Фінансова діяльність суб'єктів господарювання - Tereshchenko O.O.


Managements of the financial support of individuals , yakі functііоюють in the minds of the financial market, †"naymensh doslisdzhenoyu galuzzyu vіchtiznyanoї ekonomichnoї sciences. Taka situatsіya pevnoyu mіroyu lawіirna. For the administrative and command economy, the smallness of the receivership is small, the form of the power and the government has been severely limited by the centralization plans. The management of the funds was implemented in the administrative order: on the territory of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the receipt of the subordination of subordinates to the subordinates of state property, sight of the capital as of the date of the capitalization, To the management of the application, not the bankrupt priymati rishennya shchodo zbіlshennya statutnogo kapitalu, імісії акцій chі oblіgаcіy, managing the investment contributions of that ін., And the annuity nepotbnimi булиі and відповідні спеціалісти.

This is the very rank of the bula stimulated by the study of the science of finance . Show-є te, sho pidgotovka fahіvtsіv in the galuzі sverhvnyh fіnansіv (macro), zdіysnjuvalasya thym nachal'nimi programami, sho d fahіvtsіv u sinyi fіnansіv pіdpriєmstv (mіkrorіven). Tsey order of the well-known world of zberіgaєє і і ​​сьогодні, if майбтні спеціалісти у областиі фінансів підприємств, insurrection and discretion, discourage the organisation of the state finances. Natomist for ґruntovnogo vivchennya disciplina, povyazanykh z upravlennyam fіnansami pіdpriemstv, not vistachaє budget navchalnogo hour. Situatsіya descho polіpshilas in rezultatі zaprovadzhennya vіdpovіdnih spetsіalіzatsіy on magіsterskomu rіvnі pіdgotovki fahіvtsіv Zi spetsіalnostі "Fіnansi" but udoskonalennya The Teaching planіv vіdbulosya porіvnyano recently and otzhe, deprivation Neznachny Quantity fіnansistіv, SSMSC pratsyuyut sogodnі on vіtchiznyanih pіdpriєmstvah, toil dostatnіy rіven kvalіfіkatsії sama in the Branch fіnansovogo Management.

Vrahovuyuchi vikladene can stverdzhuvati scho one іz nayvazhlivіshih rezervіv polіpshennya parametrіv dіyalnostі of companies Je pіdvischennya rіvnya kvalіfіkatsії fahіvtsіv, vіdpovіdalnih for upravlіnnya fіnansami of companies, that rozrobka yakіsno novih pіdhodіv to organіzatsії robots fіnansovih services at the Same sferі fіnansuvannya. For the preparation of high-profile special projects in financial management, finance and analysis, and controllers, it is necessary to provide special information on the official information, zokrema and literature, as well as to be found in the regions that are economically isolated - USA, Japan, Zahidnoye Europie.

At the hour of the vigil in the foreheads of the Navy, Ukraine's mortgages, yakі zdіysnjutnie podgotovku bakalovrіv zі spetsial'nostі "Fіnansi", prodvazhdena obovvjazkova navchalna discipline "Фінансова діяльність суб'єкті господаювання".

Metodyu vivchennya disciplinary - otrimannya students basovih know from practical nourishment of organisatsії fіnansovoї діяльності суб'єкті господаювання.

The subject of the given discipline is the system of financial and economic issues, which are used for the process of mobilization of resources for the financing of business operations and investment activities in the state and municipalities of the poorly paid deposits of the koshtis.

Пропонований навчальний посібник відповідає програмі дисципліни «Фінансова діяльність суб'єктів господарювання» і сприяє вирішенню by the problems of discontinuation of the discipline by the naive-methodical materials. At posobniku mozhna znajta vidpovidi na vsya osnovnyi pitani, z yakimi mozut zitkkutisya fahivtsi galuzі upravlennya fіnansovoyu dіyalnistyu підприємств (фінансові manageri, аналіість, контролери). The material is submitted to the hijackers of the nannies of the nadbane of science and practice in the field of education, and on the basis of literary dzherel, yakі vikoristovuyutsya for the faculty of preparation of special services for the food of the financial and social assistance in the territory of the Crimea (Nimescina, Switzerland, Austria). The method, methods, and methods of characterization of the writer, adapted to the master minds of the statesman.

The author is the author of the wines to the scaffold podjaku fahiwcam from the management of the financial support of the Fіlіппс-Університету (m. Marburg, Німеччина) to the m. M. Zurich (Swiss), and takozh to the Volkswagen Fund (Nimecchina) for advising and writing in the written and written articles.