Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


Radical transformatsіya sotsіalno-ekonomіchnih structures scho zdiysnyuєtsya in Ukraїnі, viznachaє neobhidnist Naukova obgruntuvannya printsipovo novih metodologіchnih bases vivchennya protsesіv rozmіschennya productive forces Kraina that optimizatsії teritorialnoї ekonomіchnoї structuring system. Prіoritetnіst sotsіalnogo rozvitku, іntegratsiya ekologіchnogo th ekonomіchnogo pіdhodіv to rozmischennya productive forces that aktualnist pіdvischennya rіvnya resource-ekologichnoї BEZPEKA powers potrebuyut real vtilennya in practice gospodaryuvannya printsipіv steel rozvitku yak nadіynoї Basics of efektivnosti vikoristannya bearing-down potentsіalu suspіlstva productive forces.

On Suchasnyj etapi suspіlnogo rozvitku, Money Does pritamanne priskorennya tempіv NAUKOVO-tehnіchnogo Progreso, s one side, that zagostrennya resource-ekologichnoї crisis - s іnshogo, suttєvo posilyuyutsya svіtovі іntegratsіynі processes in sferi NAUKOVO-tehnіchnogo that ekonomіchnogo spіvrobіtnitstva. Vhodzhennya Ukraine in svіtovy ekonomіchny prostir - tse in Novi Etap rozvitku її productive forces, yaky peredbachaє structural modernіzatsіyu ekonomiki, formuvannya novih teritorialno-virobnichih kompleksіv, vdoskonalennya Sistemi gospodarskih zv'yazkіv, zrushennya in eksportno-іmportniy spetsializatsії Pevnyi teritoriy. The truncation of the cardinal of cardinal zmins in the structural and creative properties of the productive forces, oriectatsii on the efektivnyy poshuk novyh mozlivostey shodo resursozberzhennya in usi vibrochnichy and neobrobnichoi diyalnosti.

Transformatsionnyi protsessy v Ukraini naprovuzhuyutsya activeizatsiєyu vplyvu teritorіalnikh vidmіnostnom natura i vibrochnichogo potentsialyv on the result sotsіialno-ekonomichnyh perekstrenen, prichomu zey protsessi zagoronatsionalnogo vagi. Efektivno vikoristovoychi natural resources, work and viribnicheskogo potentsialny regioniiv Ukrainy, mozhna dosyagti znachnyh uspehiv in ekonomichnom zrostanni in the interesno zmicnennya mozhnosti power that kindly population. On zhiomu shlyahu principally importantly vrachovuvaty yakisno novy realy rozvitku Ukrainian Regions, spiratis v znannya legitsirnosti teritorialnogo rozvitku ya bachchennya yogo perspectives. At zvjazku zim the great value nabuvaet udoskonalennya teritorialnogo upravlennya, scho perebacha active coordination gospodarskoi diyalnosti in the interstices of the very economical district of teritorii Ukraini. Neobhidno nalagoditi tіsni mіzhregіonalnі ekonomіchnі zv'yazki, rozshiriti mozhlivostі kooperuvannya i kombіnuvannya virobnitstva s metoyu formuvannya in derzhavі stabіlnih gospodarskih teritorіalnih systems yak pershoosnovi efektivnosti virishennya nagalnih sotsіalno-ekonomіchnih problems.

Pіdnesennya ekonomіchnogo rozvitku regіoniv Ukraine, productive funktsіonuvannya usіh structural warehouses їhnіh gospodarskih kompleksіv i zrostannya on tsomu pіdgruntі zhittєvogo rіvnya population - osnovnі oriєntiri on SSMSC spryamovuyutsya usі zusillya schodo vdoskonalennya rozmіschennya productive forces in zdіysnennі derzhavnoї regіonalnoї ekonomichnoї polіtiki. The priority of samichi zavdan is enhanced by the special features of the hourly stage, the development of the productive forces of Ukraine and the regions, the folding of the social and economic processes of the economy. Not possible not vrahovuvati the obstavinu i scho on high road to Povny rozv'yazannya posed zavdan Je vagomі pereshkodi - tse Pevnyi rozintegrovanist teritorialnih gospodarskih systems їhnya structural nezbalansovanist, nedostatnya sotsіalna spryamovanіst. In this context, it is necessary to observe, but on a timely basis, it is important to secure as much as possible the realiza- tion of the economical potential of strategies for the formation of a system of high-yielding eco-nomic systems.

