Economy of the enterprise - Pokropivny SF


Chapter 4 Personnel

Key terms and concepts

Labor resources; staff; Frames; Labor potential; Categories of personnel: managers, specialists, employees, workers; profession; specialty; qualification; number of staff; Personnel policy; Personnel management system; Staff assessment .

4.1. The concept, classification and structure of personnel

The most important element of the productive forces and the main source of economic development are people, that is, their skill, education, training, motivation. There is a direct dependence of the competitiveness of the economy and the level of the well-being of the population on the quality of the labor potential of the personnel of enterprises and organizations of this country.

The personnel of the enterprise is formed and changes under the influence of internal factors (the nature of production, technology and production organization) and external factors (demographic processes, legal and moral norms of society, labor market characteristics, etc.). The influence of the latter is specified in such macroeconomic parameters: the number of active (able-bodied) population, its general educational level, the supply of labor, the level of employment, the potential reserve of labor. In turn, these characteristics determine the quantitative and qualitative parameters of labor resources.

Labor resources - this is part of the able-bodied population, which in its age, physical, educational data corresponds to a certain area of ​​activity. It is necessary to distinguish labor resources real (those people who already work) and potential (those that in due time can be attracted to a specific work).

To describe the entire set of employees of the enterprise, terms are used - personnel, personnel , labor collective * 1 .

* 1: {In our opinion, the advantage should be given to the term "personnel" as more general, universal, since the term "labor collective" has a noticeable socio-political connotation, and the term "personnel" in foreign and national systems is often identified with only a part of workers - With specialists or with those who have a sufficiently high level of skills and a considerable work experience at the enterprise.}

The personnel of the enterprise is a set of permanent workers who have received the necessary professional training and (or) have practical work experience.

In addition to permanent workers, other able-bodied persons may participate in the activities of the enterprise on the basis of a temporary labor contract (contract).

Since many enterprises except for the main activity perform functions that do not correspond to their main purpose, all employees are divided into two groups: main activity personnel and personnel not of the main activity. So in the industry, workers of the main, auxiliary and service industries, research subdivisions and laboratories, factory management, warehouses, guards - that is, all those engaged in production or its direct service - are referred to the first group - industrial and production personnel. The group of non-industrial personnel includes employees of structures, which, although they are on the balance sheet of the enterprise, are not directly related to production: housing and communal services, kindergartens and nurseries, polyclinics, educational institutions, etc.

Such division of the personnel of the enterprise into two groups is necessary for calculating wages, reconciling labor indicators with measures of the results of production activities (for the definition of labor productivity, as a rule, only the number of industrial and production personnel is used). At the same time, the expansion of the processes of integration of industrial systems with banking, commercial and other economic structures makes such a grouping of personnel increasingly conditional. In accordance with the nature of the functions performed, the personnel of an enterprise are subdivided in most cases into four categories: managers, specialists, employees and workers .

Managers are employees who head enterprises and their structural units. These include directors (general directors), chiefs, managing directors, foremen, masters at enterprises, in structural units and divisions; Chief specialists (chief accountant, chief engineer, chief mechanic, etc.), as well as deputy directors listed above.

Specialists are considered employees who perform special engineering, technical, economic and other jobs: engineers, economists, accountants, rationers, administrators, legal advisors, sociologists, and others.

Employees are employees who prepare and form documentation, record and control, maintain (ie perform purely technical work), in particular - clerks, accountants, archivists, agents, draftsmen, secretaries - typists, stenographers, etc.

Workers are the personnel directly engaged in the process of creating material values, as well as carrying out repairs, moving cargo, transporting passengers, providing material services, etc. In addition, workers include janitors, cleaners, guards, couriers, cloakroom attendants.

For analytical purposes, all workers can be divided into the main - those who are directly involved in the process of creating products, and auxiliary ones - those that perform the functions of servicing the main production. Gradually, with the development of production, its mechanization and automation, the clear boundaries between the main and auxiliary workers disappear, and the role of the latter (in particular, commissioners, mechanics) increases.

