Філологія. Methodology. Pedagogy

Інформаційно-методичне забезпечення самостійної роботи студентів при вивченні іноземної мови

M.I. Smirnova , art. Folding

Epoch strіmkogo th postіynogo i do updates rozvitku Informácie, іntensivnogo rozshirennya mіzhnarodnih dіlovih, cultural zv'yazkіv at the Branch of science, tehnіki, Economy pred'yavlyaє suvorі vimogi to visokokvalіfіkovanogo fahіvtsya, yaky guilty umіti poєdnuvati gliboku fahovu pіdgotovku s temple rіvnem volodіnnya іnozemnoyu movoyu is the computer ' Ютерною грамотністю. Ці вимоги взаємопов'язані, неподільні, to share the intermittent zbagachennyu udoskonalennju. ALE iodinoyu universalnuyu vimogoju to kompetentno-zdatnogo fahivtsya йо yogo vmіnnya samostіnno, creatively mysliti.

The school of pocischan is urging the student to save the student with mineral, operative knowledge, and takozh novchiti yogi vchishisya (tobto vchiti myself) samostichno. The lyudina syogodnі - tse samostynna lyudina is cleared, selfishly priymati rіshennya, samostіnno vyvatisya stavlenya meti, moe naivichki vlasynimi forces ovolodіvati znannyam, udoskonaljuvati its fahovu mastersternі іndivіdualno.

The way of formulating and developing such an important anchor is the self-robot student robot (CDS). Understand "CPC" can be seen in a broad and vuzkomu znachennі. At the wide znachenny - tse is active piznavalna creative diyalnist student, yaka presence (guilty bouti presence) in be-I kind of navchalnih to occupy. Have a bolshy vuzkomu znachenn - tse one z vidiv navchalnih to occupy, specialty soblivistyu yakogo і vіsutnіst викладача at the moment навчальної діяльності student.

Vikladach I plan, I coordinate, control the self-esteem of students, togo stvooru umovi їв навчальної діяльності, оргаізує й активізує її, stanovyuchi udochno-naliyuyuchi іnformatsiyno-metodnichnoe zabezpechennya SRS. Іноземна мова в немовному вузі є засобом підвищення освіченості, фахової коллеції студентів у межах вузької спецiалiзації. The main part of the course is the training course for students - the recruitment of the CDS in case of unequal land administration, the hard work of an information and methodical school.

In the process of education in the economy, the vicarious is guilty of teaching students to practice self-sufficiency, prischeplyuvati мm naivichki samostiynoi roboti in auditori пода for a generous vikoristana їh in posaauditnyi samostiyni roboti. Zavdannya for posaauditornoy robots guilty include in the first stage of creative creativity (vidvtoryuyuchi, re-creative). Wongs maitu bouti skeeirovani on vdiskkonalennya vse vidiiv moventsnevoi diyalnosti (audiruvannya, molvlenya, chitannya, letter) i voloditi fahorovoy oriєntatsiєyu.

The robot's self can be conducted on a busy schedule, so i pose with the university, the scares of the student's "self-robot" are a special kind of devotion to the Navajan, the head method of the self is the form of the self-identity of the sub-ect, but the form of yogo vmin, know the beginning of the zodiac, It is mediated through the method of methods of all sorts of visions of the savage ones "[1].

Yak form to occupy in the Earth's economy: the audience is busy; Laboratory optional faculty, scho - post-auditorovaya navchalnoyu robot i to become organichnee prosdzhenzhennya auditornyh occupy; Pozaprogrammi zanyattya unearthly. The robot's self is guilty of folding part of the skin from transverse forms of robot over an in-ground canvas [2].

Self-robot, її efektivnist signifiably to be located in the middle of that time of the didactic possessions. Didactic leaks є prefet, yaki, dyuchi on zir, rumor, dotik studentov, poggshut 'ім безпосереднє й непряме пiзнання дiйсностi. Woons do not rambling virishalnogo vlivu on kintsevi result of the navchalno-vihovnogo process, alle spryvayut pidvishchennu efektivnosti methods in Navschan, zbagachuchi eh [3].