So rank, usvіdomlennya a wide range of problems novih ekonomichnih daє zmogu zrozumiti neobhidnist pereosmislennya theoreticity provisions scho stosuyutsya zakonomіrnostey, printsipіv faktorіv i, i strategії tactics rozmіschennya productive forces in Suchasnyj sotsіalno-ekonomіchnih minds. Novi Zavodnya posyayut і before the science pro rozmischennya productive forces. The main point is the conceptualization of the optimal rozmischennya productive forces on the basis of the balanced development of all pisdisystems with the method of increasing the productivity of the economy and the lack of independence of the state.

Zavdannya rate rozmіschennya productive forces have polyagayut nadannі students neobhidnih knowledge schodo novіtnіh tendentsіy rozvitku tsієї galuzi science formuvannya they umіn i practicality navichok at virishennі practicality power stosovno rozmіschennya productive forces h urahuvannyam demografіchnih, sotsіalnih that ekologіchnih faktorіv.

The state system of Gosdar is functionally in the minds of carrying out the folding economical interdependencies, the analogy of which is required for serious facsimile preparation. Tse vimagaye vid ekonomistiv glibokikh znen teorichtichnykh osnovnykh rozmischennya produktivnykh silov, prirodaіv teoritorіalnoi organizatsii vibrobitvtva, svitovih torgatsіy rozvitku productive forces. Especially values ​​in praktitsі gospodaryuvannya nabuvaє rozrobka prognozіv (schemes) rozmischennya i rozvitku productive forces Pevnyi teritoriy, yakimi viznachayutsya zavdannya i osnovni pokazniki ekonomichnogo that sotsіalnogo rozvitku regіonіv Ukraine, for example a complex of natural vikoristannya resursіv, Roads Ahead rozv'yazannya sotsіalnih that ekologіchnih problems. Ovolodinnya methodological forecasting of the trend of developing productive forces on the basis of that vidlizhchu viddalenu perspective mozhlive lishhe on the basis of glyboki know-how of theoretical, and applied aspects of the organisational territorial trust.

Science pro rozmischennya productive forces postivno rozvivaetsya, zbaguchuyutsya new theoretical placement, methodological and methodical boxes, recommendations practical psevdomovanosti. Vona vzaimodіє z nіshimi by sciences - naturnichimi, geografichnimi te tehnichnimi. The great role of science in rozvitku about rozmischennya productive forces vidіgraє ekonomichna teorіya, yak i vivchaє formulyuє ekonomichni Zakoni the category i, scho sluguyut neobhidnim metodologіchnim pіdgruntyam for rozvitku Vlasnyi ponyatіynogo aparata science about rozmischennya productive forces. Stop vikoristovuє takozh result Naukova doslіdzhen galuzevih ekonomik, Economy prirodokoristuvannya, ekonomichnoї statistics ekonomichnoї i sotsіalnoї geografії, ekonomіchnoї kіbernetiki, ekonomiki pratsi, fіnansiv, іstorії national Gospodarstwa, kartografії that іn. In his chervon, the science of the rozmischennya productive forces zbagachuyeh їх vlasnimi categoriyami that ekonomichnimi characteristics teritoriali rozvitku.

Propagations of the structure are structured in the form of such interdependent rozdіlіv: the theoretical basis of the rozmіschennya productive forces ; The people's political complex of Ukraine is a form of organization of productive forces; Місце України в світовому економiчному просторі та її звнiшньоекономічні зв'язки. Він містить викла not тільки the basic themes з навчального to a course, and th methodical units, якi скреють кращому оволодiнню theoretically and apply питаннями шодо розiщення productive forces of Ukraine. At the time of writing, the author's books were published, published, published, published, published and published. For the sake of the productive forces of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Encyclopaedic, Publications, and Periodic Vidnan. Він of recognition for students of economical specialties of those who hasten navichalniye mortgage these specialties, yakі zamayutsya pitannym rozmischennya і rozvitku productive forces.