Theory and practice of self-management - Lukashevich NP


A general business as an employee contribute to career

TEST 18. Sociability DID YOU?

Please answer the test questions, selecting the one of the proposed answers: "yes", "sometimes" or "no." Set for each answer amount of points according to their price and sum the results. Read the assessment of your level of communication skills, depending on the amount of your earned points.

1. You have an ordinary business meeting. Are you waiting Knock it out of the rut?

2. Do you put off the visit to the doctor as long as the will is unbearable?

3. Does your confusion and dissatisfaction order to make a presentation, communication, information on any meeting, meeting or similar event?

4. Do you offer to go on a business trip to the city where you have never been. Do you make every effort to avoid this trip?

5. Do you like to share experiences with anyone?

6. Are you annoying if a stranger on the street turns to you with a request: to show the way, to name the time to answer a question?

7. Do you believe that there is a problem of "fathers and children" and that people of different generations is difficult to understand each other?

8. Do you hesitate to remind a friend that he forgot to return the 10 UAH, which took a few months ago?

9. At the restaurant or in the dining room you have submitted clearly has poor meal. Did you say anything, just angrily pushing the plate?

10. Being alone with a stranger, are you with him to engage in conversation and there will be burdened if the first talk he?

Provided by: V. Roschahovsky // ECO. - 1981. - № 10.

11. You horrifies any long line, wherever it was (in the shop, the library, the cinema box office). You will prefer to abandon his intention to become, or "tail" and will languish in waiting?

12. Are you afraid to participate in a committee to review conflict situations?

13. Do you own, highly individual criteria for evaluating works of literature, art, and no "others" opinions on this matter, you do not accept?

14. Hearing somewhere on the sidelines of the statement is clearly incorrect point of view of the well-known you question whether you would prefer to remain silent and not to engage in the dispute?

15. Does you annoyed someone else please help to understand this or that official business or academic subject?

16. Whether you are willing to express their point of view (opinions, evaluation) in writing than orally?

Evaluation of responses.

Now evaluate your answers: "yes" - 2 points; "Sometimes" - 1 point; "No" - 0 Sum up your points. Results.

30-32 points. You obviously miscommunication, and it is your misfortune, as suffering from this you are most yourself. But people close to you is not easy. Try to be sociable, control yourself.

25-29 points. You are closed, taciturn, prefer loneliness and so you must have a few friends. New work and the need for new contacts, if not plunge you into a panic, then permanently removed from the balance. You know this feature of his character and there were dissatisfied with themselves. But are not limited discontent - in your power to "break" character traits. Is it not the case that when some strong passion suddenly you get full sociability? One has only to shake!

19-24 points. You are sociable to some extent and in unfamiliar surroundings feel quite confident. New problems do not scare. And yet, with new people you come with caution, reluctant to participate in discussions and debates. In your remarks at times too much sarcasm without any good reason. These deficiencies be corrected, remember this.

14-18 points. You have normal sociability. You are inquisitive, willing to listen to good company, patient enough to defend the point of view of peace. Without experience you go to meet new people. At the same time you do not like noisy companies; extravagant antics and verbosity cause you irritation.

9-13 points. You are very sociable (sometimes, perhaps, even beyond measure), are curious, talkative, like to speak on various issues, that is, it causes irritation of others. Pleasure to meet new people. Do you like being the center of attention, no one refuses the request, but can not always meet them. Sometimes, flared up, but quickly move away. What you lack is perseverance, patience and courage when faced with serious problems. If desired, however, you can force myself not to retreat.

4-8 points. You must have a shirt-guy. (Maybe it will seem strange, but this definition can be attributed to the fairer sex.) Sociability of you has the key, you are always aware of all cases. Do you like to take part in all discussions, although serious issues can cause you migraines and even melancholy. Readily take the floor on any issue, even if you have a superficial understanding of it. Throughout feel "at ease". Charge for any business, though not always successfully can bring it to the end. For this reason, managers and colleagues treat you with some fear and doubt.

3 points or less. Your sociability is painful in nature. You are talkative, wordy, intervene in matters which are not related to you. Is taken to judge the problems which quite competent. Deliberately or not you often cause all sorts of conflicts. Quick-tempered, touchy, often happens biased. People - both at work and at home, and all around - hard with you. Yes, you have to work on yourself. First of all, cultivate one's patience and restraint, to respect the people.

19.UMEETE TEST DID YOU listen to the interlocutor?