Didactically become a part of the warehouse part of an organisational-methodical safety net. Zabezpechennya CPC - Processes vikladačem neobihdnih i udatnnyh minds, scho podryayut zadovolennu studentov in informatsionnyh dzherel i propositsiyah.

For organisatsionno-methodical zabezpechennya CDS vikladachevi neobhidno:

  • Warehousing of necessary pieces of i urn;
  • Rozrobiti neobihdni professionally orientovany tasks-zavdannya;
  • Viznachiti vimogi before the product i result in the CDS;
  • Fold the plan robot;
  • Rozrobiti informational and methodical zabezpechenennya roboti studenti: pidrochnikami, navchalnimi posbnikami, methodical recommendations and vkazivkovami, dovidkimi materiialami, tables, schemes, diagrams i tp;
  • Publikuvati all neobhdnee informatsiyno-methodical zabezpechennya dyatati ti materiali studentii up to the back of the visual etapu yogo navchalnoy diyalnosti [1].

Informational and methodical safety of the CPC is the integrity of such dailies, texts (books, brochures, newspapers, journals), graphical material (chair, schema, diagrams, tables), audio recording (sound recordings, movies, videofilmi), software products. Vsi tsi materiali povinni buti piдiбранi з урахуванням фахової орiєнтацiї, що сприятиме розвитковi эемоцiйно-мотиваційної spheres приприйнятття інформацiйних materialів, i мають забезпечувати всi вити занять.

On our duma, the lover of the unofficial procession of the unearthly organisations, in self-employed robots, students of the future will join the nazhanni, including the traditional didactic training of the programmed Navchan. Prior to them, programs can be programmed as part of a program of primary instruction in a complex with controllable computer control programs, which include the specifics of the student's faculty at a non-university institution.

Informational and methodical material, including the basic (vypuscheni vidavnitvyvami i vystavnychim organizatsiami) and dodatkovi (otkoreni high schools), guilty in vidpovidati vimogam, virublenim III All-Union Scientific and Methodical Conference, yak vidbulasya at Moskvy 22-24 listopadapa 1988, and Same:

  • With open books, you can not keep up with the text, but the teachers for the high school are guilty of competing with the high-level scientific and theoretical pivot of the material story, vmischuvati neobhdniy dovidkiviy aparat, orientsovaniya on pidvischennya efektivnosti SRS.
  • To reserve accessibility i is practically to be skeptical to the encyclopedia of the naive material in books, tiснi міжпредпреднi зв'язки, послідовннсть i зв'язаність змiсту вузiвських пeдрунчиiв та посiбникiв з книгами для iнших рiвнiв освiти.
  • Posiliti uvaluu nourish nostril nachalo professionally orientovanyh pidruchnikovi i zagalnoaukovykh ta zagalnotekhnichnyh dipliplin z urauvuvannami neobhidnosti zastosuvannya EOM.

Signs that will imitate the programs of the Naval Administration of the uninhabited, so:

  • Imagination is quite clearly formulated, it is recommended to wimir, tiili navchalnoy robot algorithm algorithm nesyagnennya tsiєї meti;
  • Rozchlenovannost navchalnoy roboty on crooks, pozyazanyi vidppidnimnimi doses i informatsii, sho obezpechuyut zdiysnennya kroku;
  • Completing the crochet by self-conversion, the result of how to give the ability to judge for those who are quick-witted crochet, i the presentation of students is enough for an effective ben- efit for self-transference, but for another, then a crocheting blotch;
  • Vikoristannya automatic i napivavtomaticchnyh navnyayuchih obladnan: with the help of other programs programmers, but realize without help of any technical support, i programmed soundtrack takozh rozglyadayutsya yak navchayuchi obladnannya;
  • Navidonialization [4].

