Theory and practice of self-management - Lukashevich NP


Manager will be useful to test their ability to take risks in business, using the test for the beginning of a millionaire. These tests are often practiced for rubezhom1. It offers an adapted version. Answer questions by selecting one of the answers.

See .: Work. - 1990 - 27 June.

Laga adapted version. Answer questions by selecting one of the answers.

1. How do you expect to make a fortune in the near future:

a) to make a career, rising through the ranks;

b) invest the available money in the business and with the benefit to risk;

c) to try their luck in the lottery.

2. If you were an actor, what role could be played by the best:

a) Ostap Bender;

b) Levin of "Anna Karenina";

c) Shtirlitsa from the movie "Seventeen Moments of Spring".

3. Imagine that you have earned a million, what would you do next:

a) I will put money in the bank and live on the interest from the deposit;

b) venture to invest in a profitable business;

c) part of the money invested in a new business, and some put in a solid bank.

4. What can bring you money:

a) power;

b) lives for his own pleasure;

c) many new worries and envy.

5. If you get rich, you would like to have written about it in the newspapers:

a) there is no;

b) Yes;

c) about me and so sometimes write.

6. What is the most suitable of the three groups of occupations you:

a) The writer, painter, composer;

b) a lawyer, a doctor, a politician;

c) The head of the firm, head of the institute, director of the publishing house.

7. When you create your company whether you recruit individuals previously were with you in friendship:

a) yes;

b) there is no;

c) The answer to the question you want to consider thoroughly.

8. Imagine that you have earned a million dollars, how would you handle it:

a) changed to a flat, car, furniture and other furnishings;

b) I travel more;

c) I have radically changed their way of life.

9. Imagine that you have just become director of the company. Where to start its activities:

a) a study of people with whom to work;

b) to determine the main directions of work of the company;

c) engaged to the selection of reliable partners.

10. Which of the following statements do you think is more correct if you were promoted and became the director of the company:

a) reduced the significance of vocational skills and enhance the role of conceptual knowledge;

b) the higher the management rank, the more important communication skills and ability in comparison with the vocational;

c) changed the requirements for all the individual qualities.

11. In one of your firm's structure occurred a conflict situation; what would you do as a director of the firm:

a) the need to hear the views of the parties and to convince them to find a compromise solution;

b) the need to hear the views of all but the final resolution of the conflict instructed the heads of the structure;

c) to do anything to a small conflict to erupt in large.

12. How much do you feel the need to have a lot of money:

a) constantly;

b) periodically;

c) rarely.

13. If you had a million dollars, and you had the opportunity to sign a new deal, what would you prefer? The one who will profit:

a) a quarter of a million;

b) half a million;

c) ppm.

Next, on a separate sheet you should write the number of questions and answers that you prefer. Then you can calculate the amount of points that score.

Responses were scored as follows.

First question.


a) 6;

b) 3;

c) 0.

Second question.


a) 3;

b) 0;

at 6.

Third question.


a) 0;

b) 6;

at 3.

The fourth question.


a) 6;

b) 0;

at 3.

The fifth question.


a) 0;

b) 3;

at 6.

Six question.


a) 0;

b) 3;

at 6.

The seventh question.


a) 0;

b) 3;

at 6

The eighth question.


a) 6;

b) 3;

c) 0.

The ninth question.


a) 3;

b) 6;

c) 0.

The tenth question.


a) 6;

b) 0;

at 3.

The eleventh question.


a) 3;

b) 6;

c) 0.

The twelfth issue.


a) 6;

b) 3;

c) 0.

Thirteenth question.


a) 0;

b) 6;

at 3.

Next, add up all your points scored and determine on a nine-level scale of their ability to take risks in business:

1st - very low (from 0 to 11 points);

2nd - low (12 to 19 points);

3rd - significantly lower than the average (20 to 27 points);

4th - slightly below average (28 to 35 points);

5th - medium (36 to 43 points);

6th - slightly above average (from 44 to 51 points);

7th - above average (52 to 59 points);

8th - high (60 to 67 points);

9th - very high (from 68 to 78 points).

How to interpret the results? If you have determined that you have the ability to take risks in the business are on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd level, the best way to make a fortune for you - to work hard to avoid a career manager, supervisor.

If you are on the 4th, 5th or 6th level, the chance to get rich you are, but you need to pro-actively develop the capacity of the merchant.

If you are on the 7th or 8th level, then you have a chance to master the management profession.

If you scored 68 to 78 points, t. E. Are on the 9th level, you have the perfect chance to become a millionaire, if you did not have them.