Please answer the test questions accordingly proposed answers. Evaluate your answers in the glasses according to the price of each, which is offered at the end of the test. Summarize the points on the aggregate of all the responses you typed. In accordance with the amount of your points account your level as a listener.

The questions are answered "almost always" or "mostly" or "sometimes" or "rarely" or "almost never."

1. Do I try to end the conversation if you are not interested in the topic?

2. Can the unfortunate expression provoke you to rudeness?

3. Whether you can irritate the interlocutor manners?

4. Avoid whether to enter into a conversation with unfamiliar person, even if he is committed to this?

5. Does Have a habit of interrupting the interlocutor?

6. Does the view that listening carefully, and do think about something else?

7. Does your tone and facial expression are changing depending on who your partner?

8. Do you change the subject, if the person touched the "delicate" issue for you?

9. Do interlocutor gets better, if in his speech spoken wrongly found terms?

10. Can you be condescending tone with a touch of disdain in communication? Responses are measured as follows:

"Almost always" - 2 points, "in most cases" - 4 points, "sometimes" - 6 points, "rarely" - 8 points, "almost never" - 10 points. If you scored:

less than 54 points - you are uncomfortable listening to what you say; 54-62 points - do you feel about the average level of students; more than 62 points - you are above the average listener.

TEST 20.UMEETE you speak in public?

Please answer the questions posed by using the answers "yes" or "no." Evaluate your answers according to the price of each option. Summarize the points earned on the aggregate responses you. Determine your level of ability to speak in accordance with the amount of points you typed.

1. Need to Do a thorough preparation for the performance, depending on the nature of the audience, even if you just acted on this subject?

2. Do you feel yourself after performing "squeezed", feel whether the sharp drop in capacity for work?

3. Always start performances there the same?

4. Worried whether before going to the podium so that they must overcome themselves?

5. Have long before the performance?

6. Do you need 3-5 minutes to establish initial contact with the audience and get to listen carefully to you?

7. Strive to say strictly according to plan?

8. Love Is performing move?

9. Does the notes in the course of their receipt without grouping them? 10. Do have time to make a joke during a performance?

If you answer "yes" Passed Me 2 points, if you answer "no" - 0. If you score:

11 points or more - you are able to subdue the audience, do not allow liberties in behavior on the podium and in the speech, but the excessive independence of the audience can make you insensitive to the interests of the audience;

less than 11 points - you obey the audience, guided by her reaction, but the desire of all to follow it may result in a loss of credibility and the effect of the foregoing.


The proposed test is a test not only for personal organization, but also can induce to comprehension of the secrets of self-organization, development of organizational skills and habits.

After reading each question, select the answer option. Then, using a key that is placed at the end of the test, get the quantitative assessment of the selected answer choices you. Fold the evaluation and assessment of the amount correlated with the results shown after the key to the test. 1. Do you have the main goal in life, towards which you aspire?

A. I have such targets.

B. Is it possible to have some kind of purpose, since life is so changeable?

B. I have a main goal, and I submit life to achieve them. The objectives I have, but my work does little to achieve them.

2. Do you plan to make up the work, cases for the week by using the weekly spetsbloknot and so on. D.?

A. Yes.

B. No.

B. I can not say either "yes" or "no" as the main business keep in mind and a plan for the day - in your head or on paper.

G. tried to make a plan, using the weekly,

but then I realized that it was nothing. D. make plans - a game in their organization.

3. Do you "to report" themselves for failure scheduled for a week, a day?

A. "chastise" in those cases when I see the fault, laziness or clumsiness.

B. "to report", no matter what the subjective and objective reasons.

Q. Now, and so all blamed each other, why else "chastise" himself?

G. Adhere to the principle: what has been done today - is good, but it was not possible - performance, maybe some other time.

4. How do you conduct your notebook with numbers business phones, acquaintances, relatives, friends and so on. D.?

A. I am the master (mistress) of his notebook. How do I want and am recording phone, names, names. If you need a phone number, then I will find him.

B. Part of me notebook with phone records, as they ruthlessly "exploiting". When rewriting phones try to do everything "for science", but then again slipping into arbitrary record.

B. Entries phones, surnames, names lead "mood handwriting." I think that would have been recorded phone number, surname, first name, and on what page is written, directly or crooked does not really matter.

G. Using the conventional system, in accordance with the alphabet write the surname, first name, telephone number and, if necessary, and additional information (address, place of work, position).

