Business Economics - Pokropivny SF

4.5. Foreign experience of formation and effective use of the labor potential of the company

Further improvement of the personnel management system in domestic enterprises and organizations must be based on the accumulated international experience. First and foremost, the synthesis and borrowing of heads of enterprises and organizations of foreign progressive experience in public finance and to stimulate intra-training, use of modern personnel evaluation systems, formation and application of the system of material incentives of different categories of workers, as well as to attract a large part of the staff to the management of production (company affairs).

In countries with developed market economy country, taking the main financial brunt of training and retraining of personnel, creates a uniform mechanism for employment through the interaction of the state and enterprises. This mechanism includes the stimulation and the state of the educational activity of the enterprises, co-operative with the latest educational institutions, as well as the accumulation and redistribution of funds of enterprises for the purpose of training and retraining of the labor force. Interaction of the state and enterprises involves the use of various instruments: funding, tax policy, regulation, social security and welfare, creation of information and legal infrastructure.

With regard to the initial training of young people, the public authorities primarily stimulate enterprise activity by direct funding of training in-house systems. For example, UK government agencies, Italy, Sweden, covers up to 80% cost savings for the recruitment and training of young people aged 16-18, which does not yet have a complete secondary education.

The object of direct financing of public authorities in Germany, France, Italy, Sweden became the so-called alternative form of training, which covers young people under 25 years old. It is a combination of theoretical training in the process of school work-provided part-time employment. This ensures compliance with the employment of a student acquired at the time of qualification. A prerequisite of this form is to have a special program that provides coordination of the preparation in two different systems. Active control of enterprises in the educational process allows to constantly adjust the theoretical training program in the right direction.

direct financing methods are supplemented by indirect stimulation of intra-preparation on the part of the state by the differentiation of tax policy. This tool is particularly widely used in the United States, where funds allocated for the training of young workers, are fully exempt from tax (subject to accreditation by local authorities, ie. E. The guarantee of compliance with established standards of training).

In Western European countries, one of the sources of funds of state bodies allocated for training are financial contributions of the enterprises themselves. So, there is an order, according to which every enterprise with fewer than ten people employed at deducts the purpose of improving the skills of workers not less than 1% of the wage bill in France.

The need for constant re-training has led to the fact that virtually all countries with market economies created the system of special units of firms:. Training centers and courses, departments, personnel policy, etc. The system of training professiona ssionalnoy workers have 80% of enterprises in Japan. Costs of US companies on training and staff make up 5% of the profits, without taking into account government subsidies.

In economically developed countries, much attention is paid to the introduction of modern systems of evaluation of various categories of personnel. First of all, the use of self increases personnel. According to the research conducted by the American corporation "General Electric", about 90% of managers and 86% of the self-esteem of subordinates consider a compulsory part of the overall evaluation system.

Enough effective method of assessment of managers and specialists is to assess in accordance with the achievement of the goals. She objectives include, as a rule, the following stages: 1) identification of several key staff functions; 2) specification of each function by imposing certain economic indicators (volume of work, quality, profits, etc.)..; 3) identification of specific indicators to assess performance; 4) Comparison of the results achieved by previously established "performance standards" and the definition of the evaluation points; 5) calculation of the average, reflecting the level of achievement of the set goals. Such a method of assessing the activity of workers applies, for example, US bank "Chase Manhattan."

The most noteworthy foreign experience of formation and use of a multifaceted system of material encouragement of personnel. Its key elements are: the use of the tariff system; application of progressive forms of remuneration; distribution of original systems of bonuses and stimulate innovation; higher pay intellectual labor; significant individualization of wages.

Everywhere tariff system used in a variety of its modifications as the wage differentiation tool, depending on its complexity and the importance of working conditions. In countries with developed market economies, mainly unified tariff applied to workers, professionals and employees. Every sector of the economy, as a rule, forms own tariff grid, which, in turn, are modified at the level of firms. For example, using 20-bit scale of charges, and in the American automobile corporation "Ford Motors" on the Italian firm "Olivetti" - 23-bit. In Japanese firms traditionally the prime rate is determined by taking into account the age and length of service, and so-called labor rate - depending on qualifications and work performance.