TEST YOUR 30.KAKOVY ability to govern?

Please answer the questions posed by one of the offered answers. Please rate your answers on a scale in accordance with the table and add up the score he already achieved. Determine the level of your ability to control, obtained the appropriate amount of points.

1. Imagine that tomorrow you will lead a group of employees older than you in age. What do you fear most in this case:

a) that may be less aware in fact, than they;

b) that you will be ignored and will challenge your decisions;

c) that the operation can not be performed at the level as you would like.

2. If you are in any case suffer the major failure, then you:

a) tried to comfort ( "think, is worse"), regarding the incident irrelevant;

b) you begin to wonder: is it possible to put the blame on someone else or on objective circumstances;

c) analyze the causes of failure, evaluating what was his own mistake and how to correct the matter.

3. Which of the qualities listed below combination suits you best:

a) communicative, sensitive, good-natured, obedient;

b) friendly, persistent, energetic, decisive;

c) hardworking, confident, reserved, logical.

4. Do you think that most people:

a) like to work well and carefully;

b) work in good faith only if they are paid properly;

c) the need to consider the job, no more.

5. The supervisor should be responsible:

a) for the maintenance of good mood in the team (then the work will not be a hassle);

b) for the excellent and timely execution of tasks (and then subordinates will be happy).

6. You are the leader of departments and must submit a "Top" plan certain activities. What do you do:

a) part of the project plan, report it to the authorities and ask them to correct, if something goes wrong;

b) listen to the views of subordinates, and in the plan include only those proposals that are consistent with your point of view;

c) has commissioned a subordinate plan and submit it without amendment leadership;

g) the project plan has been developed together with the experts, and then report it to management, justifying its position.

7. In your opinion, the best result is achieved by a leader who:

a) vigilant to ensure that all subordinate accurately perform their functions and tasks;

b) connects subordinates to solve a common problem, the principle of "trust but verify";

c) take care of the work, but do not forget about those who perform it.

8. Working in a team, do you think that the responsibility for the work of equal responsibility for the results of the work of the whole team:

a) yes;

b) no.

9. Do you think any other act met critical. How are you going to behave:

a) not giving instant protective reactions, will be able to soberly assess all the "pros" and "cons";

b) not spasuete, and will try to prove the superiority of his sight;

c) due to the hot-tempered character not be able to hide his disappointment, hurt and angry;

g) keep silent, but will do the same.

10. What brings greater success:

a) bonuses;

b) the penalty.

11. Would you like to:

a) others to see in you a good friend;

b) that no one doubted your honesty and determination to help at the right time;

c) arouse the admiration of your qualities and achievements.

12. Would you like to make their own decisions:

a) yes;

b) no.

13. If you have an important decision, that:

a) try to do so without delay, as you do, do not come back again and again to this matter;

b) do it quickly, but then long plagued by doubts, not it have been better to do it anyway;

c) Try not to make any steps as long as possible. Podsummiruyte your scores using the table.

question Number

Points response option






































































Evaluation of the results. If you scored:

25 points or less - you have the makings of a minor in management activities;

26-35 points - you have an average level of ability to control;

36-45 points - your ability to drive above average;

46-55 points - you have a good ability to manage;

56 points or more - you have an excellent ability to control.

31. WHAT ARE THE TEST your communication, leadership skills?

The role and importance of communicative and leadership skills of the head - the modern manager - can not be overestimated. Being a leader in the various situations of business communication - discussions, debates, negotiations - is not easy.

Since in actual practice of communication in the process of creative discussions and disputes, conflict resolution, we meet people, often have diametrically opposed - polar - properties and qualities that characterize communicative and leadership skills of the individual, it is obviously possible to use polar scales and methods of their assessment . This idea is the basis of the proposed test.

When you seek answers to be very frank questions. If you want to get yourself plenty of objective information, it is necessary to respond quickly, locking in answering the thoughts that you are having at the first reading of the question.

1. The following are personal qualities that are inherent to you - some more, some less. Please rate them in terms of how they are inherent to you, on a scale: 3 points - characterized by a greater degree, 2 points - are inherent to a lesser degree, 1 point - even less.

