Theory and practice of self-management - Lukashevich NP

TEST 14. Aggressive DID YOU?

Aggressiveness, which is, in fact, is nothing other than a deliberate attempt to harm one's neighbor - is a character trait, which, unfortunately, in one degree or another is inherent in many of us, and we show it in different situations. Aggressiveness can be regarded as the daughter of anger. If you want to know how serious it is part of your nature is, take part in our test. Maybe you'll learn something new about yourself. And maybe it will help you to better self-control.

To do this, answer "yes" or "no" to the proposed issues.

1. Is it easy to get out of patience? Yes. No.

2. Are you sure the priority of power over logic? Yes. No.

3. Do you have trouble to resist the argument, if you're with someone disagree?

Yes. No.

4. Do you think that others are envious of you for a particular occasion?

Yes. No.

5. Do you like sometimes to do something to spite others? Yes. No.

6. Do you have some rough spots in certain situations? Yes. No.

7. Do you like to read detective stories and watching horror movies and Adventure?

Yes. No.

8. Do you like to make fun of others, be critical and sarcastic?

Yes. No.

9. Is there anything in your life someone who you really hate?

Yes. No.

10. Have you ever been distasteful to others? Yes. No.

11. Do you often punish children if they deserve it? Yes. No.

12. Do you think that the use of the death penalty in certain cases justified? Yes. No.

13. Do you fall ever in such a fury that broke some object? Yes. No.

Now we calculate the scores. Each answer is "yes" - 5 points, "no" - 0 points.

From 65 to 25 points. You obviously prone to aggressive impulses against others, and loss of control over himself. The content of your statements, as well as their shape and the elements related to them, often indicate the intention to harm others, to hurt them emotionally. You do not even suspect that a statement of truth in the eye often means only a manifestation of your aggressiveness. Just like what you sometimes do not skimp on the negative assessment of acquaintances and friends, raise your voice and use overly sharp arguments contesting different from your point of view. Think, is it really your behavior is constructive and it is obligatory sharply offensive position? Maybe you will be able to replace the sarcastic sense of humor?

From 24 to 20 points. You are not prone to aggressive impulses towards others, though soft or indecisive person you will not name. You control his behavior, in his statements about other reserved and are trying to be objective, avoid situations in which there is a risk of being misunderstood. This behavior causes the respect of others and warns others against manifestations of aggressiveness to you.

19 points or less. Do you feel about people who are good-natured towards others, believing that the best way relationship. You tend to believe in the spiritual wealth of human kindness, justice, and love as the factors that determine our civilization. However, you are not given easily attract others to realize their own goals. And your ability to master his own feelings are often coupled with a lack of self-confidence and easy enough subordination opinion of others. Therefore, you often become the object of aggression of others. Do not allow to sit around your neck!


Please answer the test questions by selecting one of the answers: "a", "b" or "c". Rate your responses each of the glasses according to their price, at the end of the test. Sum up the number of points you score for all answers and identify the group to which they came. Read the assessment of the level of conflict in the description of your character, which is given in the corresponding group according to the amount of your score.

For each question, choose one answer.

1. Imagine that the dispute begins on public transport. What do you do:

a) do not interfere;

b) can intervene to side with the victim;

c) always intervene.

2. At the meeting, you criticize the leadership of the following error:

a) there is no;

b) depending on the personal attitude to it;

c) always.

3. Your boss sets out its work plan, which you seem to fail. Do you Have a plan:

a) if others will support you, yes;

b) course;

c) no.

4. Do you like to argue with their colleagues, friends:

a) only to those who are not offended;

b) yes, but only on matters of principle;

c) yes, with all and for any reason.

5. Someone is trying to "climb" in front of you without a queue. What are you doing:

a) Considering that you are better than him, trying to bypass the queue;

b) indignant, but to himself;

c) openly express their anger.

6. Imagine that considered improvement suggestion of your colleague, which has a bold idea, but there are errors. You know that your opinion will be decisive. What do you do:

a) express the pros and cons of the proposal;

b) say about its advantages and offer the opportunity to try out the idea;

c) will only be criticized.

