Розіщення продуктивних сил України - Дорогунцов С.І.


The methodology of the be-as-science of the form is the succinctness of the categories, it is spiraling in yakis von, and the system of singing methods is supplemented with the algorithm of roving the practice of practicality. The methodological basis of the science of the prognostication of productive forces is materialism , which is reflected in the economical category of the law. The science of Vik-yok is a wide arsenal of the singers of the science of priomy and opera for the creation of the object, that is, it is delivered to the public, delivered. Vidilyayut chotiri rivni naukovykh metodov dossyedzhennya:

The first - zagalno-ukovy;

Other - міждисциплінарний (спільний для кiлькох галузей знань);

Third -specific science, special education;

The fourth - methodical and technical [1, p. 37].

By the butt of the zagalno-ukukovyh method in the servant of the dialectical system of the method of recognition. Їх застосування дає змогу дослiджувати продуктинi сили як fold the dynamical system, all the sukemnіst еelementіv anchor perebuvaє at pivnih vzаmozvі zakіvі i vіdnіnakh, utljuyuyuchi єdinu tsіlісність. Before the methodical methods, yaki є nipposhirenishuyu grupoju, nalezhat, zokrema, istorichnyi i matematichny. Wongs are widely vikoristovuytsya pliznimi galuzyami science for analizu dinamiki rozvitku protsessiv nevoishch. Special methods are to be stuck in concrete science submissions. Before them, you can add, for example, statistical and cartographic. Methods of science-based add-ons, how to understand the methodological and technical riven, give zmogu vikonuvati techno-economical rozraunki riznoi folding zdіysnyuvati formalizatsiyu okremih poshelen i і rіshen.

Розіщення продуктивних сил ук галузь економiчної науки використовує a wide range of the daily methods in the form of balance (normative, regulatory, economical, optimal, economical, mathematical, technical and economical), zastosuvannya yakih vozmozhno otderzhat novyi, nauchno obgornovanі results .

The very methodological scheme of the separation of the suto of the science-based, and the nyerodic and applied zavdan schodo rozmyschennya productive forces perebacha pevnu poslidovnost sostavlyaetsya doslenie i hoplyulya sochi [1, p. 38].

The first is the program, it is preprogrammed with the programs, the vikonannya pivnogo zavdannya chi project: yogo meti, ochikuvanyh result, vikonavtsiv, kostorisu tochno.

Other - information: збирання та обробка інформації; Warehousing of passports in the public domain.

Тretій - analitichny: conducted analiza of information, systematization, and interpretation of the method by rejecting scientific and practical results.

The fourth is a model, which includes including a system of models for forecasting a plan for the management of plots.

П'ятий - algorithmic: viznachennya chitkogo order virublenya concrete rishen shodod rizmischennya productive forces.

Shostiy - conceptually constructive: the conceptual, project, program, apratsyuvannya applied rishen, osderzhannya poshukovoy result.

Slid zauvazhiti, scho imposed a methodological scheme є up to the unreality of the world, one of them is vikorostvuyutsya iz meaningful modifikatsyami, scho zmovolo by the needs of chi vimogami practice.

The formation of the methodological foundations of science pro rozmyschennya productive forces vidbuvalosya dovit trivaly hour. The founders of the rinkovoi theory are rozmischennya vibrobnitsva є І. Tyunen, A. Weber, A. Getner, A. Llosh, V. Kristaller, W. Іzard, J. Chorlı, P. Hagget et іn.

The nutrient of the rosemary of the vibrobnitsa spovchatka looked dareingly in the plane of the optimal optimal variant of the rosettes of the attached pidpriemstva.

A. Veber, his own science prachs . Tyunen yak, the dignitaries of the theology of the virbitnitsva brought, but the character of the rosstischennya pіdpriєmstva sutєєvo vplivala on the rіven yogo pributkovosti; In addition, pidpriemstvo can be roshtashuvati such a rank, shob oderzhuvati naiibilshy pributok. In the "Theory of the Stars" A. Weber, bringing up, vio virginesse rozmischuyutsya behind the principle of naimenshih vitrat, and rozmischennya promislovosti pidporyadkovuyutsya dії pivnikh "oriєntatsiy", srednyh some vin vidiliv transport factor, nayavnst robochoї sili that agglomeration. In the so-called "good-thinking conception" of A. Getner, the causes of the interdependence of the fluid are described in terms of economical manifestations and those features of the teritory.