An important direction of classification of the personnel of the enterprise is its division by professions and specialties .

A profession is a type of work activity, the implementation of which requires a corresponding set of specialized knowledge and practical skills.

A specialty is a more or less narrow variety of work activity within the profession.

In accordance with these definitions, for example, the profession of a turner covers the specialties of the turner-carousel, the turner-revolver, the turner-borer, and so on.

The professional composition of the personnel of the enterprise depends on the specifics of the activity, the nature of the products or services, the level of technical development. Each industry has its own unique occupations and specialties. At the same time, there are common (cross-cutting) occupations of workers and employees. For example, in the food industry there are 850 professions and specialties, but only a half of them are specific for this industry.

Classification of employees by the qualification level is based on their ability to perform work of appropriate complexity.

Qualification is a set of special knowledge and practical skills that determine the degree of preparedness of an employee to perform professional functions of appropriate complexity.

Qualifications of managers, specialists and employees are characterized by the level of education, work experience in a given position. It is customary to select specialists of the highest qualification (workers who have academic degrees and titles), specialists of high qualification (workers with higher education and considerable practical experience), specialists of medium qualification (workers with secondary special education and certain experience), practitioners (workers, Occupying the relevant positions, for example, engineering and economic, but not received special education).

By skill level, workers are also divided into four groups: highly qualified, qualified, unskilled and unskilled. They perform a variety of work of complexity and have different professional training (Table 4.1).

Table. 4.1.

These qualification signs of the personnel of the enterprise along with others (gender, age, level of mechanization of labor, length of service) serve as the basis for calculations of different types of structures. For effective management, it is important not to simply ascertain the number (or its dynamics) of individual categories of workers, but to study the relationships between them (Figure 4.1).

Fig. 4.1.

This allows not only to reveal the influence of the personnel factor on the final results of the enterprise's activity, but also to determine the most significant structural changes, their driving forces and trends, and on this basis to form a real strategy for the development of labor resources.

The formation of different types of personnel structures and labor resources in Ukraine (both at the macro / and micro / level) in the coming years will be influenced by such factors and general trends:

  • Intensive redistribution of workers from industry and agriculture in the information sphere and in the sphere of labor for servicing the population;
  • The inclusion in the labor force of workers with a higher educational level compared with those who drop out of working age;
  • Increase in the share of auxiliary mental work (now it is several times smaller than in developed countries);
  • The growth in demand for skilled labor (operators, service engineers, operational software programmers), which can be largely satisfied by unemployed people from the category of managers and specialists;
  • Slowing down the rate of decline in the share of small and unskilled labor due to a sharp decline in recent years, the technical re-equipment of existing enterprises;
  • The inertia of the education system, which continues to reproduce qualified personnel mainly in the old professional scheme.

The formation of a market mechanism and a system of state regulation of the labor market requires consideration of these and other objective trends, their positive and negative impact on the functioning of the economy as a whole and individual enterprises.
The management of labor resources, ensuring their effective use is objectively linked with the mandatory formation of a system for assessing the labor potential of the enterprise.

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between the register, accounting and average accounting number of employees of the enterprise. The recruiting number includes all employed workers, and the Recruitment - all permanent, temporary and seasonal workers who are hired for a period of one or more days, regardless of whether they are at work, on leave, on business trips, absent due to illness and M. The average {accounting number for a certain period is defined as the sum of the average monthly strength divided by the number of months in the calculation period. The difference between the record and the registered number characterizes the reserve (mainly workers), which should be used to replace those absent from work for valid reasons.

In addition to the assessment of personnel with the help of a grouping of the listed characteristics, in established practice in foreign and domestic practice, the established indicators are used (Table 4.2), which require comparison with similar ones in homogeneous enterprises or an analysis of their dynamics for several years at the same enterprise.

Table. 4.2.

It must also be taken into account that these indicators characterize only the potential of labor resources and its compliance with other factors and production conditions. The effectiveness of the use of labor resources is identified through other indicators that characterize the final results of the enterprise.