The foreign enterprises (organizations) in most cases introduced time-based wages of workers. This is due to the fact that now the priority is not the quantity but the quality of goods. In the 90 years of the twentieth century, a simple time-based and time-based with collective and individual bonuses to reach the system were working in Belgium - 92.6; Germany - 86.7; Italy - 88.4; Netherlands - 94.8; France - 93.5%.

In many foreign countries, spread entirely original bonus system. In particular, US companies have long been used two systems, known by the names of their authors - Scanlon system and Rucker. The first of these is based on the distribution (a ratio of 1: 3) cost savings in wages between the company and the workers, and the second - on the formation of prize fund, depending on the increase in the conditional - friendly products based on the one-dollar salary. In some places widely used system of "deferred awards". For example, the company "Fiat" for the creation of new products, there are premium, the payment of which is postponed for a fixed term (1-2 years), and the premium, which is paid only after five years of annual accrued on French companies to achieve a certain level of quality and efficiency of work.

A characteristic feature of modern incentive systems in the West is a widespread system of incentives for the introduction of various innovations. In particular, the majority of Western European firms form the bonus funds for special consideration for the creation, development and manufacture of new products, but their size is placed, depending on the growth in the volume of sales of new products, its share of output.

In foreign countries, as a rule, are paid higher mental than physical. According to studies, the wages of intellectual workers in the higher than average wages of workers in Germany - 20; Italy and Denmark - 22; Luxembourg - 44; France and Belgium - 61%. The average salary of US engineers is almost two times more than the average wage of workers.

In all countries with developed market economies, there is a strong tendency towards individualisation of wages on the basis of evaluation of the specific merits of the employee. wage individualization mechanism includes a differentiation of employment conditions, and regular assessment of the merits of staff directly in the course of employment. In the US, for example, assess the personal merits of Executives and Professionals 80% of the company and the workers - about 50%. In France, individualized wage is three-quarters of its growth managers and professionals, two-thirds - from the masters and nearly half - of the workers.

International experience confirms the exceptional utility of the involvement of employees in production management. In American companies, for example, the use of four forms of attracting staff to the management: 1) the participation of workers in management of labor and product quality at the production plant or other equivalent units; 2) the creation of workers' councils or joint committees of managers and workers; 3) introduction of the personnel system of participation in profits; 4) wage labor representatives participate in the work of corporate boards of directors. In particular, almost 25% of US corporations with the number of employees more than 500 people are in the organizational structure of management councils or joint committees of workers and administration.

A peculiar system is attracting workers to the prevailing German management. It includes: joint participation in the supervisory boards of companies representatives of capital and wage labor; a "service director"; the creation of enterprises, works councils composed of workers. Such councils are created at enterprises with at least 5 permanent employees with the right to vote (age - more than 18 years of work experience of at least 6 months). At the same time, employers are required to provide to employees and the board of the company relevant information, to take from them requests and offers, study and take into account the opinion of the works council on the socio-economic development of the latter.

A characteristic feature of modern production overseas should be considered a transition to a diverse collective (group) forms of work organization, including the sharing of certain tasks (quality control, production maintenance, training). Among the various forms of group work aimed at increasing production and improving the efficiency of labor relations, above all stands out the so-called quality circles, which are essentially informal production management organization operating in parallel with the traditional hierarchical system. According to Western experts, for every dollar of the cost of the development of "quality circles" businesses are 4-8 dollars profit. It is therefore not by chance 90% of the largest US firms use "quality circles" in order to increase production efficiency, and in Japan are over one million of these circles, uniting nearly 11 million workers.

Questions for self-depth study

  • System analysis of the qualitative composition of the personnel.
  • Trends structure dynamics lane personnel of enterprises of different industries and the national economy of Ukraine.
  • Problems of determining the required number of managerial staff.
  • Modern personnel policy of enterprises and organizations.
  • Formation of the personnel management system of the enterprise in modern economic conditions.
  • The formation and functioning of the labor market in the current economic conditions.
  • Modern forms and effectiveness of training and development of managerial personnel of enterprises.
  • Theory and Practice of the different categories of personnel as an important element of the workforce management system.
  • Problems of regulation of labor relations of different categories of plant personnel.
  • Generalization of foreign personnel management practices and identify opportunities to use it in the enterprises of Ukraine.