Філологія. Methodology. Pedagogy

Fix an indirect virazhenna sponukannya yak mavnі universalії

O. L. Shevchenko , Cand. Fіlol. Sciences, Assoc.

Sponukannya addressee before vikonannya dії naposagnennya pevnoy will become, yak vidomo, mozhe bouti vyrazheno yak spetsializovaniami, so nespetsializovaniami zakobami.

Наявність засобів an indirect virazhenna sponukannya in багаоо мовах світу дає можливість приприти, що вони мають універсальний nature. Pід мовними універсаліями прийнято розуміти "законірності загальні для всіх мов або for їх більшості" [1]. Існування універсалій змовлено, насамперед, спільністю експресивної і комунікативної functіій мови.

The association of "sponukannya" in bolshostmov mozhe bouti is not transferred to other people, but it is impossible to adhere to it in the operative, or for the sake of the nourishment of those stverdzhuvalnyh:

Port : English - Can you book me a ticket?

Російська - Could you buy me a ticket?

Українська - Chi could buy tickets for me?

French - Pourriez-vous mácheter un billet?

Nimetska - Können Sie nicht mir eine Karte kaufen?

Іспанська - Puedo usted comprarme un billete?

Japanese - Kippu wo katte-moraitai?

At bagatooh moavah sposteregajatsya tendentsiya up to spetsializatsii upremovy movnyh zasobiv for virazhennya riznomannitnogo stadia categorichnosti i vvichlivosti sponukannya v raznyh sotsialnyh situatsіah. So, the movable material is about those who are naimens in the English language in the straightforward spontaneous forms, in the form of exclusionary performances and in the non-operative spontaneous reckonings:

I forbid you to mention the subject again (I.Shaw);

Sugar, Bilson (J.Galsworthy).

Neutral - direct spontaneous rechennia. Prote, nayachastishe stench vzhivayutsya with zverantny to children, people are good znayomih, rodichiov abo to the lower for the positions of chi youngsters for vykom:

Send my maid to me, - said Fournier. - Yes, my lady (A.Christie).

Набільше ввічливими в англіісьсьіі мові є непрямі пнунукальні речення, виражені питанням, то що питання formally give the addressee the right відмовитиі від виконання дії.

Would you ask the porter to come, please?

All right (E.Hemingway).

This is more typical for the Russian, Ukrainian, French, Spanish, Japanese and Japanese languages. At frantsuzkіy movі, napriklad, u situatsії obіdu abo сніданку the addressee can enter а такі висловлення [3]:

  • Le pain!
  • Passe-moi le pain.
  • Passez-moi le pain, s'il vous plait.
  • Voudriez-vous me passer le pain?
  • Auriez-vous la bonté de me passer le pain, s'il vous plait?
  • Oserais-je vous prier d'avoir l'obligeance de me passer le pain?

In wigs (1-6), one and the same zmist, tobto sponukannya pass hlib vyrazheno riznomannitimi zasobami, rozmischeniemi on nastoostannu step vvichlivosti. Above all, the immensely spontaneous manner of reciting the categorical order, addresses clearly to the bottom of the social camp. Dali imposed butt bіlsh vvіchlivih forms (other i tretє vislovlennya - pryamі sponukalnі utterance scho mіstyat Dieslovo in іmperativі; Fourth, p'yate i Shostya - nepryamі sponukalnі utterance virazhenі power). Ostannіy varіant (6) - tse is exaggerated in a vein, prininezhen prohannya, zvernute to an individual, singing, an obviously vishchego social status.

Yak bachimo, vzhivannya in the active moiv riznomannitnyh direct and indirect sponukalnyh forms vidbiyeva sispinnyi vidosnoni mizh people. Naybіlsh jasarkovo podibni vidnoshennya znahodit virazhennja v sistemi pakazovoy zapusku japonskoi movi. The singularity of the spontukal forms of Japanese artifacts is the number of people [4]. Vchenі-lіngvіsti pіdkreslyuyut їh rozhodzhennya in planі virazhennya stage vvіchlivostі scho pov'yazano s vіdnoshennyam movtsya to spіvrozmovnika, іz rіznomanіtnim sotsіalnim komunіkantіv status. Characteristically, the straight lines of the spontaneous forms (punishments and fences) in zvichainyi rozmovi zustrnichayutsya vkray ridko. We have to go through with the Wijk teams, with the roses in the dots and in [4]:

Мати - дитині: Pan wo kai-nasai - Buy the hliba!

