new people, learn new things, constantly satisfy their curiosity;

7) coincides with your personal beliefs and values, and allows you to create opportunities conducive to the others;

8) is carried out in a friendly, informal, friendly environment, where there is a place for humor and there is a conflict;

9) allows you to give free rein to his inspiration and to participate in projects of particular interest to you;

10) creates an atmosphere in which your enthusiasm, creativity and imagination get a decent score.

B. Vocations, the most popular among ENTSD.

Combinations ENTSD preferences offers them the best opportunities. Offering a list of professions, the most popular among ENTSD like to draw your attention to the fact that people of all personality types are able to achieve success in any field. We give examples only those trades that maximize ENTSD meet the requirements, and explain why this is so. Naturally, this list is far from complete. It is given to you in case you have these options not previously considered.

Creative profession:


screenwriter / playwright;



musician / composer; speaker (radio or television); decorator;

animator, cartoonist;


reporter / editor.

The obvious attraction for artists ENTSD is that they make it possible to constantly seek and develop new and innovative ways of working and improve them. And if the work involves collaboration and then ENTSD get maximum satisfaction from it, because the people of this type draw their inspiration is to work together. And the freer conditions of work, the better feel it ENTSD. They may work individually, but require frequent, unplanned, spontaneous conversation with other people in order to maintain their inspiration and warm up interest in his work.

Marketing / Planning:

expert in the field of public relations; consultant on marketing; composer of advertising texts, brochures; to work with advertisers specialist; the creative director of an advertising agency; long-term planning specialist; advertising agent;

Assistant research work.

ENTSD usually have excellent capabilities for long-term planning and easily see what opportunities may open one or another new idea, a program, or a new type of service. In developing the plan, they take into account the needs and concerns of others, and often find the optimal solution to a problem. They enjoy the process of creative searches, especially as a part of a vibrant and fun group. Sami witty and fun, many ENTSD find pleasure in composing advertising copy for print or for radio and television. They like fast-paced and ever-changing challenges of the advertising business. They may also represent an excellent variety of organizations as experts on public relations.

Social services / Education:

social worker;


director of the housing association; psychologist;

Consultant selection of professions; Priest; spiritual mentor; speech therapist;

Ombudsman (Complaints individual expert on public institutions, fighting against the violation of civil rights of individuals);

on pre-school education and training of specialists;

teacher (art, theater, music, English).

Most ENTSD find work really satisfactory if it has a positive effect on others. Among them we find psychologists who treat their patients with compassion and understanding, support them; energetic consultants career choices - they help their clients find new and creative ways to solve their problems. The main thing for them - to find new opportunities for others. His optimism they convey to customers and help them to make positive changes in their lives. They are willing and happy to help people grow spiritually, so they are often attracted to religious activities. If this Complaints individual expert on public institutions or fighter against violations of civil rights, it usually works quite effectively within organizations, encouraging them to make positive changes, and when working with individuals, directing them to search for available solutions to problems. They make as inventive and inspired teachers to establish warm relationships with their students.

Entrepreneurship / Business:



Manager, Human Resources; Specialist skills development; for the preparation of expert conferences; Consultant assistance personnel; restaurant owner.

ENTSD - born entrepreneurs. They love to work independently, thus obtaining a certain freedom of action, and the ability at will to choose the direction of work and to communicate only with those people that cause them positive emotions. They have no shortage of ideas that they would like to see implemented. Many ENTSD like to be consultants on matters such as the drafting of operational teams, conflict resolution, increase production efficiency. They like to be sellers, and sell something intangible - not goods, and ideas.

Normal business world because of the abundance of it in the rules and restrictions of standard repetitive operations is not particularly attractive to ENTSD. But, despite this, we can find it in the people of this type. They tend to fill space in the personnel department as an instructor and consultant. They believe that working as an advisor for the development of human resources policy, for example, enables them to make long-term plans, without losing sight of the main goals of the organization.

We have listed not all areas that might appear unique abilities ENTSD types of people.

A. If your personality type - INTSD, then you fit this work, which is:

1) does not conflict with your personal values ​​and provides you with the possibility of self-expression;

2) allows you to deeply develop their ideas and influence both the process and the final result;

3) individually performed; you have your personal workspace, no one bothers you, but sometimes you have to share their ideas with people whose opinion is important to you;

4) is characterized by flexible, minimum rules and restrictions - you work, when you feel the inspiration;

5) gives you the opportunity to collaborate with other creative and extraordinary people in a supportive environment, where there is a conflict;

6) allows you to express original ideas, which are estimated at its true worth;

7) does not require you to reveal too much of activity before, as you see fit;

8) allows you to help others to grow spiritually and the spike-realization their potential;

9) requires you to understand the ability of other people, the motives of their actions; It allows you to establish close friendships with them;

10) gives you the ability to carry out their ideas without hampering organizational, financial and other nature.

B. Vocations, the most popular among INTSD.

Offering you a list of professions, the most common among INTSD like to draw your attention to the fact that people of all personality types are able to achieve success in any field. We give examples only those trades that maximize INTSD meet the requirements, and explain why this is so. Naturally, this list is far from complete. It is given to you in case you have these options not previously considered.

Area art:


Writer / poet;






Art attracts people like INTSD that enables them to creatively express themselves and their ideas. The freedom to manage their time, free style of the artist's life is very highly valued by the people of this type. Do they work with the written word, a brush and paints, whether new architectural forms come up, or act as actors, musicians, INTSD seek to create an original work, which would be a true expression of their inner "I".

Many people like INTSD consider themselves in the depths of the soul "artists", although not always make a living art. Some people say this type even that not for anything would not have on their own artists; rather, it is the cross that they have to bear a lifetime.

Teaching / counseling:

teachers of higher educational institutions: the humanities;





social worker;

librarian on library specialist; Specialist speech correction.

Work teachers and consultants allows people to type INTSD help others grow spiritually and realizovy vat their human potential. INTSD sincere in their noble quest to improve the quality of life of people. They prefer to teach in higher education institutions, rather than in primary or even secondary school due to the fact that the level of motivation of actions among students is higher than among schoolchildren. They love to learn and do, they like to engage in extensive research and to raise their level of knowledge. From people like INTSD obtained thoughtful and attentive counselors, psychologists, and social workers. All of them are committed to helping their clients understand themselves and find harmony in relationships with others and ourselves. The work of consultants, they get great satisfaction when they see that as the knowledge of ourselves begin to understand their clients and other people.