5. You are surrounded by things that you use often. What are your principles of things arrangement?

A. Every thing is anywhere.

B. adhere to the principle: every thing - his own place.

B. Periodically navozhu order in the arrangement of things, objects. Then I put them where necessary. After some time again I navozhu order, and so on. D.

D. I believe that this issue has nothing to do with self-organization.

6. Can you say at the end of the day: where, how much and for what reasons you had to waste time in vain?

A. I can tell you about the lost time.

B. I can only say about the place where it was lost in vain time.

B. If the time lost was paid in money, I would consider it.

G. Not only a good understanding of where, how and why it was lost in vain time, but also to seek ways to reduce losses in such situations.

7. What are your actions when in a meeting or meeting begins "transfusion from a sieve"?

A. I propose to draw attention to the subject matter.

B. At any meeting or assembly and is something right and something empty. The alternation of the two runs the meeting or meeting. And there is nothing you can do about it - you have to listen.

8. immersed in a "non-existence".

G. Begin to deal with cases that are brought along in anticipation of "pouring out of a sieve."

8. Suppose you will make a presentation. Do you attach importance not only to the content of the report, but its duration?

A. pays much attention to the content of the report. I think that the length should be determined only approximately. If the report is interesting, should be given time to finish it.

B. pays equally attention to the content and length of the report, as well as its options depending on the time.

9. Do you try to use every minute to perform conceived?

A. I try to, but I did not always work due to personal reasons (lack of energy, bad mood, and so on. D.).

B. Do not aspire to it, because I believe that we should not be small-minded in terms of time.

B. Why seek, if the time is still not overtake. G. I try, no matter what.

10. What instructions fixing a system of tasks and requests do you use?

A. wrote in his weekly that fulfill and by what date.

B. captures the most important orders, requests, tasks in his weekly. "Trifle" I try to remember. If you forget about the "little things" that do not consider it a disadvantage.

B. I try to remember assignments, tasks and requests, as it trains memory. However, I must admit that the memory often fails me.

G. adhere to the principle of "reverse memory": let him remember the assignments and tasks he who gives them. If the order is correct, then forget about it and do not call me for immediate execution.

11. Similarly, whether you come for business meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings?

A. I went earlier for 5-7 minutes.

B. I came in time to the beginning of the meeting, meetings, meetings.

B. As a rule, late.

G. Always late, but I try to arrive early or on time. D. If it were published book "How not to be late," I probably would not have learned how to be late.

12. What value do you attach to the timeliness of assignments, orders, requests?

A. I believe that the timely performance - this is one of the important indicators of the ability to work, a kind of triumph of the organization. However, I have always something that can not be completed in time.

B. Timely execution - a "beast" that can "bite" just at the moment when the job is done. It is better to slightly tighten the job.

B. prefer less talk about timeliness, and to perform tasks and assignments on time.

G. Promptly perform the task or mission - this is the right chance to get a new one. Diligence always peculiar penalized.

13. Suppose you have promised to do something or to do something to help someone else. But circumstances have changed in such a way that fulfill the promise quite difficult. How are you going to behave?

A. Inform the person about the change in circumstances and the impossibility of fulfilling the promise.

B. I will try to tell the person that the circumstances have changed and the promise difficult. At the same time I say that we should not lose hope in the promise.

Q. I will try to fulfill the promise. If the performance - well, not performance - is also not a problem, since I rarely do not restrain (a) of its promises.

G. Nothing I will not promise to man. Fulfill the promise, come what may.

question Number


Possible answer




















































































Evaluation of the results.

From 72 to 78 points. You - organized person. The only thing that can be advised: do not stop at that level, continue to develop the self-organization. Suppose you do not think that you have reached the limit. The organization, in contrast to nature is most effective to the person who finds her inexhaustible resources.

From 63 to 71 points. Do you think the organization an integral part of the work. It gives you a definite advantage over the people who are calling the organization "under the gun" in the case of an emergency. But you should take a closer look at the self-organization, to improve it.

Less than 63 points. Your lifestyle, your environment taught you to be in something organized. Orderliness is manifested in your actions, then it disappears. It is a sign of the lack of a clear system of self-organization. There are objective laws and organizational principles. Try to analyze their actions, the consumption of time, work equipment. You will see what did not suspect. To become an organized person, you need to overcome yourself, have the strength of will and perseverance.