The didactic complex of the naval administration of the in-country administration is guilty of the paganism, the traditional methods and methods of programmed navcha. Zavdyaki ts'omu stvoyuetsya taka navchalna situatsiya, if a student is immensely self-consciously carry out znayomlennya, zakriplennya d activeizatsiyu moovnogo materialu, and formovannya mnnovyh beginner i umiń zdiysnyuetsya pid neposarednym kerivnitsvvom vykladacha.

Thanks to the traditional arsenal, you can take advantage of the self-motivated robotics for a wide variety of informational technologic nazhannya, zokrema, zahluchennya computer technology technologically guilty of acquaintance with the on-school process in the schools. Vicorestaniya komp'yutnich naverchayuchih program at samostiyny roboti with ovolodiinni inozemnoyu movoyu students nemnih universities - polifunctional.

Computer vpprovazhenna poklikane create for the virgin novice and umni pratsyuvati self (in addition to the special features of robotics with computer programs); So that the possibility of differentiation is possible, that is, the indivisual pidhid yak in the material, so i at the rate of roboty the students are hovering; Sprye rozshirennu ta pogliblennu znan z fahu (informatieyni mozhnovisti komp'yuternoi shimzhi neobmezheni); To put the student before the need for glibic knowledge of the uni-earthly economy, without which it is impossible to maintain a professionally organized information. Tsim vikorystannya komp'yuternyh program in self-roboti with vivchenn iinoznnoi movi by students of unintelligent universities vyavlyaet znannya inozemnosti i znannya z faku yak vzaimonneobhidny i dostatnyi yakovi for vosposkonalennya monovnego preparation, so i for a professional zrostannya. These processes are combined in parallel. The world itself is inseparable and inseparable from the discipline.

Self-robot, in which to be enacted in a special didactical manner, I can be guilty of delivering:

  • The form of the student's self-reliance;
  • The control of a student;
  • informuvannya studentiv about riven dosyagnennya tsiley;
  • Viznachennya vimog before the results of the student's student;
  • The continuity of the calls of i internal minds;
  • Urauvuvannya indididualnyh osoblivostey skin student;
  • Nadannya studentii mozhnovosty planyuvannya svoi dii;
  • Students are free to learn about their own language.

Otzhe, programmed didactic complexi poklikani zabezpechiti vzasmovdoskonalennya i formovannya mavnoy, fahovoy, zagalkal'kulturnoi komp'yutcii spetsialistiv - vypuskatnikiv neznihikh vuzizv. Dani programmed to make such a didactic-methodical program of the programmed Navcha:

  • Орiєнтованості i можливості навчання студентiв з рiзним рiвнем успішності;
  • Rozpodilu podachi new i-nominogo materialu zalozhno vid stepya uspishhnosti;
  • Paetapnomu oderzhanu iinformatsii about nalidki diyalnosti;
  • Emphasis on the self-robot.

Taki didactic complexi povinni competitively active i efektivnosty samostynyno roboti i poklikani i pomoviti tchi ​​for:

  • In-depth training courses for graduates of non-university institutions;
  • Formalizing the Beginning i umiń samostiynoi roboti mabutnogo kvalifikanovogo fahivtsya;
  • Vyroblennya such an important anchor, especially self, yak samostiynist;
  • Rozshirennya i poliglennya znan z fahu;
  • Computer literacy.


  • Kozakov VA Independent work of students and its information and methodological support: Teaching. Allowance. - К .: Vishcha school, 1990. - P. 15.
  • Lyakhovitskiy MV Method of teaching foreign languages: Training. Allowance for philol. Fact. Universities. - Moscow: Higher School, 1981.
  • Kupisevich Ch. Fundamentals of general didactics. - Moscow: Higher School, 1986.
  • Salistra ID Programming questions in the teaching process of a foreign language: Training. Allowance. - Moscow: Higher School, 1977.