Українська та зарубіжна Culture - Вечірко Р. М.


Specifics of the subject will need to examine the power of the yawns of the yawns on the retina of the various sciences, the schizophobia (yavishch) functionally interdependence in the process of uprooting the Ukrainian people.

Zagalnovіdomim fact іsnuvannya etnіchnoї culture Yea postіyne zmenshennya її pitomoї crowbars in sistemі natsіonalnoї culture, nabuvannya her in skin іstorichnu Epoch zalezhnostі od sotsіalno cultural potreb hour novih funktsіy abo rіznoї ієrarhії Tsikh funktsіy. Before w slіd mother on uvazі those scho okremі Elements (skladovі) ukraїnskoї etnokulturi in іstorichno novih minds carols rіznogo value bіlshe Chi less then tsіnuyutsya ustalenі, postіynі i mayzhe nezmіnnі Elements etnokulturi and Je bіlsh plinnі, funktsіonalno varіativnі.

Zavdannya sotsіokulturologіchno mislyachogo ukraїnoznavtsya polyagaє not tіlki viznachennі from nature yak this context, scho abo Well spriyaє little chi spriyaє not spriyaє zberezhennyu i rozvitku etnokulturi and second in the fact dwellers viznachiti mіru Butt etnokulturi in zhittі suchasnikіv have sistemі їh zagalnoї culture.

Rіznobarvnіst that dinamіchnіst Suchasnyj mіzhetnіchnogo Butt, skladannya novih forms vzaєmin mіzh Lyudin i suspіlstvom on osnovі prіoritetu zagalnolyudskih tsіnnostey i natsіonalnih traditsіy zumovlyuє zmіnu ustalenoї paradigm schodo natsіonalnoї culture, potrebuє novih poglyadіv to bagatoh chinnikіv i vimіrіv lyudskogo іsnuvannya, zoseredzhennya uwagi on etnіchnіy spetsifіtsі culture. Вагоме місце в systemsі українознавства піодають сьогодні дослідження культури, вивчення етнопсихологічних рис abo mental cultural arecepies that stereotypes, that is, of the way in which people learn the concepts of folk culture, abolition.

Etnokultura pov'yazana in Perche Cherga Zi sphere natsіonalno-spetsifіchnogo, yak close by іz zagalnolyudskim vіdіgraє vazhlivu role in cultural stosunkah people "... The Citizen zovsіm pochuvati currently not oznachaє vtrati natsіonalnogo pochuttya i natsіonalnogo gromadyanstva. Before the cosmic, all-powerful life of the lyudin, the zavdjaki zhyttyu natsionalnomu, zolotopolitism є spotvorene i nezdischennne virazhenne mriії about єdine, brotherhood and up to the end of the people, pidmina specifically living people abstract dysnnistyu priluchaetsya, [1].

Ethnoculture is based on the particular autostereotypes of the ethnical bootie (Bromley, 1983) and in the main forms of the adherence to the national identity of the Ukrainians. Ostannya ґruntuyetsya on ulyavlenney about social norms and norms, viznachalny for the individuality of the individual to the tiie chi іnshoї natsії і є vodnochas засобом та виявом національної інтеграції й окремішності.

Zhodna Zi areas duhovnoї dіyalnostі not zmozі povnіshe vіdbiti ukorіnenіst particular etnosu in Yogo concrete prostorovomu buttі, nіzh etnokultura, Aje Won kontsentruє in sobі etnіchnі paradigm Butt people viyavlyaє in pobutі Zhittya tsіly complex etnokulturnih Figure ukrajins'koho that іnshih narodіv.

Same etnokultura i rіven її funktsіonuvannya in sotsіokulturnomu, prostorovo-hour vimіrі stvoryuє podvіyne Butt "for etnosu" i "for vsіh" zumovlyuє vklyuchenіst etnokulturnih tsіnnostey in vsesvіtnіy context spriyaє samozberezhennyu ukrajins'koho etnosu for etnіchnoї asimіlyatsії minds.

Etnokultura yak phenomenon etnіchnogo Butt ukraїntsіv posіdaє in sistemі їh vzaєmovіdnosin viznachalne Location, Aje kontsentruє in svoїy dіyalnostі rіznomanіtny range Wink etnіchnih acquaint themselves, іntegruє, zberіgaє, vіdtvoryuє i, Pevnyi rank, transformuє nabutki rіznih areas dіyalnostі (duhovnoї, gospodarskoї toscho) specific people, SSMSC To be accumulated by the length of the historical hour to the pinnacle of snow.