1.1. The ability to have his own.

1.2. The independence and originality judgments.

1.3. The ability to make a presentation, message.

1.4. The ability to lead a discussion.

1.5. Assertiveness and even intransigence.

1.6. Kindness, compassion.

1.7. Diligence.

1.8. The ability to bend others to his will.

1.9. Emotionality, spontaneity.

1.10. A rational approach to the case.

1.11. The ability to implement their ideas.

1.12. Availability of communication.

1.13. Seriousness, commitment.

1.14. Sense of humor.

1.15. The ability of someone thoroughly instructed.

1.16. The ability to convince the interlocutor in something.

1.17. The calm and even indifferent attitude to some conflicts in the team.

1.18. The ability to understand each, enter in his position.

2. Imagine that you are in good company, though it appeared to have new people. Rate on a scale status and actions that are most typical for you: 3 points - inherent, 2 points - inherent, but to a lesser extent; 1 point - even to a lesser extent.

2.1. New people in the company, as a rule, you are not very satisfied.

2.2. You tend to come up with original entertainment.

2.3. You utter a sound, thorough speech in honor of the hero of the occasion.

2.4. You are chatting with someone on the souls.

2.5. Sometimes you get a sense of aggressiveness.

2.6. You are good-natured and equally friendly to all.

2.7. Are you happy to be included in all sweepstakes offered by other.

2.8. You tend to elect the master of ceremonies.

2.9. Sometimes your excessive emotionality is not to everyone's taste.

2.10. You seek to go home early.

2.11. You sometimes have someone quite severely "put in place".

2.12. You are free to interact with people at all levels of culture and education.

2.13. For entertainment you often regret the time.

2.14. You tell funny stories, jokes.

2.15. Do you prefer to conduct business talks.

2.16. You try someone something to inspire, convince someone.

2.17. For conflicts in the company if they do not touch you personally, is indifferent.

2.18. For some reason you are trying to pour out his heart.

3. In resolving conflicts you manage better and more efficient to use some techniques, actions, and slightly worse - others. Please rate on a scale the techniques, the actions that you can not apply: best - 3 points, slightly worse - to 2 points, even less effective - 1 point.

3.1. At a resolution of the conflict situation I stick to traditions and collective opinions.

3.2. I am trying to find an original and unexpected for many people a way to resolve a conflict situation.

3.3. I prefer chide each culprit of the conflict alone.

3.4. Arguments to prove their point of view.

3.5. I think if a conflict of principle, it is better nothing to concede.

3.6. Always I try to understand his opponent, his arguments and arguments.

3.7. It is better if the conflict is resolved the collective itself.

3.8. Conflict situations should allow the head.

3.9. I prefer violently react emotionally and make resentful look.

3.10. In the event of a conflict do not give in to emotions, and try to find a rational way out.

3.11. In case of conflict, to defend his point of view to the end.

3.12. In case of conflict draws on his side as much as possible team members to work on his opponent through the team.

3.13. The conflict - a serious matter, and therefore never turn the conflict in earnest.

3.14. I often manage to get out of the conflict, using fun and humor.

3.15. In the event of conflict, I prefer that to gather comprehensive information on the conflicting sides and inspire, convince, who is right and who is wrong.

3.16. When conflict resolution is betting, to inspire, convince, who is right.

3.17. I try not to delve into the conflict if it does not concern me.

3.18. I often manage to foresee that this person can be a conflict situation.

Summing up the points for each quality you can obtain at least 3 points, maximum - 9 points (see table.).

Polar rating scale communicative and leadership skills, personality traits

9 points - a very high level of skills;

8 points - a high level;

7 points - well above the average;

6 points - slightly above average;

5 points - average;

4 points - slightly below average;

3 points - below average;

2 points - the lowest level;

1 point - very low level of development of abilities.

Calculation of results for each quality by simply summing the ratings (points), you put yourself in the answers to all the questions on the first position, then - on the second position and so on..

The purpose of the proposed methodology - primarily to broaden and deepen the knowledge of the personality of the level and nature of its communicative and leadership skills, identify the most strengths and weaknesses of their quality; In addition, the dominance of certain signs to identify the style of communication in the process of creative discussions, scientific and other disputes in collective creative activity, their ability to work of the principal leader, and get feedback on what qualities you need to develop in the first It turns on that this can reasonably rely.

Further, using the independent method of characteristics, each of the selected properties is estimated at nine-point scale: the personality, then her close friend and member of the group, which belongs to the individual more critical. For three estimates is the arithmetic mean.

Based on the most advanced detection quality can be concluded about the communication style of the individual. For example, it can dominate the "friendly" style of communication or, on the contrary, "aggressive". But the main thing - to identify the strengths and weaknesses of quality among communicative leadership skills and continue on this basis to build a program of self-improvement, self-development.