7. Picture: in-law (mother-in-law) is constantly talking to you about the need to save money on your extravagance, and she now and then buys expensive things. She wants to know your opinion on the latest purchase. What do you say to her:

a) approve that purchase;

b) that this thing is tasteless;

c) quarrel with her.

8. Meeting of teens who smoke and swear, how you respond:

a) do not interfere;

b) do they remark;

c) if it occurs in a public place, then to report them.

9. Noting the restaurant, the waiter that you cheat, you will:

a) do not give him a tip, which was prepared;

b) ask him once more if you counted the amount;

c) arrange the scandal.

10. You are in a rest home. The administration is engaged in foreign affairs, not fulfilling their duties. Do you resent it:

a) Yes, but you did not speak out;

b) complain about it;

c) vent dissatisfaction on the junior staff.

11. You argue with your son (daughter) -podrostkom and make sure that he (she) rights (Malvinas). Do you recognize your mistake:

a) yes;

b) there is no;

c) What do you have the authority, if we recognize that not right?

Evaluate your answers: "a" - 4 points, "b" - 2 points, "in" - 0 points. If you scored:

10-14 points. Are you looking for a pretext for disputes, most of them petty. Love to criticize only when it is profitable to you. Think, Do not hide your behavior inferiority complex.

15-29 points. Oh you say that you - personality conflict. You strongly defend their opinion regardless of how it will affect your official and personal relationships.

30-44 points. You are considerate, easy to avoid conflicts, try to be nice to others, but when they need help, do not always have to face it. Maybe you need it from others?


Please answer the test questions by selecting one of the suggested answers: "a", "b" or "c". Evaluate each of your answers according to the price specified in the table at the end of the test. Summarize the points accumulated by you for all the questions and match with the proposed levels in the table of the total number of points. In accordance with this, define your level of conflict - from 1 to 9. In conclusion, read the manifestations of conflict in the behavior and tips on how to overcome them.

1. Typically there for you desire to dominate, that is, to ensure that dominate the other:

a) there is no;

b) when both;

c) Yes.

2. Are there people who you are afraid of your team, and perhaps even hate:

a) yes;

b) difficult to answer;

c) no.

3. Who are you mostly:

a) a pacifist;

b) principle;

c) The enterprising.

4. How often do you speak with the critical judgments:

a) often;

b) periodically;

c) rarely.

Provided by: Personality Psychology: tests, questionnaires, methods / Avt.-status. Kirsheva NV, NV Ryabchikova. - M .: Helikon, 1995.

5. What do you consider would be the most typical, if you are led by a new team for you:

a) have developed a program of collective work in the year ahead and would urge the team to its expediency;

b) I have learned who is who, and would have made contact with the leaders;

c) I have often consulted with the people.

6. In the event of failure of a state of the most characteristic for you:

a) pessimism;

b) a bad mood;

c) the offense himself.

7. Typically if you desire to uphold and respect the traditions of your team:

a) yes;

b) likely yes;

c) no.

8. Do you consider yourself to people who better to tell the bitter truth in the eye, than to remain silent:

a) yes;

b) likely yes;

c) no.

9. Of the three personal qualities with which you are fighting, often try to get rid of a:

a) irritability;

b) touchiness;

c) intolerance to criticism of others.

10. By participating in teamwork with colleagues, what role you take on himself:

a) criticism;

b) the leader;

c) a generator of ideas.

11. What kind of person you think your friends:

a) extravagant;

b) an optimist;

c) persistent.

12. What you often have to contend:

a) injustice;

b) bureaucracy;

c) self-interest.

13. What are the most typical for you: a) underestimate their abilities;

b) assess their abilities quite objectively;

c) overestimate their abilities.

14. What has lead to a clash and conflict with humans most often:

a) excessive initiative;

b) excessive criticality;

c) excessive straightforwardness.

question Number

Evaluation point for the answer option

The total



The level of conflict


a) 1

b) 2

at 3


1 - very low


a) 3

b) 2

in 1


2 - Low


a) 1

b) 3

at 2


3 - below average


a) 3

b) 2

in 1


4 - slightly below average


a) 3

b) 2

in 1


5 - medium


a) 2

b) 3

in 1


6 - slightly above average


a) 3

b) 2

in 1


7 - above average


a) 3

b) 2

in 1


8 - high


a) 2

b) 1

at 3


9 - very high


a) 3

b) 1

at 2


a) 2

b) 1

at 3


a) 3

b) 2

in 1


a) 2

b) 1

at 3


a) 1

b) 2

at 3

And now analyze in more detail what qualities of character, especially human behavior characteristic of a conflict of personality.