Ethnoculture - is a foldable, special form of viyavu living in the Ukrainian ethnos. At the duma V.Lisovoy, regulative structures (archetypes and stereotypes), whitelisted naydavnіshimi mifami, yakih zakadoovі soblivostі svitosprimannya i svitorozumnnia Ukrainsky people, not izmennimni. Vonya zazyayut vzryotnogo vplyvu quietly інновацій та засвоєнь, які були здійсненні на їх основі, унаслідок чого відбувається відбувається відбуідія delegеvannya reguljativnykh funkііі vіd naydavnіshih structures up to the beginners.

Ethnoculture stovorєe not tilki poteutya krovnoї, but th spiritually sporodnennostі, syagayuchi nayistotnihih glybin mіfologichnoi, estetchnoї ta moro-echnіchny chuttєvostі.

Етнічна свідомість формається під впливом чинників етнічної культури, способю життя етнічної спільності. Skin culture is the most important part of ethnoculture, it has its own manifestation.

"Etnichna kompetentnist" (M.O. Shulga) is given to zmugu її predstavnikiі orііnntuvatysya at svіtі, buduyati his postіpіku vіdpііdіo up to his own culture а one part time відчувати її interі, закінчення і початок світу іншої культури.

In ethnoculture, in our view, enter soi warehouses, yakі інтегруються між собою, utiliyuyut etnokulture. Nasampered Persha grupa chinnikіv utvoryuє materіalnu the field of culture (vernacular architecture, vbrannya, rіznі Vidi tvorchoї dіyalnostі (uzhitkovі) toscho), other grupa chinnikіv pov'yazana Zi sphere duhovnoї dіyalnostі people (mov, SAON Narodna tvorchіst in rіznih faces Wink, People Mistetstvo toscho) , The third group of chinnikivs is affected by the phenomenon of naizkladnishim and residually unimaginative: the mentality is abolished by ethno-psycho-socialism.

Etnokultura vikonuє komunіkativnu, pіznavalnu, sign-simvolіchnu, opredmetnyuyuchu (Je OAO All trademarks zrazki materіalnoї i duhovnoї culture) vіdtvoryuvalnu (zabezpechennya fіzichnogo іsnuvannya etnosu through vіdnosini mіzh by nature Lyudin i) funktsії.
Culture іsnuє not pose people, but the people have to їh zdatnostі rozumіnnya i spriynyattya otochuyuchogo svitu, in fact i chislі svoєї etnokulturi, more cutaneous s etnіchnih cultures Got svoї osoblivostі in structures spriynyattya i rozumіnnya expanse, hour, koloru, sound ...

Stabilizuyuchoyu etnos i yogo kul'tura is the basis of the system of the traditional, its kind is collective, that is, Akumulyuє mіzh kololinnyami etnokulturnu informatsiyu. Not vypadkovo, but JG Herder having tried vyayviti zv'yazok mezh to the traditional overheads of the culture and the minds of the people's booty, they can be intertwined in mobs, zvichakhs, mystects, and so on. In the case of traditional customs, it is no longer a rarity of information, necessary for the creation of an ethnos, but the step of an ethnic prepositional. Tse mekhanizm can not afford that, in structural and ethnos, foreign components have been transacted, and since there are no provisions for it, it is not sprinkled yak its own, national. Traditsiia - tse dosvіd, accumulation in viglyadі sistemi stereotypes vigorously humane diyalnostі, stereotypes uyvlen 'about them і zasobіv ikh viznachennaya nik symbolizatsii [9, p. 102].

Regulyuvannya etnokulturnoї Informácie vіdbuvaєtsya for Relief etnіchnih stereotipіv (zafіksovanі in svіdomostі people duhovnі Nagybanya, emotsіyno zabarvlenі way peredayut knowledge kotrі vtіlyuyut in sobі Elements inventory, otsіnki, tobto standartizovany image). The goal of the established formative post, so bi-movi, її stamps, templates, and to the media, izrazki, vyrobleni bagatykovym dosvіdom people and tired of yogo kultury.