Українська та зарубіжна Culture - Вечірко Р. М.

Aesthetic concept of postmodernity

Specificity of postmodernist esthetics is associated with neoclassical tlumacennies of classic traditions. Distantsiiuyuschis vіd klassicchnoye estetiki, postmodernism does not enter into it in the conflict, or prague zaluchiti її to svoeї orbіtі na novіі teoreticalhesііy osnovі. The aesthetics of postmodernism was filled with a low number of new positions, and Same: she approved the pluralistic estetic paradigm, which is responsible for rozhituvannya and internal deformation of the categorical system of that intelligible apparatus of esthetics.

Postmodernist estetics are essentially antisystematic, adogmatic, zhorstkosta zakknenostі conceptual impulses. The symbol is a labyrinth. In the theory of deconstruction, it is classic, the epistemological paradigm of repre- sentation, the emphasis on the problem of visibility in perso- msmi. Kontseptsіya netotozhnostі text scho peredbachaє yogo destruktsіyu that rekonstruktsіyu, rozіbrannya that zіbrannya odnochasno, namіchaє vihіd s lіngvotsentrizmu in tіlesnіst, yak nabuvaє rіznomanіtnih estetichnih rakursіv - Buchan (Deloz, Gattarі) lіbіdoznі pulsatsії (Lacan, Lіotar) Spokusa (Bodrіyar) vіdraza (Kresteva).

Taka zrushennia led to modifikatsії basic esteticheskih category. Novi looking at the beautiful yak alloy pochuttіv concept that moralnіsnogo zumovleny yogo іntelektualіzatsієyu scho sprichinena kontseptsієyu ekologіchnoї that alegorichnoї handsome, orієntatsієyu on beauty asonansіv that asimetrії, disgarmonіchnu tsіlіsnіst another order yak estetichnu postmodern norm, neogedonіstichnoyu domіnantoyu, pov'yazanoyu s іdeyami text zadovolennya, tіlesnostі , Novosti fіgurativnostі in the mystery. Interest to the grubby, poklony vilivaetsya in the yogic posture "tamed" with the hat of esthetics, poko veda to rozmovannya yogi characteristic signifies that kriteriiv. Піднесене замінюється дивовижним, трагічне - парадоксальним. Tsentr mnisce posіdaє komіchne v yogo іронічній іпостасі: іронізм стає смислоутговориющийчим мозаїчного постмодерністського мистецтва.

Інша singularity of postmodernist estetics - ontologicheskaya tlumachennya misterstva, scho vіdіznyayatsya vіd klassicchnogo відкритістю, спрямованістю на непізнане, бесзначеність. Neoklasichna ontologіya ruynuє system simvolіchnih protilezhnostey, distantsіyuєtsya od bіnarnih opozitsіy: Real - uyavne, origіnalne - vtorinne, natural - piece, zovnіshnє - vnutrіshnє, poverhove - Glibin, cholovіche - zhіnoche, іndivіdualne - Collective, Chastina - tsіle, Shid - Zahid, on ' Ect - sub'ect. Sub'ekt yak center sistemi уявлень та джерело творкості розсіюється, а yogo місце посідають невідомі мовні structurії, analogіchnі streams лібідо, машинність бажаного виробництва. Стверджується екуменічно-байдуже розуміння мистецтва як єдиного безкінечном text, стренго супнымнимцем. Svidomiy eklektizm zhivit gіpertrofovany nadlishe khudozhnykh zasobliv ta priyomіv postmodern misterstva, estetic "freestyle".

Postmodernism is part of the didactic nature of the mystery. Aksіologіchne zrushennya in bіk bіlshoї tolerantnostі zdebіlshogo pov'yazane s novim representations to masovoї culture and takozh to quiet estetichnih fenomenіv scho ranіshe vvazhalisya prіoritetami and the Same: Temple - Masov Mistetstvo, Naukova - povsyakdenna svіdomіst.

Postmodernist experiments stimulated the elimination of faces of traditional kinds and genres of mystery. The rootedness of the tendencies of synthesis, putting the sum of origins of creativity, the "purity" of the mystery of the inactive act, creations, calling to the yogic design. Pereglyad klasichnih uyavlen about stvorennya ruynuvannya that the procedure is the chaos that seryozne іgrove svіdchit about svіdomu pereorієntatsіyu s klasichnogo rozumіnnya hudozhnoї tvorchostі on konstruyuvannya artefaktіv aplіkatsії. For postmodern creativity is not very creative. Yaksho in pre-domes cultures pratsyue system "artist - tvir misterstva", then in the postmodern accent to be transferred to the "tvir mystestva - glancing". Tse sidicht about the principle of the artist's self-reliance. Він ceased to be "the creator", oskilki sens tvoru narodzhuetsya bezsarededno in act yogi spriteattya. Artistic tvir moe bouti obovvyazkovo pobracheni, vystavleniyom parade, without glancing at vin not mozhe iznuvati.

The basic nature of modernity and postmodernity can be censored for the sake of such a table:





Differentiality of spheres of life is that of the symbolism, culture in the signs of the world

Взаємопроникнення різних сферы життя та символізація культури в метафоричній мові мистецтва

Сцієнтизм у культурі знання, наука, що визначає світогляд

The multiplicity of the richest forms of the cinnamon, the proselytizing and the relic knowledge

Відносні теорії самості і freedom вік зростання можвності вибору

Substantial theories of self, freedom of freedom, identity, scho zdatna zmіnyuvatysya

Functionality of the Suspina

The theory of Suspina

The economical and technical principle of priinyatty rishen: "technomorphism"

Socio-cultural principle priinyatty rishen: "anthropomorphism"

The cob of the 90's rocked all over the world for the post-modernity for the knowledge of the real life. The instrument of osmislennya ninishnogo stennu sushpilstva became a spade of the broadening of the amorphous and "radicalized modernity". In an hour the bullet was hollowed out by a dagger, which, like the epoch of postmodernity, was not a modernist attacker, but a yogi reconstructed. Пізніше дослідники sank vikoristovuvati term "після модерну". It was designated as such, post-modernity can be seen as completion of the stage, de modern is in the form of nihilism.

Theoretical post-modern postmodernism in the minds of the two main strains. Z one side, the epoch of modernity was sighted by postmodernists, yak rodozhennya єvropeiskoi gospodarska and polity practice. With the tsomu zagnuchalos, scho modernism is not less than the breeds of Europe, and waterwas itself, giving rise to Europe, a social system, a building up to a shvidkoi dynamical rozvitka. Підкреслювалося також, що його розквіт припав на ХХ ст. Peredusim yak on the period of the "obvious home-European culture". Tom cob Epoch postmodern rozglyadavsya not deprivation krіz zrostannya cultural prism that rozmaїttya vіdhodu od principle natsіonalnoї powers and th pov'yazuvavsya bezposeredno іz vtratoyu єvropeyskim regіonom domіnuyuchih pozitsіy in svіtovіy ekonomіtsі th polіtitsі that zmіschennyam aktsentіv on INSHI sotsіokulturnі modelі. However, the spoiler of the circuit block, and the pot and mirror of the efiectiveness of the Asian economical systems, were jammed with the model єdinim svitovim lіderom naperedodnnі new тисячоліття. Such an expansion of the sub-population of the country is due, be it, to the revolution, on which the basis of the postmodernist trilogy was built.

On the other side, it's not a show-off-it's not a case of attacking post-modernism on ideology.