The generalization of the results of research psychologists and pedagogues, observation and experience show that such qualities and features include:

• pursuit of whatever has come to dominate, to be the first, where it is possible and it is impossible to say its last word;

• a desire to be so "fundamental" that it pushes to the hostile actions and deeds;

• excessive straightforwardness in the statements and judgments, as we know, are not to everyone's taste;

• criticism, especially criticism is unfounded, insufficiently reasoned, it is not only annoying, but often just creates conflict;

• bad mood if it also repeated periodically, often fertile ground for conflict;

• conservative thinking, attitudes, beliefs, unwillingness to overcome the outdated traditions of collective life, which become an obstacle to its development, inevitably lead to conflict;

^ Desire to tell the truth in the eye. Sometimes unceremonious interference in personal life also creates a complex, sometimes dramatic, situation;

• striving for independence - good quality, but to a certain extent. If the desire for independence grows into a desire to do "whatever I want" and faced with the wishes and opinions of others, it is facing imminent conflict;

^ To be persistent, as is well known, especially in a competitive environment, it is very important, but if the persistence borders on obsession, it's annoying;

• unfair assessment of actions and the actions of others, belittling of the role and importance of the other person's cause is usually a negative reaction;

• initiative, especially creative, it's good, but when a person takes the initiative where it, as the saying goes, do not ask, it creates tension and even conflict situation. Proceeding from the above state some rules of conduct aimed at, to overcome the negative qualities of character and conduct.

Rules for conflict people

1. Do not try to dominate it at all costs.

2. Be principled, but do not fight for the sake of principle.

3. Remember, straightness is good, but not always.

4. Criticise, but not carping.

5. Most smile. Smiling little worth, but expensive appreciated.

6. Traditions are good, but to a reasonable limit.

7. To tell the truth, too, should be able to.

8. Be independent, but not arrogant.

9. Do not make persistence in molestation.

10. Do not expect justice to yourself, if you are unfair.

11. Do not overestimate their abilities and capabilities.

12. Do not take the initiative where it is not needed.


The concept of "intelligence" (from the Latin Intellectus -. Understanding, understanding, comprehension) is a relatively stable structure of an individual's mental abilities. The different psychological concepts of intelligence is identified with the mental operations of the system, with the style and strategy to address the problems of adaptation efficiency to different circumstances of life.

The main tool of intelligence - thinking as a process of human cognitive activities, linkages and relationships between the knowable objects.

The most important characteristics of intelligence usually otnosyatsya1:

depth - the ability to penetrate into the essence of things and phenomena, to understand their causes, the underlying patterns;

criticality - an objective evaluation of objects and phenomena, the desire to question the hypotheses and solutions;

Flexibility - the ability to switch from one idea to another, including its own opposite;

breadth of mind - the ability to see the problem extensively, in conjunction with other phenomena;

speed - the speed of problem solving, the ability to produce a lot of ideas;

originality - the ability to produce new ideas, different from the conventional wisdom;

curiosity - the need to always find the best solution.

Using these characteristics as criteria, you can reflect about the features of your intelligence, drawing on the questions listed below.

Would you settle for a superficial perception of reality? It is easy to give up the wrong ideas? Can you reinvent the options? (In the US, candidates for executive positions offered to come up with at least 50 ways to use a pencil, glasses or other familiar objects. Try it.) Do you see yourself in "marking" or "loop" of thought? Do you have the intellectual laziness that is resistant unwillingness to think, to fear

See Litvintseva .: NA Decree. Op. - S. 122-123.

own ideas? Solving the problem, you look at it "fresh" look or recall past experience and credibility of the Council? Do you think fast? Witty it?

Compare, please, the results of your reflections with the results of the proposed further test.