Yaksho z rasprosli spilkuyutsya mіzh soboyu, then vikoristovuyut tilki indirect sponukalnyi form. When zverantny before the river, the viscous abo of the lower one get into the rush of spontaneous zasobi. In the case of Japanese mowing and speci fi c hindrance, sponk:

The vigilant to the lower: Pan wo katte-moraitai?

The lower one - the viscous: Pan wo katte-moraimasen-ka?

Lower - lower: Pan wo katte itadakimasen-ka?

In bagatoh movah takozh zustrіchayutsya utterance scho Yea іmplіtsitnoyu Form sponukuvannya, іlokutivna force yakih viyavlyaєtsya tіlki in viznachenih contextual minds abo Well asotsіativno pov'yazana Zi values ​​sponukannya. Yaksho, napriklad, ditin say: "I'm hungry," then in the future, I will be spoiled for spondylitis for a mother's date, but I do not want to go. Стверджувальна пропозиція "Я голодний" у цьому випадку має те ж комунікативне значення, що імперативне "Give me change!":

Port : Ukr. I'm hungry = Give me a minute!

Eng. I'm hungry = Give me something to eat.

Nim. Ich bin hungrig = Geb mir, bitte, was zu essen.

French J'ai faim = Donne-moi a manger quelque chose.

Іспан. Tengo hambre = Da me de comer.

Hocha neprjamyi sponukalnі rechennya traplyjayutsya in bilshostіmov, at kozhnyy stony maiyut structuralny soblivostі. Napriklad for anglіyskoї MTIE characteristic broad vikoristannya pitalnih was spoken in funktsії sponukuvannya, i Especially in funktsії Prokhanov todі yak at rosіyskіy that ukraїnskіy їm chastіshe vіdpovіdayut pryamі sponukalnі form (s Utterance dієslovom - prisudkom in іmperativі):

Port : Will you cut the sausage? Paini looked at me in the half-light.

I cut it while we were talking, he said ( E. Hemingway ).

Narіzhte Kovbasa - Pіanі podivivsya on Me in pіvmorotsі.

I vzhe narizav її, left rozmovlyali. - having told Він.

(The transfer of E. Kalashnikov )

Now, please, will you leave my room? He turned round, and went sulkily out ( J.Galsworthy ).

And now, be laskavi, pіdіть звідси! Soames turning and frowning vishov in kymnati.

(Pereklad pid zagalnoy editorial MF Lorie )

In vipadku Well vikoristannya pitalnih was spoken in funktsії sponukalnih in rosіyskіy movі bіlsh characteristic Je їh uzhitok іz negative form of the predicate [6]:

And can not you take me with you, Prokhor Petrovich? ( V. Shishkov ).

Power about spromozhnіst abo Bazhannya destination vikonati dіyu mozhut in anglіyskіy, rosіyskіy, ukraїnskіy, nіmetskіy, іspanskіy, frantsuzkіy i deyakih іnshih movah virazhati sponukannya to dії, todі yak at such yaponskіy old power nіkoli vzhivayutsya not have funktsії sponukannya [7]:

Port : English. Can you buy me some bread? = Buy some bread.

Nim. Können Sie nicht mir etwas Brot kaufen? = Kaufen Sie mir, bitte, etwas Brot.

Growing. Could you buy me some bread? = Buy me some bread.

Ukr. Chi could not buy me a cup of hliba? = Купіть мені хліба.

Іспан. Puede usted comprarme pan? = Compreme pan.

French Pourriez-vous m'acheter le pan? = Achetez-moi le pan.

Japanese. Pan wo kau koto ga dekimasen-ka? ≠ Pan wo kai-nasai.

So rank, doslіdzhennya showed scho zasobi indirect virazhennya sponukannya іsnuyut not tіlki in anglіyskіy, ale th in bagatoh іnshih movah scho dozvolyaє vіdnesti їh to movnih unіversalіy. Vodnochase in rіznih movah stench of toil spetsifіchnі osoblivostі pobudovi i funktsіonuvannya. Porіvnyalny analіz zasobіv indirect virazhennya sponukannya Mauger become a subject spetsіalnogo doslіdzhennya.


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