Sutt'evo weighed in on the formation of the methodological foundations of science for the prognostication of the productive forces of the viscose, crumbling in the scientific hands of the German professor A. Llosch. The basic principles of the yoga theory are: the reality of the zbutu ridge is the head chink of rozmischennya pidpriemstv; Maximizatsiya Pributku є basic otsіnim kriterієm доцільності розміщення виробництва; Intresi vsogogo gospodarstva krainy povinni vrahovuvatysya v rozmischennyi be-yakogo obekta; Теорія вiдiграє омежену role at вирішенні практичних feeds schodo viboru місця розташування окремих підприємств і навіть великих міст.

Vagomiy vnesok at the scoop of methodological foundations of science proizmozschennya productive forces, and zokrema science about the region, zbroiv vzcheny U. Іzard . The yogo conceptual units were primed on the basis of the theory of the economy. In the post-mortem "Methodology of regional analysis. The entry to regio-consciousness "is conducted dumka about vzemodiiyu polichnichnyh, sotsialnih i ekonomichnyh forces, yaka guilty vrahovuvatisya protsessi analizu rozvitku regionii. With the population of the country, the head of the population is seen, and all the parameters of the economy and social development are jumped. Tse methodological pіdhid allowing zoserediti problems of human rozvitku in the center of regional ekonomichnoy systems.

A significant broadening in the margins of the zonal economics nabula theory of "geographic determinism," yak sighted geographically, the middle of the ya viznachalny chinnik rozmischennya і rozvitku promislovosti be-yak district chi kraїni v tsilomu. Odnією з її течій є "vulgar geografism", a kind of natural sightseeing, so yaik, scho viznachayut straight ahead saspilnogo rozvitku. Behind its own ideas, the vengeance of encounters "environalmentalism" is a science, and vice versa of the United States. Її predstavniki vvazhayut, scho mіzhznarodniy podіl pіtsіі vіznachaєtsya vеmіnost vіdmіnostyіm s natural sredovishchі. Order in the names to extend the expanded theory of "climatic optimums," for the seemingly prudent urge for rozvitku vibrobitvtva mait krayini, roztashovani in pomirnomu belt.

It is necessary to adhere to the demands of science and technology progress in the gospodarku practice, that is, the obvious substitution of the "geographic determinism" position, the incidence of stagnation, the presence of the rozmischennya, the proximity of the wings of the minds of the vibrodits of natural minds and resources. At the same time, the universal and objective nature of the natural and geographic nature of the resource-resource end is necessary for priinjattya primrutovanyh rіshen shodod rozmіschennya productive forces.

In its own science-based obgruntuvannah schodo rozmischennya productive forces Marxist theory is giving priority to the virbitnitsva method of social and political organization of the estate. The reason for the reason for postsocialist powers was overvaluation of the vibrocentralization plan for the development of vibrobitvita, the yak hunted all without a vignette to govern the people's government. With the development of the administrative machinery, rozpodilu і перерозподілу ресурсів, фонів, продукції.

The current problems of the growth of productive forces and the regional economy are becoming more and more important in the center of respect for the Ukrainian economy. At the end of the study, the vagomy of the vagomy of the extravaganas was scored in the form: OM Alimov, PT Vashchenko, KG Vobly, OT Dibrova, S.I. Doroguntsov, M.I. Dolishniy, FD Zastavniy, MM Palamarchuk, MD Pistun, Yu.I. Pityurenko, V. A. Popovkin, O.I. Shabliy, I.I. Zhupansky that is the bagateness of the younger. To the prowess of Ukraine, an irresponsible state, a new momentum has been imposed on the development of the theory of productive forces and that of the regional economy. In the basis of the day-to-day visions and concepts, the theoretical laying of the rationale for the territorial sub-rationality, the integrated resource saving, the economizing of the sispilnaya pravicy, the safe use of the steel rozvitku productive forces. The paradigm of the regional order, the area of ​​the alleged regency is the naturalness of the natural, material medium, that is, the appearance of the positives at the conception of the post-modern world and the development of the productive forces of Ukraine and the future.